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View Full Version : Help needed -still

18-Jun-06, 12:00
If anyone is taking a trip down to Inverness during the next couple of weeks and has room for a lawnmower in their boot could they PM me please. I am in serious danger of losing my house behind the long grass whilst a useful petrol lawnmower sits in Caithness waiting to sort my grass out. Its not huge - i beleive it would sit in the boot of a punto easily and there would be no lifting involved - My friends would put it in and i would meet you anywhere anytime to take it out. I cant get to Caithness to pick it up cos i havent been well and my friends cant get it to inverness cos their car is not working.

Bottle of wine or chocolates waiting!!!!

18-Jun-06, 16:41
If you ask Rapsons/Citylink, they may transport it down there for you to the bus station in Inverness.

Obviously there will be a cost, however if you are classed as a "vulnerable" person in the community. The Handyperson Scheme which is run by Highland Volunteering in Inverness supply Gardenning/DIY/Decorating services free of charge and all you pay fgor is the materials and cups of tea for the volunters.

Hope this is helpfull...


18-Jun-06, 17:26
Squidge - I've pm'd you.

Is the wine red? ;)