View Full Version : Do you like dogs and are planning to go to Bali, Indonesia for your holidays?

25-May-10, 14:03
Think again.

The following article was taken from a PETA web page

"..Authorities in Bali, Indonesia, are using strychnine poisoning – an inhumane and violent killing method – in a misguided attempt to control rabies and reduce the population of stray dogs on the island.
Strychnine poisoning is among the cruellest killing methods available because it can cause severe pain and discomfort before death. In a best-case scenario, dogs who are poisoned with strychnine start exhibiting symptoms such as nervousness and stiffness within 30 to 60 minutes of ingesting the poison. After that, dogs may become more sensitive to light, touch and sound and will suffer severe seizures – sometimes for several hours – until they die of exhaustion or suffocation. Most dogs who are baited don't ingest enough strychnine to die quickly, or they may absorb it more slowly if they eat the bait on a full stomach, meaning that symptoms last longer and the animals die more slowly.
Strychnine poisoning is condemned by animal protection and public-health organisations around the world, including the UN's World Health Organisation.."
What You Can Do
Experts agree that mass vaccination of the dog population is the only effective way to control rabies outbreaks, and local groups are already working hard to vaccinate as many dogs as possible

Please contact His Excellency Yuri Octavian Thamrin, Indonesian Ambassador to the UK, and urge him to help call off the proposed cruel culling of 90,000 dogs


For more information on PETA's work take a look at:

25-May-10, 14:48
I don't always agree with PETA, but this is one area in which I support them.

Your link doesn't work btw, so here is a better link (http://action.peta.org.uk/ea-campaign/clientcampaign.do?ea.client.id=5&ea.campaign.id=6705&c=pukfpaa). :D

25-May-10, 15:18
I was expecting a menu on this thread.

25-May-10, 15:21
I don't always agree with PETA, but this is one area in which I support them.

Your link doesn't work btw, so here is a better link (http://action.peta.org.uk/ea-campaign/clientcampaign.do?ea.client.id=5&ea.campaign.id=6705&c=pukfpaa). :D

Thanks for that.
Have used your link.


25-May-10, 15:35
Whilst no one will condone the inhumane treatment of any animal and PETA deserve recognition for bringing this to the fore be aware they are an organisation heavily involved with the ALF and other animal rights activists.

These people have no hesitation in using threats, violence to the person, and even fire bombing, where they consider it appropriate. The rule of civilised law does not apply to their theories.

Also be aware that they tend to kill many homeless animals which other genuine animal welfare bodies might consider saveable or rehomeable.

I leave anyone interested to do their own research on the interweb, it is also enlightening to see how much of their considerable income is actually spent on animal welfare, and how much may go to provide legal assistance to any ALF or similiar misfit who is brought to court on criminal charges.

25-May-10, 16:23
Also be aware that they tend to kill many homeless animals which other genuine animal welfare bodies might consider saveable or rehomeable.

What hypocrisy, instead of finding homes for them they "put down" thousands and thousdands of cats and dogs, whislt they spend millions on campaigns, hich make them look squeaky clean. PETA is nothing more than pet eradication against defenceles animals.

25-May-10, 16:27
What hypocrisy, instead of finding homes for them they "put down" thousands and thousdands of cats and dogs, whislt they spend millions on campaigns, hich make them look squeaky clean. PETA is nothing more than pet eradication against defenceles animals.

I agree. I usually steer well clear of PETA, but on occassion, like this one, I will back the cause.

25-May-10, 16:30
Whilst no one will condone the inhumane treatment of any animal and PETA deserve recognition for bringing this to the fore be aware they are an organisation heavily involved with the ALF and other animal rights activists.

This is not the first time that you have made this slur.
Once again, can I ask you for proven facts on how PETA is "heavily involved with the ALF"

Also be aware that they tend to kill many homeless animals which other genuine animal welfare bodies might consider saveable or rehomeable.

