View Full Version : People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Foundation

26-May-10, 14:20
Just to remind a few people what PETA do:

"..The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Foundation is a UK-based charity dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals.
Like humans, animals are capable of suffering and have interests in leading their own lives; therefore, they are not ours to use – for food, clothing, entertainment, experimentation or any other reason. PETA and our affiliates around the world educate policymakers and the public about cruelty to animals and promote an understanding of the right of all animals to be treated with respect.
PETA works through public education, research, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement and protest campaigns.."

Unlike the RSPCA & SSPCA they are not a re-homing organisation

26-May-10, 14:44
Unlike the RSPCA & SSPCA they are not a re-homing organisation

Yes you are correct PETA does not re-home Animals as in 2009 PETA Killed 2,301 Animals a total of 97.3% of all the Animals it rescued in that year.

You are also incorrect as PETA might have a branch in UK but it is not UK Based, it is American.

PETA is an American organisation based in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. It founded and is led by Ingred Newkirk who says that Animals are not ours to eat. The group believes that “animal trainers, hunters, fishermen, cattlemen, grocers, and indeed all non-vegetarians are the moral equivalent of cannibals, slave-owners, and death-camp guards.” Newkirk insists that the world would be a better place without people: “Humans have grown like a cancer. We’re the biggest blight on the face of the earth.”

For more info here are some links that are quite interesting :-





26-May-10, 14:56
PETA is an American organisation based in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. It founded and is led by Ingred Newkirk who says that Animals are not ours to eat. The group believes that “animal trainers, hunters, fishermen, cattlemen, grocers, and indeed all non-vegetarians are the moral equivalent of cannibals, slave-owners, and death-camp guards.” Newkirk insists that the world would be a better place without people: “Humans have grown like a cancer. We’re the biggest blight on the face of the earth.”

Well after seeing what a mess humans have made of this world, I would agree with everything she said

26-May-10, 15:22
Well after seeing what a mess humans have made of this world, I would agree with everything she said

So you actually believe that the world would be a better place without people.

OK then if you believe this, you must think that the world would be a better place without you. MMMMMM I think you have not thought this through properly or do you have a death wish.

26-May-10, 15:32
Thank the Lord someone has the balls to stand up to the (up front in your face brigade) good for you!

26-May-10, 15:42
So you actually believe that the world would be a better place without people.

OK then if you believe this, you must think that the world would be a better place without you. MMMMMM I think you have not thought this through properly or do you have a death wish.

This may come as a bit of a shock to you, but we will all die!

p.s. have a look athttp://e-activist.com/ea-campaign/action.retrievefile.do?ea_fileid=8645

This is a campaign which may interest you, given the photo on your signature

26-May-10, 15:56
Humans have grown like a cancer?

Cannibals, slave owners and death camp guards?

Pledge to go vegan?

Yet more extremism in the world. sigh

26-May-10, 16:12
This may come as a bit of a shock to you, but we will all die!

Yes we all die, I just dont want to die of Rabies, maybe the Indonesians dont want to either, dogs in many of these countries are not pets, but Curs that run in packs, with no control, its a harsh method, but if it works for Indonesea then so be it.
There are an estimated 55000 human deaths annually from rabies worldwide, with about 31000 in Asia, and 24000 in Africa

26-May-10, 16:22
Yet more extremism in the world. sigh

Yes I agree, extremism is frustrating.

But we have an extreme zero-sum position in regard to our treatment of animals, we have all the rights to an ethical existence and animals don't. There is nothing more polarized or extreme than that.

26-May-10, 16:33
See im of the opinion that animals are lovely but they are animals.Whilst i would never hurt an animal I do eat them and Im afraid i dont put them on an equal footing with people. I would rather put my energies into standing up for other people than animals Im afraid. Do animals really have the ability to have an "ethical existance" to be honest im not sure what that means. Does itsuggest that they have the ability to choose an ethical or unethical existence? How does THAT work then?

