View Full Version : Forum bullies

29-May-10, 00:11
Forum bullies are harder to spot. They disguise their intentions. But make no mistake. When you encounter one, you will know - because their bite is equally malicious and just as full of venom.

What is a Forum Bully?
A forum bully is school ground throwback. Remember that middle school (http://www.associatedcontent.com/topic/9937/middle_school.html) bully with his pathetic little band of sycophantic followers? That's a forum bully. In ways the forum bully is just a pseudonym for a troll, but with a major difference. While the troll's behavior is condemned by the group, the forum bully's actions are condoned by the group. Established members of the group, who don't agree with the forum bully, usually remain quiet while the bully tears apart people just for sport and as a demonstration of power within the forum.http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/532829/online_forum_etiquette_how_to_deal.html?cat=15

29-May-10, 00:15
Evolution of a Forum Bully
Forum bullies are typically intelligent. They usually begin as helpful members of the forum. But as their power grows, their true nature reveals itself. Once established, forum bullies begin mixing their helpful posts with intimidation. As they evolve, and develop a reputation, they attract followers. The followers serve as back up, often times speaking on behalf of the bully to clarify the forum bully's statements. Other times the followers are like a pack of hyenas jumping in for the kill after the bully has drawn blood.

29-May-10, 00:25
Wonder why you start a thread like this?

Don't worry, your backup will be here soon.

29-May-10, 00:37
Forum bullies are harder to spot. They disguise their intentions. But make no mistake. When you encounter one, you will know - because their bite is equally malicious and just as full of venom.

What is a Forum Bully?
A forum bully is school ground throwback. Remember that middle school (http://www.associatedcontent.com/topic/9937/middle_school.html) bully with his pathetic little band of sycophantic followers? That's a forum bully. In ways the forum bully is just a pseudonym for a troll, but with a major difference. While the troll's behavior is condemned by the group, the forum bully's actions are condoned by the group. Established members of the group, who don't agree with the forum bully, usually remain quiet while the bully tears apart people just for sport and as a demonstration of power within the forum.http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/532829/online_forum_etiquette_how_to_deal.html?cat=15

Evolution of a Forum Bully
Forum bullies are typically intelligent. They usually begin as helpful members of the forum. But as their power grows, their true nature reveals itself. Once established, forum bullies begin mixing their helpful posts with intimidation. As they evolve, and develop a reputation, they attract followers. The followers serve as back up, often times speaking on behalf of the bully to clarify the forum bully's statements. Other times the followers are like a pack of hyenas jumping in for the kill after the bully has drawn blood.


The Drunken Duck
29-May-10, 00:49

29-May-10, 00:59
You're right!http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:1RuxSrA6goFX6M:http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_hnd-uAOeVGo/R96_Ner_qFI/AAAAAAAAAKM/G_Tc7SIJhug/s400/Yawn.jpg (http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_hnd-uAOeVGo/R96_Ner_qFI/AAAAAAAAAKM/G_Tc7SIJhug/s400/Yawn.jpg&imgrefurl=http://waltergolf.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html&usg=__XpxmzMslm77F7hRBubUCPhVnwyM=&h=320&w=291&sz=17&hl=en&start=39&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=1RuxSrA6goFX6M:&tbnh=118&tbnw=107&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyawn%26start%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den% 26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1T4SKPB_enGB269GB271%26ndsp%3D20% 26tbs%3Disch:1)

29-May-10, 02:56
Don't feed the Troll!:eek:

29-May-10, 03:31
Wonder why you start a thread like this?

Don't worry, your backup will be here soon.
I don't know about his backup, he certainly gets my back up. :roll:

29-May-10, 03:36
What like, you mean you are ready for rear assault?

If you are getting this tozzrs back up Peg then you have won me over.


29-May-10, 09:58
Wonder why you start a thread like this?

Don't worry, your backup will be here soon.well said boozeburglar you took the words out of my mouth :Razz

29-May-10, 09:59
I don't know about his backup, he certainly gets my back up. :roll:totally agree joxville

29-May-10, 10:22
Wonder why you start a thread like this?

Don't worry, your backup will be here soon.you have it in one well said

29-May-10, 10:32
Think maybe starting this thread at 00.11am maybe they'd has a few to many!!

