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12-Mar-10, 19:59
[disgust] Donald Trump wants to clear people from land north of Aberdeen to build a controversial housing and golf complex. There are already three golf courses along that coast. Fundamentally his plan is for a huge housing estate with a golf course tacked on. He wants Aberdeenshire Council to help by using Compulsory Purchase powers which are meant to be reserved for public infrastructure like schools, roads and hospitals.
In this case he wants to use these powers for profit.
I've just signed a petition here (http://38degrees.org.uk/donaldtrump) urging Aberdeenshire Council not to force local people from their homes and appeal to Orgers to sign the petition too.

12-Mar-10, 20:04
I can't get past his hair when I see him. If I met him I would be sniggering like a bairn.

It is not so funny being pressurized to leave your family home in the name of an entertainment complex.

If it were me I would take the money and run.

12-Mar-10, 20:12
You have to remember aberdeen area economy is run buy the oil and fish sector and the oil isnt going to last forever
So for someone like donald trump wanting to create more jobs and build a world class golf course that will attract visitors and add to the economy in the area from one thing and another i say its a good thing.
The trump organisation have not went for Compulsory Purchase powers yet there trying to avoid that if they can because the minorty of local resident dont want to negotate a deaal to make this happen.
Nobody wants to see anyone be forced from there home by Compulsory Purchase powers but there is the other side of the coin were you could accuse the minorty residents of trying to stop aberdeenshire of getting a world class golf course that will boost the economey on along term basis and create jobs from the course and other spin offs.
from the course

If i was one of the residents i would try to make a good deal now while the going is good because if they do go for Compulsory Purchase powers the deal might not be so good.

12-Mar-10, 20:16
Him and his wig should be sent packing and the whole scheme bunkered. As usual, Councils see £ signs whenever people of his ilk ride into town, either forgetting or ignoring the those who really matter-the local people. :(

Mystical Potato Head
12-Mar-10, 20:26
[disgust] Donald Trump wants to clear people from land north of Aberdeen to build a controversial housing and golf complex. There are already three golf courses along that coast. Fundamentally his plan is for a huge housing estate with a golf course tacked on. He wants Aberdeenshire Council to help by using Compulsory Purchase powers which are meant to be reserved for public infrastructure like schools, roads and hospitals.
In this case he wants to use these powers for profit.
I've just signed a petition here (http://38degrees.org.uk/donaldtrump) urging Aberdeenshire Council not to force local people from their homes and appeal to Orgers to sign the petition too.

He isnt a total villian here.He has already,has he not, offered these owners an extremely good,well above asking pricefor their homes and land but they have refused to sell.
At least he's had the decency to make very good offers to these people first.He didint have to.

12-Mar-10, 20:27
His buddy Wee Fat Eck, will look after Donald, he has before, and he will again

12-Mar-10, 20:45
He isnt a total villian here.He has already,has he not, offered these owners an extremely good,well above asking pricefor their homes and land but they have refused to sell.
At least he's had the decency to make very good offers to these people first.He didint have to.

The offers were apparently 15% over valuation.
With 90+% of houses in the Aberdeen area selling for at least that and more likely 20-25% over valuation its far from a very good offer. More like a minimum offer.
Just my opinion but I think Aberdeen Cooncil and the local residents will rue the day that they ever heard of The Donald.
Selena Scott sussed him out in that infamous interview.

12-Mar-10, 20:54
Wot has it got to do with us peeps way up here, "sod all" it's like some numty way down in Perth trying to vote for wind-turbine/mills up in Caithness:confused
Now STOP, lets not talk about the wirlygigs??:confused

12-Mar-10, 21:08
Well, if you see houses as just an asset to be realised, then the answer is get what you can, while you can.

But there is an obsession in the UK with how much our houses are worth, there's more to it than that for a lot of folks. They don't have houses - they have homes.

