View Full Version : Drum Kit Help

20-Jun-06, 19:27
Does anyone have a 5 piece drum kit (Pearl Export or similar) they would be prepared to lend/hire to Thurso Town Improvements for 13th August

Really struggling to hire anything from companies and we need it so the band changeovers at the Music festival are quick

Also if anyone has a 300w Base amp and/or 250 w guitar amp it would be handy too!

Or if anyone knows where we could hire it from let me know

Help - getting desperate!!

If any band who offered to play at the music festival in August at the Dammies has not been contacted within the last week could they email me on [email protected] Unfortunately we lost a lot of email addresses due to PC meltdown

20-Jun-06, 20:34
mate you really need a 100 watt guitar amp getting a 250 is more complicated
good luck in your search for some1 to give you a loan of a kit.

Where is this festival takin place and can anyone go and watch

20-Jun-06, 20:46
Also if anyone has a 300w Base amp and/or 250 w guitar amp it would be handy too!

300watt bass amp & 2x50/100watt guitar amps I think ,ay be closer to the punch............

Have you tried Banana Row in edinburgh???

they are rehearsal rooms but they hire equipment as well

I hired cymbals from them in the past

The Pepsi Challenge
20-Jun-06, 22:00
Surely all the bands taking part would come forward and offer to share backline? I imagine there's approx ten bands playing from the local area, so surely no-one up there is that selfish. No? This is how it's normally done in any multi line-up bill down in this neck of the woods: Before a gig the promoter sends out a block email to all bands so they can organise it amongst themselves to bring one item of equipment each. And so long as drummers follow the drummers' code - bringing their own snare and cymbals - it surely shouldn't be that hard finding the rest of the hardware. I don't want to wee in anyone's chips, but shouldn't this have been organised three months prior to such a big event?

There are plenty of hire companies in Inverness, but, considering that the Belladrum festival is on the same weekend as the Thurso concert, it won't be easy. Again, I don't to upset the balance, but a little foresight into this should have been taken into consideration. Far as I know, a lot of people are headed to Belladrum.

Anyway, Banana Row is a good hire company. It's affordable as hire companies go, but you'll probably need to hire a van for it as well. Speak to Craig:

Banana Row Music Services
47 Eyre Place
tel - 0131 557 2088
email - [email protected]

20-Jun-06, 22:14
man what's this in my chips....................

you're talking sense there senor softdrink

21-Jun-06, 08:38
Im happy to lend my bass amp, think its 160w but we used it at the open day in december and it was loud enough without being micd up.

I was actually discussing this with jeid the other day, we thought that the guitarists might be picky when it comes to using amps (everyones gonna want to use their own as thats the only one they know how to work). Would it be easiest just to have 2 cabs on stage all day and guitarists take their own amp head to plug into the cabs? Im happy for other folk to use my amp and cab all day if need be.

21-Jun-06, 08:44
Oh and il give a mate a shout about borrowing a kit.

21-Jun-06, 10:52
Not everyone has a guitar Head. But the option of using a cab is a good one.

21-Jun-06, 11:11
a cab would be good & a combo for rhythm..............

if anyone has ever done festival/open air type events it is generally par for the course to use what is there to save to much naffing around between bands

when it comes to the open air multi band gig one puts up with & plays....................9 times out of 10 guitarists use overdrive/distortion boxes & the amps usually have such things as tone controls

Heck I saw a bassist using an HH guitar combo..........yeah no kidding................the front of house sound was great....................because the amp in that situation serves as nothing more than a monitor for the player. If the amp sound is to loud then "it gets turned down in the PA mix"

21-Jun-06, 11:12
Im happy for other folk to use my amp and cab all day if need be.

good lad......................

21-Jun-06, 11:48
My old cab! Nice, that thing sounds good, I'd plug my head into that!

21-Jun-06, 11:51
Out of curiosity actually, what bands are playing?

21-Jun-06, 12:23
I should have a full and complete list within the next day or so and will put it on here

Thanks all for the assistance with the kit, im chasing everything up at the moment


21-Jun-06, 12:25
You planning on having a meeting with the bands at any point? To explain the details etc?

21-Jun-06, 13:42
My old cab! Nice, that thing sounds good, I'd plug my head into that!

Ah yes ye olde marshall cab! As sponsored by top joes (only Jeid kens what im on aboot!)

21-Jun-06, 14:37
Is it still sponsored by Atticus as well?

21-Jun-06, 14:37
You planning on having a meeting with the bands at any point? To explain the details etc?

I'll be in touch with the bands with all details

It would be near impossible to get a meeting with everyone so everything will probably be done by email
But you will get full details and the chance to ask anything that you want

Think we have the drum situation sorted out - -thanks for the help all

Need to check with chobbersjnr to see if he is happy with the amp situation as i dont really know anything about that side of things but
cheers everyone for helping us out - will update soon!