I beleive that at least in this country animals have the right to an existance without cruelty and whilst cruelty to animals exists there are laws set out to deal with offenders. That to me strikes the right balance. I would like my rare steak, milk, eggs cheese etc to come from animals that have been out on grass and treated kindly and i do my best to ensure that.

I can absolutely understand that people might not like my choice of a lovely rare steak for dinner but to shoot me for it seems a tad unbalanced if you ask me

26-May-10, 16:34
Its nice to stand back and watch someone digging a deeper hole [lol][lol][lol]

26-May-10, 16:41
See im of the opinion that animals are lovely but they are animals.Whilst i would never hurt an animal I do eat them and Im afraid i dont put them on an equal footing with people. I would rather put my energies into standing up for other people than animals Im afraid. I can accept that people might not like my choice of a lovely rare steak for dinner but to shoot me for it? Seems a tad unbalanced to me

Its nice to stand back and watch someone digging a deeper hole

What hole has squidge dug for themself?

Still waiting for your source of your "research" Davie or are you going to admit that it was all in your mind

26-May-10, 16:51
See im of the opinion that animals are lovely but they are animals.Whilst i would never hurt an animal I do eat them and Im afraid i dont put them on an equal footing with people. I would rather put my energies into standing up for other people than animals Im afraid. Is that really true that animals dont have the right to an "ethical existance" - to be honest im not sure what that means. I beleive that at least in this country animals have the right to an existance without cruelty and whilst cruelty to animals exists there are laws set out to deal with offenders. That to me strikes the right balance. I would like my rare steak, milk, eggs cheese etc to come from animals that have been out on grass and treated kindly and i do my best to ensure that.

You do not have to make the choice of standing for one or other.

"Human rights & Animal rights
Two Struggles,
One fight"

26-May-10, 16:51
Its nice to stand back and watch someone digging a deeper hole [lol][lol][lol]

Lol. Well Davie when there is all the human mayhem and tradgedy in the world and for example... children in Africa are still losing parents to Aids and finding they are themselves HIV+ I cant find the energy to worry about what indonesia is doing with its dogs.

26-May-10, 16:54
You do not have to make the choice of standing for one or other.

"Human rights & Animal rights
Two Struggles,
One fight"

Sorry anfield but thats just rubbish. Human rights are more important and human tradgedies more important than animal ones. Perhaps whilst we try to eliminate man's inhumanity to man we can hope to improve its treatment of animals but the one outweighs the other in my book I'm afraid

26-May-10, 17:01
You do not have to make the choice of standing for one or other.

"Human rights & Animal rights
Two Struggles,
One fight"

Yet strangely, PETA don't seem to share that view.

26-May-10, 17:20
Yet strangely, PETA don't seem to share that view.

Peta seem to think that only some humans have rights...

26-May-10, 17:36
You do not have to make the choice of standing for one or other.

"Human rights & Animal rights
Two Struggles,
One fight"

But according to Ingred Newkirk the Founder of PETA, the person whom you said you agreed with, thinks that Humans have no rights as she says :-

"Humans have grown like a cancer. We’re the biggest blight on the face of the earth.”

So she does not want us people on this planet, only Animals. so as far as she is concerned people do not have any rights at all.

I agree with sqidge, bring on a nice big juicy steak, or Lamb Chop or even a Leg of Pork, YUM YUM YUM !!

27-May-10, 00:05
I agree with sqidge, bring on a nice big juicy steak, or Lamb Chop or even a Leg of Pork, YUM YUM YUM !!

...and with that comment you've lost what little credibility you had, in a "let's try offend the original poster as much as possible" way.

It all depends on whether you believe, as the dominant species, we can do whatever we like, or whether we have a duty of care to this planet and the species we share it with.

Personally I think it's the latter.

27-May-10, 00:13
...and with that comment you've lost what little credibility you had, in a "let's try offend the original poster as much as possible" way.

It all depends on whether you believe, as the dominant species, we can do whatever we like, or whether we have a duty of care to this planet and the species we share it with.

