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John Little
06-Jul-10, 17:22
Today I scraped the large part of the front of the house where needed and washed it with sugar soap. Tomorrow I shall sand and paint - then second coat the porch I started yesterday.
Herself being home today and having other priorities I was distracted into mowing - which, since we have an acre, is quite a proposition.

Just what is it with the wildlife round here? They seem determined to make my acquaintance - nay force it on me.
Yesterday's mouse was greeted with some scepticism but today is getting out of order.

The bird that came into the living room and flew round for 10 minutes before I could finally persuade it to leave - via the door if you please.

Then whilst mowing on our sit-on I got a shock when our grass snake emerged from a tussock and headed for the hedge - he is about 2 feet long now I have seen all of him, and I did not know he could move so fast. I'm glad I did not run him over for we are quite fond of him - he's been round for years.

Then I emptied the grass on the compost heap and a large mouse was eating yesterday's potato peelings, squeaked at me and ran for it.

And then I went for my ride and came round a corner on my push bike to find a squirrel sitting bolt upright in the middle of the road eating something. He did that stupid squirrel thing - you know like they do with cars - backwards and forwards in front of you then ran up a tree.

I think I'll stay in and have a beer. It'll be an elephant next!

Watcha doing?

06-Jul-10, 17:37
Why am I getting a picture of Snow White doing the housework in my head? :Razz

John Little
06-Jul-10, 17:45
Why am I getting a picture of Snow White doing the housework in my head? :Razz

Damn! You rumbled me!

This dress is SO impractical for dusting!


John Little
08-Jul-10, 20:53
I was going to do loads today but even though I have done a lot, it was generally not what I wished to do.

An inordinate amount of time was spent tracking down a mechanism for connecting my old Zire 21 to the PC - but I did it and can now hotsynch as ever.

Encouraged by this I spent ages trying to link my Macbook to our ancient laserjet 6MP printer which the loaded software for Mac OSX is supposed to handle but no joy.

Doesn't it eat up time? Then over an hour mixing ericaceous plant food for milady to feed her camellias.

To the dentists for a checkup and I checked the car tyre pressures to find the back offside tyre right down on pressure. Being a Mondeo the first thing I thought was dodgy valve, for it is a new tyre.
My wife drives it mostly but it turns out she has picked up 3 nails from somewhere - and as I am taking it to Gloucester and back tomorrow it had to be done.
So I then did tyres, air and oil on both cars and valeted them.
Threw an old double bed out of an upstairs window and dragged it into the shed. Hung up washing, down the dishes, tidied the house and posted an indignant letter to the secretary of state for education.

Quite busy really.

And tomorrow my mother arrives for a week..... then things will really take off.

Watcha doing?

08-Jul-10, 21:58
Just finished an imprompto washing of the kitchen floor!
The filter housing under the kitchen cabinets for the water dispenser on the fridgefreezer decided to die spectaculary!
Water everywhere....and deep in parts when he took the kickboards off, it looked like the tide came in.
All towels and the real nappies were used to mop up.
Hubby did an emergency trip to hellbase for a new part...arrived 5 mins after closing, so went to tesco and bought me a new bucket and mop!
He said he got some funny looks in the shop as he was sopping wet..
He has temporary fixed the pipework without a filter for the moment.
Water turned back on now...we both will need a bath tonight!
My real nappy prefold squares will never be dazzling white again (and I was quite proud of them, sad, I know!)

Ps excuse spelling and punctuation...Im frazzled!

John Little
10-Jul-10, 18:05
Frazzled is a good word. I know what it means right now!

I drove to Gloucester to pick up my mother yesterday and instead of driving back to Kent in the super heated afternoon I went to Hampton Court to pick up my wife who had gone to the flower show there after she finished work.
Since the Mondeo has been giving a spot of bother I went in the Berlingo - no air conditioning.
The traffic jams were such that it took an hour and a half to do the last 3 miles.
Then Madam took over the driving thank goodness and we finally reached home just after 10pm.

Today we took her over to Chartwell, Churchill's home on a ridge near Westerham. She always wanted to se it - and so did everyone else. Happily we wre in the Mondeo so I am not quite as frazzled as yesterday.
Funny place Chartwell.

History kind of creeps up on you there.

What a view he had - but not a big house at all - quite modest y statesman standards.

No on the patio with a beer.



Watcha doing?

10-Jul-10, 19:20
Sounds like you have had a couple of good days John...

Built a picnic bench today with my ex hubi - well for a change we never fell out (a little disagreement) but ok - had a giggle... Unlike this week after being up north for a week came home with the kids and he had built new bunk beds and put up a curtain rail (in a NEWLY decorated room!!!) I rebuilt the bunk beds using all the pieces that came with it yesterday and still have to take down the curtain pole that slides down at one side - and that was the second attempt as i now has 2 metal rawlplugs on show in my (did i mention) NEWLY decorated room - oh and it is 10inches to the left also!! AAHH.... The saying if you want something done do it your bloody self springs to mind - and NO i never asked him to do it...
So today overal been good - off to take my hound a walk down the point...
Hope everyone is having a nice night xx

11-Jul-10, 18:50
iv bin trampin it aboot in ma bikini (it fits, it fits) an' sun hat all day :cool: choost practicin' for next week, ye understand :lol: gled 'e bikini's made o' lycra...ats all am sayin!!

choost hed a look far am stayin on google map. street is called alki avenue - :lol: how ironic!!

oh...am so exccccited...!

John Little
12-Jul-10, 11:58
Go on Trix - you know you want to tell us where you are going.

Yesterday was a day spent chilling out on our patio in the shade - it was really hot and muggy so we did not want to do much else.

Then to my wife's choir concert where they sang loads of stuff - a sort of variety show. I was quite amused to see lots of people of a certain age nodding along in time to Teddy Bear's picnic and murmuring the words lowly to themselves.

Then back home and out on the patio where I lit the garden flambeau for the first time this year - it throws quite a light for a simple naked flame. And chatted with our visitors until after midnight. My wife had to be almost dragged from the chatter for she has work today and I do not.

Woke about 2.30am by a massive thunderstorm and downpour, which is a good thing, the whole garden being like brick and huge cracks in the ground where the clay has shrunk and contracted.

Watcha doing?

12-Jul-10, 20:10
well was happily wall papering then the ex hubi decided to build the gas bbq - well in the middle of pasting i had to go fix it !!! Gee does he just do these things to annoy me??? I wonder..... got the pole fixed todat that he put up - slowly getting there ..... tired now..... 3 kids bedded 1 about to go and last one be there by 9.... Vino with a friend tomorrow night :D..... xxx
hope you have all had a good day xxx

John Little
13-Jul-10, 20:33
Well, my mother staying with us, I took her down to a clothes shop in Tenterden which she likes - and a fearsome sight it was to see. Like a shark loose among herring she swooped on the rails and tried loads on while I sat in the man park in the corner. She bought three items and has declared her intention of returning later in the week for another fix.
Then I drove her down to Rye and had a potter about in the numerous antiqu shops, though bought nothing save a fan cos it is hot.

The Daily express announced that 'hundreds' have died in the last week from heat but give not single example of who they are or where it has happened. But it must be true....
She bought a fan

And on the way back we got some good strong beer which we have supped liberally of.

Today has been quiet - my step daughter over and the bairns. I took the wee lad to see if we could find the snake down the garden but he was hiding so a bit o disappointment there.

Tomorrow it's Whitstable.
But if we have oysters I do not eat raw things - cooked only for me thanks.

Watcha doing?

The Drunken Duck
13-Jul-10, 21:02
Bought Saving Private Ryan on Blu Ray today and I am giving it a watch. And wondering where all the Brits are .. :D .. Great film though. The Letter from Abraham Lincoln to Mrs Bixby, a mother who lost five sons in the Civil War that is quoted in the film always gets me .. worth a repeat here.

Executive Mansion,
Washington, Nov. 21, 1864.

Dear Madam,

I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.

Yours, very sincerely and respectfully,

A. Lincoln

Wish I could be half as eloquent as that.

John Little
13-Jul-10, 21:14
DD - the Brits are further north fighting like hell. On Hitler's orders the 11 available panzer divisions were thrown against the British and Canadians at Caen - he did not rate the Americans. Whether he was right or not is not up to me - it's what he thought.

So that snide little remark in the film about the Brits annoys me a lot. We had enough on our plate

13-Jul-10, 21:50
Just watching Euan body surfing in the Livingroom...1/2 delighted and 1/2 horrified!
If he can move round and round like a seal (legs or arms not both together) he will soon be going commando style then crawling and there will be NO stopping him!

John Little
16-Jul-10, 19:05
Yesterday I spent traipsing round Ashford, Kent, as opposed to Ashford in Surrey. Ashford in Kent is a chav town and a light industrial wasteland - I do not recommend a visit. Not where I would choose to go but hey-ho- needs must....