Wasn't there an episode in Scottish history where people were forced from their homes in the name of private profit? Isn't that period viewed with disgust by the majority of Scots?
That little sideshow is still reverberating down the years...and yet some are still happy to let the big money shove people out of their homes for personal gain .....welcome to modern Egalitarian Scotland[disgust]

When the council lackeys have all had their private parts rubbed by Trump and the 'troublemakers' have been dealt with, have a good look at how many jobs have been created for local people and what level of quality those jobs are. And don't forget the huge housing project that's going with it...is that a necessary part of this 'Golf course?':roll:

Trump might like to portray himself as some sort of 'benefactor' smiling lovingly upon the good burghers of Aberdeen - don't you believe it, he's an absolutely ruthless businessman who has no qualms about crushing anyone who stands in his way. This project is about making big money for private investors - nothing more.

12-Mar-10, 21:45
His buddy Wee Fat Eck, will look after Donald, he has before, and he will again

Alex is neither small nor particularly fat.

What difference would it make?

Are people of lesser height or greater girth automatically objects of derision to you?

Rather superficial.

I don't agree with this development, but I do understand our Prime Minister's point of view on it.

As for his friendship or not with Trump, I see that as well within the compass of his job as our senior politician and ambassador.

Two roles which for now at least are his, regardless of how envious some may be.

12-Mar-10, 22:15
He isnt a total villian here.He has already,has he not, offered these owners an extremely good,well above asking pricefor their homes and land but they have refused to sell.
At least he's had the decency to make very good offers to these people first.He didint have to.

That is as maybe, however, these people do not wish to sell / move on / be cleared from their land.

I am 100% against Trump and others like him,
to them it's just business, to those who could lose their land, it is unadultered torture.

12-Mar-10, 22:22
It's nothing to do with me in Aberdeenshire but if he bought Sandside estate and Reay golf course and want to flatten Reay and make a big bunker I would support him and knock it down masel.. Imagine the boost to the local economy?
Millions upon million upon billions over the years.

12-Mar-10, 22:23
i dont know why this bugs me so much.. but just hits a wrong cord.. now im american by birth but have been here most of my adult life. i just think its completly skewed that donald Trump is trying to buy up land to build on, and trying to compulsury buying to do it! dosent he have enough of a kingdom in america.. that he has to come here and try and take over? geeze.. leave the country to its people.. not some mega rich numpty with a god complex to come in and try to take over.

12-Mar-10, 22:26
But lets not bleat on about the Highland Clearances.
Trump is actually bringing people in.
Whereas the Duke of Sutherland was concerned with getting people out.
If you cant get it straight about the coming and going then we will not have seen the LAST OF TRUMP!!!!
(Pardon the pun...)

12-Mar-10, 22:29
Trump's mother is from the Hebrides. Does that mean he is Scottish?


Mystical Potato Head
12-Mar-10, 23:16
It's nothing to do with me in Aberdeenshire but if he bought Sandside estate and Reay golf course and want to flatten Reay and make a big bunker I would support him and knock it down masel.. Imagine the boost to the local economy?
Millions upon million upon billions over the years.

Reay golf course could do with a facelift right enough.[smirk]

12-Mar-10, 23:29
No doubt he has suggested that if the council don't back him (if necessary) with compulsory purchase he will take his money to Dubai or Spain or somewhere.

Having seen some of the interviews of the objectors (one bloke appears to live in a caravan on about an acre plot) I don't think it's about money but dreams and principles-very dangerous combination :eek:

13-Mar-10, 00:11
I met the Trump and Ivana, the once Mrs T in Atlantic City many years ago. He's a strange bloke, he doesn't look real, I half expected him to explode at any minute like that fat greedy bloke exploding in the old Monty Python movie. :confused

He's strange but pretty straightforward.

13-Mar-10, 00:27
I have no problem with building a new golf course on a brown field site or farm land but to destroy pristine dune systems that cannot be replaced is not worth the loss.

