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View Full Version : Worried about bunny

12-Apr-10, 21:35
One of my buns always has a dirty bum. I have stuck to a very basic diet but nothing is working. I have to clean him all the time. The only thing I can think of is that he is very small and maybe can't reach??? Anyone know what could be causing this?? :(

12-Apr-10, 21:51
The main cause is overweight and cannot clean themselves properly. Extra hay in the diet and no treats. Go easy on the veg and give 1 type at a time so you know if anything in particular is causing the problem.

12-Apr-10, 21:58
You may also want to get some rearguard or similar from the vets as flystrike is a real hazard to a rabbit with a messy back end.

12-Apr-10, 21:59
I've stopped all veg and treats since last week. I weighed him and he's about 8oz overweight I think for a mini lop he is 1.6kg.

12-Apr-10, 22:00
It's flystrike that freaks me out. He hasn't been out in the run yet because I'm scared he will get it. Will I have to take him to vet for rearguard?

12-Apr-10, 22:01
Ideal adult weight is 1.5 kilo maximum is 1.6 kilo.
He should be getting a maximum of 2 oz of food a day and unlimited hay.
You may be able to get it from places that stock horse stuff. He could get flystrike in the house or hutch.

12-Apr-10, 22:07
Thanks Cat, your a star. I'll get him to vet asap. God I never thought about in the house!

12-Apr-10, 22:10
Best to get it checked and even though you feel mean when you see the measly amount of food be sure that is all he needs just masses of hay also, he will not starve he will be forced to eat the hay that is exceptionally good for him.

12-Apr-10, 22:16
ok thanks. I must admit it probably is my fault for spoiling him. I will post how he gets on.

12-Apr-10, 22:18
Good Luck :D I am sure he will be fine.

14-Apr-10, 00:35
Does he eat pellets or mix? Pellets are often better for buns with runny bums :) I agree, lots of hay as well!

14-Apr-10, 18:59
Does he eat pellets or mix? Pellets are often better for buns with runny bums :) I agree, lots of hay as well!

Yes he is on pellets. For last 2 days he has been getting 2oz and hay only but no change yet, hopefully will soon. I've also treated him with rearguard.

14-Apr-10, 19:04
Try him with a little probiotic to get the gut flora balanced again. I use a little actimel type stuff syringed into their mouth.

14-Apr-10, 19:54
Good idea, I've got some so I'll try a wee drop and see...:)

18-Apr-10, 23:50
Well it's been nearly 4 days and a marked improvement! Gordon not only smells better but he has lost 23g in weight lol:)

19-Apr-10, 08:06
Glad to hear that he is better. :)

19-Apr-10, 18:52
Well done Gordon :)

21-Apr-10, 22:51
Hi guys, Gordon says thanks for all the good wishes:eyes

Weighed again but only 8g loss this time:confused

22-Apr-10, 12:21
Slowly but surely is better than rapid loss ;) Keep up the good work :D

24-Apr-10, 10:03
Well I'm seeing a marked improvement! Last night I gave his rear end a good brush and clipped some bits of long hair that were getting in the way. He is smelling a lot better.
A lesson to anyone who spoils their bunny. I totally blame myself for giving him too many titbits. Glad he is a lot better.:)