The day before that was Whitstable to look at the oysters. Whitstable is most definitely a dump. However I did buy some fish which was fresh caught by the shop's own boats. I did not know that limits did not apply to boats less than a certain length.

Plaice with garlic for dinner - washed down with wine and fried potatoes (sauteed if feeling posh)

Today was Bodiam castle which is a perfect castle in form and appearance - and to Tenterden where trawled the charity shops. Tenterden is a lovely place and worth a visit from any tourist - but is bedevilled with traffic and the council have not put sufficient crossings there.

Tomorrow I take my mother home and stay over in Gloucester. Back here on Sunday and life will speed up again - I will finish painting the front of the house.

Italy looms....

Watcha doing?

John Little
19-Jul-10, 09:34
My life is again my own.

I came back yesterday and admit that after a week of various excursions, constant attention etc I was fairly knackered.
The moment I got back I was rather engulfed in a largish gathering of family involving babies and toddlers which was quite nice. We went hunting for the snake - but he stayed away, threw stones in the pond and chattered.

Then to collect some compost .....

This morning when I went into the living room there was a swarm of wasps in there- dozens of them. I was aware that there were wasps under the tiles - I could hear them buzzing but they are fairly inaccessible from outside. They were all fairly new wasps and very weakly so I threw open all the windows and most of them left - then sprayed the room.
Thing is they have found a way into the house so now I have to get up among the rafters and find the gaps and plug them with caulk. Joys of having an old house. I have sprayed wasp nest destroyer into all chinks but it will not reach the nest. I just hope I can find all the chinks.

No stings yet......

19-Jul-10, 09:46
As the wasps fly to and fro, they should take some of the powder with them and eventually kill of everything. When filling in the holes, cracks etc, a 'bee space' is very small, and they are cunning little blighters.

John Little
19-Jul-10, 20:39
What does one do with a complete technophobe?

Today I put Skype on this machine and called my stepson who was very pleased and we 'video-conferenced' for a while, quite happily and completely free. He said he would call back later to speak to my wife.

So the computer sounds off a few minutes ago and she will not come near it. Even with her son's face on the screen she wants nothing to do with it.
Will not consider it and will not give a reason.

Says he can phone but wants nothing to do with talking on the computer and seeing faces.

I don't get it.

After tackling the wasps I used a chainsaw to hollow out a wooden mushroom that had gone rotten inside - then I filled it with cement. That'll hold it for a while.
I fixed my old bike hod so now can tow an 80 litre sack behind my bike if I wish to,
Done the washing, tidied the hoose and vacuumed throughout.

Been quite busy really.

Watcha doing?

19-Jul-10, 20:46
Went out to the little park in Halkirk where we had our picnic then to the big park at Ormlie.
Only saw 1 other girl in the park at Ormlie.
Do the parks actually get used?

19-Jul-10, 22:07
Hi my kids go to the ormile park everyday when they are up - they love it xxx
It really is a fantastic park xx

19-Jul-10, 22:13
It is lovely
It just seems a shame that everytime I have been with the girls no one else is in there.
I know mine are too little but I remember being turfed out in the hols only coming back to the house when hungry or being shouted in when it was bedtime....
We travelled in from Watten to go to the park as the parks in Watten are not great.
There was talk last year about improvements and they had big plans..... fingers xxxxed!

20-Jul-10, 15:50
Have you seen what they are doing down at the boating pond - looks brilliant!! Can't wait for it to be up & running...
My kids off to the skateboard park just now - and wee one having a nap.... BLISS.... I have windows to clean and nets to hang.... :-(...
Watten - not been to the playpark in a longtime.... Used to live at Oldhall...

I took the kids down to the Thurso beach today - shoes off jeans rolled up and they were going daft.... Had a great time... 4 year old was under the water and the 8 year old !! 20month old was dancing in the waves.... 7 year old in til his waste... 13 year old & her pal (14) were having an ace time - i was the sensible one in my jacket with the sandals off kicking the football. :-) xx

We watched Nanny MacPhee lastnight - they had 2 off their cousins in so all 9 of us in my extremly small living room - my lot went & seen it in the cinema with their dad - i hadnt - we all loved it.... xx

John Little
20-Jul-10, 20:15
The wasps were back this morning in the living room but this time I 'm tooled up. Once the room was clear I spent ages piping decorator's caulk into every chink round the rafters - they CANNOT get in!!!

Then I went outside and lashed 3 bamboo poles together and a scoop full of anti-wasp powder and reached far up onto the roof. I deposited 3 scoops round the area where they are getting under the tiles. There were wasps erupting like Tie Fighters out of the chinks with clouds of powder flying for each of them.

Then they all returned to the nest - it seems to have gone quieter. I am hoping that the problem will be solved.....

Apart from that, I have sorted out papers going back years and have two sacks for recycling.

The rubbish we do accumulate!

Watcha doing?

John Little
21-Jul-10, 09:30
Ding-Dong the wasps is dead-
The wicked wasps is dead.....

No wasps in the living room this morning- not a single one so I guess the treatment worked.
At least they were not hornets.
I got stung last year by a hornet that got inside my shirt - it was not a pleasant experience.

This morning I am going to sand and stain the dreaded wooden mushroom which now has a mortar interior....

Then to London and a bite to eat at the Archduke under the arches at Waterloo, where I have not been for a while. Pinot Grigio chilled.......hmmmm.

Then to the Globe Theatre to see a Comedy of Errors by Master Shakespeare - a froth of a play, and wordy.
I hope the groundlings behave.....

Home late.

Watcha doing?

21-Jul-10, 09:40
What does one do with a complete technophobe?

Today I put Skype on this machine and called my stepson who was very pleased and we 'video-conferenced' for a while, quite happily and completely free. He said he would call back later to speak to my wife.

So the computer sounds off a few minutes ago and she will not come near it. Even with her son's face on the screen she wants nothing to do with it.
Will not consider it and will not give a reason.

Says he can phone but wants nothing to do with talking on the computer and seeing faces.

I don't get it.

After tackling the wasps I used a chainsaw to hollow out a wooden mushroom that had gone rotten inside - then I filled it with cement. That'll hold it for a while.
I fixed my old bike hod so now can tow an 80 litre sack behind my bike if I wish to,
Done the washing, tidied the hoose and vacuumed throughout.

Been quite busy really.

Watcha doing?

Thinking of ways to help actually. LOL

You don't have to have a video call, just use skype as a really big phone.

Get yourself "distressed" whenever she puts a radio on (sorry dear, invisible, soundless voices through the air, not natural), or TV, or washing machine, or any modern appliance and see if she understands your bewilderment/her illogical behaviour. :D

21-Jul-10, 21:43
Found a dead siskin trapped in the bonnet of the big car and disposed of it before the girls saw it!
It did look a bit funny with its legs and one wing hanging out....:eek:
Then dropped the girls at a toddler group and did a trolley dash round Lidls (ham and cat litter) and pets at home (wood shavings and rabbit food).
Then visited one of my sisters for a cup of tea for me and a full change for Euan before picking the girls back up.
Then Lauren "helped" me stuff chicken breasts with haggis and wrap them in bacon for dinner....served with green beans, mushrooms and a cream and whiskey sauce (homemade and so easy)

23-Jul-10, 23:33
The man came to look at my tumble dryer...yes only look as he couldnt fix...Its only 6 mths old and as dead as a dodo!
He didnt have the part it needs and as it is a safety feature shouldnt/wouldnt/couldnt be bypassed.
He seemed surprised I asked about bypassing it...or getting hubby to install the new part if it would take less time!
(hubby is inst mech by trade but would still invalidate warranty if he did it)
Have to put up with crispy towels until then.

Went out to the nold park in Wick ( the little kiddie bit on the bignold) for a while today.... fun was had by all the kids, Lauren and Iona were like monkeys and Euan tried to eat daisies!

Thinking about going to the fun stuff planned at the riverside tommorrow unless my Mum has plans for hubby and DIY as Dad is not great at that sort of thing!

What you doing?

John Little
24-Jul-10, 06:22
Fun by the river! I wish I could be there....

We got up early on Thursday and drove down to Bath to meet my wife's cousin to take her and her husband out for lunch on her birthday. She was really happy about that. Only thing was that when we got there it was absolutely sheeting it down with rain. So anyway we vegged out at Cafe Rouge all afternoon.

When it was no time to linger we out and went to Mr Bee's bookshop which is an award winning place - and I can se why because it's so well thought about. Up to the first floor and there were armchairs with coffee to help yourself while you had a browse of your book. Even a little booth with a chair and an MP3 player to listen to music. Good place to chill out for a wee while.

Then to Chipping Sodbury in the rain to see relatives and stay over-night. A good Friday trawling the charity shops in Wooton under Edge where I got some good books, then a sausage sandwich in a country pub - quality!

