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18-May-10, 18:53

just wanted peoples views on alternative healing methods, as some of you are no doubt aware I am a crystal therapist and am also studying colour and vibrational medicine.....

I work from the truth that everything in the entire universe is made up of energy. Human bodies are made up of energy and it is this energy that crystal therapists "tune up" using crystals. A colour therapist will use the different colours in the rainbow to bring the body's energy back into balance. We all have favourite or detested colours. Colour has a HUGE impact in our daily lives, from the bright sunshine yellows of the daffodils which will usually elicit feelings of joy to the dull greys of prisons, every colour provokes some reaction in people.

Am interested in people's views of crystals and colour as we use crystals in everyday life without thinking about. So if we use crystals because of their cell structure (ie quartz is 1 and replicates itself by 1 constantly) to power watches, computers etc, why would we not use this vibration to help keep ourselves healthy?

Technology is driving the 21st century but is also taking its toll on the human body. How do people deal with the stresses of modern living and what do they do to keep themselves healthy?

Very interesting the article in the paper the other day in which medical students were voting on whether homeopathic medicine should be allowed stating it to be witchcraft! Shouldnt people be given a choice as to how to keep themselves healthy as we are all completely different, so one shoe as it were would not fit all ........

views please :)


18-May-10, 19:14
What kinda things can you "heal"? Because if you can cure my boyfriends back i would send you on a plane straight to Nasa to be investigated! :)

18-May-10, 19:17
My view is that if it works for you all well and good. Personally I would not place ANY trust or confidence in the majority of "alternative healing methods".

18-May-10, 19:20
Hey, I'd be quite interested too ?....

Please P/M with more info - Thanks!!!:)

George Brims
18-May-10, 19:33
How do people deal with the stresses of modern living...

...and what do they do to keep themselves healthy?
Limit drink

18-May-10, 19:46

just wanted peoples views on alternative healing methods, as some of you are no doubt aware I am a crystal therapist and am also studying colour and vibrational medicine.....

I work from the truth that everything in the entire universe is made up of energy. Human bodies are made up of energy and it is this energy that crystal therapists "tune up" using crystals. A colour therapist will use the different colours in the rainbow to bring the body's energy back into balance. We all have favourite or detested colours. Colour has a HUGE impact in our daily lives, from the bright sunshine yellows of the daffodils which will usually elicit feelings of joy to the dull greys of prisons, every colour provokes some reaction in people.

Am interested in people's views of crystals and colour as we use crystals in everyday life without thinking about. So if we use crystals because of their cell structure (ie quartz is 1 and replicates itself by 1 constantly) to power watches, computers etc, why would we not use this vibration to help keep ourselves healthy?

Technology is driving the 21st century but is also taking its toll on the human body. How do people deal with the stresses of modern living and what do they do to keep themselves healthy?

Very interesting the article in the paper the other day in which medical students were voting on whether homeopathic medicine should be allowed stating it to be witchcraft! Shouldnt people be given a choice as to how to keep themselves healthy as we are all completely different, so one shoe as it were would not fit all ........

views please :)


Some years ago, I had a business friendship with a woman from the Black isle, and she was into things like crystal healing powers etc,
I purchased from her, a set of crystals for each room in my house, I said you pick them which she duly did,
my guests then commented on these stones and appeared to know a great deal more about "their powers" than I,
I cannot in all honesty say that I felt any different as I entered each room.
Many of my guests were into alternative healing / therapy,
and most practised some kind or another, be it reiki, or herbal, or whatever...
but again, I cannot in all honesty say that "these things truly work", my other half on the other hand swears that reiki works, and my father says it works and my sister is a master at it as are many of my friends.

I think myself, that it has all to do with the individuals "state of mind", and more particularly if they are open to something new / alternative medicines etc.
As for stress, well most of live with stress of one kind or another,
and most of us deal with stress on automaton, without even knowing it.
For others, well stress is something that takes its toll over time and then we are back to that individuals state of mind, and whether or not they are open to suggestion.
Just my thoughts.