29-May-10, 11:11
Has the OP hit a raw nerve I wonder???

It's strange though that the people offended aren't actually the ones I wouldn't class as forum bullies - chill people, I don't think it was aimed at you :)

29-May-10, 11:17
I don't know about his backup, he certainly gets my back up. :roll:

He is more to be pitied, keep calm Jox mate

29-May-10, 11:47
Yes there ARE bullies on this forum but as in life its to be expected and pitied! That said it is very easy for posters to cry bully everytime someone doesnt agree with what they have said,which in itself is a form of bullying IMO,its far too easy for posters to turn things round on others who dont agree with them and start a witch hunt! Then there are the ones who say things like "well i would say something but I would just get another bad rep from a petty person if I do" or something similar to try and make the OP feel bad or that they are somehow wrong for not having the same opinion! I used to get upset about people having a pop at me or making me out to be a bad person for simply standing up for my own beliefs,but not anymore-life is too short,and I also have a life thats "real" outwith the org,so I now say what i think in as polite a way as possible and if orgers choose to read it another way then let them x

The Drunken Duck
29-May-10, 11:51
Two Words.

Ignore List.

As a MOD on another site I am pretty familiar with not only the types of poster but also their methods. The trends seen here amongst certain people are nothing new to me. If I had a quid for every time I saw a poster who is quite happy to attack but plays the victim when they get back what they dish out I would be a very rich man. I have discovered the Ignore List, wonderful bit of kit. It eliminates the temptation to respond, a reaction that just puts more fuel on the Troll flames. Its what they live for, time and time again we have seen the same subjects from the same people over and over again. The reason they do it is because they know they will get a reaction. Didn't we have a thread with this title before ?? .. I rest my case.

Let Fred and Pegasus have their threads discussing whatever they want, soon they will look round and realise that only they are talking about it. And that will annoy them more than anything. The whole point of their threads is to put their "truth" out there. Being ignored will annoy them more than anything. Then they will start, through sheer frustration, to berate the rest of us for not listening to them and their "theories". Attention is what they thrive on. Seen it before, banned their likes before, always funny to watch them go into meltdown though.

Personally I am bored of them both, hence their introduction to my Ignore List.

29-May-10, 12:19
Yes there ARE bullies on this forum but as in life its to be expected and pitied! That said it is very easy for posters to cry bully everytime someone doesnt agree with what they have said,which in itself is a form of bullying IMO,its far too easy for posters to turn things round on others who dont agree with them and start a witch hunt! Then there are the ones who say things like "well i would say something but I would just get another bad rep from a petty person if I do" or something similar to try and make the OP feel bad or that they are somehow wrong for not having the same opinion! I used to get upset about people having a pop at me or making me out to be a bad person for simply standing up for my own beliefs,but not anymore-life is too short,and I also have a life thats "real" outwith the org,so I now say what i think in as polite a way as possible and if orgers choose to read it another way then let them x

very well said :)

29-May-10, 12:48

OI! Cut that out!

29-May-10, 13:26
Yes there ARE bullies on this forum

I don't think there are. Maybe you could name them if I am missing something. What I DO often see is people who are good at expressing themselves and people who are not very good at expressing themselves. Often this leads to a feeling that the person who is good with words is intimidating the person who cannot defend themselves by the same methodology. That is not bullying in my mind, it is just someone, able to articulate, using their skills to make their point/argue their case.

I have had the label of "bully" thrown at me a couple of times on this forum. This is allegedly because I have "used fancy words", "twisted what other people are saying", "been insulting in tone" or something similar.

I respect that other people have a right to put their opinion on this forum but I also respect the right of other people to point out when they think that something is a pile of nonsense. Just like the real world, there are different levels of intelligence and some people are more well read than others on certain topics. Unless posters are supposed to kid on they are not articulate and/or genned up on a particular subject there are going to be times when the playing field is not level and there will be cries of foul play and bullying.

What I rarely see much of on the org is the acknowledgement when someone clearly knows more about a subject or situation than the other party. Instead there is a determination to stick to the original opinion, often accompanied by deterioration into personal attacks and/or cries of bullying.