Then evening back to Kent - had to detour off the m4 and then again off the M25 but did the run in 3.75hrs which was not bad.

Now preparing for Italy and getting the hoose ready for friends who are staying in it.

Watcha doing?

John Little
24-Jul-10, 13:42
My wife, as a gift, bought me a very old gramophone.

The shop owner was much taken aback by the fact that he bought it off a Mrs Little and sold it to a Mrs Little.

I guess we are as common as muck.

Well we are in Peebles and Roxburgh- but a bit thin on the ground round here.


25-Jul-10, 22:10
The girls had thier faces painted yesterday at the riverside.
I then spied face paints in tescos and bought them, I unleashed a monster.
Lauren had 3 different faces painted on her yesterday and 2 today!
I had to have my face painted yesterday too, but I washed it of before going to the gala!
Iona is too little to sit still long enough for me to do her face but she wants it done as well....
So far I can do butterflies, angels, tigers, sea scene, and a spotty dog!
I need glitter stuff as well now though!

Hmmn... is the face paint monster me or Lauren?.... answers on a postcard please:lol:

25-Jul-10, 22:25
having a last snuggle with my new baby girl before putting her to bed for the night...


25-Jul-10, 22:40
Oh my gawd what is that???:eek::eek:

25-Jul-10, 23:10
Oh my gawd what is that???:eek::eek:

my teeshirt, why? does it need a wash?
oh, the baby ferret? it's a baby ferret:)

John Little
26-Jul-10, 07:07
Love the facepaint and ferret. At gatwick flying out. Should be good but typing on an iPod does not make for long posts. Ciao everyone- catchable later. Watcha doing?

26-Jul-10, 11:05
they had lovely face paint in argos for £4.99 it was the proper blocks and there were either normal colours or fairy colours that were glittery. you monster.

26-Jul-10, 14:17
whoever said the only vegetable that can make you cry is an onion has obviously not been hit on the heid wi a neep!

or a tin o' tomatoes LOL

30-Jul-10, 12:52
Waiting in for the man to come and fix the tumble dryer.... thought I had a morning slot... but when I phoned he could arrive anytime from 8am to 8pm.
And I so wanted to go out today:(
And I need to go shopping at some point...not enough to warrant a tesco delivery, but enough to wander to the local shop.
Or pop in a shop on the way back from an "adventure" to a park or a walk at loch more.

30-Jul-10, 12:57
or a tin o' tomatoes LOL

Have you bit hit in the head by a iron - went in the cupboard obviously stood on the cable - holly sh** that hurt - i swear i was concust for days... lol xx

08-Aug-10, 22:12
Been away on a wee holiday.
Down in Perthshire....it was great as we could go swimming as just a family without having to "borrow" granny or grandad with all 3 kids together!
We went swimming everyday... great way to get the kids tired out for bed and clean at the same time:lol:
Visited a posh formal garden, a farm type animal park and a softplay area.
Didnt do much in the way of shopping.......well.....not really......well ok I did but it was stuff for the kids....not me!
Even the charity shop where we were was all posh labels!....I went in for a book and had a look.

08-Aug-10, 22:19
im just chilling out with a glass o wine, n having a wee look at whats happening on caithness.org, im blissfully happy doing so. :Razz

09-Aug-10, 01:20
or a tin o' tomatoes LOL

To market, to market with my uncle Jim
Somebody threw a tomato at him
Tomatoes dont hurt, theyre covered in skin
That one did, it was still in the tin.

09-Aug-10, 19:07
Jumping in puddles today:lol:
Great fun with the wellies on....even the girls enjoyed it!

John Little
09-Aug-10, 19:14
Puddles! I had great fun in Venice the other day with puddles. Absolutely chucking it down all day.

We just got back from Italy - it was greeeeaaaaaaat!

Now eating some injun.

Been looking forward to injun for days!

09-Aug-10, 19:42
Writing me book. Going Canadian Canoeing tomorrow on Loch Morlich.

09-Aug-10, 22:53
Been thinking....
And looking for sleepsuits for my houdini toddler who can strip out of her suit and nappy....bare bum and not potty trained is not good!
I cant find any out there that she cant open...have I found an untapped market?
Thinking sleepsuits with a zip up the back and proper sock slipper feet would be great!
Failing that a straight jacket:lol:

John Little
15-Aug-10, 15:29
Yesterday we went up to London and looked round John Lewis for a while. I wanted a new raincoat but was told that 'They are no in season sir' so I will have to wait until September/October if I want one from there.

Then I asked about their bicycle sat nav. They do not stock it but you can get it online.
Then I said - your Garmin edge GPS costs over £400 without maps. You can get it on Amazon for £368 including UK and European maps. I thought you were never knowingly undersold?

"Ah well sir - that applies only to our stores - not online. We do have it under review."

Those machines that transfer vinyl or tape to MP3 files. Do you have one that does both?

No - we only have machines that do either tape or vinyl.

I was not happy with John Lewis yesterday.

So we went to Sadler's Wells to see Tanguiy, a tale of love and death danced by a troupe from Argentina. Very good they were - don't know how they move their feet so fast - and those guys who can throw a woman round in such a fashion ! Well I would not take them on at arm wrestling....

After a bit o supper of Cafe Rouge, down the Jubilee line to a reunion with some folk I have not seen for over 20 years. Heavens people change - I feel old!!!! Old!!!


Home by 11.15 and collapse to bed.

A full day.

Watcha doing?

15-Aug-10, 15:38
Just back from a mooch round the carboot in Watten hall
Watching daddy make the dolls house furniture we got with the girls "helping" him!
And im going to hoover the stairs ... since the hamsters arrived sawdust has been treked everywhere!

16-Aug-10, 22:46
Well been a fantastic weekend - Thursday to Sunday, had a friend come to visit - went to Orkney for the weekend - brilliant - i havnt had such a good time for a long time... had to drive 200 miles today - so heading to bed.... Goodnight xxx

17-Aug-10, 09:17
Had to ditch the Avatar. She was giving me the heebie geebies :eek:

Thinking of new business idea-see: 'Calling all Bikers' in the Business Section :D

17-Aug-10, 09:45
Recently I have mostly been doing a Land Rover, ground up rebuild. It (they, parts of) have been sat there for months but the last couple of weeks I have stripped down & rebuilt various bits of vehicle into something now resembling a Landy, and spent a small fortune along the way but nearly there.

Now back to the day job and keeping the wheels of industry turning.

17-Aug-10, 11:32
Finally completed my first novel today after five long years. :):):)

17-Aug-10, 11:45
Finally completed my first novel today after five long years. :):):)

Read one?

Coat, Door

17-Aug-10, 11:49

17-Aug-10, 12:00
1st day back to nursery for Lauren!
She wasnt sure about it when we got there:(
The routine of nursery wasnt right as she didnt have her name bear to stick up today.
But just going to get her in a minute!
Iona is dorting round the house missing her....but how long before the first fight? 5mins or half an hour?

17-Aug-10, 19:41
Finally completed my first novel today after five long years. :):):)
Let us know what it's called and when you have it published so that we can all rush out and buy a copy! Well done Bazeye, that's a great achievement.

17-Aug-10, 21:26
Yes it is. I am currently having a modest attempt. It would be interesting to know if we have many budding novelists on the Org.

Caithness's contyributun to litorcher has been quite prolific over the years :lol:

18-Aug-10, 02:01
Let us know what it's called and when you have it published so that we can all rush out and buy a copy! Well done Bazeye, that's a great achievement.

Publish it? The novel in question was Great Expectations by Charles Dickens and ive just finished reading it.:eek:

John Little
22-Aug-10, 12:40
I am sitting and smelling roast lamb and wondering why Mrs L will not see my point of view.

It seems to me plain and obvious that Yorkshire Pudding goes just as well with lamb or pork as it does with beef- but she will have it otherwise.

I suspect this is more to do with weight watching than anything else - but she would not be happy if I made it instead....

Watcha doing?

22-Aug-10, 13:25
i agree yorkshire pudding goes with anything. in the olden days it was served as a starter to fill you up so you did not want so much meat.

John Little
25-Aug-10, 16:14
On the whole it is a very good job that I painted the front gable of the house this morning because the rain is coming down in torrents. The paint was dry enough not to show any bad effects- I think. At any rate the front of the house once again has a waterproof skin on it tho' I do get fed up attending to it every year. It's the weather side and it cannot be let go - penalties of living in a wooden house.

We need the rain because we have had a period of comparative drought and the Kentish clay of our garden has cracks in it 6" wide and the house moves as it dries out. That's why the houses round here are mostly wood.

So I have spent the last hour reading out onto a dictaphone all the bits of the panto that I am in at Christmas. I am Bean of Bean and Dunnet, a pair of broker's men who have to be bought off with a golden egg. Should be good and runs from 27 Dec to 31 Dec if anyone is about, in the Queens Theatre, Cranbrook.