13-Mar-10, 00:58
You have to remember aberdeen area economy is run buy the oil and fish sector and the oil isnt going to last forever

And once the oils gone who d'ya thinks gonna go to Aberdeen?

13-Mar-10, 01:16
And once the oils gone who d'ya thinks gonna go to Aberdeen?

Golfers mebbe?

13-Mar-10, 02:01
Golfers mebbe?

Now there's a thought, we could build a huge resort around a golf course an........

13-Mar-10, 08:01
And once the oils gone who d'ya thinks gonna go to Aberdeen?

Thats my whole point the northeast cant rely on the oil sector to keep the econemy going for ever thats why they have to think about alternatives.
If that golf course that there making does turn out to be a world class course if they hold golf tournements there that will bring a lot of money to the area
and if that course does attract a lot of people to the area they wont just want to stay in that area they might want to have a wee trip to the highlands or were ever in scotland as part of there holiday.

13-Mar-10, 08:05
Thats my whole point the northeast cant rely on the oil sector to keep the econemy going for ever thats why they have to think about alternatives.
If that golf course that there making does turn out to be a world class course if they hold golf tournements there that will bring a lot of money to the area.

Well Auchtarada isn't exactly Aberdeen so if that is all the economy has to look forward to........

13-Mar-10, 08:08
Oh I know, carpet Aberdeenshire in windmills, that will bring in the cash :roll:

13-Mar-10, 08:44
Well Auchtarada isn't exactly Aberdeen so if that is all the economy has to look forward to........

Listen to yourself we have multi millionaire or billionaire wanting to create world class golf course thats going to create jobs hes building houses which there is shortage of and its going to boost the econmey in the area all you can be is negative about what donald trump wants to do for the area which he doesnt have to do its not as if he needs the money is it?
Lets face it there is no point in donald trump comming up to caithness to build a golf course is there because if u cant get permision to build an asda in thurso what chance has trump got in building a golf course lol

13-Mar-10, 08:47
Listen to yourself we have multi millionaire or billionaire wanting to create world class golf course thats going to create jobs hes building houses which there is shortage of and its going to boost the econmey in the area all you can be is negative about what donald trump wants to do for the area which he doesnt have to do its not as if he needs the money is it?

Well, you live there, we don't so you are better placed to understand what the area needs.

The Drunken Duck
13-Mar-10, 09:09
I live on the outskirts of Aberdeen and the majority of people here want the complex, there are a few locals who are being served with compulsory purchase orders and I am not happy to see that but they are being paid well over the odds at least. The fact is the area needs the jobs and the continuing employment and money that the Golf course will bring in, Oil and Gas wont last forever and Aberdeen is not the hub it once was. It looks like being a world class development and will bring prestige to both Aberdeenshire and Scotland. My best mate lives in Balmedie and loves Golf, he is quite chuffed.

There are plenty of people turning up here who have no connection to the area dictating to us residents what we should do and it is frowned upon. I dont see what its got to do with people living hundreds of miles to the North anyway. I am a Wicker but dont live in Caithness anymore so the way I see it is that emotive issues like windfarms etc are not really my buisness. How would people in Wick have reacted to a petition from Aberdeenshire objecting to the new Tesco as it was planned to be built in a pretty field ??

PS .. I do agree that trump has the most ridiculous haircut, it looks like a Fraggle has fallen asleep on his head.

13-Mar-10, 09:15
Now,now, Eddie, dinna bile yer watter.
Take a step back and think about it. The Trump wants to build a golf course to make even more money, nothing to do with what he has or has not now and certainly absolutely nothing to do with the wellbeing of anyone other than Himself.
How many of the people that are in the ile are qualified to cut the grass on a golf course or serve the drinkies, or make the beds in Trump Towers, damm few I think. Not that there is anything wrong with these jobs but I doubt if they can replace the ile industry work in general.
And lastly, certainly there is a shortage of housing nationwide but that is "affordable" housing, not the type of houses that are thrown up around major golf courses.

