View Full Version : Invitation to AGM

03-Jun-06, 01:56
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you all to Wick Scout Group's AGM on Monday the 5th June at 6:30pm in Wick Scout Hall.

The evening will include a Beetle Drive (cards: £1.50) and Raffle, followed by a short meeting.

The group is still desperately short of Adult support (especially the scouts) and this will be an opportunity for anyone interested in helping (be that an hour a month, teaching cubs to map read/first aid skills or becoming a leader. We would also like to speak to anyone who feels they have any relevant skills) to meet our training liaison and the leadership team.

We would also like to actively recruit adults to form our Group Executive and a friends of the group team.

Please do not hesitate to email me about any of the above, at [email protected]

Thank You

Callum Macleod

[[If anyone has any Raffle Prizes they would like to donate please contact me, 07845237672 on Monday.]]