In the 10 years to 2008 PETA put to sleep a total 17,000 animals in the USA (none in UK) that equates to 1,700 per year. Compare these figures with the RSPCA who in 2005 (last figures available) , destroyed 250,000 animals in one year alone!
Does that statistic put your PETA figure into perspective?

Which other animal welfare bodies are you referring to?
Your previous posts on animal rights/welfare threads would suggest that these "welfare bodies" would not be the type of place where I would recommend anyone to rehome a dog to

I leave anyone interested to do their own research on the interweb, it is also enlightening to see how much of their considerable income is actually spent on animal welfare, and how much may go to provide legal assistance to any ALF or similiar misfit who is brought to court on criminal charges.

Again Davie, substantiate your accusations with facts.
As you found it "enlightening" perhaps you would like to share with us the source of all this "research" you have done.

25-May-10, 16:39
As you found it "enlightening" perhaps you would like to share with us the source of all this "research" you have done.

Its all on tinterweb if you care to look past PETA's own website - can you manage that on your own.:roll:

btw - From the tone of your post it looks like you are much more interested in the PETA message than the plight of these unfortunate dogs - par for the course from a PETA supporter.

25-May-10, 16:57
Worth consideration ....


25-May-10, 17:22
Worth consideration ....


Which bit?

ActivistCash.com, a project of the Center for Consumer Freedom (http://www.consumerfreedom.com/), provides the public and media with in-depth profiles of anti-consumer activist groups, along with information about the sources of their exorbitant funding.
Despite their innocent-sounding names, many of these organizations are financial Goliaths that use junk science, intimidation tactics, and even threats of violence to push their radical agendas. We've analyzed over 500,000 pages of IRS records to bring you a comprehensive snapshot of where their money comes from, tracking more than $800 million to date.
We also offer valuable information about hundreds of deep-pocketed foundations, activist celebrities, and other key players in the movement to control what you eat and drink. To stay in the loop, bookmark ActivistCash.com today and

25-May-10, 17:23
Thats an informative website Peggy old chaps but I never got even got that far :~(
The listings quoted here might be of interest to some but I can not really be bothered to look any further :

» Click here to learn what motivates PETA.
» Click here to read about PETA's "black eyes."
» Click here to find out where PETA's millions come from.
» Click here for audio and video of PETA officers and other animal rights extremists.
» Click here to discover how PETA is connected to other activist groups.
» Click here to see PETA's cash donation to the terrorist Earth Liberation Front.
» Click here to see $70,000 in PETA grants to a convicted animal-rights arsonist.
» Click here to see the money trail between PETA and its phony "physicians committee" front group.
» Click here to learn about PETA's hypocritical practice of killing thousands of animals.[disgust]

25-May-10, 17:23
Its all on tinterweb if you care to look past PETA's own website - can you manage that on your own.:roll:

Where Davie, where?

I want to know where you get your info from?

25-May-10, 17:32
Where Davie, where?

I want to know where you get your info from?

Try the post just above your last one old chap - I did not use that particular source but there is plenty more if you care to look.

Surely if you can find the PETA website you can find the others without me holding your hand [lol]

I note you are STILL more interested in PETA's propoganda than the plight of these dogs .

25-May-10, 17:33
Thats an informative website Peggy old chaps but I never got even got that far :~(
The listings quoted here might be of interest to some but I can not really be bothered to look any further

You are losing it good style:
Don't you remember posting this:

"..btw, I never open websites quoted by others, apart from the fact that some of them can knacker one's puter they may refer to lunatic theories and frighten the children.."
http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?p=711488#post711488 no 169

25-May-10, 17:46
So I had a change of mind - is that a crime in the fantasy land of the animal rights activist [lol][lol][lol]

25-May-10, 18:01
I note you are STILL more interested in PETA's propoganda than the plight of these dogs .

I acted on Email this morning, have you?

You have still not told us where you get your "research" info from.
The list you provided are not links

So, put up or shut up

25-May-10, 18:36
I acted on Email this morning, have you?

You have still not told us where you get your "research" info from.
The list you provided are not links

So, put up or shut up

To which email are you referring old chap ?. I had one from Celebrity Cruises requesting me to complete a survey, another from Screwfix advertising more junk, and thats it.