The option is there for members to ignore anyone they wish via software or simply averting their eyes from the "offenders" input. I walk away from here when I feel the need to and others can do the same if they are finding it causes upset.

29-May-10, 13:35
Time for a tour in the wheeliebin.

29-May-10, 13:43
I don't think there are. Maybe you could name them if I am missing something. What I DO often see is people who are good at expressing themselves and people who are not very good at expressing themselves. Often this leads to a feeling that the person who is good with words is intimidating the person who cannot defend themselves by the same methodology. That is not bullying in my mind, it is just someone, able to articulate, using their skills to make their point/argue their case.

I have had the label of "bully" thrown at me a couple of times on this forum. This is allegedly because I have "used fancy words", "twisted what other people are saying", "been insulting in tone" or something similar.

I respect that other people have a right to put their opinion on this forum but I also respect the right of other people to point out when they think that something is a pile of nonsense. Just like the real world, there are different levels of intelligence and some people are more well read than others on certain topics. Unless posters are supposed to kid on they are not articulate and/or genned up on a particular subject there are going to be times when the playing field is not level and there will be cries of foul play and bullying.

What I rarely see much of on the org is the acknowledgement when someone clearly knows more about a subject or situation than the other party. Instead there is a determination to stick to the original opinion, often accompanied by deterioration into personal attacks and/or cries of bullying.

The option is there for members to ignore anyone they wish via software or simply averting their eyes from the "offenders" input. I walk away from here when I feel the need to and others can do the same if they are finding it causes upset.

Seriously there are!
I'm not talking about the people who disagree with an opinion. That's not bullying IMO, not do I speak of those who show a half ounce of intelligence with use of big words lol.
The bullies I speak of are those who take a dislike to a person (for whatever reason) and set about making it their mission to hound them from thread to thread and getting some kick out of making derogatory remarks and making personal insults. THAT is what I call playground bullying and it really does show the lack of intelligence and grounding of the person doing it.

I have to say that I believe there are some that have maybe migrated back to this forum from a certain other forum, for whatever reason.
That forum seemed to be started partly as a hang out for all those orgers that were kicked off here due to their attitude and so they started their own little 'clique' whereby slagging off orgers was usually the topic of the day.
Don't know what's happened to that forum, happen it's still up and running, but maybe a few of them couldn't resist sneaking back in with the same old attitudes. ;)

29-May-10, 15:13
Scorrie-as I said it was my opinion and perhaps mine differs from yours, but yes as far as i am concerned some bullying does go on on here,name calling,belittling people and generally making others feel stupid is bullying IMO,that said I do enjoy the org most of the time,its a small minority who tend to spoil it x

29-May-10, 15:31
Scorrie-as I said it was my opinion and perhaps mine differs from yours, but yes as far as i am concerned some bullying does go on on here,name calling,belittling people and generally making others feel stupid is bullying IMO,that said I do enjoy the org most of the time,its a small minority who tend to spoil it x

I just thought I must be missing something, as I don't see what I would term as bullying. I have been called names, told I talk excrement, told I am an idiot and sworn at through PMs but I don't consider any of it to be bullying. I think people need to develop a thicker skin in many cases, this forum is pretty tame compared to many I have seen. Most people are pretty fair I think but there are some I would probably class as idiots rather than bullies.

29-May-10, 15:39
I just thought I must be missing something, as I don't see what I would term as bullying. I have been called names, told I talk excrement, told I am an idiot and sworn at through PMs but I don't consider any of it to be bullying. I think people need to develop a thicker skin in many cases, this forum is pretty tame compared to many I have seen. Most people are pretty fair I think but there are some I would probably class as idiots rather than bullies.

I see your point Scorrie,either way whether bullying oridiots it isnt called for really is it? The thing that gets me is the ones who are always right(even when they are wrong) and when you point it out to them, they cry bully :roll: or start another thread saying oh I am leaving cos so and so did/said this to me,but I have learnt to ...step away from the keyboard now lol.x

Valerie Campbell
29-May-10, 15:53
There are bullies in all walks of life so why should a forum be any different? I hate it and don't see the point in doing it frankly. Everyone is entitled to opinions but they should be within the rules and not cause members to feel they've been bullied. Something like that happened to me a while back and it's taken a long time to get over.