And even more lastly I would hope that oor Kaitness cooncillors would have the wit to tell The Donald to take his hook and sling it - although on their past performance its doubtful

13-Mar-10, 09:23
Trump's mother is from the Hebrides. Does that mean he is Scottish?


And another part of his family is German. So that makes a complete cobblers of his 'homeland' tripe. He's American.

13-Mar-10, 09:34
I live on the outskirts of Aberdeen and the majority of people here want the complex, there are a few locals who are being served with compulsory purchase orders and I am not happy to see that but they are being paid well over the odds at least. The fact is the area needs the jobs and the continuing employment and money that the Golf course will bring in, Oil and Gas wont last forever and Aberdeen is not the hub it once was. It looks like being a world class development and will bring prestige to both Aberdeenshire and Scotland. My best mate lives in Balmedie and loves Golf, he is quite chuffed.

There are plenty of people turning up here who have no connection to the area dictating to us residents what we should do and it is frowned upon. I dont see what its got to do with people living hundreds of miles to the North anyway. I am a Wicker but dont live in Caithness anymore so the way I see it is that emotive issues like windfarms etc are not really my buisness. How would people in Wick have reacted to a petition from Aberdeenshire objecting to the new Tesco as it was planned to be built in a pretty field ??

PS .. I do agree that trump has the most ridiculous haircut, it looks like a Fraggle has fallen asleep on his head.

I'm sure all the golfers will be over the moon if it gets built, DD.

Trouble is, most of the golfers coming into the area will be staying in Trumps Accommodation, spending their days on Trumps golf courses and eating and drinking in Trumps bars and restaurants in an evening. No benefit for the local community there apart from some Service industry jobs.
Just have a look at the 'all-in' holiday resorts in the Carib and elsewhere. I don't see a huge boost for the natives outside these complexes, again, apart from some cleaning and serving jobs.....

I'm all for investment and securing a future for anyone, but I don't buy into all this cynical plastic smiles crap coming from a ruthless property developer. But, as you quite rightly say, it's Aberdeenshires' problem not ours. They shall decide as they see fit and act accordingly.

13-Mar-10, 10:08
There is now way this complex will ever get anywhere near the financial levels the oil produces for Aberdeenshire.

The reason I think it is being built is because currently there are a huge amount of Head Offices or national regional offices serving the oil industry. Aberdeen sees a high volume of staff (I'm talking management, senior management etc. not the rigger boys here) coming and going, they have nice expenses to cover their trip away from home. They also have entertainment budgets to try and get new clients with.

I would think this is where old combover is seeing the cash.

The "NEW" jobs created will be short term contractors, probably travelling from around the UK and Europe to construct the project, once complete they will move onto the next.

The only longterm jobs will be in the hospitality and retail areas which are not renowned for high wages, will be seasonal and mostly part time.

And once the oil goes, there will be very few people travelling thier just for golf. OK maybe it will see a tournament a year, woohoo, like Royal Birkdale, it'll get silly busy for a week and then revert to a ghost town.

13-Mar-10, 10:09
Back to the original (Clearance bit)

Kind of reminds me of Local Hero with the auld guy who owned the beach

13-Mar-10, 10:15
apart from some cleaning and serving jobs.....

And do you really think many of these jobs will go to locals?

Partly because of being able to pay lower rates (or appear to pay normal rates then rip them off for accommodation) but perhaps mainly because of their work ethic, bet most of the jobs will go to foreigners.

13-Mar-10, 11:27
if they dinna want him to build it there why don't they use reiss golf course, they have close access to the airport, plenty of room to build and i'm sure that the locals would welcome him here no hastle

The Drunken Duck
13-Mar-10, 11:38
And do you really think many of these jobs will go to locals?

Partly because of being able to pay lower rates (or appear to pay normal rates then rip them off for accommodation) but perhaps mainly because of their work ethic, bet most of the jobs will go to foreigners.

