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16-Jun-10, 21:22
Well nearly a fortnight ago we lost sam after he was hit by a car, now tonight we have lost benny after he met the same fate, it seems so unfair that 1st we lost sandy in november then sam now benny, i am now glad that all mollys kittens had new homes as it would be so cruel to take another cat on only for it to meet the same fate.

16-Jun-10, 21:38
Aaw, Balto thats such a shame :( I dont know what to say -

16-Jun-10, 21:49
So sorry to hear your sad news :(

16-Jun-10, 22:30
Oh no that is awful Balto!!!!

I am so very, very sorry.:~(:~(

16-Jun-10, 22:35
Am absolutely gutted for you:~(:~(

16-Jun-10, 23:07
Balto, its really sad! Thinking of you and the family just now! Know the kids will be really upset :(

Its not your fault though! Just remember that!! xxxx

16-Jun-10, 23:39
So sad for you and the children.........you must be truly devastated.....wish there was more I could say .....RIP Benny.:~(

17-Jun-10, 06:46
so sorry to hear about Benny Balto, I know how you feel as I have lost 3 cats to the road now, vowed that I'm not going to have anymore as its not fair to them when living so close to a main road.

run free at the bridge Benny xxxx

17-Jun-10, 08:13
i miss him loads he was such a wonderful cat i wish i could go back time and take him in before it happened:~(R.I.P benny now you are with your dad and son xx

17-Jun-10, 17:55
So sorry Balto and Bustergirl, on the loss of Benny!! :(:(

Take heart, that he'd a lovely life with you and was well loved......

Thinking of you all xx

17-Jun-10, 18:20
I'm so sorry for your loss :(

17-Jun-10, 21:55
So sorry that you've lost Benny, was it the same stretch of road?, i've been behind drivers doing well over the speed limit along that road by Mt Pleasant school, even been overtaken a couple of times once in the middle of the afternoon, it's always been a bad road for cats i think they like to go hunting in the fields there, r.i.p Benny x

17-Jun-10, 22:01
So sorry that you've lost Benny, was it the same stretch of road?, i've been behind drivers doing well over the speed limit along that road by Mt Pleasant school, even been overtaken a couple of times once in the middle of the afternoon, it's always been a bad road for cats i think they like to go hunting in the fields there, r.i.p Benny x hiya yes unfortunatly it was on the same bit just a wee bit down, just cant believe it happened so soon after losing sam.

18-Jun-10, 10:34
thats soooo sad to hear ,sorry for your loses x

19-Jun-10, 11:52
am so sorry balto it is so sad we lost one on the road a nimber of years ago and we vowed not to have anymore but we did we kept them as house cats till we moved to a place away from a busy road , tiger died last yr at the ripe old age of 18 and cj is still with us she is 19 now it breaks your heart does'nt it xxxxxxxx