29-May-10, 20:04
I see your point Scorrie,either way whether bullying oridiots it isnt called for really is it? The thing that gets me is the ones who are always right(even when they are wrong) and when you point it out to them, they cry bully :roll: or start another thread saying oh I am leaving cos so and so did/said this to me,but I have learnt to ...step away from the keyboard now lol.x

True its nearly always someone elses fault but their own and they do seem to think or make themselves believ that they are never WRONG!
I wonder do any orgers have a wee bit of sympathy for their behaviour, as i rekon most, must have been bullied at some stage in their lives. "Moi seul" no one else matters! Perhaps it's some inner need to draw atention to themselves.Who can tell, but maybe this helps them feel acepted by the crowd? :confused


29-May-10, 20:40
Bullying............Is there bullying on the Org. The answer to that is both yes and no for it all depends on what is being directed at whom.

Back in 1992 I helped form the "Caithness Anti-Bullying Group" and one of things that came out of it was that there were lots of different types of Bullying. What was deemed to be bullying to one person, was often not deemed to be bullying to another.

Therefore we decided that one of the best ways to decide if a person was being bullied was, if that person felt they were the object of bullying then, they were.

Bullying is like Pain, everyone has their own level that they can withstand. So just because you might not consider a statement posted here on the org not bullying, the person to whom it is aimed might and if they do, then in my opinion it should be classed as bullying.

The Drunken Duck
29-May-10, 22:23
Therefore we decided that one of the best ways to decide if a person was being bullied was, if that person felt they were the object of bullying then, they were.

That strikes me as just crazy. By definition it labels the person being accused as a bully without discussion or recourse. It also opens the door for abuse of that system by allowing anyone to simply throw the accusation and be believed simply because they say so.

As for the comment that if anyone on the Org thinks they are being bullied then they are .. again, crazy in my view. The individuals who are bleating the loudest about it will love that. Perhaps if you look back at their posts you will find they are more than happy to throw out digs and personal insults themselves. Maybe others missed a trick by not playing the victim first.

To imply you can be bullied online is just plain daft in my view, if you don't like what is being said then put the poster on Ignore. Or leave the thread. Or delete the PM. Or get up and walk away form the PC. Unless you are nailed to the chair with your eyes held open with matchsticks and your head locked in position at the screen you are there by your own free will. I have allowed myself to get caught up in an argument and subsequently wound up in the past at certain posters who have aimed a dig or insult at me, and that is my fault, much more my fault in fact, than theirs. But I am learning to avoid them and therefore eliminate the issue.

01-Jun-10, 13:57
Bullying............Is there bullying on the Org. The answer to that is both yes and no for it all depends on what is being directed at whom.

Back in 1992 I helped form the "Caithness Anti-Bullying Group" and one of things that came out of it was that there were lots of different types of Bullying. What was deemed to be bullying to one person, was often not deemed to be bullying to another.

Therefore we decided that one of the best ways to decide if a person was being bullied was, if that person felt they were the object of bullying then, they were.

Bullying is like Pain, everyone has their own level that they can withstand. So just because you might not consider a statement posted here on the org not bullying, the person to whom it is aimed might and if they do, then in my opinion it should be classed as bullying.

With all due respect, this is bananas.

01-Jun-10, 17:13
With all due respect, this is bananas.

With all due respect this is the law. A comment or act made without malice can still result in prosecution/the sack if it can be perceived as offensive.

01-Jun-10, 17:42
Then the law is bananas too.

01-Jun-10, 18:00
Leanne, can you post a link to where that is actually stated please?

01-Jun-10, 18:09
With all due respect this is the law. A comment or act made without malice can still result in prosecution/the sack if it can be perceived as offensive.

With all due respect, I think you are confusing libel with bullying.

01-Jun-10, 19:01
With all due respect, I think you are confusing libel with bullying.

Under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 (Scotland) there is no need to prove intent, only that it would be perceived by a reasonable person to constitute harassment.

01-Jun-10, 20:23
Therefore we decided that one of the best ways to decide if a person was being bullied was, if that person felt they were the object of bullying then, they were.

So just because you might not consider a statement posted here on the org not bullying, the person to whom it is aimed might and if they do, then in my opinion it should be classed as bullying.

