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View Full Version : Travelogue: the lure of Lincolnshire

18-Jun-06, 19:43
We had a lovely weekend with friends who live in a very remote part of Lincolnshire. The fens. An area which is extremely flat - you can see for miles. The only punctuations to the distant views are hundreds, maybe thousand of trees in their June glory. The fields like patchworks of many colours, especially the yellow oilseed rape, reflecting the afternoon sunshine. The sun-roof open on the auld Audi we still sweltered in the heat of a lovely, hot, summers day. Sinatra lending class to the c.d. player, giving way to the Pretenders when the missus got 'fed up of Frank' like.

Our hosts house is one of two at the end of a two mile cul-de-sac.Rescued from dereliction these ten years, They have ample land and a penchant for forty year old cars they are slowly doing up. Marvellous. We had a couple of beers in a fragrant, walled garden before taking a trip up a deserted lane in a fifty year old open top British two-seater sports car. Hood down , wind in our hair - wonderful!

Later, we motored in an old Morris Minor to a pub in the next village for a meal.

Returning as darkness fell we supped red wine as bats swooped overhead and a bloated toad brushed my foot as he jumped by. When the lights went out at bedtime it was absolutely pitch black. Not at all like Mancunia, where total darkness only ever arrives with a power cut. It was superb.

A first morning glance out of the window saw two hares going hell for leather across an adjacent field. A pre-breakfast cuppa in the sun drenched garden and a barn owl joined the fly past as swallows dived and soared . What a wonderful place to live. No rival for Scotland but a worthy contender*

On the way back we met up with our two grown-up children, and grandaughter who were camping in the Peak District. A splendid weekend. The star was undoubtedly Lincolnshire, in all her mid summer glory.

Back home here to urban sprawl and work in the morning. *I must check the lottery.........

peedie man
18-Jun-06, 21:40
seems to a perfect place for a windfarm

19-Jun-06, 03:31
thank you for sharing your lovely weekend with us

19-Jun-06, 07:37
Thank you for taking time to write that - it was a joy to read, and brought to mind my holiday in that area some time ago.

I feel that you have been renewed by the experience - that's what holidays are about. Good show !

Have another holiday soon, it's so nice when folk appreciate what they see around them.

Best wishes,

19-Jun-06, 08:43
Bought a tear to my eye Landmarker. :~(
I miss Lincolnshire so much. You're right though, it doesn't compare to Caithness - comes a very close second though in my book.
I must admit to missing the whole countryside of England. I suppose when you're born and bred in the Highlands you are used to the ruggedness of it all, and don't get me wrong I think it's absolutely gorgeous (I often just pull over in the car and stop and stare) but I guess I'm used to the rolling hills, oak trees and warmer summers of England.
Still, I get the best of bost worlds - I am fortunate enough to live in Caithness in the countryside as such (something I couldn't afford in England), I get the gorgeous scenery, the beaches that beat England hands down and yet I still get to visit my family in England and have my 'fix'.

You're right about Lincolnshire being so flat though but you should perhaps try the Nottinghamshire way next time with your friends. More hills and lovely views.
Where abouts in the Fens did you go? Oh I do envy you right now, I have to wait till August to visit. [disgust]

19-Jun-06, 16:30
Thank you for taking time to write that - it was a joy to read, and brought to mind my holiday in that area some time ago.

I feel that you have been renewed by the experience - that's what holidays are about. Good show !

Have another holiday soon, it's so nice when folk appreciate what they see around them.

Best wishes,

Renewed? absolutely right.
Wherever you venture this year , enjoy it.
It was not far from Bourne Porshiepoo.

Tom Cornwall
22-Jun-06, 22:26
you're right, we were over last month to see the Spalding flower festival. a great way to pass the day. it's only 50 miles from where we stay. you shold have come to Norfolk when you were down. there's lots of places just like that.

23-Jun-06, 22:08
you're right, we were over last month to see the Spalding flower festival. a great way to pass the day. it's only 50 miles from where we stay. you shold have come to Norfolk when you were down. there's lots of places just like that.

Aye Norfolk is splendid. One of the finest weeks we ever spent was cruisng the broads from pub to pub at 4mph c. 1991. Whatever the weather - and we sampled the whole gamut - it was fun all the way and the beauty of the flatlands had a serenity, and a peace all of its own. The only problem was in Great Yarmouth when a fast ebbing tide caused a pile up and half an hour of mayhem ensued. A bit scary really, but all part of lifes rich pageant.