Personally I think it's the latter.

totally agree, man is a despicable species, greedy and short sighted.

i'd like to see a hermaphrodite lesbian species taking over the world.

only women can save this planet

27-May-10, 03:27
So can someone tell the lions/leopards/cheetahs to stop eating the antelopes/warthogs/waterbuffaollos calves etc...:confused

27-May-10, 08:21
i was about to say the same thing.. predators hunt down and eat prey.. that is part of the animal world. we could also argue that at base levels we are animals as well. highly evolved from those around us but at the end of the day still a human animal. our physiology isnt really all that dif. from any other animal.. in fact we have pretty much all the same parts. we are just at the top of the food chain at the moment.
sentience is the main dif. between us and animals.
if it came to the point that we came across another sentient race of beings then no i wouldnt be in a hurry to eat them.
mankind are omnivors.. we were made to eat both meat and veg. thats why we have bot flat teeth and incisors. (fangs.. weve got fangs)
anyhoo... nature has won and we are as we are meant to be.

27-May-10, 16:12
After opening this thread I contacted PETA and asked them to comment on some of the accusations made by some posters.
here is reply:

Thank you for contacting PETA UK about the “PETA Kills Animals” campaign.

This campaign is the work of the deceitfully-named Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), a front group for Philip Morris, Outback Steakhouse, KFC, cattle ranchers, and other animal exploiters who kill millions of animals every year, not out of compassion, but out of greed. These companies are worried about the strides that PETA is making that are changing their industries and compelling them to take animal welfare concerns seriously, so they hope to scare people away from caring about animals by spending millions on ads like this. To learn more about CCF—which USA Today opined should rename its Web site FatforProfit.com—please see the following Web sites:

· http://www.ConsumerDeception.com (http://www.consumerdeception.com/)
· http://www.citizensforethics.org/node/19131
· http://www.prospect.org/cs/articles?articleId=8984

Despite its deceptive intent, we’re grateful for the opportunity that this campaign provides to discuss the animal overpopulation crisis. PETA US is on the front lines of the battle to turn back the tide of unwanted dogs and cats, and we need your help.

Please note, that the PETA Foundation (UK) does not have a hands-on department that responds to cruelty cases, and the Centre for Consumer Freedom (CCF) smears have been directed at PETA US.

PETA US caseworkers tirelessly rescue homeless animals from environmental dangers, as well as cruelty and neglect (http://www.helpinganimals.com/about_cap.asp). They crawl through sewers, poke through junkyards, climb trees, and dodge traffic in order to reach animals in danger. During floods and storms, they are out saving lives at all hours.

Some of the animals PETA US take in are lost companions with loving families who miss them; they are always happy to return such animals to their homes. PETA US have also managed to catch and return some highly elusive animals other agencies had given up on. While some of the healthy, adoptable homeless animals PETA US rescue are fostered in homes (often our own) or taken directly to local shelters to await adoption, the reality is that thousands of animals are euthanized every day across America for lack of good homes. To learn more, visit http://www.helpinganimals.com/f-nc.asp.

Most of the animals PETA US receive are broken beings for whom euthanasia is, without a doubt, the most humane option; to learn more, please see the factsheet at http://www.peta.org/feat-overpopulation_crisis.asp. To cite a local instance in the US, PETA US caseworkers were able to gain custody of a dog—locked to a 15 pound chain—who was starved until she was severely emaciated. They had to carry her into the emergency clinic because she could barely walk. On the doctor’s advice, they gave her food and water in a comfortable room and monitored her progress overnight but, by the next morning, she couldn’t keep the food down, so we rushed her again to see a veterinarian. He recommended euthanasia due to the severity of her condition, she was in a lot of pain and faced an agonizing, lingering death otherwise. The most humane option for her was a peaceful and dignified release from her suffering. PETA US pursued criminal charges against those responsible for her condition, leading to their convictions for cruelty to animals. To learn more, please see http://www.helpinganimals.com/f-asiasstory.asp.