Now if you are too bigoted, blind or whatever, to do your own research from the information on the web, you have my deepest sympathy.

I repeat, just in case eyesight problems are afflicting you up there, you are more interested in getting PETA's message across than in the plight of any dog.

I love your demand, "put up or shut up", it shows a surprising command of the English language for a former inhabitant of Merseyside.

Anyway I have 16 dogs to excercise now so must go. Toodle pip [lol]

Before I get my boots on, this email business intruiges me. I doubt if your goodself and Iwould have any emails in common unless you also buy junk from Screwfix.

25-May-10, 20:17
In my opinion if anyone wants to help Dogs or any other animal then contact SSPCA and Donate some Cash, here is their web address and you can donate there if you wish :-


By what I have read about PETA, specially what thay wanted to do after Hurricane Katrina, I would Not support them in any way.

26-May-10, 11:58
Anyway I have 16 dogs to excercise now so must go

Sorry to disappoint you Davie, but Cameron & Co did not introduce a Bill yesterday allowing the resumption of the barbaric spectacle of animals being chased & ripped apart by dogs.

Any chance you may be able to get your money back on your pack?
Maybe swap them for a goldfish and improve the average IQ in your household

26-May-10, 12:44
In my opinion if anyone wants to help Dogs or any other animal then contact SSPCA and Donate some Cash, here is their web address and you can donate there if you wish :-


By what I have read about PETA, specially what thay wanted to do after Hurricane Katrina, I would Not support them in any way.

I also agree wholeheartedly with your endorsement of SSPCA Balmore for Scotland wildlife issues.

For global issues however you need to find an organisation that is located in the affected area, who can then be assisted be by International groups, very similar to the way that Humanitarian relief works for the tragic human victims

Despite the ramblings of a poster above, I am not part of PETA and nowadays I am not even a member, but if people are going to criticise any organisation that helps the environment then it is only fair that any information provided is based on proven facts. I have asked above poster on many occasions for proven confirmation on the libellous slurs he continues to preach about PETA and myself and to date none has been forthcoming.

As you should know, there are two sides to every story, and on the Hurricane Katrina disaster I would refer you to:

26-May-10, 12:45
Floundering are we

And chucked out of an extremist organisation like PETA, now that is baaaad.

26-May-10, 13:28
As you should know, there are two sides to every story, and on the Hurricane Katrina disaster I would refer you to:

I do not need to read your PETA Propaganda, I know what this organisation is like. PETA does not save animals it kills them. Just last year what percentage of animals rescued by PETA do you think do you think they re-homed.

90% No not that many. 50% No not that many either, 15% No not that many either. The percentage of Animals adopted out by PETA in 2009 was.... wait for it.....0.34%.

If the SPCA in America can Adopt out 80%+ of their rescued Animals then why can PETA only manage less than 1%. The other 99% are destroyed by PETA.

So I will support a decent Animal Welfare Charity and that is the SSPCA.

26-May-10, 13:54
I do not need to read your PETA Propaganda, I know what this organisation is like. PETA does not save animals it kills them. Just last year what percentage of animals rescued by PETA do you think do you think they re-homed.

90% No not that many. 50% No not that many either, 15% No not that many either. The percentage of Animals adopted out by PETA in 2009 was.... wait for it.....0.34%.

If the SPCA in America can Adopt out 80%+ of their rescued Animals then why can PETA only manage less than 1%. The other 99% are destroyed by PETA.

So I will support a decent Animal Welfare Charity and that is the SSPCA.

This thread is about dogs being poisoned in Indonesia and not about PETA

If you have an issue with PETA, start a new thread, simple.

26-May-10, 14:03
This thread is about dogs being poisoned in Indonesia and not about PETA

If you have an issue with PETA, start a new thread, simple.

If this was the case then why are you demanding Davie to prove what he is saying about PETA.

It is you that has been going on about PETA and how wonderful they are, no one else. You also put in your first post links to PETA.