Perhaps Kodiak worded it wrongly and misled me, but as written this is absolute mince. Nothing you can add, Leanne, supports it.

Prosecution rarely relies solely on the perception of an individual unless they are giving evidence in court as an expert, i.e. a police officer, pathologist, etc.

There is much more nuance, and this is why the Law and those involved in administering it have a degree of flexibility in dealing with the public.

Too many people call wolf, and the Law is the last place to go running to if that is your bag.


01-Jun-10, 21:06
Perhaps Kodiak worded it wrongly and misled me, but as written this is absolute mince. Nothing you can add, Leanne, supports it.

I don't need to add anything... It's the law whether we like it or not. Just for the record I think the law in question is an ass. Unfortunately as much as you (or I) dislike it it isn't going to change. Saying you say it isn't so because you don't like it doesn't make it any less so.

Edit - I once got overheard on a night out, by a police officer, calling my gay friend a 'pissy little queen' in jest when he was being a drama queen. He wasn't offended and I didn't say it maliciously. That didn't stop the police officer taking me aside and sternly telling me that my comments were inappropriate and unlawful. I'm sure said police officer knows more about the law than some anonymous interweb user...

01-Jun-10, 21:07
see http://www.bullyonline.org/related/cyber.htm, message is don't respond, don't interact and don't engage.

01-Jun-10, 21:21
I don't need to add anything... It's the law whether we like it or not.
What law is it Leanne? You seem very certain, please tell us what it is called.
Claiming some bloke (maybe a Police Officer) told you 'it's against the law' in a pub one night isn't exactly a clear definition. Those of us who work in the HR sphere are very interested.

01-Jun-10, 21:29
Those of us who work in the HR sphere are very interested.

If you work in the HR sphere and aren't fully voiced in bullying and harrassment law then I am extremely worried for your employees. Checkout the bullying, harrassment and discrimination act 2006 :roll:

Tubs - if that really is your job I'm really confused as to why you don't already know... Surely your CPD would allow for you to update on these laws?

01-Jun-10, 21:39
Checkout the bullying, harrassment and discrimination act 2006

No such act, in fact in searching for it i found this http://www.personneltoday.com/articles/2006/10/17/37670/bullying-and-harassment.html

Which says that 'there is no statutory definition of bullying'

01-Jun-10, 21:42
Thanks Webmannie - I was just going to say that there is no such Act. I thought my trusty Professional HR instincts must have been wrong, but it turns out its just someone claiming expertise and knowledge she doesn't have.
How's YOUR CPD doing Leanne?

01-Jun-10, 21:43
If you work in the HR sphere and aren't fully voiced in bullying and harrassment law then I am extremely worried for your employees. Checkout the bullying, harrassment and discrimination act 2006 :roll:Tubs - if that really is your job I'm really confused as to why you don't already know... Surely your CPD would allow for you to update on these laws?
Anything you'd like to add??

01-Jun-10, 21:50
No such act, in fact in searching for it i found this http://www.personneltoday.com/articles/2006/10/17/37670/bullying-and-harassment.html

Which says that 'there is no statutory definition of bullying'

That article was written in 2006 - presumably before the act came out in October 2006?

There is also the Protection from Harrassment act 1997? Not find anything about that either? :roll:

My CPD is in Biomedical Sciences not HR. I am obliged to do basic mandatory courses on H&S, M&H, B&H etc etc etc so my knowledge is fundamental only. Just what the government deems necessary for us to know.

01-Jun-10, 21:55
That article was written in 2006 - presumably before the act came out in October 2006?

There is also the Protection from Harrassment act 1997? Not find anything about that either? :roll:

My CPD is in Biomedical Sciences not HR. I am obliged to do basic mandatory courses on H&S, M&H, B&H etc etc etc so my knowledge is fundamental only. Just what the government deems necessary for us to know.

Is that something we should all understand or maybe a matter for your line Manager?

01-Jun-10, 21:56
That article was written in 2006 - presumably before the act came out in October 2006?

There is also the Protection from Harrassment act 1997? Not find anything about that either?

Of course I did, because it exists. Harrassment Act and Sex Discrimination Act exist.