21-Jun-06, 14:52
You planning on having a meeting with the bands at any point? To explain the details etc?

c'mey bey, what details

you have a slot time.....................you turn up, set up your 10 million guitar & pedal rig & rock out

that simple.......................or it should be anyhoo

21-Jun-06, 15:05
I was thinking about slot times, length of set.

10Million pedal rig? pft, one pedal, a tuner and thats it. If Moncur's cab is on stage, then I'll plug my head in as well. That should be it really.

Bey, haha...

22-Jun-06, 10:47
Is it still sponsored by Atticus as well?

Oh yeah still sponsored by them too i forgot!

22-Jun-06, 10:51
I was thinking about slot times, length of set.

10Million pedal rig? pft, one pedal, a tuner and thats it. If Moncur's cab is on stage, then I'll plug my head in as well. That should be it really.

Bey, haha...

Dont forget the wireless system too!

22-Jun-06, 11:34
Out of curiosity, is this gig gonna be licensed?

22-Jun-06, 11:44
Dont forget the wireless system too!

Wireless system? Nah, no point, I ain't Slash. Plus, I always noticed a considerable drop in gain when using those things. 6m is enough to move around with.

23-Jun-06, 08:33
Ooooh ooooh oooh we also need a tommy lee/ slipknot stylee hydraulic platform for the drums to rise up over and into the crowd and spin about if possible please! And we also want a bon-jovi style harness thing so that bones can 'fly' around the stage while doing his solos.

I think that is all for now. Thanks :-)

23-Jun-06, 12:17
Haven't we all forgotten about the most critical element!

"The green room" - must have one of those.

Well stocked with nibblets and bubbly . . . .:eek:

As an artist, one must be pampered and respected so the creativity can flow during the performance darling . . . !!

23-Jun-06, 12:40
I've got a green gazebo if thats any use? anyone got a velvet rope? I can get a bouncer mate to stand outside the gazebo and check 'the VIP list'.

23-Jun-06, 12:48
I reckon we should also come up with a decent name for this rather than 'e gig at e dammies in August'

I like 'P in the Dark'

The Pepsi Challenge
23-Jun-06, 12:57
Haven't we all forgotten about the most critical element!

"The green room" - must have one of those.

Well stocked with nibblets and bubbly . . . .:eek:

As an artist, one must be pampered and respected so the creativity can flow during the performance darling . . . !!

Absolutely. It's par for the course. I reckon all bands should be sending in their rider demands right now. Reminds me of a story that happened a year ago (yawn everybody)...

My band, at the time, were supporting the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion at the Liquid Room, in Edinburgh. Unbeknownest to us (the support band), since the last time we played there the support acts were now given a dressing room of their own upstairs to the back of the hall. Anyway, when we got down to the Liquid Room, we all piled into the headliners dressing room at the back of the Liquid Room: a tiger-fur-imitationed-adorned room complete with a showerroom and a fridge bigger than Kevin McGillvary's bowg (sorry Kev, I'm making a point here). The first thing we said was how nice the Liquid Room were treating us, as there were bottles of Jack Daniels, champagne chilling in a bucket full of ice, and some quality French organic margarine on show. Classy or what for the Thirsa chiels, eh? So, being the freeloadin' pigs we are, we dived into it all. Two minutes later in walks Jon Spencer and his cronies. At that moment, the promoter walks in to say we're in the wrong dressing room as I'm swigging a JD and coke, stuffing my pung with French mussels. Worse, my guitarist stumbles out of the toilet after doing a number two. What a way to treat your idols, eh? To be fair to the Blues Explosion, they didn't bat an eye-lid. In fact, they asked us to stay and a good time was had by all. So, aye, anyway, Green Room. Get it sorted Thurso Town Improvements. It wouldn't kill you to get some pancakes and syrup, now, would it?

23-Jun-06, 14:35
Can we get some lap-dancing poles too? doesn't have to be anything swish like, clothes poles or bus-stop poles will do.

Hey i've just had a great idea. lets do the gig on the saturday night on a float during the gala! We can rock out whilst being transported around the circuit! Thus eliminating the need for the pipe band! Sorry folks im having an awful boring friday at work and need something to do.

24-Jun-06, 11:34
O yes - I remember some of the Edge of the World rider demands. (Ahhh fond memories - NOT)

Specifying the likes of: the flavour AND manufacturer of CRISPS!! Also very specific about cigarette varieties etc. Of course we ignored all this completely, gave them a food voucher, and pointed them in the direction of the nearest burger van . . . . !! (there were happy enough).