18-May-10, 20:01
I hope you never get Appendicitis :eek:

18-May-10, 20:14
Some years ago, I had a business friendship with a woman from the Black isle, and she was into things like crystal healing powers etc,
I purchased from her, a set of crystals for each room in my house, I said you pick them which she duly did,
my guests then commented on these stones and appeared to know a great deal more about "their powers" than I,
I cannot in all honesty say that I felt any different as I entered each room.
Many of my guests were into alternative healing / therapy,
and most practised some kind or another, be it reiki, or herbal, or whatever...
but again, I cannot in all honesty say that "these things truly work", my other half on the other hand swears that reiki works, and my father says it works and my sister is a master at it as are many of my friends.

I think myself, that it has all to do with the individuals "state of mind", and more particularly if they are open to something new / alternative medicines etc.
As for stress, well most of live with stress of one kind or another,
and most of us deal with stress on automaton, without even knowing it.
For others, well stress is something that takes its toll over time and then we are back to that individuals state of mind, and whether or not they are open to suggestion.
Just my thoughts.

Perhaps its because she picked them, I would have asked you to choose the crystals you wanted because ONLY YOU can know the answer to that.

There are no "powers", no "magic" to crystal healing. The crystal work by changing the vibrational field that all human beings have. Different crystals give out different vibrations and are chosen on this basis. This brings the body into harmony and the body then works on healing itself.

The healer does not heal the client, the client heals themselves.

Stress is a modern day killer. I work from the knowledge that all dis-ease starts of on the emotional and mental bodies and then works its way through to the physical body. ALL physical ailments are connected to feelings and emotions that have been felt at some point in the persons life.Its how we deal with these emotions that reflects in our health, months, years, decades later....

There are epidemics of lots of diseases in our society these days. In a world where the majority of people disconnected from those around them. Unfortunately most people do not know how they feel when they are not stressed or out of balance as they are so used to feeling the way they do.

There is no power of belief in crystal working, they work by a scientific method of emitting a vibration. They are used in technology for precisely that reason. Quartz used in my original post is a good example.

18-May-10, 20:38
All this alternative medicine rubbish is exactly that.

18-May-10, 21:41
I find vodka is a great alternative:lol:.......... Have to agree with old chemist

18-May-10, 22:10
Everything has its own vibrational energy..we are all made up of atoms or whatever that are vibrating. Nothing is actually "solid" just more densely packed.

I dont like all the "fluffies" we get in alternative stuff, but I do believe that as everthing is vibrational, that colours absorb light at different frequencies and stones do the same. After all one of the theories on ghosts is that the energies of the event are recorded in stone (ok thats going off tangent a bit)

While I probably wouldnt have crystal therapy I know a few people who do and who are therapists, and dont see anything wrong in it. And stating homeopathy to be witchcraft...well that shows how much the medical students know about witchcraft! (ignorance seems to be bliss)

Then again as a Tarot reader I supposed I'm biased and get all the usual comments too.

Many people are going to alternative practitioners so their beliefs should be respected. After all a lot of it is a version of "self" therapy - the mind healing the body, and it does work...even if people think it is the placebo effect :D

18-May-10, 22:17
What if a person has a condition that is not meant to be healed and that the person is that way with his/her condition for a very good reason which may or may not be very clear to the "healer" who seems to want to make the person better. Is it an ego thing or is it a money thing or is it because they genuinely want to help. :confused I have had crystal healing it worked, I felt it and the difference afterwards but it only lasted for two weeks ........Ive had Reiki I felt the energy and felt better afterwards but again it was short lived, this has lead me to believe that my condition is for a reason and a very good one at that, that is who I am, somethings just are and best left as they are.....makes me wonder just who is behind all the alternative healing and why :roll:........if the healer/therapist has a gift and it was given freely should he not also give it freely.........cant see the difference myself between the drug company making money or the crystal healer/therapist making money, or the tutor teaching the therapist making money.....same thing ..isnt it...or is it! :confused

18-May-10, 22:22
Its all a conspiracy [disgust]

18-May-10, 22:52
The more they tell us we are stressed, the more they tell us we live in a stressful world the more we will believe it and get stressed {BTW its a beautiful world} and run to the doctor or the crystal therapist etc. Stop listening to these people and listen to yourselves. Why dont people use their own intuition anymore and stop listening to the know it alls stop giving your power to them ..give us a break will you and let us do what we feel ......ie go for a walk outside in a park or forest or on a beach where theres an abundance of negative ions it will soon de-stress you and re-charge your batteries.....the power of the mind! ;)

18-May-10, 23:20

just wanted peoples views on alternative healing methods, as some of you are no doubt aware I am a crystal therapist and am also studying colour and vibrational medicine.....