01-Jun-10, 22:00
That article was written in 2006 - presumably before the act came out in October 2006?

There is also the Protection from Harrassment act 1997? Not find anything about that either? :roll:

My CPD is in Biomedical Sciences not HR. I am obliged to do basic mandatory courses on H&S, M&H, B&H etc etc etc so my knowledge is fundamental only. Just what the government deems necessary for us to know.
There is indeed a Protection from Harrassment Act, but I have no knowledge of, nor can I find a trace of, the Bullying, Harrassment and Discrimination Act 2006 you quoted so professionally. Can you provide a link please?
B&H will be Bullying & Harrassment but I'm intrigued at what M&H stands for. Not being in a key government position there's no need for me to know, I'm just interested.

01-Jun-10, 22:08
With all due respect this is the law.

the law??? [lol] [lol]

A comment or act made without malice can still result in prosecution/the sack if it can be perceived as offensive.

who are ye tryin til kid leanne.....a comment or act made wi' pure malice isna lekly til result in prosecution these days :roll:

01-Jun-10, 22:13
who are ye tryin til kid leanne.....a comment or act made wi' pure malice isna lekly til result in prosecution these days :roll:

Mebbe ne in week lol

Not trying to kid anyone. Simply offering help - org doesn't like that though as usual :roll:

Not my professional opinion - your words not my - I stated my knowledge is rudimentary

01-Jun-10, 22:13
who are ye tryin til kid leanne.....a comment or act made wi' pure malice isna lekly til result in prosecution these days :roll:

Agree with your comment, a 'talking to' maybe by the Polis at best. If it was 'constant' then it could be classed as harrassment.

01-Jun-10, 22:19
Not trying to kid anyone. Simply offering help - org doesn't like that though as usual :roll:

Not my professional opinion - your words not my - I stated my knowledge is rudimentary

Leanne, it is not help if it is wrong information. The org lekin has nothing to do with it.

You stated your knowledge was rudimentary only in a recent post. Before that you challenged an HR professionals knowledge.

01-Jun-10, 22:20
Mebbe ne in week lol

Not trying to kid anyone. Simply offering help - org doesn't like that though as usual :roll: Not my professional opinion - your words not my - I stated my knowledge is rudimentary
Just as well there were some of us who knew you were off the mark then eh? Some simple org folk might have taken the help you offered with such certainty as actually being true!
Seriously though, if you really are a professional scientist, surely you are aware of the perils of making statements without carrying out even a rudimentary check of their veracity and provenance?

01-Jun-10, 22:56
Just as well there were some of us who knew you were off the mark then eh? Some simple org folk might have taken the help you offered with such certainty as actually being true!
Seriously though, if you really are a professional scientist, surely you are aware of the perils of making statements without carrying out even a rudimentary check of their veracity and provenance?

I did lol...

From a scientist perceptive my view is this...

The spread of secondary and latterly tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capability for analytical thought.

In other words - there are a lot of people on the interweb who shout 'false' on the basis of a google search. Use your deductive power to find if these 'facts' you find are true. If you disagree with me then show me evidence I am wrong - simply shouting that I am wrong because you say so is not a valid argument. Find the evidence... I have quoted my sources - for me to retract them the deal is you have to prove I am wrong. That is how analytical processes work. It isn't all who can shout the loudest or who has the last word :roll:

My this has been fun :) Anyway I'm off for a bath with the rest of my bottle of crispy fruity. Enjoy debating amongst yourselves - practice makes perfect ;)

01-Jun-10, 23:17
I am afraid you are talking bola bola, as well meaning as you are.

I am well aware of the laws, and again I ask anyone suggesting that it is down to an individual to decide what is or what is not lawful they need to read up.

You are not paying attention to the language used in Kodiak's post, and if you were you are mistaking what is being said.


01-Jun-10, 23:17
I did lol...
From a scientist perceptive my view is this...
The spread of secondary and latterly tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capability for analytical thought. Can I take it that you're claiming some kind of intellectual superiority?

