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View Full Version : Thurso Banger Derby

03-Jun-06, 23:09
Can anybody tell me why there is no banger derby in Thurso this year? It was a popular attraction in the previous years, and by all accounts boosted the town improvements kitty every year.

04-Jun-06, 00:29
Well the bottom line answer is that the person who ran it stood down last year, as happens within voluntary organisations, and there was no clear instructions on how the new members could do it so its had to be set aside for a year until we actually understand the nitty gritty of the Health & Safety aspects and the Insurance implications

So apologies to all those who enjoyed it .

It would have been great to do it again and if anyone wants to contact us that could advise us or indeed run it for us they would be very welcome - - there is no reason why it could not happen outwith the gala week and we can give as much help as you need

It should be stressed that Thurso Town Improvements is not just a gala week committee and as such is trying to break away from this perception by running other events throughout the year, although Gala Week is the culmination of our years activities we also have things like bingo weekly, coming up in June we have a Picture Show, July a Strongman Competition and funday and an additional as yet unconfirmed local event after the gala week in August which we think will delight you all!!!

We dont need to base our activities around one week in August and be beholden to the weather and locals holidays etc
Thurso Town Improvements should and is this year working very hard to put regular events on throughout the year to fundraise and help develop our community and community spirit.

Although i do understand this has been the main focus previously and it is a very understandable perception.

email TownImprovements

04-Jun-06, 00:48
just had a look at the site and it's good to see so many things organised for throughout the year! well done!!!!!