Tonight I venture out to Pilates.
I am not looking forward to it for I have not been for a while.

It will be painful.

Tomorrow I collect my new glasses which will be good because my left eye is blurred now and my right is working hard to compensate. Getting old is an annoying process.

I also borrow a neighbour's saw horse and set to with the chainsaw cutting up loads of logs ready for winter. I shall try and get that done before the end of Friday - but that's a self-set target because it could be done in stages.

Thing is I am going on a canal boat next week so wanted to knock that job out of the way. Not in this monsoon though.

I did get out on my bike for a few miles this morning - I need to do more of that because I ain't fit enough. That was after I saw the doctor with my MOT results and he tells me that I am fine apart from having slightly raised cholesterol which I can reduce by exercise. But I knew that anyway. I seem to be as healthy as a horse.

Watcha doing?

25-Aug-10, 16:19
Painting with Iona.
Euan sleeping.
Lauren at a party.
House seems a bit quiet.....

27-Aug-10, 19:50
Just got a drastic haircut....fed up with the post pregnancy hair mess.
My hair is short (compared to what it was).
Diabetic bloodtest today, hopefully they can tell this time if it was just gestational diabetise or if being pregnant set of diabetise.
Been busy sticking and gluing with the girls..
Fed up cleaning up after the kids taking the hamsters out without me or hubby supervising ... sawdust everywhere and the game of hunt the hamster (before the cat joins in) is not fun:eek:
At least the rabbits are easy to spot if they are in the house!

John Little
27-Aug-10, 20:06
I have been cleaning the hoose while the wife had to go to work- poor chiel! I had to do this because we are going on a canal boat for a week and someone else is coming to live in our house. I could not bear her and her kids to think that we are slatternly....

So farewell Org - I am deserting thee for the wiles and blandishments of the Cheshire Ring. I only hope the weather improves - but at least on a narrow boat you have a roof over your head....

Watcha doing Orgers?

27-Aug-10, 20:08
Hope you moved the furniture when you were hoovering and not just went round them:lol:
And did the lightshades!
Have a nice holiday!

28-Aug-10, 09:35
I am sitting here nonplused after discovering that it is saturday and not friday....how did that happen....mmmm

02-Sep-10, 22:12
Eating a BIG bar of chocolate (1kg) and seeing how far through it I can actually eat, and making myself feel sick!
Just been told im not diabetic after 8months of wondering after having Euan!:lol:
......Its only tonights celebration...
back to normal tommorrow!

02-Sep-10, 23:25
Just off the coast from Barrow is Walney Island, about 11 mies long and one mile wide at its widest point which is where the bridge is connecting it to the mainland. There are about 11,000 folk live there,nearly all of who lnhabit the middle section of the island, at either end of Walney are two nature reserves. As it was a hot sunny day yesterday I decided to cycle along the coastline around the northern tip and back along the other side. some of the journey was easy going cycling along footpaths and on the beach itself but quite a bit of it entailed going through fields ,along the salt marsh, shingle etc and going through those gateway thingies that swing back and forth, none of which I could get the bike through so had to throw it over fences and hedges etc. As I turned the corner at the northern extremity I noticed two people in the distance sunbathing. As I got nearer I realised it was a couple and they were naked. As luck would have it or not as it turned out I was just wheeling my bike then as the sand was to fine to cycle on. As I passed them we said hello (as you do under the circumstances!) trying very hard to look the fella straight in the eye in case he thought I was perving(I know, I should have taken my sunglasses). You know the saying about having an interview and youre feeling a bit nervous, keep eye contact with the interviewer at all times, well believe you me, if they were sat interviewing you without a stitch on, thats exactly what you would do. Round the tip (no pun intended) of walney a couple of miles further on theres a wire fence that runs down from the sand dunes to the salt marsh and as i reached it there was a sheep at the lowest part of the fence which was where I was heading so I could get the bike over easier. when i got there the sheep still hadnt moved, it was only then that i noticed it had its back leg just above the hoof trapped between two pieces of wire. I assume it thought it was a horse and tried to jump over the fence but didnt flick its back legs up quick enough and got one of them caught between them as it went over. I tried to prise the wires apart but they were too tight. As I was doing this a cyclist was heading towards me from the opposite direction(God knows what he thought I was doing to the sheep) When he got to the fence and realised what was happening he tried to help me prising the wires apart but we still couldnt manage it. When he realised we couldnt do anything for it he just went on his way. Anyway to cut a long story(for me anyway) I phoned the Police who managed to get in touch with the BAE airfield which was about a mile away and a couple of lads turned up on foot from there and managed to cut the wire and release the sheep with a pair of boltcutters. By this time it would have had about half an hour before the incoming tide reached it. It just stood there at first but it was putting a bit of weight on its injured leg, probably in a state of shock, but toddled off eventually. The lads from the airfield knew who owned the land and took the ear tag number off the sheep an said theyd tell him( the owner not the sheep) to see if it needed any treatment. Then I cycled home stopping off at The Ferry for a couple of pints of Green King, very reasonable I thought at £1 75 a pint, while watcing the boats in Walney channel from the beer garden. Today I went for another bike ride on the mainland and my chain snapped , about 7 miles from home so had to walk home. The End.

02-Sep-10, 23:27
enjoying a bottle of wine and the crack on the org!! :D

John Little
05-Sep-10, 09:06
LOL- I enjoyed that Bazeye! One lucky sheep - they are stupid creatures though - and badly designed....

I have just spent a week on a narrowboat doing the Cheshire Ring- which was very energetic, has put muscle on me, and something of a tan. Last Sunday I thought differently when I was steering the boat whilst wearing waterproofs from head to foot and battling the wind which hit it sideways. But after that the weather was fantastic.

They say the route is not for the faint hearted and I agree, for the locks on the Macclesfield canal have the stiffest paddles I have ever come across and took all my strength to turn some of them. This was the cause of me having to drink much beer in the evenings in order to recuperate.

We had received dire warnings of incidents and attacks on boats going through Manchester, and that British Waterways have laid on a police escorted convoy service through there- at any rate it has a fearsome reputation. So up at the crack of dawn and hit the locks - 26 of them and through by mid afternoon. There were no incidents at all and nothing to see save some odd characters clearly waiting for business under the 'crypt' at the Canal street lock.

Apart from that we saw lots of wild life and nice countryside - a very nice week. Next boating holiday will be the Caledonian Canal - in a couple of years I think.

Work next week :(

Watcha doing?

John Little
12-Sep-10, 18:59
I cannot believe it.

My wife has dug a haggis out of somewhere!

I am having haggis for dinner wi neeps and spuds.


John Little
13-Sep-10, 20:39
There is, believe me, nothing quite like a good haggis. And that was a good haggis! Though I did commit a minor sacrilege by washing it down with Merlot.

But it went very well together believe me!

Yesterday I spent sawing logs. I have done about half of what I wanted to but will do the rest next Saturday.
Herself painted window frames which she has been meaning to do for 6 months.
I am not allowed to do these as apparently my painted lines are not straight enough and I leave brush marks and drips. I cannot say that I have ever noticed any of these in my painting but it suits me that she thinks so - less work for me. Living in a white wooden house is tedious in that I have to patch it up every year. Next year we move when I retire - stone or brick next time and no painting except doors and windows! Roll on!!

Tomorrow is the pantomime rehearsal. I suppose I shall have to set about learning some lines - but that's the bit I hate. Oh well I've never needed a prompt yet so it must be done.

Two years ago I went to this woman's house and found her a very nice and friendly type - not at all the diva. What a voice she has- what I listen to at this moment.


Watcha doing?

13-Sep-10, 21:56
Jumping up and down..stamping my foot and fuming!
Last time im nice....
Packing my baby clothes back in their bags to get made into a patchwork quilt at a later date now.....

John Little
13-Sep-10, 21:57
What's up Dadie?

13-Sep-10, 23:41
My wife has dug a haggis out of somewhere!That's amazing. It must be the warmer climate down there. They aren't ready to be dug out until October up here. That's why our autumnal hols are called the tattie and haggis hols.

As coincidence would have it, I was out shopping for hagges yesterday. Orgers with long memories will recall I need enough organic haggis for 250 by March 18.

I'm enjoying a large pre-bed shiraz with memories of last year's hagges. :)

John Little
15-Sep-10, 17:49

You don't fool me!

15-Sep-10, 22:37
Looking at outfits for halloween (and to bung in the dressing up box) and having a debate with hubby, he says they have to be scary...I dont..as the kids are little ... and last year kids in masks gave Lauren the heebie jeebies!
Looking at cute bear outfits on Ebay...
thinking about the 3 bears....but might take a lot of alcohol to get me dressed up!:lol:
But I would rather be a bear than the goldilocks outfits I have seen:eek:
Wench im not!

