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25-May-10, 22:24
In our everyday lives we live by un-written rules. I think I will write an un-written rule book... I wonder what will be in it...

What un-written rules do you abide by?...
Or break even...


25-May-10, 22:36
In our everyday lives we live by un-written rules. I think I will write an un-written rule book... I wonder what will be in it...

What un-written rules do you abide by?...
Or break even...


Surely an Un-written rule book would be blank............as it would have to be un-written. :Razz

25-May-10, 23:09
I've always wanted to un-write a book. But where to start? There are so many :eek:

25-May-10, 23:10
It's much easier to write when it's blank... don't you think...

Just curious as to what un-writeen rules we abide by...


25-May-10, 23:14
Id like to write a written book....oh no i can't its already written:roll:

26-May-10, 00:54
Never knowingly do/say something that would hurt another......

26-May-10, 01:36
Under no circumstances must you enter a conversation with a stranger whilst at the shared urinal.

Kevin Milkins
26-May-10, 01:54
Under no circumstances must you enter a conversation with a stranger whilst at the shared urinal.

The last person that attempted to strike up a conversation with me whilst having a pee, ended up in the urinal, but the tone of the conversation was not the run of the mill, "how you doing mate"?:eek:

My unwritten rule would be, to be more courteous to other road users while driving.

John Little
26-May-10, 09:28
Never break wind in any formal social situations- or if you do, look round with an outraged expression.....

26-May-10, 11:53
In a motorcycle race (any formular) when passed by a faster rider, look down at your bike as if there is something wrong with it :roll:

George Brims
26-May-10, 20:59
A man may hold a lady's handbag while she gets in and out of the car, fiddles with her shopping, etc. While holding said bag he must not walk, especially following said lady. That function is reserved for Prince Phillip. No wonder he's grumpy.

When a man gets the last word in an argument with his wife, that is the first word of a new argument.

26-May-10, 21:41
dont hit on your best friends ex

28-May-10, 23:08
Never leave just a single sheet on a loo roll...


29-May-10, 07:24
It doesn't matter how far in advance you know about a deadline, you always finish the task at the last minute :eek:

29-May-10, 18:36
Smile even if you don't feel happy, for it may make another smile and therefore some good has come of it anyway.

29-May-10, 22:41
Never trust a zealot.

The Drunken Duck
30-May-10, 09:01
If your a man and you buy a new electrical appliance you MUST plug it in and try to set up without consulting the Instruction manual first.

If your a man and are buying an electrical appliance the one with the most lights on it wins. Lights are to be ranked as the flashing kind best of all with steady lights a second choice. LCD displays are a purchase clincher.

I obeyed these yesterday .. ;)