In other words - there are a lot of people on the interweb who shout 'false' on the basis of a google search. Use your deductive power to find if these 'facts' you find are true. If you disagree with me then show me evidence I am wrong - simply shouting that I am wrong because you say so is not a valid argument. Find the evidence... I have quoted my sources - for me to retract them the deal is you have to prove I am wrong. No, no, you have quoted NO sources. And the simple fact is that the Act you quoted does not exist. You are wrong. And you failed in your professional capacity as a scientist.

That is how analytical processes work. It isn't all who can shout the loudest or who has the last word I wonder just how much you DO know about analytical sciences. It certainly begs questions on your integrity. It certainly isn't about who claims knowledge that they don't have and thinks they can simply walk away laughing. Is this the first time you've been caught exaggerating or deviating from the absolute actuality of a matter on the org? Is it??

My this has been fun Anyway I'm off for a bath with the rest of my bottle of crispy fruity. Enjoy debating amongst yourselves - practice makes perfect Yes we'll have a bit of a debate amongst ourselves. Perhaps we can come up to your intellectual standards.
Oh but wait - we don't tell lies. We don't claim knowledge we don't have. We don't make up stories. We admit we're wrong, like what scientists should do.
Look on the bright side - at least you're an important government scientist. You're obviously not just some part-trained technician with a mickey mouse degree, serving time in a waste of time lab stuck in the middle of nowhere, passed over for promotion because they got caught telling porkies. Lucky you. ;)

01-Jun-10, 23:49
Look on the bright side - at least you're an important government scientist. You're obviously not just some part-trained technician with a mickey mouse degree, serving time in a waste of time lab stuck in the middle of nowhere, passed over for promotion because they got caught telling porkies. Lucky you. ;)

Oh how apt for this thread ;)

01-Jun-10, 23:59
Just want to add to this thread, that even while I disagree with Leanne on this particular thread, and I think it is just a case of taking different meanings from the OPs post, I respect her and enjoy her posting very much and generally agree with a lot she puts on here.

I would hate to think strong minded and opinionated posters were discouraged, what a bland place this would become.

I mean opinionated in a non pejorative way.

Take it easy on ma pal Leanne now Tubs, or ye wil answer to me.


02-Jun-10, 00:02
Under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 (Scotland) there is no need to prove intent, only that it would be perceived by a reasonable person to constitute harassment.

According to Kodiak's definition of bullying, it wouldn't matter if you had a million "reasonable" persons who did NOT consider an action to be bullying. It would automatically be bullying because the "victim" said so.

I am right with Drunken Duck and Boozeburglar, when they describe Kodiak's definition as "Crazy" and "Bananas", the whole notion being akin to having a jury made up of ZERO independent people, one witness (the victim) and a person on trial who has already been found guilty.

02-Jun-10, 00:06
Take it easy on ma pal Leanne now Tubs, or ye wil answer to me.

Don't fret about it. Noone is going to agree all the time. I have given Tubs good rep in the past for some cracking posts, I've given him bad for that last comment but I'm sure the good will come round again. I've got a thicker skin than that and don't resort to public humiliation - PMs are a more 'grown up' place for slinging comments like that ;)

We all disagree at times and sometimes we agree too - it's just life. People take forums far too serious. God if we behaved like this in the real world we'd either be bruised or very lonely. Or maybe both ;)

Let's turn this back on topic now. What does constitute online bullying? What has happened over the past few posts? Or do we brush it off and carry on with the debate :)

02-Jun-10, 00:07
According to Kodiak's definition of bullying, it wouldn't matter if you had a million "reasonable" persons who did NOT consider an action to be bullying. It would automatically be bullying because the "victim" said so.

I am right with Drunken Duck and Boozeburglar, when they describe Kodiak's definition as "Crazy" and "Bananas", the whole notion being akin to having a jury made up of ZERO independent people, one witness (the victim) and a person on trial who has already been found guilty.

Put very well.

I think it is a case of some people misinterpreting the law.

Easy to do.


02-Jun-10, 00:09
Don't fret about it. Noone is going to agree all the time. I have given Tubs good rep in the past for some cracking posts, I've given him bad for that last comment but I'm sure the good will come round again. I've got a thicker skin than that and don't resort to public humiliation - PMs are a more 'grown up' place for slinging comments like that ;)

We all disagree at times and sometimes we agree too - it's just life. People take forums far too serious. God if we behaved like this in the real world we'd either be bruised or very lonely. Or maybe both ;)

Let's turn this back on topic now. What does constitute online bullying? What has happened over the past few posts? Or do we brush it off and carry on with the debate :)

Well I would love to know if you consider any of this has been bullying.