15-Sep-10, 22:40

You don't fool me!

The true version of the Haggi plural of Haggis, I assumed that Crayola would have known that [lol]


15-Sep-10, 22:45
Aye but is the plural different for the clockwise and the anticlockwise haggis?
As they are different species?
And different catching and trapping methods have to be used:lol:
Especially for the veggie ones that are very elusive!

18-Sep-10, 22:31
Just back from Inverness....shopping..shopping ...shopping, interupted by a dentist appt...then more shopping!
Bought the kids winter stuff!
Tried on lots of jeans...but none fitted right..so got shoes instead (hubby does not understand my logic on this one and has given up long before)
Lauren has new hello kitty clothes so is delighted...
Iona hasnt seen her new stuff yet..but got her halloween outfit while I was in matalan..
Euan got clothes, snowsuit and sleeping bags but is not really bothered..
Hubby got slippers and socks!
The girls were at granny and grandas so it was a treat shopping with hubby and Euan..

18-Sep-10, 22:53
Since haggis is a third-declension parisyllabic i-stem noun, its nominative plural is hagges, pronounced 'haggays'.

Common or garden haggis is hunted. Organic haggis grows in the ground.

John Little
25-Sep-10, 17:31
What about Haggis Aviaticus? You forgot that.

Faster than grouse I believe.

I have been at the chainsaw again and I believe that I have enough wood cut to see us through the winter, for I do not use wood all the time, but go for coal when it gets very cold. I keep the stove going all the time in winter and with wood that just ain't practical. My wife does not do stove- but with coal the Morso just keeps glowing away.

Then it was down town, for herself wanted some shoes.
I was sworn to tell what suited and what I really thought instead of what I thought she wanted to hear.

Well when urged to give an opinion on shoes while staring at them I replied 'I'm thinking about it'. Which set several women laughing in the shop for their men were engaged on similar contemplation. Then followed some weird conversation about how difficult it was to get men to make a decision! The cheek of it!!

'They make your feet look big' I said.

So she bought them.

Because they are comfortable.

I really do not understand women.

What are you doing? (just for a change)

John Little
26-Sep-10, 17:18
There's a chill to the air.

We noticed it the other night and decided that the summer duvet was not where it's at. So we pulled a thicker one out of a box and put it on the bed- one that we had dry cleaned in the spring.

Trouble is that we just looked at the label on the summer one. It's not dry clean but wash. No way will it fit in our machine.

So I looked on Google to find local launderettes. Today we passed one - deliberately to see where it was and not expecting it to be open on Sunday. Why should it be? That's when people are at home and many do their washing.

It was a shell with wires hanging out of the wall.

There is, apparently, another one somewhere,,, 10 miles away-- and maybe we can find it.

But I'm thinking - why don't we just put it in the bath and tromp at it like French peasants treading out the grapes? That would do it.

Trouble is then you have to dry it. And it's raining.

And air it.

Big things duvets.

I wonder how they tackle them in Caithness?

Watcha doing?

26-Sep-10, 17:28
You don't need French peasants. Any peasants will do. And if there aren't enough peasants in your area or in Caithness there are plenty going spare in my neck of the woods.

But not in my immediate neighbourhead. Although I once got paid handsomely to dress as a peasant girl. Not that it entailed wearing very much. ;)

26-Sep-10, 17:33
What about Haggis Aviaticus? You forgot that.

Faster than grouse I believe.Haggis Aviaticis are rarer than Porcinis Aviaticis in my experience. Although in this special week when the Harvest Moon coincided with the Equinox maybe anything is possible. :D

Corrie 3
26-Sep-10, 17:34
Laundrettes John??? I thought they only had them in Eastenders !!! (btw, why does everybody shout on Eastenders?, all you hear is shout, shout, shout)..!!
Right, back to duvets, we trample them in the bath or by the shore and hang them out dripping wet and weighing a ton...we firmly anchor them to the washing line so they dont end up in Norway and then we rely on the good old Galeforce 10 to do its stuff.
Cause, if theirs no wind we dont get them dry and we dont get any green energy either!!
But mostly, Caithnessians just throw then away when they start to stink and get a new one from Tesco for a Tenner!!!


John Little
26-Sep-10, 17:43
Haggis Aviaticis are rarer than Porcinis Aviaticis in my experience. Although in this special week when the Harvest Moon coincided with the Equinox maybe anything is possible. :D

Nonetheless Porcinis Aviaticus is the emblem of my workplace since the founder was told that his enterprise would succeed when pigs fly... So I see one every day. Bright pink with golden wings.

Laundrettes John??? I thought they only had them in Eastenders !!! (btw, why does everybody shout on Eastenders?, all you hear is shout, shout, shout)..!!
Right, back to duvets, we trample them in the bath or by the shore and hang them out dripping wet and weighing a ton...we firmly anchor them to the washing line so they dont end up in Norway and then we rely on the good old Galeforce 10 to do its stuff.
Cause, if theirs no wind we dont get them dry and we dont get any green energy either!!
But mostly, Caithnessians just throw then away when they start to stink and get a new one from Tesco for a Tenner!!!


They shout because the people playing the parts think that's what acting is.
Real Eastenders shout when drunk. Then they do it a lot. Rudely
Then they fall over. And waste their doner kebabs.

So - Caithness throws dirty duvets away! Conspicuous consumerism rules north of Beauly Firth. Spend and spend to end the Recession.

But I might just persuade herself to do it..... depends if we can be bothered or not.

26-Sep-10, 17:50
Nonetheless Porcinis Aviaticus is the emblem of my workplace since the founder was told that his enterprise would succeed when pigs fly... So I see one every day. Bright pink with golden wings.Do you have any spare Porcinis Aviaticus? I'll send you some peasants in return.

Real Eastenders shout when drunk. Then they do it a lot. Rudely
Then they fall over. And waste their doner kebabs.This is quite correct and in that respect the East End has a lot in common with Caithness.

I was more of a West End girl and a hooray Hampsteader.

John Little
26-Sep-10, 17:58
Ah well you are a lot classier than I. I lived for 5 years on the Isle of Dogs pre-gentrification. The real catch with Eastenders the programme is that they never swear.

Real Eastenders pepper their sentences with invective and vituperative embrocation laid on thick.

Caithness people I have always found to be soft in speech and sweet in language. Or maybe that's just in front of the tourists these days?
When I did live in Thurso I do remember my Dad skelloping my lugs for swearing in front of a woman one day...

But Hampstead!

Now I know thou art an Intellectual!

John Little
27-Sep-10, 21:49
I remember one of the most awe inspiring things I ever came across was in North Wales.

I went to a place called Bethesda where they mined slate in Victoria's time. And I walked into a mountain, led by lights. The mountain was hollow and I came out into a space so vast that you could have fitted a cathedral into it. The powerful torch I had with me could not hit the roof.

I stared at the slope of slate that had been left when the miners finished - and could see the chisel marks where they took their last slates - plenty was left.

The work of giants rather than men.

So in the Lake district some years ago we stayed in a cottage where there was a massive spoil heap, but no quarry- and I told my wife that there was a hollow mountain somewhere. After 4 days I found a crack going into the mountain - it looked like the paths of the dead in Lord of the Rings.
She did not wish to ignore the danger sign on the entrance but I pushed down and into the crack - and halfway down found a great bucko sheep guarding the way in.

He looked at me and I looked at him - and I took a photograph of him - the Cerberus of the sheep world. Then he charged right at me and shouldered me out of the way and off out of the passage.

Going a little further and to the left I found my hollow mountain- not as big as the Welsh ones but quite awesome.

Sometimes I think the men of old were superhuman.

Super-sheep is now my avatar.

Watcha doing?

27-Sep-10, 21:53
watching men behaving badly, first time in ages and enjoying a wee giggle :)

27-Sep-10, 22:02
Watching the wee man cruise round the livingroom wondering how he can get so far so fast when he is only crawling more or less commado style..carpet surfing!
He is fast....
Washed all the balls in the ballpit..nearly a thousand of them...Iona and a taking off a nappy incident caused that work:eek:
Hubby won a dinner out voucher on friday(£50)..yet to know where!
His workmates apparently appreciated my day baking on thursday for the coffee morning on the friday....they want more baking as a usual occurance!
Going to have to con/persude my mum and dad to have the kids for that!

John Little
28-Sep-10, 11:15
LOL! They want more baking- I bet they do!!

What is going on?

The main road to work has had roadworks on it for over a week and the queues are horrendous.

So I bypass it using country lanes.

I get to the motorway and drive to Maidstone. They've closed the slip road onto the Chatham road so I have to drive a mile and a half back into Maidstone, round a roundabout and out again- jams all the way.

