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17-Jun-06, 10:33
Does anyone know how to get rid of cold callers on the phone.

I know about the telephone preference service etc

I got one the other day, girl said "we have £50,000 to spend in your area."

I said "Thats nice where exactly are you.?"

[evil] Reply "Eh". I asked again "Where are you ?".

She got so exasperated she hung up. BONUS!

Mind you the lady on the T.V who plays the kids toy to the kitchen salesman is class.

17-Jun-06, 11:12
Just tell them sorry its a council property . they cant put the phone down fast enough lol:lol:

17-Jun-06, 12:57
Ask them for their name, contact telephone number and company
and then inform them that you are a member of the TPS.

Join the TPS
Telephone Preferece scheme details....

The ones I hate are the ones from dheli who ask you to spell street - I usually spell out a profaninty.

17-Jun-06, 13:53
You could always tell them that you are registered for the telephone preference scheme (even if you are not) and that they are risking prosecution by calling you. That gets rid of them quickly!

17-Jun-06, 14:56
Does anyone know how to get rid of cold callers on the phone.

I know about the telephone preference service etc

I got one the other day, girl said "we have £50,000 to spend in your area."

I said "Thats nice where exactly are you.?"

[evil] Reply "Eh". I asked again "Where are you ?".

She got so exasperated she hung up. BONUS!

Mind you the lady on the T.V who plays the kids toy to the kitchen salesman is class.

The TPS does work but takes some time to take effect, even then you still get some that slip through the net. Best thing to do is as soon as you realise the type of call it is, you ask say "Could you hold on please". You then set the receiver down and ignore it until you hear the beep beep beep telling you your receiver is off the hook. You can then safely replace it.
Then again if you have the time and the gift of the gab you can blether away to them talking the biggest load of rubbish and eventually they'll hang up.[lol]

17-Jun-06, 15:42
The ones that call to try and persude you to change your telephone supplier are my favourite.

"Your postcode has been specially picked, and you qualify to recieve low cost calls from your line if you choose blah blah company as your phone supplier"

and my answer is always

"Im awful sorry, I dont have a phone"

Reactions are always good....try it

17-Jun-06, 17:51
might try that one acameron see how it goes.

usually i bang the phone off my knee shout hello really loudly a few times pretend i cant hear say phone must be off and hang up.

17-Jun-06, 18:21
:lol: That is really funny, acameron, I shall have to try that sometime when I'm in the mood for a bit of mischief!

I usually say we are with the TPS (which we are) and just hang up. A time or two in days gone by, my husband (and I don't advocate this, but it was pretty amusing) would say something like "Just a minute and I'll pass you on..." and then give the phone to our toddler, who would be completely thrilled and gabble away happily until the caller hung up! :)

17-Jun-06, 19:45
Ask them for their name, contact telephone number and company
and then inform them that you are a member of the TPS.

Join the TPS
Telephone Preferece scheme details....

The ones I hate are the ones from dheli who ask you to spell street - I usually spell out a profaninty.

Going to the website now....

17-Jun-06, 19:54
Ask them for their name, contact telephone number and company
and then inform them that you are a member of the TPS.

Join the TPS
Telephone Preferece scheme details....

The ones I hate are the ones from dheli who ask you to spell street - I usually spell out a profaninty.

Going to the website now....

17-Jun-06, 20:18
When they ask "How are you today?" tell them!
i.e. "I'm so glad you asked because no one these days seems to care, and I have all these problems; my arthritis is acting up, my dog just died..."

If they say they're so and so from XYZ Company, ask them to spell their name. Then ask them to spell the company name. Then ask them where it is located. Continue asking them personal questions or questions about their company for as long as necessary.

When they give their name, cry out in surprise, "Judy! Is that you? Oh my God! Judy, how have you been?"
Hopefully, this will give Judy (or whatever name you have been given) a few brief moments of confusion as she tries to figure out where the she could know you from.

If they want to lend you money, tell them you just filed for bankruptcy and you could sure use some, thank you very much.

Tell the telemarketer you are on a home visit from prison and ask if they could bring you a case of beer and some chips.

Tell the telemarketer you are busy at the moment and ask them if they will give you their HOME phone number so you can call them back.
When the telemarketer explains that they cannot give out their home number, you say "I guess you don't want anyone bothering you at home, right?"
The telemarketer will agree and you say, "Now you know how I feel!"

Tell them to talk VERY SLOWLY because you want to write EVERY WORD down.

18-Jun-06, 11:59
I had a friend who ageed to have a salesman call round to measure up for a conservatory. He wasn't best pleased when he found out that she lived in a fourth floor flat!

18-Jun-06, 19:00
Try this: http://www.xs4all.nl/~egbg/counterscript.html [smirk]

18-Jun-06, 19:08
just simply hang up the phone on them:roll:

18-Jun-06, 19:09
just simply hang up the phone on them:roll:

Where's your sense of sport?


18-Jun-06, 19:12
Where's your sense of sport?


I have no time to listen to cold callers i hang straight up on them. when i am a pensioner i will think about having a blether with them.;)

Cedric Farthsbottom III
18-Jun-06, 21:24
Everytime they ask a question and ask if you're interested,keep answering "No,thank you".My record is 3 questions they've asked before they say,"seems your not interested!!"

Either that or do the auld switch on the radio,put the phone next to it and every now and again say,"You're call is important to me,please hold!!!":lol: :lol:

18-Jun-06, 22:06
Make sure you have a paper bag by the telephone at all times. When you get a call from your telesales/marketers take the call and chat away for a short while. In mid conversation pretend that someone has walked into your house and (making sure the person on the other end of the line can hear you) start saying "who are you, what are you doing in my house, what do you want, why have you got a gun, etc. etc." then blow the paper bag and burst it. Then just dont say a word. Can't guarantee the police wont pay a visit thought.

18-Jun-06, 23:42
I may have to un-register us with the TPS, so I can get a chance to try out some of these ideas! ;) Hee-hee...

19-Jun-06, 11:34
I just say hows the weather with you it a fine day here and what did you have for dinner last night did you see eastender last night and so on.... by this time there in the middle of hangging up :lol:

27-Jun-06, 11:25
The ones that call to try and persude you to change your telephone supplier are my favourite.

"Your postcode has been specially picked, and you qualify to recieve low cost calls from your line if you choose blah blah company as your phone supplier"

and my answer is always

"Im awful sorry, I dont have a phone"

Reactions are always good....try itI've just tried this one on my mobile, and what a laugh. I think the caller actually believed me for a few seconds! He asked all sorts of questions but I insisted I wasn't talking to him on a phone! He gave up in the end and hung up politely.

I think I'll try Ann's "home visit from prison" next time.

27-Jun-06, 11:44
:lol: I'm sitting here imagining the face of the person on the other end of the line! Hopefully you gave them a laugh, too. Well done, DrSzin!

The Angel Of Death
27-Jun-06, 12:26
Best one was my dad he used to love it when they called he had a few good ones spent ages on the phone "getting" a new conservitory for his house was picking out the ones he liked the sound of and arranging for a sales person bod to come out and "seal" the deal then he ask them would it make any diffrence if he wasnt on a ground floor house and they would always put the phone down on them

He used to do the same for the window companys then tell them he was in a councill house as well it used to really wind them up

27-Jun-06, 13:11
i personally love,
"i'm sorry i dont speak english", the confused replies on the other end get better each time :D