Sorry but that looks like you think that the locals are somehow inferior workers to foreigners. Not true, people here work very hard and would take offence at the implication. There are very very few foreigners working where I live, all the shops, pubs, supermarkets and offices are staffed by local people. The Polish women are welcome additions though .. :D

The Golf Course is welcome by most people I know for the investment it does bring and the opportunity to attract further investment to the area. The main voices of protest are from people who probably didnt know where Aberdeenshire was before the proposal was made.

Kevin Milkins
13-Mar-10, 11:49
if they dinna want him to build it there why don't they use reiss golf course, they have close access to the airport, plenty of room to build and i'm sure that the locals would welcome him here no hastle

Would they????:eek:

13-Mar-10, 11:51
:eek: The nub of the question and the reason I signed the petition is the question of using the powers of Compulsory Purchase Orders to take property from one person to enhance the profitability of another.
Apart from that I don't like the man or the way he operates. :mad:

Kevin Milkins
13-Mar-10, 12:18
:eek: The nub of the question and the reason I signed the petition is the question of using the powers of Compulsory Purchase Orders to take property from one person to enhance the profitability of another.
Apart from that I don't like the man or the way he operates. :mad:

Buying your home is recognised as the biggest single purchase that most people will ever do in there lifetime, and as northener has already pointed out, to some people it has nothing to do with money.

If I was to find my dream location that ticked all the boxes for my lifetime requirments, then I would be gutted if someone had the power to take it away from me in the name of other people's leisure.

13-Mar-10, 12:25
Now there's a thought, we could build a huge resort around a golf course an........

yep just like the ones they're building in SUNNY places (Portaventura for example?)
So look at the choices warm, comfortable round of golf in short sleeves in Spain, or freezing your nads off in a howling gale in Aberdeenshire? hmmm hard call...

13-Mar-10, 12:35
i think what really worries me is the message it would send out if donald trump was allowed to buy up these properties.

the golf course is not the only dispute in aberdeen, ian woods proposal also would require the purchase of many buildings all of which run along belmont street and are mostly successful business's which i seriously doubt their owners will want to part with

where will it leave them?

13-Mar-10, 13:36
i think what really worries me is the message it would send out if donald trump was allowed to buy up these properties.

the golf course is not the only dispute in aberdeen, ian woods proposal also would require the purchase of many buildings all of which run along belmont street and are mostly successful business's which i seriously doubt their owners will want to part with

where will it leave them?

:eek: Approximately how many businesses, are we talking major clearances here?

The Drunken Duck
13-Mar-10, 15:25
Yes Gronnuck. Its a major clearance.

They are going to get thousands of people to dress up in period dress and chase them out of their shops while brandishing muskets and shouting "Away with ye !!" and "Begone Vagrants who oppose us !!", they shall then be soundly whipped up Union St and then posed at the top for photogrpahs of them looking sad for future history books. Then the developers will let the land lie for a couple of months and put sheep on it just to REALLY rub the salt in.

Meanwhile the hapless owners will be taken down to Aberdeen Docks and herded onto small boats and told they are to be deported. They will then sail right away. Unfortunatly we cant get the colonies to take them in so we will just sail round some Oil Rigs for a bit while they are soundly whipped for their impertinence and given an oatmeal biscuit with weevils in it as their sole bit of sustenance. The boat shall only return to Aberdeen once these broken souls reach the urine drinking stage.

At least thats what I heard.

13-Mar-10, 15:29
Can you imagine a foreign national being allowed to do the same thing in America?

Irrespective of how much over market value he is offering for these homes, they can only have a market value when they are offered for sale.

For Aberdeen councillors to consider the use of a Compulsory Purchase Order for a private development is an abuse of priviledge

13-Mar-10, 16:05
Yes Gronnuck. Its a major clearance.

They are going to get thousands of people to dress up in period dress and chase them out of their shops while brandishing muskets and shouting "Away with ye !!" and "Begone Vagrants who oppose us !!", they shall then be soundly whipped up Union St and then posed at the top for photogrpahs of them looking sad for future history books. Then the developers will let the land lie for a couple of months and put sheep on it just to REALLY rub the salt in.