On another occasion, when a power-line transformer explosion burned a flock of starlings, PETA US was the only agency to come to the birds’ aid; if PETA US trained technicians had not been ready to end these starlings’ misery, the injured birds would have suffered in agony for days before finally succumbing to a painful death. PETA US also provide free euthanasia services for local residents who have very sick, critically injured, or geriatric companions but can’t afford to take them to a veterinarian. One family, lacking money for vet care and transportation, turned to PETA US for help for their cat, who had barely crawled back home after being mauled by a pack of dogs. They were able to help by giving the cat a peaceful end to her intense pain.

The best way to save the lives of homeless animals is to reduce their numbers through spay/neuter programs, such as PETA US’s mobile SNIP (Spay and Neuter Immediately, Please) clinic, which brings low-cost and free alterations and other procedures to low-income neighbourhoods (http://www.helpinganimals.com/about_snip.asp). Since every animal purchased from a pet store or breeder means that another homeless animal must die, adopting an animal from a shelter or rescue group is the only responsible way to bring a furry friend into your life (http://www.helpinganimals.com/ga_petstore.asp).

To learn more about what PETA US is doing for companion animals and how you can help, please see the following Web sites:

· Save homeless animals: http://www.helpinganimals.com/ga_spay.asp
· More ways to help dogs and cats: http://www.HelpingAnimals.com (http://www.helpinganimals.com/)
· Become an advocate for animals: http://www.peta.org/actioncenter

Thanks again for writing and for your compassion for animals. We look forward to working with you to save animals’ lives!


Luke Walter
Supporter Services Administrator

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
PO Box 36678
London SE1 1YE
Tel +44 (0) 20 7357 9229 ext #221
Fax: +44 (0)20 7407 3523
[email protected]
PETA.org.uk (http://www.peta.org.uk/)

27-May-10, 18:20
In my opinion there is a world of difference between animal rights, animal welfare and animal rights extremists.
I am all for welfare but when rights become extremism it sickens me to the core.
Peta in my opinion are extremists.

27-May-10, 18:36

27-May-10, 18:59
If I had a button, that would remove all the people from the earth, and leave all the other flora and fawna intact. I would sit and contemplate for a very long time :eek:

27-May-10, 23:38
i was about to say the same thing.. predators hunt down and eat prey.. that is part of the animal world. we could also argue that at base levels we are animals as well. highly evolved from those around us but at the end of the day still a human animal. our physiology isnt really all that dif. from any other animal.. in fact we have pretty much all the same parts. we are just at the top of the food chain at the moment.
sentience is the main dif. between us and animals.
if it came to the point that we came across another sentient race of beings then no i wouldnt be in a hurry to eat them.
mankind are omnivors.. we were made to eat both meat and veg. thats why we have bot flat teeth and incisors. (fangs.. weve got fangs)
anyhoo... nature has won and we are as we are meant to be.

Why do people get upset when a shark kills a human being that is invading it's territory then? They're only doing what is natural after all.

Humans seem content to be animals when it suits them, but are "superior species" at other times. I'd like to think we've evolved somewhat from the caveman (and women) we once were.

27-May-10, 23:50
Kodiak - It's a shame you chose not to read the post above yours before trying to make your ill-informed attempt at a comment. By the time you're resorting to cartoons then you've really lost any argument you ever had.

28-May-10, 00:09
Kodiak - It's a shame you chose not to read the post above yours before trying to make your ill-informed attempt at a comment. By the time you're resorting to cartoons then you've really lost any argument you ever had.

Sorry but I am not arguing with anyone, I am only stating facts. The cartoon shows that PETA Kill more animals than they save and that is a fact. As an example in 2009 they rescued 2,366 Animals in the US. Then they Killed 2,301 of them, relocated 31 and re-homed 8. Simples !!

28-May-10, 10:34
Sorry but I am not arguing with anyone, I am only stating facts. The cartoon shows that PETA Kill more animals than they save and that is a fact. As an example in 2009 they rescued 2,366 Animals in the US. Then they Killed 2,301 of them, relocated 31 and re-homed 8. Simples !!

I have shown, in previous threads, that your "facts" are nothing more than stories from newspapers and internet sites from companies that have a vested interest in suppressing the work of Animal Welfare organisations.