Most bands I think expect NOT to get much (if anything) on their rider and I feel respect you more if you don't pander to it anyway. It is nice to be bought a pint though.

There's a classic scene in "Spinal Tap" where the slightly dim (most guitarist are!!) lead guitarist has problems folding/eating his nibblets in the dressing room. Check it out. Hillarious.:)

The Pepsi Challenge
24-Jun-06, 13:19
The standard rider for support groups 'in the city, man' is £50 and 24 bottles of Rolling Rock lager. If you're lucky a packet of Doritos might be thrown in, too. Should have seen the day Ice-T came to the Liquid Room. Now there's a rider story for the future.

24-Jun-06, 13:43
There's a classic scene in "Spinal Tap" where the slightly dim (most guitarist are!!) lead guitarist has problems folding/eating his nibblets in the dressing room. Check it out. Hillarious.:)

what you trying to say like.................

BTW that is a class scene indeed

oh aye & lead guitarists are all the dimmer for putting up with awkward drummers:evil

24-Jun-06, 13:59
Dim guitarist? Maybe we should dig out the drummer joke thread??

04-Jul-06, 08:30
Oooooh oooooh i got me a new 4x12 the other day so il be lending that aswell at the gig!

04-Jul-06, 19:07
Last time I made my drum kit available for general usage I had to replace EVERY drum head. (including the kick drum!!!)

It cost me £70 to replace (and that was nine years ago prices!!).
NEVER again I'm affraid. That was the end of my generosity . . . . . .

Be warned.:confused

The Pepsi Challenge
05-Jul-06, 11:30
Could you imagine ALL 15 bands turning up at the Thurso Music Fest with drum kits. I'm sure Chobbers or his soundies wouldn't be too impressed sorting that one out.

05-Jul-06, 11:31
We don't even know if 15bands are turning up yet ;)

05-Jul-06, 17:12
Could you imagine ALL 15 bands turning up at the Thurso Music Fest with drum kits. I'm sure Chobbers or his soundies wouldn't be too impressed sorting that one out.

damn straight............that's why most festivals hire from companies that are insured against that sort of thing

however it stands to reason that by the time 10 (approx) different drummers have bashed their set out there will be damage to the heads...........if one is worried about one's kit don't let people use it. Fortunately the kind gent that is lending his kit has stated that he doesn't mind heads being battered as long as the players bring their own cymbals, snare & kick pedal is advisable as well

Thankfully there won't be 15 bands turning out & I know that 2 of the acts don't use drums

05-Jul-06, 17:53
Do we know all the bands playing yet?

05-Jul-06, 19:22
Do we know all the bands playing yet?

there will be a list of bands posted soon. According to communications had with the organisers decisions/confirmations are still happening

patience Jeid, patience

05-Jul-06, 19:36
I'm thinking more for advertising man. The gig is 5 weeks away? Should be advertising this so people are aware its on. Sooner that happens the better.

I hope a lot of people go!

05-Jul-06, 21:04
damn straight............that's why most festivals hire from companies that are insured against that sort of thing

however it stands to reason that by the time 10 (approx) different drummers have bashed their set out there will be damage to the heads...........if one is worried about one's kit don't let people use it. Fortunately the kind gent that is lending his kit has stated that he doesn't mind heads being battered as long as the players bring their own cymbals, snare & kick pedal is advisable as well

Thankfully there won't be 15 bands turning out & I know that 2 of the acts don't use drums

Should have mentioned my kit was only used for 3 bands, one of which I was playing in. All the head damage (musical and other!!) was inflicted by the third drummer. HEAVY player indeed.

As I said - Lesson learned the hard way (as always!!).

I usually think it curtious to not overly abuse anyone elses musical gear.

06-Jul-06, 00:26
Should have mentioned my kit was only used for 3 bands, one of which I was playing in. All the head damage (musical and other!!) was inflicted by the third drummer. HEAVY player indeed.

As I said - Lesson learned the hard way (as always!!).

I usually think it curtious to not overly abuse anyone elses musical gear.

indeed not, it's hard to change "the way I play man" courtiousness tends not to come into it which is why people are hesitant about lending gear & hire companies generally have raxxed gear, split cymbals, grissly speakers etc etc.

06-Jul-06, 20:05
indeed not, it's hard to change "the way I play man" courtiousness tends not to come into it which is why people are hesitant about lending gear & hire companies generally have raxxed gear, split cymbals, grissly speakers etc etc.

I'll bear this fine advice in mind next time you need to borrow my monitors chobbers!!:eek:

06-Jul-06, 20:41
I'll bear this fine advice in mind next time you need to borrow my monitors chobbers!!:eek:

just you do that............what are you implying anyway??

watch it or I'll break your leg, again