Meanwhile the hapless owners will be taken down to Aberdeen Docks and herded onto small boats and told they are to be deported. They will then sail right away. Unfortunatly we cant get the colonies to take them in so we will just sail round some Oil Rigs for a bit while they are soundly whipped for their impertinence and given an oatmeal biscuit with weevils in it as their sole bit of sustenance. The boat shall only return to Aberdeen once these broken souls reach the urine drinking stage.

At least thats what I heard.

It's true I tell you! It's on the internet so it must be!!!:Razz

13-Mar-10, 16:12
Can you imagine a foreign national being allowed to do the same thing in America?

Irrespective of how much over market value he is offering for these homes, they can only have a market value when they are offered for sale.

For Aberdeen councillors to consider the use of a Compulsory Purchase Order for a private development is an abuse of priviledge

That's the bit that gets me wound up.

I agree with DD and others that this 'resort' is an issue for people who are affected in this instance. But the broader implications would be cause for major concern. That's why I'm making noise about it.

We're not talking about transport infrastructure or a new hospital. This is a development for private gain - nothing more. A rollover by the Planners on this one case gives ammunition to every greedy private developer who thinks he can profit from bullying people out of their homes.

Big money beating the crap out of the little guy...

.....like I said earlier - "Welcome to Egalatarian Scotland"[disgust]

13-Mar-10, 16:25
That's the bit that gets me wound up.

I agree with DD and others that this 'resort' is an issue for people who are affected in this instance. But the broader implications would be cause for major concern. That's why I'm making noise about it.

We're not talking about transport infrastructure or a new hospital. This is a development for private gain - nothing more. A rollover by the Planners on this one case gives ammunition to every greedy private developer who thinks he can profit from bullying people out of their homes.

Big money beating the crap out of the little guy...

.....like I said earlier - "Welcome to Egalatarian Scotland"[disgust]

[disgust] My sentiments exactly; once the precedent has been set it can and most probably will happen elsewhere.

13-Mar-10, 17:01
Very interesting thread.....The Pros and Cons of Developement!

Wee fat Eck? &
The Donald's hair and his looks...I haven't met any o' yee(OK just one), but I would guess you are all styled after the chisseled Norwegian look with blonde hair & blue eyes and of course slim and trim!
And 'The Donald and Sir Richard' himself are I hear competing to see who can record the most Company Bankrupties in History.....
On a serious note...no one will ever be happy with the ways things go, but one reads that the North Sea Oil is being radically depleted, and then what.....so if the new resort draws people to Aberdeenshire then perhaps they will tavel to Caithness////tourism/ money etc.
Scotland does have a draw, in that the ancestors of those who left there, even several hundreds of years ago are fiercely proud of a Scottish Heritage....
50% of the people have a Scottish heritage, the other 50% wish they had....
My tuppans worth!

13-Mar-10, 17:10
Very interesting thread.....The Pros and Cons of Developement!

Wee fat Eck? &
The Donald's hair and his looks...I haven't met any o' yee(OK just one), but I would guess you are all styled after the chisseled Norwegian look with blonde hair & blue eyes and of course slim and trim!
And 'The Donald and Sir Richard' himself are I hear competing to see who can record the most Company Bankrupties in History.....
On a serious note...no one will ever be happy with the ways things go, but one reads that the North Sea Oil is being radically depleted, and then what.....so if the new resort draws people to Aberdeenshire then perhaps they will tavel to Caithness////tourism/ money etc.
Scotland does have a draw, in that the ancestors of those who left there, even several hundreds of years ago are fiercely proud of a Scottish Heritage....
50% of the people have a Scottish heritage, the other 50% wish they had....
My tuppans worth!


50% of the people have no Scottish heritage, the other 50% wish they hadn't.;)

13-Mar-10, 17:13
That's the bit that gets me wound up.

