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View Full Version : The power of the internet?

17-Mar-10, 21:48
Here is a poll (you know you love them).

Have you ever changed your view on any subject as a result of the lively er debates that frequently occur here?

Feel free to quote examples, but don't start anymore or I will go off in a huff (unless they are interesting) ;)

You can choose more than one option. (but if you choose no it would be kinda pointless)

17-Mar-10, 22:05
Yes I have, but not on here. I changed my opinions of some training methods used on a pet forum I use. What I thought was barbaric was actually not, and now I don't have a problem with it. Same with vaccinations, until I joiend forums, I didn't realise just how unnecessary they are.

However here, I don't really take part in the debats, because I wouldn't know what to say :p

17-Mar-10, 22:31
You've not put an option for a conspiracy. I'm gonna go on my outragage nimbyism little huff and throw all me toys out of me cot, you big bully.

No, your not going to talk me out of it.

17-Mar-10, 23:29
You've not put an option for a conspiracy. I'm gonna go on my outragage nimbyism little huff and throw all me toys out of me cot, you big bully.

No, your not going to talk me out of it.

There, There, you've been fiddling with the parental control again haven't you?

17-Mar-10, 23:39
There, There, you've been fiddling with the parental control again haven't you?

Oh! Is that what it does, I thought I'd tapped into Obama's OFF button.

It is really cool though, if I just pr


17-Mar-10, 23:41

ess it again and 'tinterwebs back.
Is that just so cool?

17-Mar-10, 23:42
Every day's a schoolday on the web.

18-Mar-10, 00:01
I have changed my point of view when somebody has produced new evidence of which I was not aware.

I try to keep an open mind in all debates, but unfortunately some orgers will never change their mind in a debate, they are selectively blind to any facts contrary to their opinion. I don't know why they get involved as their mind is already made up, perhaps just trying to get others as twisted as themselves.

18-Mar-10, 00:35
I have changed my point of view when somebody has produced new evidence of which I was not aware.

I try to keep an open mind in all debates, but unfortunately some orgers will never change their mind in a debate, they are selectively blind to any facts contrary to their opinion. I don't know why they get involved as their mind is already made up, perhaps just trying to get others as twisted as themselves.

Don't twist my melon man.

Good debates, will (should) get people thinking, even if at the end you hold the same views as you started. At least those views have been questioned.

18-Mar-10, 01:18
I have changed my point of view when somebody has produced new evidence of which I was not aware.

I try to keep an open mind in all debates, but unfortunately some orgers will never change their mind in a debate, they are selectively blind to any facts contrary to their opinion. I don't know why they get involved as their mind is already made up, perhaps just trying to get others as twisted as themselves.

Well now the problem with keeping an open mind is that if you lean forwards your brain falls out.

18-Mar-10, 01:55
Good debates, will (should) get people thinking, even if at the end you hold the same views as you started. At least those views have been questioned.

Yes, very true.

18-Mar-10, 17:17
Shouldn't there be an option for "It just confuses the Hell out of me even more"?

19-Mar-10, 09:40
Shouldn't there be an option for "It just confuses the Hell out of me even more"?

Yes, if you ask for the two sides of an argument you get six :eek:

19-Mar-10, 12:26
However here, I don't really take part in the debats, because I wouldn't know what to say :p

That doesn't stop an awful lot of other people Sarah :eek:

19-Mar-10, 13:15
I thought the No10.gov.uk petitions facility would be useful and help to bring issues to the attention of our elected representatives. However it just turned out to be pretty much a hysteria.com or personalgripe.co.uk situation.
I don't think it's the internet that's the problem when it comes to learning things from the internet - it's the users!

19-Mar-10, 13:16
However here, I don't really take part in the debats, because I wouldn't know what to say :p

'Oh yes it is!'
'Oh no it isn't!'

is pretty much all you'll need

20-Mar-10, 06:56
Look, I've got my mind made up, don't confuse me with facts! :D