View Full Version : Dedicated Photographic Website

20-Mar-10, 18:38
Hi folks, at long last I have a dedicated website for my photography interests. I would be grateful if you could have a look and let me know if you spot any errors or have ideas or suggestions for improvements etc. Its still early days (only went live yesterday) and I need to upload much more examples into the portfolios and get my pricing / print act together.

You can check it out here: www.studiograff-photo.co.uk (http://www.studiograff-photo.co.uk)

20-Mar-10, 21:47
Very nice :D

Some really nit-picky bits:

Gallery straplines on main page and Gallery tab - Weddings strapline needs a full stop on the end and it's anomolous to have Wedding with an initial capital in the middle of the sentence when you don't do it for the other subjects. People & Portraits, Nature and Sport - consider a full stop instead of the exclamation mark, business-related writing rarely uses them. Landscapes - no apostrophe in 'panoramas'.

Links tab - for the Whisky link, Scottish-themed needs a hyphen.

Wedding gallery - 99% of potential customers browsing this page are going to be upcoming brides. Consider populating the first page with bride/bride & groom/bride & bridesmaid/first dance shots only rather than the pictures of groups of guests currently shown. On this small laptop I can only see 8 thumbnails at a time and 6 of the 8 are 'busy' shots - only 3 of the 8 clearly show a bride at that size.

20-Mar-10, 22:55
Nice site. Well laid out and easy to use thanks for sharing


20-Mar-10, 22:57
I'm impressed too, very nice and clearly laid out, bright and eye catching!

Lovely photos, I'm working my way through your galleries now!

20-Mar-10, 23:20
Have to agree with cazmanian minx on the weddings,too many general shots of guests and not enough studies of the blushing bride.
People and portraits, I would suggest that you stress capturing the essence of the individual.
Found the rest very pleasing to the eye and some of the commercial shots would do credit to any advertising.
Good luck with the site.

21-Mar-10, 01:03
Thanks all for taking the time to look. I have taken on board your comments. Just now the gallery images are presented randomly (which I prefer - I think) Most of the wedding images were taken at the dance only (when my band was performing) so blushing bride only shots will hopefully develop with time.

21-Mar-10, 02:25
I have to agree with Julie as I think your home page is very eye catching, and especially like the sports and weddings lay out.

I have often clicked the link to someones webpage and instantly been bored by the home page so have not looked further into the site, however I think your home page is eyecatching and well laid out. It is purely a matter of taste but I much prefer the more informal wedding shots.

The best of luck with your site.