Coming the other way I see a 3 mile tailback from the top of Bluebell Hill (very haunted place) so go home via country lanes in twice the time.

This morning I drive back the same way- just in time to find the guys putting up bollards etc - they already have the lights working.

So How do I get home tonight and what the poodles is going on?

Is it a conspiracy or something?

John Little
10-Oct-10, 16:48
That's the paperwork done for today - at least the work stuff.

I still want to write a couple of emails though.

My bicycle has helped me today.
For years I rode with drop handlebars and my neck cocked at a weird angle.
As I grew older I found that after a long ride my head felt it was going to drop off- so I changed my bike- but no matter what I did I was leaning forward on my hands and still having to cock the neck.

I sussed what the problem was though - British handlebars that are not Randonneurs or racing bars are all straight. That stops you or at least inhibits you from sitting upright - which I prefer these days because of a bad back.

So in Italy I noticed that they are not fashion victims and they have old style handlebars that are swept back. In this country black ones to match my bike have proved impossible to get hold of. So in I went and asked the old lady who ran the shop for a pair of Manubrios.

They are on my bike and the straights have been given away.

What a difference! No cricked neck, sitting upright and able to see - and pedalling is easier with all my weight directed downwards onto the pedals.

So I have just ridden a few miles round the block and cycling is a pleasure again.

Watcha doing?

10-Oct-10, 17:37
Watching the Japanese GP (recorded it earlier).

10-Oct-10, 22:06
Been painting boxes to make cars...face painting...potty training (trying to get Iona to wear pants)..watching hubby untangle a puppet on strings..
Thinking about removing the real cobweb from the front porch tommorrow (if im brave enough as I dont do spiders) so I can hang up the fake ones:lol:
And get horace and pals down...halloween spider, tombstone and a witch Lauren says looks like nanny (its got dark hair):lol:

10-Oct-10, 22:44
Battling with Windoze 7.
My laptop fellover recently so I have had to get it replaced, spent most of this evening removing all the crap from new machine that Microshaft put on for free(?) to slow your machine down to make you think you need to go out and buy a new 'up to date one'!

Windows 3.11, what was wrong with that? It did what you wanted it to do.


10-Oct-10, 23:36
Just finished a roughly 12 hour day's work in front of the computer (not counting the cooking, cleaning and washing)

This workin from home lark can be a real HOOT sometimes :roll:

John Little
14-Oct-10, 20:42
I have just killed Dr Herman Lovegod from Hong-Kong. He was a strange fellow by all accounts - but did he deserve to die?

On the whole I think he did, so I wiped his existence from the face of the earth without a further thought. Numbers are not everything.

Can one be arrested for virtual murder. For liquidation of a fiction?

Not yet.

John Little
16-Oct-10, 14:13
No more spurious or dubious characters have appeared on the petition, but after Dr Lovegod I shall keep my eyes open.

Last night was quite dramatic. I was heading down a long straight road and we came into a wide part where ahead was a slight hill. There was a line of headlights coming down the hill; my wife was not looking, but as I was driving, my eyes were straight ahead. There was a car three vehicles in front of me and it turned right into the path of the oncoming traffic.
There was no way that the lead car coming down the hill could avoid it and there was one hell of a prang right in front of me - bits flew everywhere.

We all stopped, hazards going and expected the worst - but no - a very shaken lady got out of the car that had been coming down the hill and a rather elderly man out of the one that had turned into her path. How that happened I do not know and it's a tribute to modern car design. But we had the ambulance, the police and the fire brigade, statements etc.

And got home a lot later than we thought - and very hungry.

Now I am sitting going through the Atkins Heritage report on Dounreay with a green highlighter and a red pen - very interesting it is. I have read it before, but now I'm being critical on detail.

Watcha doing?

19-Oct-10, 12:28
Hardly stepped out the house since the weekend as the weather is awful, and we have all been full of the cold the last few weeks...as soon as one recovers the next succumbs to it.
Its me that is feeling headachey and with a sore throat now...Euan is at the snotty/grotty stage..Iona has a cough...Lauren is over it...hubby yet to get:eek:
We had to open a new bottle last night (calpol)
Oh and waiting in anticipation for my order from brandalley to be sent out...hopefully the dresses fit (if not my sis will score)
They might fit as this feeling awful thing has stopped me eating and I think I must have lost weight...

John Little
20-Oct-10, 21:47
Well that was an interesting day.

The boss was obviously in a bad mood. He called me in for a talk and started shouting at me.

So I shouted back at him - but louder.

We shouted at each other very noisily for about 5 minutes and he left.

I quite enjoyed it really - quite cathartic.

I'm a mild mannered chap really - I think a good shout does you good. Maybe that's why he did it.

20-Oct-10, 21:51
firstly i'm fighting really bad cramp in my foot!! :lol:

also i'm trying to chill myself out a bit and not stress about my driving test in the morning! hope i can sleep tonight :lol:

John Little
26-Oct-10, 17:51
I am seeing my boss at 1pm on Thursday for a talk. He shouted at me that he wanted to see me then. So I shouted back and asked if he wanted to see me to have a shout or a talk?

It may be that we shall have another shout.

I am in high hopes that I will be dismissed- and if that happens my wife says she will be getting a bottle of champagne.

The sort of job I do, I do not really wish to resign yet for it has too many unfortunate effects. But if he chooses to sack me then it is his problem.

But I think we shall just bellow at each other very loudly and reach some sort of compromise.because he's already done what I wanted him to.

My wife has gone up to London with my step-grand-daughters who are staying with us. I am supposed to be learning lines for a panto - but it gets so boring.

I think I know most of them.

Watcha doing?

26-Oct-10, 19:54
Paiting a witch on the livingroom window and a pumpkin on the window in the lobby!
Still trying to work out how to get it to say happy halloween from the outside while doing the writing on the inside without too many back to front letters!
Going into work tommorrow with a letter to say im coming back!
Apart from that nothing too exciting...nursery runs...nursery halloween party on thursday and a coffee morning for nursery on friday...
Kids have a better social life than me:lol:

26-Oct-10, 19:57
Trying to make pork pies but making a blooming mess instead.

Be warned, hot water pastry is not as easy to play with as it first looks :(.

26-Oct-10, 20:11
Spent the day (3 weeks into a new part time job) picking litter from the main road verges, the last mile or so for the time being, whilst trying not to be killed by various motorists and boy racers who seem to view my high vis coat as a target. One hero in an Evo 8 replica had just passed a lorry flat out and had so little control when he braked for the 40mph speed limit, from about 100mph, he actualy swerved to the wrong side of the road as he was passing me :eek:

I am trying out what I thought were less stressful jobs [lol]

John Little
26-Oct-10, 20:35
Miss Veda Munro, my form teacher in the huts at the Miller - which are still there- loved Kathleen Ferrier. I remember her playing this in class when I was 7 - so in 1960.


She was right - it is rather special and always makes me think of Miss Munro.

John Little
27-Oct-10, 17:11
This half-term business is expensive. Today we took the girls down to Hurstmonceux where the Royal observatory is and they had a go on lots of we scientific experiment stuff that they have there. Very interesting but not cheap.

On the way back we called in at Battle and looked down the hill to imagine William and his Normans charging up it to conquer England and be nasty to everybody.

Is it my imagination or didn't the Anglo-Saxons get on a lot better with the Scots and Welsh before the French came busting in and started to try to take over everything.

Anyway - I'd forgotten how much it all costs - so all you parents out there have my sympathy.

John Little
31-Oct-10, 21:47
I am getting old,

Because I'm tired.
We went up to London for a day out yesterday, just herself and me.
She had never been up the Monument so we got off the train at London Bridge and walked over there.
311 steps up and 311 steps doon were nae problems. We did not stay up there long because it came on to rain as we were on the viewing platform.

So then at the bottom was a wee shop selling walking equipment and I had a look at their GPS for cyclists. But they only had the very expensive touch screen ones or the cheapo gray scale ones - and not what I was after at all.

Then to Covent garden where crowds milled in swarms and mists of people- ye gods but there are many many folk in the world.

To John Lewis in Oxford street where I bought a coat - a minor miracle this, because it fits. When you are my size this is an event, believe me, so next time it rains I shall make like Chief inspector Japp.
After Marks and Sparks at Oxford street, with aching back and feet a plate of calamari and then pasta at a spaghetti house and we got a direct bus to the Albert Hall.

The main event, we thought, was Carmina Burana, but before the interval
it was Saint Saens' Organ symphony- they cut loose on the great organ and it absolutely drowned out the Royal Philharmonic - what a sound!

Then Carmina Burana was fantastic.
Out to the suburbs where we had parked - and I drove home by 12.20am.

But I am knackered - age is a terrible thing.

Days in London are an occasional treat. And shall remain so.

Watcha doing?