Now when I give you some disturbing facts about them you claim this thread is not about PETA. Make up your mind !!!!

26-May-10, 14:11
If this was the case then why are you demanding Davie to prove what he is saying about PETA.

It is you that has been going on about PETA and how wonderful they are, no one else. You also put in your first post links to PETA.

Now when I give you some disturbing facts about them you claim this thread is not about PETA. Make up your mind !!!!

Read my post.

26-May-10, 14:19
So let me get this right Anfield. You post something from PETA's website and also link to their website, yet say this thread is not about PETA :confused

If the information in your first post is true about 90,000 dogs being culled in Indonesia, then surely Kodiak's information that PETA destroy 99% of rescued animals is wholly relevant. It hardly puts them in a position to call for people to protest does it? :roll:

26-May-10, 14:21

Don't shout. Very bad form poisoning dogs. It affects the flavour. (Doesn't taste like chicken at all.... more like squirrel)

26-May-10, 14:32
So let me get this right Anfield. You post something from PETA's website and also link to their website, yet say this thread is not about PETA :confused

The information I posted in OP was to bring to peoples attention the fact that 90,000 dogs are being killed in Indonesia. Unlike some other posters I always try and include full background facts on where I obtained information from, hence PETA reference and weblink

If the information in your first post is true about 90,000 dogs being culled in Indonesia, then surely Kodiak's information that PETA destroy 99% of rescued animals is wholly relevant. It hardly puts them in a position to call for people to protest does it? :roll:

I have now started a separate thread for people to debate PETA so that this thread can be kept clear for the initial purpose of advising people that 90,000 dogs are being poisoned in Indonesia

26-May-10, 15:59
I have now started a separate thread

Should you rephrase that to :

I took a severe thrashing on this attempt to glorify PETA so have taken my ball off to a new pitch [lol][lol][lol]

26-May-10, 16:08
Should you rephrase that to :

I took a severe thrashing on this attempt to glorify PETA so have taken my ball off to a new pitch

I quite agree Davie, he is also getting thrashed there as well, all good fun [lol][lol][lol]

26-May-10, 16:20
Should you rephrase that to :

I took a severe thrashing on this attempt to glorify PETA so have taken my ball off to a new pitch

I quite agree Davie, he is also getting thrashed there as well, all good fun

Dream On guys, To resort to name callling means that you have lost the debate.

If you both care so much for animals then perhaps you would have the decency to stop trying to disrupt this thread, which to remind you is about the fact that:

Authorities in Bali, Indonesia, are using strychnine poisoning – an inhumane and violent killing method – in a misguided attempt to control rabies and reduce the population of stray dogs on the island.

26-May-10, 16:24
Authorities in Bali, Indonesia, are using strychnine poisoning – in an attempt to control rabies and reduce the population of stray dogs on the island.

I am all for it, Rabies is a lethal and extremely painful and lingering death.

26-May-10, 17:02
I am all for it, Rabies is a lethal and extremely painful and lingering death.

Just remind us Golach on how many people in Bali have died from Rabies

And is there a difference between Rabies being "lethal" and it being an "extremely painful and lingering death"

26-May-10, 18:32
Hey Anfield Your Favourite Programme is just about to start on BBC2, Great British Menu, dont want you to miss this now. :D

26-May-10, 19:24
Just remind us Golach on how many people in Bali have died from Rabies

And is there a difference between Rabies being "lethal" and it being an "extremely painful and lingering death"

It is both, and do try to keep up with the flow, maybe I should have stated that death by Rabies is extremely painful and lingering, having had the Anti Rabies inocculations which were extremely painful, I would not like the disease.

There are an estimated 55000 human deaths annually from rabies worldwide, with about 31000 in Asia, and 24000 in Africa.

The Drunken Duck
26-May-10, 19:43
Anfield needs to change the thread title.