I work from the truth that everything in the entire universe is made up of energy. Human bodies are made up of energy and it is this energy that crystal therapists "tune up" using crystals. A colour therapist will use the different colours in the rainbow to bring the body's energy back into balance. We all have favourite or detested colours. Colour has a HUGE impact in our daily lives, from the bright sunshine yellows of the daffodils which will usually elicit feelings of joy to the dull greys of prisons, every colour provokes some reaction in people.

Am interested in people's views of crystals and colour as we use crystals in everyday life without thinking about. So if we use crystals because of their cell structure (ie quartz is 1 and replicates itself by 1 constantly) to power watches, computers etc, why would we not use this vibration to help keep ourselves healthy?

Technology is driving the 21st century but is also taking its toll on the human body. How do people deal with the stresses of modern living and what do they do to keep themselves healthy?

Very interesting the article in the paper the other day in which medical students were voting on whether homeopathic medicine should be allowed stating it to be witchcraft! Shouldnt people be given a choice as to how to keep themselves healthy as we are all completely different, so one shoe as it were would not fit all ........

views please :)


First of all, I agree colours have a huge impact on a person's mood.
Some questions I would like to ask:

What is "vibrational medicine" and how does it work?

You say quartz replicates itself by 1 constantly? 1 what? 1 nano banana? 1 other quartz crystal? 1 cm? Either way if this statement, no matter what measurements, were true we would soon be engulfed by quartz and wouldn't be able to breathe.
Yes quartz can power watches. Batteries can too. Should we all start having battery therapy?
Technology is driving modern living but where is the evidence it takes it's toll on us? As far as I can see any negative effects such as stress, overwork etc. are all from the people using the technology, not the technology itself.

As for homoeopathy, there is very little evidence it works beyond a placebo effect. As for this poll where it equals it to witchcraft I would like to see the source. Either way I am sure most medical students are aware of the differences between witchraft, medicine and homoeopathy. Personally I don't think something with such little proven benefit should be funded on the nhs.

People are given a choice. If they want fairies, and crystals and reiki (positive energy being sent by no obvious means) to help them then they can pay the charlatans for it. Don't waste tax payers money on it.

I would love to "tune up" my energy levels but would like to do this by a proven means with proven benefits showing how it works. E.g exercise, healthy eating, fresh air, positive thinking. All can do this.

I have no idea why this kind of nonsense is so prevalent in this county.

18-May-10, 23:25
I have no idea why this kind of nonsense is so prevalent in this county.

Long dark winter nights and the Internet :Razz

19-May-10, 01:18
There are no "powers", no "magic" to crystal healing. The crystal work by changing the vibrational field that all human beings have. Different crystals give out different vibrations and are chosen on this basis..


There is no power of belief in crystal working, they work by a scientific method of emitting a vibration. They are used in technology for precisely that reason. Quartz used in my original post is a good example.

I didn't notice this part before, and sorry for my chopping off parts of the post, but I would like to see some evidence for these statements in particular. Scientific, proven evidence like you claim.

19-May-10, 01:31
Long dark winter nights and the Internet :Razz

A sad light is what you need during the winter months, it lifts your mood and makes you feel good.

19-May-10, 07:23
What if a person has a condition that is not meant to be healed and that the person is that way with his/her condition for a very good reason which may or may not be very clear to the "healer" who seems to want to make the person better.

Then go to a doctor and get some medicine :cool:

19-May-10, 10:15
Perhaps its because she picked them, I would have asked you to choose the crystals you wanted because ONLY YOU can know the answer to that.

There are no "powers", no "magic" to crystal healing. The crystal work by changing the vibrational field that all human beings have. Different crystals give out different vibrations and are chosen on this basis. This brings the body into harmony and the body then works on healing itself.

The healer does not heal the client, the client heals themselves.

Stress is a modern day killer. I work from the knowledge that all dis-ease starts of on the emotional and mental bodies and then works its way through to the physical body. ALL physical ailments are connected to feelings and emotions that have been felt at some point in the persons life.Its how we deal with these emotions that reflects in our health, months, years, decades later....