As Luskentyre points out that when you resort to cartoons and taking cheap digs at org members you really have lost any valid argument that you try to put forward..

As I have pointed out to you before PETA is primarily not a re-homing organisation.
Because of Hurricane Katrina many people left, or had to leave, their animals behind. By reuniting animals with their owners did PETA not contribute to the humanitarian help that was offered to the victims?

You only have to look at some of the threads on this forum to see how being reunited with a lost pet brings great relief to people.

One thing that puzzles me about your rants about PETA.

Why are you so critical about an organisation that helps animals?, especially one that has launched a campaign to stop some soldiers from wearing hats made of genuine bear skin, just like the ones on your signature.

28-May-10, 11:04
i thnk that the reason that most peope have a prob. with peta is because of their extremist views and hate mongering. people feel very threatend by their behaviours and actions.
there are many many many programs out in the world that help animals to find new homes, to stop cruelty, to help with dressing and cutting down with overpopulation.
in fact doing all the things that peta does with out the bad parts.
in my humble opinion peta is almost like a terrorist faction in their beliefs and objectives. if it was humans and not animals they were working with.. i bet they would have been shut down a long time ago.
to a lot of people they are scary and full of hate and rage.
who in thier right mind would say to thier children.. ohhh lets join peta.. they love animals but hate people..
intolerance is intolerance.. and to me that seems to be petas backbone.

28-May-10, 11:09
Brandy - well put. My sentiments also...

28-May-10, 12:03
If anyone would like to help Animals on an international scale then there is only one organisation and that is the "World Society for the Protection of Animals", WSPA:-




28-May-10, 12:12
I am not in any way critical of any organisation that helps Animals. What I am is critical of is a single organisation that Kills Animals when it is totally unnecessary to do do.

That organisation is PETA who in its Headquaters Norfolk, Virgina has, since 1998, opted to “put down” 23,640 adoptable dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens instead of finding homes for them.

That I am very Critical of and for good reason.

28-May-10, 13:03
i thnk that the reason that most peope have a prob. with peta is because of their extremist views and hate mongering. people feel very threatend by their behaviours and actions.
there are many many many programs out in the world that help animals to find new homes, to stop cruelty, to help with dressing and cutting down with overpopulation.
in fact doing all the things that peta does with out the bad parts.
in my humble opinion peta is almost like a terrorist faction in their beliefs and objectives. if it was humans and not animals they were working with.. i bet they would have been shut down a long time ago.
to a lot of people they are scary and full of hate and rage.
who in thier right mind would say to thier children.. ohhh lets join peta.. they love animals but hate people..
intolerance is intolerance.. and to me that seems to be petas backbone.

PETA, amongst other groups believe in non violent direct action, and I would ask you to quantify your beliefs that PETA is a “terrorist faction in their beliefs and objectives”
What is this myth, and who is behind it, about PETA being a “terrorist” organisation?
They certainly do not appear on the UK Government list of proscribed organisations.
Have PETA ever been arrested with any type of terrorist offence, never mind being convicted
If a company, or an individual for that matter, ever felt that they were the subject of a “terrorist” related attack by PETA, then they have recourse to the law, but as far as I am aware this has never happened, so therefore we can dismiss the notion that PETA is a terrorist organisation.
I do agree with you that there are lots of other organisation around that help with animal abuse but a lot of these are purely lobbying groups and history has shown that sometimes you do need to take another form of action.
Do you think that women would have been given the vote as long ago as they did it was not for the suffragettes. I can remember in my lifetime when women were snot allowed into various “men only” organisations.
Would South Africa have been rid of apartheid if it was not for the likes of Nelson Mandela, a convicted “terrorist” and others?
Lobbying organisations and direct action groups can work together and as long as they are working to a common aim then I believe
Your remark that they are “scary and full of hate and rage” is a purely emotive view and as such can not be commented on by myself

If anyone would like to help Animals on an international scale then there is only one organisation and that is the "World Society for the Protection of Animals", WSPA:-


Whilst WSPA are, in their own field, an excellent organisation I do not think that they, or any other organisation for that matter, can provide the solution for all of the animal abuse that is taking place throughout the world

28-May-10, 14:13
If a company, or an individual for that matter, ever felt that they were the subject of a “terrorist” related attack by PETA, then they have recourse to the law, but as far as I am aware this has never happened, so therefore we can dismiss the notion that PETA is a terrorist organisation.