I thought it was an indication as to where I could find ugly women with low standards this summer .. :D

26-May-10, 20:21
Just remind us Golach on how many people in Bali have died from Rabies

There are an estimated 55000 human deaths annually from rabies worldwide, with about 31000 in Asia, and 24000 in Africa.

You are telling me to "..try to keep up with the flow.."
Read my post again, repeated above, and provide answer to the question I asked.

26-May-10, 20:38
OK Anfield just for you here is the information that you have been dogging on about :-

Date: Tue 4 May 2010
From: Merritt Clifton
[email protected]

Bali rabies deaths list: update
Chronic shortages of post-exposure vaccines continue. Case reporting
continues to be erratic. Unofficially, the Bali human rabies death toll is
now approaching 80. Officially, about half of the victims died of
"encephalitis" rather than rabies.

The Bali Animal Welfare Association is now vaccinating up to 870 dogs per
day, averaging more than 500, but still, less than half of the dog
population has been vaccinated.

The government is still putting much of their effort into culling dogs, but
the culled total is still less than the dog birth rate, as some recent
newspaper articles have finally acknowledged. A local newspaper, Nusa Bali
(Tue 4 May 2010) states that there are now rabies cases and 43 fatalities.

Denpasar, NusaBali records another fatality, [that of] a 69 year old
resident, caused by rabies virus [from] dogs, cats [or] monkeys. (note that
so far there have been no cases, not even vaguely suspected, involving cats
and monkeys. Many people in Bali are obsessed with the alleged risk that
rabies might infect the temple monkeys, which are a major tourist draw, but
the monkeys don't hang out where dogs do -- if both are in the same
courtyard or alley, they keep to opposite sides and keep a wary eye on each
other. As to cats, they exist in Bali, of course, but are not highly
visible, since dogs tend to monopolize any food sources that they can,
leaving a relatively narrow niche for mousers who go where dogs cannot.)

http://www.promedmail.org/pls/otn/f?p=2400:1001:2529825287952380::NO::F2400_P1001_BA CK_PAGE,F2400_P1001_PUB_MAIL_ID:1000,82577



26-May-10, 20:56
OK Anfield just for you here is the information that you have been dogging on about :-

. Unofficially, the Bali human rabies death toll is
now approaching 80. Officially, about half of the victims died of
"encephalitis" rather than rabies.

The Bali Animal Welfare Association is now vaccinating up to 870 dogs per
day, averaging more than 500, but still, less than half of the dog
population has been vaccinated.

The government is still putting much of their effort into culling dogs, but
the culled total is still less than the dog birth rate, as some recent
newspaper articles have finally acknowledged. A local newspaper, Nusa Bali
(Tue 4 May 2010) states that there are now rabies cases and 43 fatalities.

Denpasar, NusaBali records another fatality, [that of] a 69 year old
resident, caused by rabies virus [from] dogs, cats [or] monkeys. (note that
so far there have been no cases, not even vaguely suspected, involving cats
and monkeys. Many people in Bali are obsessed with the alleged risk that
rabies might infect the temple monkeys, which are a major tourist draw, but
the monkeys don't hang out where dogs do -- if both are in the same
courtyard or alley, they keep to opposite sides and keep a wary eye on each
other. As to cats, they exist in Bali, of course, but are not highly
visible, since dogs tend to monopolize any food sources that they can,
leaving a relatively narrow niche for mousers who go where dogs cannot.)

http://www.promedmail.org/pls/otn/f?p=2400:1001:2529825287952380::NO::F2400_P1001_BA CK_PAGE,F2400_P1001_PUB_MAIL_ID:1000,82577


Could you translate this for me please as it reads like one of Davie's posts.

I think you will also find that the links you provided differ in the number of deaths resulting from rabies, so your clarification on what link you want me to comment on, or better still could provide "official" figures.

26-May-10, 21:03
Could you translate this for me please as it reads like one of Davie's posts.

I think you will also find that the links you provided differ in the number of deaths resulting from rabies, so your clarification on what link you want me to comment on, or better still could provide "official" figures.

Use your brain man and read the articles. The reason why there is different numbers in deaths is beacause they are different dates. So the earlier the date the less deaths. Sheesh you have to explain everything sometimes.

