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09-May-10, 14:23
I take it that the extra aircraft activity is because of diversionary routes put in place because of the ash cloud someone out there is bound to know.

Why google when you can org I say!

09-May-10, 15:21
Agreed it does look busy for a Sunday out there.


Looks like the flights are taking a more Northerly Great circle route than normal - even the ones to the US east Coast.

So it can only be to avoid the ash cloud.

09-May-10, 16:31
We may be in for a long haul with this one. The last time the volcano erupted, it lasted for two years. Perhaps staying at home for this year's holidays might be the best option.

09-May-10, 20:39
It looks as if it is the same plane going back and fore. Could it possibly be the plane checking on the amount of volcanic ash in the atmosphere? This is the method they have been using to check if it is safe for aircraft to fly in that particular area.

09-May-10, 21:08
I think charlie is on the money. A change of routing for the trans Atlantic flights, a lot would be heading West from further South normally.

These charts here show you what's going on:

This is the piccy version of the one that is affecting high level aerybusses:
The concentration of all this mush (the big black bit) is normally where they would all cross the Atlantic.

This whole episode has redefined air travel for the majority of the western world, not just Europe. I does make for some interesting times ahead.

10-May-10, 10:36
where we live their has been a big jump in the amount of con trails this last while the kids love watching them.