There are epidemics of lots of diseases in our society these days. In a world where the majority of people disconnected from those around them. Unfortunately most people do not know how they feel when they are not stressed or out of balance as they are so used to feeling the way they do.

There is no power of belief in crystal working, they work by a scientific method of emitting a vibration. They are used in technology for precisely that reason. Quartz used in my original post is a good example.

I would agree with you on the above in bold.
however, it does all come back to the "state of mind", and whether an individual has enough confidence to believe that crystals can help them,
I am a sceptic on that one.
Some years ago (a lot of years ago, being honest) I became involved in a new church, an evangelical / gospel church called Oasis, now known as;
in one of our meetings, I met Billy Graham and his family and that night, I am unsure of what actually happened but my life was changed forever,
and for the better.
Could it be "the power of suggestion" that helps people, more than the prayers / teachings / or crystals?
I often say, I am open to suggestions, however, more often than not, I find I am not.
However, I do believe that had I not gone into that church that night, I would not be here today.

19-May-10, 11:09
I have no idea why this kind of nonsense is so prevalent in this county.

It would appear to be mainly the incomers thats bringing it in trying to prepare the locals for 2012 or something like that :cool: More than likely its the incomers they attract ...like attracts like and all that stuff. But the locals arent stupid they can spot a con artist a mile away. The bit I dont get is they move up here to get away from the stress of the cities and bring their "goodies" with them .....we dont need it we have wide open skies with beautiful tranquil scenery, with little or no pollution, no traffic jams or people joistling you in queues etc thats why they came here isnt it or is it :confused......but the power of thought is a mighty powerful tool and thats what they use to try and convince us we are stressed or have some sort of ailment and are in need of their "help". No we dont we have doctors where we can go and meet other people we know so we can share a trouble or a problem thats what makes us feel human and alive........gving your power away to someone you dont know who works with stones and crystals is just asking for trouble as the ordinary layman has no idea just who or what sort of energy these people are working with.....The Real Thing is found everywhere and all around no need for all these self professed healers/therapists who leave you feeling bamboozled with all their bizarre thoughts ........stay safe and keep away from them empower yourself and dont listen to their psycho babble as that is all it is....all it does is confuses you more than anything else and that is probably the point of their mission...stick with what and who you know I say especially the genuine ones who sincerely want to help and are doing it for all the right reasons and not these people who seem to be searching for some stargate thats in another dimension! Load of rubbish and nonsense theyve been watching too many films! :cool:

19-May-10, 11:26
It would appear to be mainly the incomers thats bringing it in trying to prepare the locals for 2012 or something like that :cool: More than likely its the incomers they attract ...like attracts like and all that stuff. But the locals arent stupid they can spot a con artist a mile away. The bit I dont get is they move up here to get away from the stress of the cities and bring their "goodies" with them .....we dont need it we have wide open skies with beautiful tranquil scenery, with little or no pollution, no traffic jams or people joistling you in queues etc thats why they came here isnt it or is it :confused......but the power of thought is a mighty powerful tool and thats what they use to try and convince us we are stressed or have some sort of ailment and are in need of their "help". No we dont we have doctors where we can go and meet other people we know so we can share a trouble or a problem thats what makes us feel human and alive........gving your power away to someone you dont know who works with stones and crystals is just asking for trouble as the ordinary layman has no idea just who or what sort of energy these people are working with.....The Real Thing is found everywhere and all around no need for all these self professed healers/therapists who leave you feeling bamboozled with all their bizarre thoughts ........stay safe and keep away from them empower yourself and dont listen to their psycho babble as that is all it is....all it does is confuses you more than anything else and that is probably the point of their mission...stick with what and who you know I say especially the genuine ones who sincerely want to help and are doing it for all the right reasons and not these people who seem to be searching for some stargate thats in another dimension! Load of rubbish and nonsense theyve been watching too many films! :cool:

You made me smile.

