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29-Mar-10, 13:12
ok... you know how we think about our bodies.. and how we wish we could be like we were when we were younger pre-kids ect.. and we are always going on about how fat we are.. how bad our hair looks.. ect.. and or OH is always saying.. hunny you are beautiful, you are sexy.. i love you just the way you are... and you just throw your hands up in the air and storm off?
well i just found a video on youtube that made me rethink it.. and it gave me a new thought to my hubby and all the other hubbys out there, that really think we are sexy even though we are running around like idiots most of the time.. shouting at the kids, dogs, cats, you and ourselves trying to just make it thru the day!
have a look at the video..just type in
Trace Adkins - Hot Mama
in youtube.. great video made me smile.. and made me happy to think about all the times hubby has come up to me when ive had a really fat day.. no makeup.. hair all over the place telling me how hot i was and that he loved me.. *G*

29-Mar-10, 13:32
Im having a fat day with bad hair and bad clothes!
Euan is in jammies, Iona is dressed in scruffs and Lauren dressed herself!
Its called doing the housework day!
Every room I have done is getting trashed 2 mins after I left it but I know its been done!
Hubby says I look like a yummy mummy (when I put in some effort) but most the time I think I look more like a scummy mummy (wearing baby puke and sticky handprints and snot trails does not give confidence in your appearance.. or peeling off a lump of breakfast cereal from your trousers when out):lol:

29-Mar-10, 13:36
im always having a yuck day lol.

But to be honest i tend to wear what im confortable in. Dont tend to dress up nicely because i end up with chocolate handprints up my trousers anyway. Snot rubbed into my shoulder from Athruns lovely snotty cuddles. Hair gets pulled and played with.

But everyday my OH still tells me how beautiful i am and he loves me. Thats all that matters to me. :)

Plus, most my clothes are starting to get tight again so i will be raiding my OHs wardrobe very soon for clothes [lol]

29-Mar-10, 14:01
When I was younger, before kids and hubby, I was always putting pressure on myself to look good when going out and to go out even though I wasnt in the mood to go out and worrying that I was fat, my bum was too big, my tum was awful!
I was thinner than I am now and my tummy was a lot flatter and bum was a lot smaller aqnd my boobs were pert but I was more paranoid..... these days I dont care:lol:
I have a lot more bums to worry about (2 in nappies and one still needing hers wiped)before I give mine a thought and usually it is only a quick glance in the mirror to check there is not something stuck to my trousers before leaving the house!
And god only knows where my boobs will end up after I stop breastfeeding:eek:
Would I swap back to those days before kids?
no way!

29-Mar-10, 14:21
Hey Brandy this brightened up my day! After 3 kids, I've gained quite a few pounds and have a serious body image problem! but my hubby always tells me how sexy I look even when covered in horse muck and hair from doing the horses, he says I have a real womans body and should be proud- bless him! But we should, and anyway most real men prefer women with curves instead of stick insects! lol.
Thanks again xx

29-Mar-10, 14:50
All I'll say is, if she looked like that, I'd get married again. ;)

Shower set to freezing.

29-Mar-10, 15:25
Don't do youtube myself brandy.
But I get your drift.:)
An I am fortunate enough to have a lovely mrs. who gives me the chance an the opportunity, every night an morning, no kidding,so I could probably give youtube a few lessons.:D
Nice thread just the same.

29-Mar-10, 15:33
Ah, back in the day. lol.
Before I had kids I was 8 stone wet through. I didn't even have to work at it either. I ate like a horse - all the wrong stuff of course - but I rode daily, ice skated and was just quite athletic.
Now though things are soooooo different. My eating habits haven't changed but my activity levels have. That chocolate bar that was such a good friend to me before has now suddenly become my worst enemy.
I weighed myself for the first time last week in 5 years. I was quite chuffed that I weighed exactly the same as 5 years ago (to the pound) and with all the running I'm doing at the moment I assumed at least a little loss this week. Nope, I stay the same for 5 years and the minute I weigh myself I gain 3 pounds in one week - go figure! :eek:

29-Mar-10, 16:17
All women have an hourglass figure....although with some of them the sands of time have slipped to the bottom. [lol]

29-Mar-10, 16:31
you are so bad.. if thats true.. my sand has a block and is stuck in the middle! someone fix it please!

29-Mar-10, 16:33
All women have an hourglass figure....although with some of them the sands of time have slipped to the bottom. [lol]

It's better than going bald, any day.:lol:

29-Mar-10, 16:36
I can buy a wig quicker than you could lose weight! [lol]

29-Mar-10, 16:55
I can buy a wig quicker than you could lose weight! [lol]

A carpet on your head, very sexy.......not. Weight loss can be permanent just like hair loss but is definitely more appealing.:lol:

29-Mar-10, 17:03
A carpet on your head, very sexy.......not. Weight loss can be permanent just like hair loss but is definitely more appealing.:lol:

Disna stop me having lots of lady 'friends' though. ;)

29-Mar-10, 17:08
Disna stop me having lots of lady 'friends' though. ;)

That's nothing to do with your head. Pure charm from what I've heard.;):lol:

29-Mar-10, 17:14
We'd better end the thread drift, it's wobbling more than a fat mamma on a spacehopper. [lol]

29-Mar-10, 17:32
We'd better end the thread drift, it's wobbling more than a fat mamma on a spacehopper. [lol]
I can't answer that for laughing.[lol] We'll call it a truce for now.;)

John Little
29-Mar-10, 18:06
"hunny you are beautiful, you are sexy.. i love you just the way you are"

But that's the way it is. We grow bald, weaker, less energetic- and what man really wants a pneumatic bimbo wi no brain at my age?

I'd feel about my wife as I do were she in a sack cos I see her not with my eyes but the heart.

She's a fine looking woman - and still will be at 90.

And to your OH so will you be.

29-Mar-10, 18:37
I think it's fair to say I've had a great selection of women with good figures, however their choice in man has been somewhat lacking. ;)


29-Mar-10, 19:02
I think it's fair to say I've had a great selection of women with good figures, however their choice in man has been somewhat lacking. :D

Is that why they picked you? :Razz

29-Mar-10, 19:14
Is that why they picked you? :Razz
That's what I meant. :roll: :)

30-Mar-10, 00:11
All I'll say is, if she looked like that, I'd get married again. ;)

Shower set to freezing.
Maybe it's our very own crayola in the video, and she's keeping quiet about it! ;)

30-Mar-10, 05:45
Maybe it's our very own crayola in the video, and she's keeping quiet about it! ;)
If that's Crayola then I'm in like Flynn. ;)