31-Oct-10, 22:00
Wondering what to do with the 30 bags of goodies I made up for the bairns guising (or not as the case) ... :(
really dissapointed as I made an effort...the bags had sweeties(chocs, mashmallow things and general gutrot), a ball, some stickers, peanuts, pack of crisps and a satsuma in...
The porch was decorated...spooky music was playing...
Windows decorated...

And no one came.....

Why do I bother??

John Little
31-Oct-10, 22:02
Dadie - seems to me that a teacher down the road at the Miller could be giving their class a few treats tomorrow..... ;)

31-Oct-10, 22:05
Suppose I could hand the bags out at nursery tommorrow....
But I like seeing the kids all dressed up...and I dont mind hearing the same joke or rhyme over and over again!
Apart from that we had a picnic up at loch more today...and yes the weather was not great..it was cold and we had rain, but the girls and the dogs loved it!

31-Oct-10, 23:01
Just back from a 1000 n' odd mile round trip for a wedding this weekend.
(Missed X Factor :eek:)

Chilling out now with beer in hand.

02-Nov-10, 15:33
Going back in the kitchen to clean up..after the white pepper cloud has settled a bit:eek:
Cooking with the girls this afternoon........
(didnt really want help)
Rabbit casserole and delphinoise potatoes (what could go wrong)
Found it a bit ironic my carrots kept disappearing to the girls bunnies outside.:lol:
Iona spilt the red wine over her brother in the babywalker (I had just opened the bottle)
Lauren couldnt wait for me to open the pepper and it went everywhere...
Flour and melted butter over the counters...
Vacated the kitchen for a wee while..

Take away for dinner???

03-Nov-10, 00:04
sat on caithness.org, drinking, smoking and listening to some tunes.

watcha doing??

14-Nov-10, 12:37
More a case of "Whatwasya doin last night", as I should have posted this then!

Spent an enjoyable evening watching Lip-dub (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lip_dub) videos on You Tube last night.

Thouroughly enjoyed watching so many univeristy, college and high school students singing and dancing their hearts out in what seems to have become a bit of You Tube rivalry (in the US and Poland at least!) in a way which includes what appears to be everyone in the campus. Unlike talent (:roll:) programmes like X factor and all that other bruck, these lip dub videos seem to include everyone, regardless of ability - Everyone has their part to play and bit to do, and they all look like they are having huge fun doing it! Sure, most of them are just lip syncing along to established (usually good!) tracks (probably not a lot different from X factor then....), but some did seem to have the school band providing the cover version for the soundtrack. Huge level of ingenuity and effort gone into most of them, so well done!

14-Nov-10, 12:38
sat in my PJs thinking about what to have for lunch!

Then i will get dressed and take the little people out to Dunnet Forest for a long afternoon walk!

John Little
14-Nov-10, 13:53
We were going to go for a ride so got the bikes out - but it started to pour.
So instead we drove into Tenterden and saw the remembrance parade.

A walk in the rain and some nice coffee. And now the Org.

Sometimes, like now, I wish Caithness were not so far away. I want to feel the wind clean on my face blowing in from the firth. Or look over flat moorland for miles and smell the peat.

Such a beautiful place.

Watcha doing?

14-Nov-10, 16:23
Absolutely nothing. Bliss.

28-Nov-10, 00:57
had a slow trip back from down south ....now trying to warm the house back up to habitable!:lol:

John Little
28-Nov-10, 23:14
I would imagine right now that both Pepys and Chaucer are up on a cloud having a right good laugh.

Great literature - o mae ai!

28-Nov-10, 23:18
I don't think anyone cares what I'm doing but I'm waiting for a reply to my thread on wikileaks



Also I'm wondering what is a reasonable bed time. I always thought 10 pm was "reasonable" but then sometimes 12am seems more "reasonable". I am a grown up after all. By the way i'm not on the sauce. I'm just trying to be more open about how I feel about things ;)

29-Nov-10, 00:11
I don't think anyone cares what I'm doing but I'm waiting for a reply to my thread on wikileaks



Also I'm wondering what is a reasonable bed time. I always thought 10 pm was "reasonable" but then sometimes 12am seems more "reasonable". I am a grown up after all. By the way i'm not on the sauce. I'm just trying to be more open about how I feel about things ;)
Can't be bothered to reply. Anyway, it's past my bedtime....and time you went to bed too, it's way past a reasonable time even for grown ups ;)

29-Nov-10, 04:00
I don't think anyone cares what I'm doing but I'm waiting for a reply to my thread on wikileaks



Also I'm wondering what is a reasonable bed time. I always thought 10 pm was "reasonable" but then sometimes 12am seems more "reasonable". I am a grown up after all. By the way i'm not on the sauce. I'm just trying to be more open about how I feel about things ;)

No such animal as 12am MrL!...

23.59PM or 00.01AM, canny have confusion in this world ye ken!;)

John Little
02-Dec-10, 10:29
Well we are snowed in down here. There's over a foot of snow in my lane and it is still falling. There's no trains running and the roads are not passable so I am having to stay at home for a second day.

So if this is the face of global warming, for it was like this last winter, I hope that the council buys some equipment for dealing with it. I'm told that salt in water lowers its freezing point by 7 degrees. Trouble is that I think the night temperatures are going well below that, so simply throwing salt all over the place is no good.

Minds me of Caithness when I was a kid.

So we shall go for a trudge later all togged up like eskimaux in order to get some exercise.

But at least we shall get all the Xmas cards written in good time this year.

Watcha doing?

02-Dec-10, 11:03
Enjoying the silence now the girls are back at school after 2 days off!!!

Will need to get the housework done (always gets left when kids are home!) and then maybe for a walk later!

02-Dec-10, 11:32
Didnt realise how unfit I am.
Just going to collapse with a cup of tea after ploughing the buggy wheels through the snow all the way to and from nursery!
After I see to the rabbits, birdies, run the hoover over the livingroom and give Euan his breakfast.....if I have time before getting everyone wrapped up again to get Lauren from nursery...then taking the sledge out!

04-Dec-10, 18:43
Getting ready for my first night out in ages!
I have forgotten how to walk in high heels....
Showing im getting old... wearing thick socks under my boots(shush dont tell)
Bairns are at Granny and Grandas as hubby is working tommorow..so I will get a lie in too!
On a minus point the bairns will have their first party tommorow afternoon....so not great for hangovers....

04-Dec-10, 18:48
just finishing an ice cream, and then to get kids ready for bed.

Ready to get the tree up and watch x-factor in peace tonight!!!

05-Dec-10, 22:58
Just looking over the org after an absence, not much has changed.

05-Dec-10, 23:12
Just looking over the org after an absence, not much has changed.
Thought we hadn't seen you! [lol]

The Music Monster
06-Dec-10, 01:03
I'm trying to get my head round how changing my Facebook profile picture is going to help the NSPCC. This message keeps appearing on my friends' wall:

Change Your Facebook Profile Picture To a Cartoon Character From Your Childhood And Invite Your Friends To Do The Same, For The NSPCC. Until Monday (December 6th), There Should Be No Human Faces on Facebook, But An Invasion of Memories. This Is a Campaign To Stop Violence Against Children.

Don't quite get how it works:roll:, but I've done it anyway!

So that's what I'm doing!!!

John Little
21-Dec-10, 21:38
We were going to go and visit relations in Gloucester on Saturday but did not because of a large blizzard. Looking at the news on the box I was a bit iffy about going but herself is very gung ho when it comes to that sort of thing. Sees it as an adventure- so off we went on Sunday morning.

No problems - all the way across the country - roads open and traffic moving. When we got to Gloucestershire they had not gritted the roads which were glazed with ice but that was an avoidable situation.

This morning I checked both RAC and AA websites and saw the M5 was clear. Television news was showing the country at a standstill.

So we drove down to Glastonbury to drop off some presents- a lot less traffic than normal. And then we drove home - all the way to Kent.
No delays, no incidents- nothing.
Just cold.

Seems to me there is a big gap between what the telly is saying and reality.

Watcha doing?

21-Dec-10, 21:59
Sitting in my jammies
Writing a letter...
getting things organised for going back to work tommorrow!
No kids...they are at my parents.
Chasing up a delivery...its not going to get here in time..blast!
Got the car stuck at my parents and didnt think I was going to get it out!

John Little
24-Dec-10, 20:40
Every year my wife bakes a ham in pastry and this year is no exception. I just cracked open the pastry and cut off the fat and carried the residue down the garden for the fox. I do not think foxes get wheat allergies - he seems to be quite enthusiastic about eating the fat soaked pastry.
Well it's always gone in the morning anyway.

So we just had hot ham with home made xmas pickle and Christmas eve is really with us now.

Tomorrow we go for a walk and have the day to ourselves. The hordes descend on Boxing day for a full dinner with all the trimmings.

Meanwhile the idiot who lives next door is out shooting things in his wood and the peace of the night is disturbed by shotgun blasts.