19-May-10, 12:07
What if a person has a condition that is not meant to be healed and that the person is that way with his/her condition for a very good reason which may or may not be very clear to the "healer" who seems to want to make the person better. Is it an ego thing or is it a money thing or is it because they genuinely want to help. :confused I have had crystal healing it worked, I felt it and the difference afterwards but it only lasted for two weeks ........Ive had Reiki I felt the energy and felt better afterwards but again it was short lived, this has lead me to believe that my condition is for a reason and a very good one at that, that is who I am, somethings just are and best left as they are.....makes me wonder just who is behind all the alternative healing and why :roll:........if the healer/therapist has a gift and it was given freely should he not also give it freely.........cant see the difference myself between the drug company making money or the crystal healer/therapist making money, or the tutor teaching the therapist making money.....same thing ..isnt it...or is it! :confused

hi there

I can understand your concerns and appreciate how you could come to have this point of view. When I work with a client I explain to them that the condition they are suffering from is rooted from an emotional/mental level and as this is worked through the physical symptoms will start alleviating themselves. As a healer I dont heal people, I give people the tools to heal themselves. That is something that ALL of us can do. The crystals will work on bringing the person back into balance. THis results in emotional changes as well as physical changes. As the person works through this it further changes etc etc. It is up to the person taking the journey of healing how fast these changes occur and how permanent they will become. A lot of illness is deep rooted in the psyche where a person for example with a strong belief pattern of low self esteem will have certain physical symptoms. These symptoms will not magically disappear until the root cause ie the false underlying belief pattern is addressed and let go of .

The healing sessions as you have described worked for you for a few weeks. So in that time you started a process of healing. For whatever reason you felt that you did not need any further healing and your symptoms returned. The underlying belief system that you have has not been changed or altered significantly for your physical symptoms to have been altered.

Drugs work by treating the symptoms, the symptoms are the body's way of telling us something is wrong. Our emotions are strongly connected to our physical body, we have to treat the WHOLE person for a change to happen and to move to wholeness and wellbeing. One session will not cure someone.

As for cost yes I agree that healing should not be seen as a route to make money. However there is an exchange of energy taking place and the time and training it takes to become a healer. At the end of the day the healer has bills to pay etc etc. BUT a healer whos sole purpose is to heal those around them will take this into account. I have offered the first treatment free for a reason. To take the barrier to this treatment for some people away. Unfortunately as soon as I do that people cry oh its free its not worth anything so its catch 22.

You are of course completely correct in stating that people have health conditions for a reason. Its a lesson, its a lesson in how they are living and only they have the key to change that. I would reiterate again that crystal therapy is not a magic cure. Its a tool that can help people heal themselves. I offer to help them along this journey. That journey is done at the clients OWN pace and time as ONLY the client can know how well they feel and what they want to do next. A healing journey is not one that is without its downs as for healing to occur we often have to face emotions that we buried in the first place causing the dis-ease.....

if you want any further info please feel free to PM me or contact me


19-May-10, 12:21
An article I read in New Scientist suggested that most forms of alternative healing cures relied more on the the placebo effect of healing rather than an actual cure.

Herbal remedies, for some reason, were not included in this report and I can, through experience, vouch that these do work

19-May-10, 12:24
we all are individuals, we are all UNIQUE, therefore something that works for one person may have little or no effect on the next person. A lot of people have correctly (and this is just my humble opinion) stated that a walk in nature, positive thinking etc are the way forward. Unfortunately the level of information that is bombarding its way into our senses everyday can skew that message and the result is people have unexplained symptoms, no time to work out why and the cycle continues.

In response to the question about quartz and 1:1 , that is the cellular structure of the crystal. As it grows it replicates itself by 1 cell at a time and never deviates from this.

We as humans are suffering from technology. The effect of lo vibration and vibrational fields we are swamping ourselves with daily DO have an effect on the human body. Wireless broadband is strong enough to be picked up by your neighbour at the end of the street, think how powerful that signal is and how much your body absorbs everyday in your OWN house. Little bits of electromagnetic energy would probably do very little on their own but all the little bits add up to a lot. Go into the kitchen , turn on the microwave and blast away any nutrients that were in the food, whilst bathing yourself in the waves that come off the microwave. We are moving to a fast food, fast living society but probably have more health problems than the generations before us.

Again I am not here to convince anyone about anything. If you feel that crystal therapy or REIKI or anything deemed "alternative" is not for you then thats completely fine. I would urge you though to look at your lifestyle, think about the food you fuel your body with. Actively go for a walk and take in the beauty of the environment you live in. Live CONSCIOUSLY.