Big money beating the crap out of the little guy...

.....like I said earlier - "Welcome to Egalatarian Scotland"[disgust]

There will always be a big guy and a little guy...That is life...No it isn't a 'Public Project' but look at the way they are run....
There is nothing wrong with a 'for profit' corporation/ system...and everyone will never be happy.....
Look at nuke power, windmills, hydro electric dams, solar, tidal...There will always be opposition but there has to be a systen of 'consensus', where the results benefit the most people....Yes some will be left out...that's life.....
I have read a bit about the Donald's Resort. Yes of course he wants to make money, but his shareholders also want a % and so on. Not everyone loses in these things.
But I am sure that I/ we don't know the whole story and how people will end up being displaced....at least in the civilized World we do have options....there are places where you either leave alive or not alive...We have come a long way!!

13-Mar-10, 17:16

50% of the people have no Scottish heritage, the other 50% wish they hadn't.;)

Forgive me...but you must be on a remote Island!!! Or are you just ' takin the ....!
I shall accept it graciously, whatever the answer!

13-Mar-10, 17:47
[quote=Anfield;674980]Can you imagine a foreign national being allowed to do the same thing in America?

Just a thought....Richard Branson's Virgin Mobile & Virgin Airlines came to North America....and gutted these two markets. It did make things more competitive and then guess what..... Sir R. sold Virgin Mobile back to them and made a HUGE profit.....
Sometimes it takes these types of people to change the World....and the World is changing and has to for the future/ Is it all OK? Likely not but that in life....And I am only talking on that which I know..I am sure that
the Aberdeen is rather unique....

13-Mar-10, 17:54
There will always be a big guy and a little guy...That is life...No it isn't a 'Public Project' but look at the way they are run....
There is nothing wrong with a 'for profit' corporation/ system...and everyone will never be happy.....
Look at nuke power, windmills, hydro electric dams, solar, tidal...There will always be opposition but there has to be a systen of 'consensus', where the results benefit the most people....Yes some will be left out...that's life.....
I have read a bit about the Donald's Resort. Yes of course he wants to make money, but his shareholders also want a % and so on. Not everyone loses in these things.
But I am sure that I/ we don't know the whole story and how people will end up being displaced....at least in the civilized World we do have options....there are places where you either leave alive or not alive...We have come a long way!!

I've no objection to private enterprise whatsoever, I applaud it, but it's odd that every example you quoted in the above post was a project that is for the benefit of Society as a whole - not just those who seek to profit or have some 'liesure time'.....

13-Mar-10, 17:55
Forgive me...but you must be on a remote Island!!! Or are you just ' takin the ....!
I shall accept it graciously, whatever the answer!

Option 2......I'm English:Razz

13-Mar-10, 18:09
I've no objection to private enterprise whatsoever, I applaud it, but it's odd that every example you quoted in the above post was a project that is for the benefit of Society as a whole - not just those who seek to profit or have some 'liesure time'.....

OK...I agree to a point, but then there is also leisure time'.
Perhaps I am now too in tune with the North American way of life....Leisure is for the benefit of Society as a whole and I find here that Leisure Time is a place in life, quite unlike what I grew up with....... restaurants, walking trails....Was walking the golf course in Dornoch some time ago.. on the Ocean's edge, beautiful peaceful place...for the Public's enjoyment...and it was...and all that was going on were a 'few people' hitting balls.
But I do understand what you speak of.....

And Northener......I shall include the United Kingdon rather than Scotland.....we can all be friends!

13-Mar-10, 18:34
[quote=Anfield;674980]Can you imagine a foreign national being allowed to do the same thing in America?

Just a thought....Richard Branson's Virgin Mobile & Virgin Airlines came to North America....and gutted these two markets. It did make things more competitive and then guess what..... Sir R. sold Virgin Mobile back to them and made a HUGE profit.....
Sometimes it takes these types of people to change the World....and the World is changing and has to for the future/ Is it all OK? Likely not but that in life....And I am only talking on that which I know..I am sure that
the Aberdeen is rather unique....