It's a good night and the fire glows and is warm- and this is the best of its kind.


It's a good night.

Watcha doing?

24-Dec-10, 23:00
Every year my wife bakes a ham in pastry and this year is no exception. I just cracked open the pastry and cut off the fat and carried the residue down the garden for the fox. I do not think foxes get wheat allergies - he seems to be quite enthusiastic about eating the fat soaked pastry.
Well it's always gone in the morning anyway.

So we just had hot ham with home made xmas pickle and Christmas eve is really with us now.

Tomorrow we go for a walk and have the day to ourselves. The hordes descend on Boxing day for a full dinner with all the trimmings.

Meanwhile the idiot who lives next door is out shooting things in his wood and the peace of the night is disturbed by shotgun blasts.

It's a good night and the fire glows and is warm- and this is the best of its kind.


It's a good night.

Watcha doing?

Sat here with the fire cranked up.

Mrs N is curled up with a book, the lurcher is asleep on the sofa, it's still frozen outside and I'm listening to Rev Hammers 'Freeborn John' (one of my favourite CD's) with a large Old Pulteney in my hand.

All is well in Schloss Northener.

arana negra
24-Dec-10, 23:13
Sitting at pc with log burner on and blazing, Scally on the rug by fire and a glass of cherry liquer by my side :)

25-Dec-10, 03:31
Sitting at pc with log burner on and blazing, Scally on the rug by fire and a glass of cherry liquer by my side :)

lucky you am on the nightshift merry xmas

25-Dec-10, 09:51
One is recovering from the effects of last nights party <hic> :eek:

25-Dec-10, 10:23
having a 5 minute breather before more presents!

Kids are hyper, my dad is in the kitchen preparing lunch, hubby is out the front shovelling the snow and clearing the car so we can get Granny here later, and then more festivities to happen.

Its going to be a LONG day!

John Little
25-Dec-10, 20:23
So we got up and did the stockings thing. We always do stockings. Yep - big kids really.

Then out and drove up onto the Downs, swaddled warmly and parked the car. Lots of snow up there and the hills covered in 4-6 inches of royal icing. So we crunched for 7 miles cross country in a circular walk. Everything was crisp and the snow almost hard enough to support my weight.

We stopped for a sandwich on a stile, the only snow free place for miles and stayed 10 minutes. The chill factor was considerable so good to get going again. The roads were deadly, glazed with ice so the hills and the snow were the safest place to be.

Home to a warm house, a cup of tea and to open our presents. I now own a Kindle :)

And a wee dram of black grouse. What is it about good whiskey?

We have had our first course- now it's Strictly- after which we have our Xmas dinner.

Tomorrow the invasion - but this day was ours and it was a good 'un.

Watcha doing?

25-Dec-10, 20:34
Sitting in front of the fire with the family watching 'The Polar Express' :) Munching chocolates with a glass of wine in hand - feeling very relaxed!

However... once the Monopoly comes out in a while the peace will undoubtedly be shattered!! ;)

25-Dec-10, 23:47
A brief lull in the action. Stockings done and christmas breakfast (rice porridge with berries, almonds and whipped cream) cleared. Daughters now back asleep on various flat surfaces. I'm going to make ginger jelly while the house is quiet, then we'll launch into opening gifts and playing card games and Monopoly.
Torrential rains and gale winds make me glad none of us are going out.
Dinner tonight is lamb chops and roasted root veg, and a coconut cake for dessert.
Christmas greetings to all my org friends.

26-Dec-10, 12:15

John Little
03-Jan-11, 19:55
Today we did something I have been wanting to do for years and went to explore the Isle of Sheppey. It's a bit out of the way and one hears a lot of strange talk about the place but we headed to Sheerness over the great bridge, and found ourselves in industrial wasteland. Then funnily enough we arrived at Queensborough which was a funny little place - evidently of some prosperity in Nelson's day. Quite quaint really if not surrounded by chemical works and wasteland.

Sheerness was a bit of a dump but walking along the beach we kept on finding oysters washed ashore. We took a few shells but I chucked the oysters I found back into the water. I have never eaten them and have an aversion to swallowing anything alive, but anyone fond of them could have a dinner party with the numbers washed ashore.

Down the bottom end of the island is a small place called Leysdown which is solid amusements and caravan parks - not a lot to recommend it in the winter but I suppose some folk must like it, judging from the number of pitches there.

We then crossed the marshes to the Ferry Inn - which was closed and there was no ferry and just a dead end road. I'm glad we saw the place while we are living in this neck of the woods but I have to say that it's not a place I recommend for a visit.

Now home to sausages and mash.

I see that Gary Beadle is in a film tonight at 10.00pm with Jean Claude van Damme. I may watch....

Watcha doing?

05-Jan-11, 22:59
Having a peedie dram to celebrate the 12th night! Then it'll be decorations down and the Christmas cards recycled - Into heat!

John Little
01-Feb-11, 22:09
It's been a long time since I did this! I am sitting here with a glass of eau de vie listening to the most perfect female voice that has ever existed singing to break your heart and wondering what time herself will be home. She has gone off to sing in a choir in Eastbourne leaving me to work on the couch but I have done enough for tonight, save for two sheets of A4 I must read and comment upon.

I would love not to go to work in the morning but to take off on the bicycle which I do not ride nearly often enough and head off with a couple of panniers and a GPS. Pity we have to work to make a living really but roll on July for then I cast myself adrift and find a bit more of life's phases. I can hardly wait, for life is a hamster wheel at the moment and I want to get off and roll round the living room.

Well - quiz night coming up this weekend - we shall blast the opposition into shards!! And we have booked to see Black Swan - I hope it's good but herself thinks it's a chick flick and feels guilty at dragging me along. But I remind her that I dragged her to Harry Potter, Gladiator and Master and Commander.... but she tells me she liked them.

What a woman!

I think I shall carry on reading this book about Edward I...

Watcha doing?

Corrie 3
01-Feb-11, 22:46
It's been a long time since I did this! I am sitting here with a glass of eau de vie listening to the most perfect female voice that has ever existed singing to break your heart and wondering what time herself will be home. She has gone off to sing in a choir in Eastbourne leaving me to work on the couch but I have done enough for tonight, save for two sheets of A4 I must read and comment upon.

I would love not to go to work in the morning but to take off on the bicycle which I do not ride nearly often enough and head off with a couple of panniers and a GPS. Pity we have to work to make a living really but roll on July for then I cast myself adrift and find a bit more of life's phases. I can hardly wait, for life is a hamster wheel at the moment and I want to get off and roll round the living room.

Well - quiz night coming up this weekend - we shall blast the opposition into shards!! And we have booked to see Black Swan - I hope it's good but herself thinks it's a chick flick and feels guilty at dragging me along. But I remind her that I dragged her to Harry Potter, Gladiator and Master and Commander.... but she tells me she liked them.

What a woman!

I think I shall carry on reading this book about Edward I...

Watcha doing?
I am looking for some advice on Karls.Forum and guess what John???????

C3... :-)

John Little
01-Feb-11, 22:49
Que????? :0

They advise you to invade Scotland?

01-Feb-11, 23:53
I have enrolled Lauren into school and am going to hunt out Ionas birth cert to enrol her into nursery next week or is it the week after for the enrolling week for after summer
....2 down 1 to go!
Only joking...Iona is wanting to go to nursery school, its a fight/screaming match with her trying to remove her from the premises at the moment when Lauren goes in!
Its not nice having to remove her....
And mother and toddlers just doesnt cut it anymore.
Apart from that Inverness on thursday to pick up my car that wasnt well.
Its fixed now .... but it was a steering column fault..ouch!

John Little
21-Apr-11, 16:46
I am sitting with my foot up because I have been an eejit! The other day my wife asked me to move a large piece of slate into the shed while she decides its fate. I leaned it up against the other shed door thinking 'I never open this'.

This morning I needed to go up our chimney outside to do a job and wanted the ladder - and the only way to get the ladder is... to open the usually unopened shed door.

I forgot the slate.
It fell on my left big toe.

The violence of the language scared every rabbit from our garden and the sheep across the road ran to the far end of the field.
I have a blue toe which throbs and, strangely, makes my whole foot throb.

How can that be?

And it's all my own stupid damned fault!

But I still went up the ladder and did the job.

Now I am hobbling round the house and my wife can't decide to sympathise or laugh... :(

Watcha doing?

Alice in Blunderland
21-Apr-11, 17:38
Now I am hobbling round the house and my wife can't decide to sympathise or laugh... :(

Watcha doing?

I'm so sorry John but I'm having a wee titter to myself whilst reading your post thinking silly silly boy.

Ive just spend the day in lovely sunshine power washing and tidying up at my mum and dads house. I'm now going to open a tin of ginger beer sit in the conservatory and enjoy. :D