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07-Jun-10, 19:59
Went to the cinema to see the new Robin Hood movie last week, and hubby and I both enjoyed it. I didn't set my expectations too high, as I'd heard it got mixed reviews. But I'd definitely recommend it, and I'm hoping it won't be long before they come out with the sequel. I was glad there wasn't a lot of gore in it, and the battle scene towards the end is especially good.

I'd read that Russell Crowe drew criticism from the British media for his variable accent during the film, so I paid very careful attention to that. But I didn't notice him slipping into a Scottish or Irish one, as he had been accused of. It was Little John's accent that sounded a little peculiar to me. Canadian actor Kevin Durand's version came across as a mixture of Scots, Irish and perhaps Geordie, to my ears!

Cate Blanchett was marvellous as Marion, and Mark Strong hit the mark as 'baddie', Sir Godfrey. I was also very impressed with Oscar Isaac as King John, and veteran actor Max von Sydow as Sir Walter Loxley. And I much preferred Russell Crowe's Robin to Kevin Costner's interpretation, I might add!

The Drunken Duck
10-Jun-10, 17:53
Cheers for the Info.

Thinking about taking the missus to see this on Monday, like you say had heard some bad things about it.

Will give it a try though.

John Little
11-Jun-10, 20:53
I agree with Sporran - it's a good adventure yarn and I enjoyed it. Sometimes I think critics take things too seriously. There is not a speck of evidence that Robin Hood ever existed so they should treat it as what it is - a rattling good adventure story.

I have no patience with critics of accents either- to criticise Russell Crowe for not speaking with a proper Nottingham accent is absurd.
For one thing they are speaking modern day English - which they did not in the 13th century.
And there is not a person alive who knows what accents they spoke with then.

The only historical 'fault' I detected was when Robin danced with Marion to the tune 'Women of Ireland' which was written in the early 18th century by the blind Irish harper Turlough o Carolan. (If interested here is a wonderful site to learn of his music.)


Very entertaining- but I have to say I think it's more of a guy film....

12-Jun-10, 02:42
Good point about the accent, John! My husband more or less said the same thing, remarking that we really don't know exactly how people in 13th century England spoke.

Also, thanks for enlightening us on the tune to which Robin and Marion danced. I knew it sounded familiar to me, and that it was from a more recent century. And now that you've told us what it is, I realise it's on a CD I bought a few years ago that has some of Turlough O'Carolan's harp music on it! :)

13-Jun-10, 13:55
Not meaning to nit pick, John, but just to set the record straight, I've discovered that the 'Women of Ireland' tune was written by Seán Ó Riada (1931–1971), not Turlough O'Carolan. The CD I own, 'The Enchanted Isles', does have some compositions by O'Carolan, but then I noticed that 'Women of Ireland' was accredited to Seán Ó Riada instead. So I investigated on Wikipedia, which confirmed this. At the end of the article, it does indeed state that this is the tune used in the courtship scene of Robin and Marion.


John Little
13-Jun-10, 14:11
Ah well that makes it even worse that it should be used in a film of the 13th century! Now there is an anachronism.

Nice tune though - sounds very like Carolan and I have it on a CD of Carolan music though now I notice that it is not all Carolan.

Thankyou for that. :lol:

The Drunken Duck
14-Jun-10, 23:44
Just watched this. What a load of utter tripe, story was rubbish, the accents were terrible and as for the wooden landing craft in the style of the D-Day model's ?? .. what the hell ??, me and my mate were openly laughing at this point. I was half expecting Tom Hanks to run off one with a Thompson !! .. what a joke.

And it looks like their is going to be a sequel too !! .. Ridley Scott has fallen far from the standard of Alien, Gladiator and Kingdom of Heaven.

15-Jun-10, 03:39
....and as for the wooden landing craft in the style of the D-Day model's ?? .. what the hell ??, me and my mate were openly laughing at this point. I was half expecting Tom Hanks to run off one with a Thompson !! .. what a joke.

I have to agree with you on the landing craft, DD. I didn't mention them before, because I didn't want to give away too much about the film. But I have to admit my husband and I were rather incredulous at the sight of those! Methinks Mr Ridley Scott was taking dramatic license a little too far at that point! :confused

John Little
15-Jun-10, 09:33
But it's not History!

It's just a story! :eek:

The Drunken Duck
15-Jun-10, 10:03
But it's not History!

It's just a story! :eek:

Even a story John it was terrible, I mean D-Day style Landing craft in the 12th Century ?? .. it was utterly ridiculous. Other holes in the plot are so big you could drive a 12th century Landing craft through it. Myself and my friend were laughing at the beach battle at the end and we weren't the only ones.

Dont watch it, it's a waste of eight quid.

John Little
15-Jun-10, 11:49
I already did - but in the same way I watched Lord of the Rings - as a fantasy. It's the suspension of disbelief.

Anyway - sometimes a good helping of cheese and corn is just the ticket. I bet you came out of the cinema feeling good after a laugh.

So it worked - maybe not in the way intended, but it worked!

15-Jun-10, 12:53
John Little. Little John. Were you not in this film?

John Little
15-Jun-10, 13:51
Aye ah wiz! I wiz there wagging my tail fit to bust, getting drunk outta ma gourd on mead and bustin they Norman scum.

Great fun!