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elastic band
16-Mar-10, 10:48
hi folks,
does anyone know much about these type of course where i think you drive for whole week or so and then sit your test.

has anyone done this, and if so, how did you find it.

any info, numbers, details etc would be greatly appreciated

thank you

16-Mar-10, 10:51
Bob and Marie
High St
Avoch IV9 8PT
Tel: 01381 620350
Mobile: 07808625299

Harbour Driving School do intensive courses on the Black Isle. They provide B&B for the duration of the stay and will collect you from the bus. He is excellent - he must be, he got my sister through her test!!!

16-Mar-10, 11:14
Not sure if its the same for cars but......
I did an intesive week in inverness for my lorry I loved it and because your getting a week all at once In my opinion its better than once a week as you get a better grasp and instead of just an hour a week your getting a few hours a day.
It might seem expensive to begin with but if you work it out it ends up alot cheaper and it really does give you more experience.
I would recommend intensive courses to anyone.:)

hardcore superstar
16-Mar-10, 12:53
Not sure if its the same for cars but......
I did an intesive week in inverness for my lorry I loved it and because your getting a week all at once In my opinion its better than once a week as you get a better grasp and instead of just an hour a week your getting a few hours a day.
It might seem expensive to begin with but if you work it out it ends up alot cheaper and it really does give you more experience.
I would recommend intensive courses to anyone.:)

I agree with S&LHEN. I did intensive courses for my motorbike and car licences in Inverness. Would recommend it.

16-Mar-10, 13:48
I wouldn't recommend an intensive course to everybody.
Some people simply cannot cope with the high level of workload needed to get from beginner to test standard inside a few days. It's bloody hard work.

If you're a quite confident person the you'll probably be OK. If you're a bit apprehensive or quite nervous, then think very carefully about the level of commitment required.

Whoever you approach, ensure you know exactly how many hours tuition you will be getting for your money. Also, how many people will there be in the car when you are learning? You should be 1 to 1, if there's two or three in the car you need to ask yourself how many hours you are actually sitting watching as opposed to doing.
Some will give you a load of guff about 'learning from others' - it's crap. That only works for a few hours in the early stages and then everyone else in the car just sits looking out of the window.

Also, if you are sharing a car - what if one of the other students starts to struggle to keep up? Your time will be eaten into. Or, if you are struggling - do you want to be left behind so that the others can make progress?

One to one..or a bloody good explanation why not. You'll be spending a lot of money - you want value for it.

If you decide to go ahead, bear in mind that you will have to have passed your theory test before starting the course otherwise it will be impossible for you to book for your test.
Make sure you know when your test date would be before comitting yourself to paying. It's no good doing a weeks' intensive course just to be told that there are no test slots available for another 6 weeks.......
And don't forget to ask them how they will deal with the fact that you may not be up to test standard by the end of the week.

But, like I said, if you're quite a confident person and you can find the right instructor/school - then good luck.

If you need any more info or have anything you'd prefer to discuss in private - please feel free to PM me.

16-Mar-10, 18:11
I wouldn't recommend an intensive course to everybody.
Some people simply cannot cope with the high level of workload needed to get from beginner to test standard inside a few days. It's bloody hard work.

If you're a quite confident person the you'll probably be OK. If you're a bit apprehensive or quite nervous, then think very carefully about the level of commitment required.

Whoever you approach, ensure you know exactly how many hours tuition you will be getting for your money. Also, how many people will there be in the car when you are learning? You should be 1 to 1, if there's two or three in the car you need to ask yourself how many hours you are actually sitting watching as opposed to doing.
Some will give you a load of guff about 'learning from others' - it's crap. That only works for a few hours in the early stages and then everyone else in the car just sits looking out of the window.

Also, if you are sharing a car - what if one of the other students starts to struggle to keep up? Your time will be eaten into. Or, if you are struggling - do you want to be left behind so that the others can make progress?

One to one..or a bloody good explanation why not. You'll be spending a lot of money - you want value for it.

If you decide to go ahead, bear in mind that you will have to have passed your theory test before starting the course otherwise it will be impossible for you to book for your test.
Make sure you know when your test date would be before comitting yourself to paying. It's no good doing a weeks' intensive course just to be told that there are no test slots available for another 6 weeks.......
And don't forget to ask them how they will deal with the fact that you may not be up to test standard by the end of the week.

But, like I said, if you're quite a confident person and you can find the right instructor/school - then good luck.

If you need any more info or have anything you'd prefer to discuss in private - please feel free to PM me.

I have been thinking on how i am going to get my full liscense lately (Another baby thought of the future lol). I know myself that i need practise and to gain my confidence back after helping my partner one day to move the car of the driveway. As i am not allowed to push due to being pregnant i was behind the wheel trying to help him move it just that wee bit while he pushed. I felt that i belonged there in the drivers seat and since then have had a strong itch to get back into it and get my full lisense now that funds will allow me to have a lesson once a week. It felt like riding a bike, my body knew what to do my mind wasn't too sure lol.

As i was saying i have been thinking of how i am going to do this and did think that an intensive course would do the ticket though i knew it be hard to be away from my baby for a week once everything was settled and my baby was a few months old. On reflection i think i will just stick with the one lesson once a week and instead get myself insured to drive my partner's car so i can practice and get my confidence back. As far as cost goes it'll pretty much cost the same either way.

elastic band
17-Mar-10, 08:26
Hi folks,

many thanks to those who have replied so far. I did wonder if it were possible to actually do the course in Caithness rather than have to do to Inverness or similar. Does anyone know if that is possible please ?

again thanks to those who took the time to reply -much appreciated.

17-Mar-10, 09:37
there is a guy who comes up..
as part of "kwik pass"
not sure what his number is...
ill see what i can do though

17-Mar-10, 11:29
there is a guy who comes up..
as part of "kwik pass"
not sure what his number is...
ill see what i can do though

Id stay clear of this fellow takes your money, says he will call when he has space, dosnt call, he has to be chased for months to get lessons. Im sure there will be folk that say he good but alot more who have had alot of trouble with this guy.

17-Mar-10, 11:40
Hi folks,

many thanks to those who have replied so far. I did wonder if it were possible to actually do the course in Caithness rather than have to do to Inverness or similar. Does anyone know if that is possible please ?

again thanks to those who took the time to reply -much appreciated.

My sister tried the guy on the Black Isle but he had a few weeks before he could fit her in. She went south and tried someone else and failed. She came up her and tried several other routes and failed. She went to the guy in the Black Isle who specialises in intensive courses and he knew exactly what to do for her in the week and she passed.

As Northerner has pointed out, it isn't as easy as just doing an intensive course and passing. However, Bob is excellent and I have heard many good reports therefore I believe he is the nearest you will get that will provide a good course.

elastic band
17-Mar-10, 15:52
hi folks,

thanks again to those who have replied or pm'd me.

appreciate advice -keep all info coming.