Each person alive on this planet has the tools within themselves to live a healthy balanced life. Society unfortunately would have you believe differently. I appreciate that people will think that "new age"= hippy and a waste of money. There ARE people jumping on the bandwagon and making a lot of money out of people. There is information out there that seems to contradict itself. The path to healing is one that is done from the inside out. If the crystal healing doesnt sit with you then that is fine. But I would ask that you let it sit with you and make your own decisions about it. You will not come to the decision by reading books about it, researching stuff on the internet or even by reading what I say, you may have to experience it to know your own truth.

That really is what my post is in essence about YOUR OWN TRUTH. In a world where we are sold EVERYTHING and TOLD things we just need to step back and ask ourselves if what we are being told rings true to us as human beings.


19-May-10, 14:49
This is exactly what I mean they bamboozle you with "psycho babble" to disempower you :eek: Im off to build myself a farrady cage...:Razz

19-May-10, 15:23
Help! Confused.

"Drugs work by treating the symptoms" - that is not an accurate statement - its true for some eg lemsip. But if you are suggesting that anti-biotics just treats the symptoms rather than killing bacteria then you are sadly mistaken.

I am even more confused about the 1:1 quartz cellular structure thing and replication. That really makes no sense. you say that 1:1 is the cellular structure of the crystal. what do these numbers represent? are they atoms if so which ones, are they crystal units or is it something else? You then go on to say that 'As it grows it replicates itself by 1 cell at a time and never deviates from this'. It that part of this 1:1 thing? Either this 1:1 ratio represents the structre of the crystal or it represent how quartz grows,surely it can't be both.

19-May-10, 18:46
Help! Confused.

"Drugs work by treating the symptoms" - that is not an accurate statement - its true for some eg lemsip. But if you are suggesting that anti-biotics just treats the symptoms rather than killing bacteria then you are sadly mistaken.

I am even more confused about the 1:1 quartz cellular structure thing and replication. That really makes no sense. you say that 1:1 is the cellular structure of the crystal. what do these numbers represent? are they atoms if so which ones, are they crystal units or is it something else? You then go on to say that 'As it grows it replicates itself by 1 cell at a time and never deviates from this'. It that part of this 1:1 thing? Either this 1:1 ratio represents the structre of the crystal or it represent how quartz grows,surely it can't be both.

Its Photon Interaction Structure Hypothesis;)

19-May-10, 19:06
Help! Confused.

"Drugs work by treating the symptoms" - that is not an accurate statement - its true for some eg lemsip. But if you are suggesting that anti-biotics just treats the symptoms rather than killing bacteria then you are sadly mistaken.

I am even more confused about the 1:1 quartz cellular structure thing and replication. That really makes no sense. you say that 1:1 is the cellular structure of the crystal. what do these numbers represent? are they atoms if so which ones, are they crystal units or is it something else? You then go on to say that 'As it grows it replicates itself by 1 cell at a time and never deviates from this'. It that part of this 1:1 thing? Either this 1:1 ratio represents the structre of the crystal or it represent how quartz grows,surely it can't be both.

re quartz and its structure http://www.quartzpage.de/gen_struct.html#
good luck with reading it, I am NOT a physicist nor a chemist so its detailed stuff but explains the structure of the crystal. The answer to your question is yes it CAN be both.

With regard to antibiotics yes they will clear the infection but the infection is just one symptom of the underlying dis-ease. I am not saying drugs dont work, what I am trying to say is that there is sometimes an alternative to drugs, to stay well, to address our health on a daily basis and take steps to stop illness before it starts.

Antibiotics may well be "cure" at the moment, they are also used in high levels in cattle/sheep/pigs, residue is then passed down the food chain. This sets up a resistance in the human body. Scientists are already finding that they have to use stronger and stronger antibiotics to treat infections. What happens when they dont work anymore ? What about people who have strong reactions to drugs that are deemed safe that create more problems that they cure ? the questions are endless........


19-May-10, 20:06
Are you telling us that Crystal healing kills Bacteria?

19-May-10, 20:54
nope .......


20-May-10, 00:40
Its Photon Interaction Structure Hypothesis;)No it's much more solid than that. Structural hypotheses involve total energy. :)