26-May-10, 21:11
Use your brain man and read the articles. The reason why there is different numbers in deaths is beacause they are different dates. So the earlier the date the less deaths. Sheesh you have to explain everything sometimes.

You are quite good when you get going Kodiak.[lol]

This is looking like an Arbroath v Bon accord score.[lol]

Are you perchance a Red Lichtie :lol:

26-May-10, 21:37
You are quite good when you get going Kodiak.[lol]

This is looking like an Arbroath v Bon accord score.[lol]

Are you perchance a Red Lichtie :lol:

I am from Dundee but left there in 1979 to become a Lighthouse Keeper. I used to support East Fife.

26-May-10, 21:41
Use your brain man and read the articles. The reason why there is different numbers in deaths is beacause they are different dates. So the earlier the date the less deaths. Sheesh you have to explain everything sometimes.

Your originaly post TWO links not three, why did you deem it necesary cto amend your post?

http://www.promedmail.org/pls/otn/f?p=2400:1001:2529825287952380::NO::F2400_P1001_BA CK_PAGE,F2400_P1001_PUB_MAIL_ID:1000,82577
Date: Tue 4 May 2010

Chronic shortages of post-exposure vaccines continue. Case reporting
continues to be erratic. Unofficially, the Bali human rabies death toll is
now approaching 80. Officially, about half of the victims died of
"encephalitis" rather than rabies.
We shall call this one link one

(3/15/2010) (a) The latest death of a 45 year-old woman, Ni Ketut Ardini, on Monday, March 8, 2010 has brought to 40 the number of fatalities tied to the continuing scourge of rabies in Bali. The woman from the village of Sanda in Pupuan perished shortly after her admission to the Tabanan
Hospital in West Bali.
(Link 2)

(a) (Davie, this is 15th March 2010)

Link 2 states that at 15th March 2010 there had been 40 fatalities
Link 1 (4th May 2010) however states there had been 80 and provides a list and case numbers which I set out below:

46 / 69 / 3 May 2010 / Abang, Karangasem
45 / 40 / 1 May 2010 / Kapal, Mengwi
44 / 40 / 30 Apr 2010 / Bebandum, Karangasem
43 / 30 / 30 Apr 2010 / Tembuku, Bangli
42 / 43 / 8 Apr 2010 / Karengasem (death officially attributed to epilepsy)
41 / 70 / 2 Apr 2010 / Tabanan
40 / 27 / 18 Mar 2010 / ?

Now you may notice that between the dates of 15th March & 4th May there are 7 cases listed.

So on the 15th March there were 40, add on another 7 and that makes 47 (still with us Davie)

So where are the other 33 that link one (80 fatalities) refers to?

The saying "Lies, damned lies and statistics" spring to mind.

26-May-10, 21:47
Shhesh !!! yet again, I refuse to take you by the hand and explain every little detail to you. If you can not even read them correctly, it is no wonder that you believe all the tripe that PETA put out.

Read and all will be revealed.

26-May-10, 22:10
Shhesh !!! yet again, I refuse to take you by the hand and explain every little detail to you. If you can not even read them correctly, it is no wonder that you believe all the tripe that PETA put out.

Read and all will be revealed.

So after failing to provide, even after doctoring posts genuine "official" statistics Kodiak has now thrown towel in and resorted to the usual bully boy tactics of personal abuse.

Let us not forget the original post.
Over 90,000 dogs will be poisoned to death.
It beats me how anyone can defend that.

Liverpool 37-0 East Fife (?)

26-May-10, 22:26
Let us not forget the original post.
Over 90,000 dogs will be poisoned to death.

Where do you get this figure anfield? Is this from reliable sources? These dogs are not pedigree pampered poodles, but roaming packs of virtually wild scavenging animals, if this saves lives so be it. There are over 3.5 million human beings on Bali, I think that is a good enough reason for me.
Have you been to Indonesea anfield? I have, but not Bali I must admit.