View Full Version : Rock Ness??

kev bev
29-May-10, 17:58

I Was wondering has anybody else heard anything from the companys dealing with Rockness about getting your money back?

I still havent heard anything from anybody and not sure what to do?

Any help would be much appreciated.


29-May-10, 18:02
Has it been cancelled? TicketLine are still selling tickets :-


29-May-10, 18:05
If u mean rock4life, go here http://www.rock4life.co.uk/ and read the letter to creditors. Basically, they've gone bust and you wont be getting a refund :(

kev bev
29-May-10, 21:47
sorry yea meant rock4Life. ah jesus thats not good!! there should be something that can be done to get your money back:~(

29-May-10, 21:52
i bought 4 tickets for the rock for life, got the letters telling me about the liquidation, not expecting to get anything back, will just have to wave good bye to my £180

29-May-10, 21:52
Not good at all:(

01-Jun-10, 20:29
Have just been on the website, and read the letter, but it makes no real sense to me. One seems to contradict the other?? (or maybe I'm just being totally thick!!!)

The website is still saying we might get our money back, is this the case or not? The letter totally confuses me - I don't have a law degree, so can't make head nor tail of it - does all that legal jargon mean we're not actually getting our cash back?

Totally confused!!! Any translations of all this info are gratefully received!

01-Jun-10, 20:56
When a company go bankrupt liquidators are appointed to try and gather in the monies owed to said company, and then to divide up and pay out to the creditors on a pro rata scale.

In theory there should be something for all creditors - it might be 50p in the pound, or 10p in the pound - however for the smaller creditors (which in this case will be all the ticket buyers) it's likely to be nothing or next to it.

01-Jun-10, 23:53
Tobias Leask is the promoter, owns several bars in Inverness and is not short of a pound. Shocking that he is not paying out refunds.

Here's his facebook page


You can ask him directly now :Razz

02-Jun-10, 07:24
Its a complete mess you will need to do the following for a claim for a refund - [email protected]
ask for a claim form they can email the form.