I wouldn't say terrorism but they do work by intimidation. I have visited friends at Astra Zeneca research lab (they developed the cancer drugs Zoladex, tamoxifen and herceptin so nothing like testing cosmetics) and their presence and actions in protesting outside are quite intimidating. They turned me off to their cause by the whole attitude - I respond much better to having my softer nature appealed to than being yelled at and called a murderer. They didn't even shout options for alternatives they just shouted about murder and cruelty. Hardly helpful :roll:

28-May-10, 14:37
Brandy says "peta is almost like a terrorist faction" not that they are. Ya know Anfield, perhaps you should get your facts right first! (re Anfield reply to Kodak!)

Anfield: "I can remember in my lifetime when women were snot allowed into various “men only” organisations."
Well good for you. I remember in my short lifetime when men are not allowed into various "women only" organisations such as Sherla's wheels or the women institute! Whats your point?

Even the guy from PETA says they have to put animals down "humainly" (what ever that means). PETA comes across to much of the public as an organisation that looks down on people and is critcal of people choices for eating meat or using other animal products (fur/hide etc), it then seems hypocritical of the organisation to then go and put animals down. If PETA was serious about animal welfare, it would not put animals down.

Margaret M.
28-May-10, 19:52
I have a question for those of you who keep squawking about PETA putting animals down -- would you be willing to house and feed them then? How many can you take in? Millions of dogs and cats are turned in to animal shelters each year in the U.S. An estimated 6 - 8 million a year -- sadly, there is no way that all those animals can be kept indefinitely so 3 - 4 million have to be euthanized. PETA is not an animal shelter so what do you expect them to do...... call their local animal shelter and ask them to kill all their animals immediately because they have some to bring in -- doesn't make much sense does it? Just as animal shelters have to euthanize, PETA has no choice but to euthanize those for which they cannot find homes.

28-May-10, 20:02
Penn and Teller did a good episode of BS on PETA, throughout which they wore leather clothes and ate burgers.

28-May-10, 22:50
I have a question for those of you who keep squawking about PETA putting animals down -- would you be willing to house and feed them then? How many can you take in? Millions of dogs and cats are turned in to animal shelters each year in the U.S. An estimated 6 - 8 million a year -- sadly, there is no way that all those animals can be kept indefinitely so 3 - 4 million have to be euthanized.

But PETA only deal with less than 5,000 animals a year. With the resources they command, I'd expect them to ably manage to house that amount of animals (without murdering them in the meantime).

As an example in 2009 they rescued 2,366 Animals in the US. Then they Killed 2,301 of them, relocated 31 and re-homed 8.

Margaret M.
29-May-10, 02:35
But PETA only deal with less than 5,000 animals a year. With the resources they command, I'd expect them to ably manage to house that amount of animals (without murdering them in the meantime).

Euthanization, or murder as you call it, is a sad reality for every animal rescue organization, including the RSPCA.

Many animals turned into PETA are not good candidates for rehoming. They are dumped on PETA’s doorstep because shelters only accept animals they consider adoptable and the owners do not want to go to the expense of having the animals put to sleep. How humane is it to keep an animal with no hope of adoption, caged up for the rest of its life? I have volunteered in no-kill shelters and some of the animals that had been there for several years were very sad sights.

As an example in 2009 they rescued 2,366 Animals in the US. Then they Killed 2,301 of them, relocated 31 and re-homed 8.

I wonder what happened to the other 26? But anyway, let’s be unrealistic and say that all 2,366 were healthy, adoptable pets and all got rehomed -- the shelters in the surrounding area would have to euthanize 2,366 of their animals. There is simply no hope of finding homes for the millions of animals that are given up each year.