02-Jun-10, 00:16
BB, I crawl before you craving forgiveness.
Please respectfully point out to your friend that she has presented no evidence of the existence of the Act she quoted and insists exists. This is contrary to the principles of good science I am sure. As for the intellectual superiority part (not snobbery you'll note), please suggest to her that regardless of her route to educational attainment, and the support she didn't receive, education is not always guaranteed to create awe and respect; indeed many people consider those who wave their higher education about (however subtly) to be a pain in the butt. As for the crap about the rise of tertiary education...
Oh, and there's the rambling bit about proof in analytical science - surely waffle, possibly engendered by too much fruity and hot water, but waffle nonetheless.
Re my final paragraph - she's pm'd me with her educational attainments in detail, and some personal circumstances: so like I said, isn't she lucky she's not some part-trained technician etc. I just hope that if her services are called upon to save my sorry ass, she gets her facts right!
But her most unforgivable sin was to claim that my poetry was.... pseudo-poetry! (I note she's posted no creative works herself)
Anyway, its all just fun isn't it? No-one's been dragged along in front of a lorry or anything, everyone's kissed and made up, said sorry etc.

02-Jun-10, 00:26
From a scientist perceptive my view is this...

The spread of secondary and latterly tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capability for analytical thought.

That is your view? I thought it was Peter Medawar's view. :)

02-Jun-10, 00:35
(I note she's posted no creative works herself)

You were the first, you were my one
True love from the start. You'll be the last
To enter my life and take all I own
For to live is for now not the future or past

First to the bud but then to the bloom
Of the rose of youth, but surrounded by thorns
Thorns that hurt, thorns that wound
The ones we love most when we're bitter and torn

The turn of a cycle from the start to the end
Of the performance of life for life is a stage
On which our own stories are played [stolen from Macbeth ;)] to pretend
For one moment that it still could be not diminish with age

Bot memories fade for to last forever would cost
The recurrence of feelings, sometimes better hidden or lost
But there are still little sparks, an occasional glow
Of the start of the fire which I've come to know

I enjoy your little ditties. I hope you took some enjoyment from mine. I wrote that when I was 16 and haven't really dabbled much since...

02-Jun-10, 00:37
That is your view? I thought it was Peter Medawar's view. :)

As well as Richard Dawkin's and Ayrn Rand's :) I think it is quite nice little line :)

Edit - Ever read Atlas Shrugged? Makes fascinating reading!

02-Jun-10, 00:53
Noone like my poetry? Oh well - win some, lose some...

Edit - oh guess at 5 to one noone else is up. Best hit the sack...

02-Jun-10, 00:54
Ever read Atlas Shrugged? Makes fascinating reading!

I must admit, I am a big fan of the classics, but Atlas Shrugged is one I didn't finish. I thought Ayn Rand was a terrible writer. Some of her philosophical thought were interesting though.:)

02-Jun-10, 00:58
I must admit, I am a big fan of the classics, but Atlas Shrugged is one I didn't finish. I thought Ayn Rand was a terrible writer. Some of her philosophical thought were interesting though.:)

I have to admit that I found it hard going for the first 100 pages or so. When it got gritty though I was hooked until the last word!

02-Jun-10, 08:33
You were the first, you were my one
True love from the start. You'll be the last
To enter my life and take all I own
For to live is for now not the future or past

First to the bud but then to the bloom
Of the rose of youth, but surrounded by thorns
Thorns that hurt, thorns that wound
The ones we love most when we're bitter and torn

The turn of a cycle from the start to the end
Of the performance of life for life is a stage
On which our own stories are played [stolen from Macbeth ;)] to pretend
For one moment that it still could be not diminish with age

Bot memories fade for to last forever would cost
The recurrence of feelings, sometimes better hidden or lost
But there are still little sparks, an occasional glow
Of the start of the fire which I've come to know

I enjoy your little ditties. I hope you took some enjoyment from mine. I wrote that when I was 16 and haven't really dabbled much since...
Tiz true;