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View Full Version : Knitting a baby blanket

16-Mar-10, 23:17
Many moons ago I used to do a lot of knitting, but with arthritis in my thumb and a very curious cat, I've got out of the way of it and don't feel up to trying anything at all complicated just yet.

I remember knitting a pram blanket for my first baby, using lemon and white wool and making the blanket from squares all knitted in different stitches. The blanket was in constant use and still lasted for all three babies. :)

I was thinking of trying something like that again - so if something goes wrong with one square, it will only be the one at any one time, and not a complete disaster. :lol:

Could anyone suggest a combination of attractive stitches that would compliment each other and which wouldn't make the tension very too much from square to square so they fit well when they're sewn together? :confused

Over to the experts......!

17-Mar-10, 10:50
Take a trip to the library they have some really lovely books on knitting for babies and I am sure you will get so many good ideas your needles will never be still again

17-Mar-10, 11:44
Try google they have loads of free knitting patterns.