But did Branson receive assistance from local authority?
If this project goes through, the local authority will use legislation to force people who own their homes/land to sell to Trump.

From its own website the Government states:

"..Compulsory purchase powers are provided to enable acquiring authorities to compulsorily purchase land to carry out a function which Parliament has decided is in the public interest.."

Whilst this may benefit a few people in area, it will not benefit the whole community at large, and the single biggest beneficiary will be Trump


13-Mar-10, 18:36
Very interesting thread.....The Pros and Cons of Developement!

I haven't met any o' yee(OK just one), but I would guess you are all styled after the chisseled Norwegian look with blonde hair & blue eyes and of course slim and trim

Yes, yes, of course... thats right :eek:

13-Mar-10, 18:47

But did Branson receive assistance from local authority?
If this project goes through, the local authority will use legislation to force people who own their homes/land to sell to Trump.

"..Compulsory purchase powers are provided to enable acquiring authorities to compulsorily purchase land to carry out a function which Parliament has decided is in the public interest.."

Whilst this may benefit a few people in area, it will not benefit the whole community at large, and the single biggest beneficiary will be Trump

Am not too sure how it works, but I would suspect that he has set up a company(s) in the UK to incorporate his designs. I am not sure that he could walk in and say.... I am putting up X amount of Pounds and then taking X amount of Pounds out of the Country. I suspect that they are Aberdonians( or other UK dwellers) quietly waiting in the Wings for the profits and blaming Poor Donald....Oh that Mr. Donald!! He is such a bad guy... man!!!
From what I have read he has all his ducks in a row and whatever is said or done there will be a huge resort etc etc which will beckon people from around the World! In the end it will win all approvals and it will be there!.
Yes the Sand Dunes...but there will be environmental assessments done and that will take years to do and Millions......
You see, everyone will get a cut from this pie...from the planners to the roofers to the food suppliers.....
It shall come to pass......

13-Mar-10, 18:51

Where there is Big Money involved .....`there are ways and means`!

13-Mar-10, 18:56

Where there is Big Money involved .....`there are ways and means`!

Well, when the police are evicting residents from their own homes by force and possibly injuring or killing them in the process (because quite a few of them will own firearms) we will see how good his PR people are [disgust]

13-Mar-10, 18:59
Sorry but that looks like you think that the locals are somehow inferior workers to foreigners. Not true, people here work very hard and would take offence at the implication. There are very very few foreigners working where I live, all the shops, pubs, supermarkets and offices are staffed by local people. The Polish women are welcome additions though .. :D

The Golf Course is welcome by most people I know for the investment it does bring and the opportunity to attract further investment to the area. The main voices of protest are from people who probably didnt know where Aberdeenshire was before the proposal was made.

And how many of the local hard workers are available, compared with the scale of this development?

I do know where it is - I was born there, even if I was brought up in Wick.

Someone else commented about Reiss - we were driving past Dunnet Bay last week and commented it was just as well Trump hadn't seen that :D

26-May-10, 10:15
Whilst I'm generally all for change, progress and developments in the greater good etc. I do have very strong opinions about using compulsory purchase for private commercial enterprise and profit.

Mr Trump and his hair (or is that heir? or both) have arrived in Aberdeen a few minutes ago to further promote his empire.

Have a look here:
http://www.trippinguptrump.com (http://www.trippinguptrump.com/)

specifically at this:

The bunker is a small plot of land that Mr Trump would like to purchase (one way or the other) however they are placing the ownership of this land into hundreds of people thus creating a legal nightmare for them to Compulsory Purchase it. It doesn't necessarily stop them but it kinda does give them a poke in the eye while they try and do it.

26-May-10, 14:04
Whilst I'm generally all for change, progress and developments in the greater good etc. I do have very strong opinions about using compulsory purchase for private commercial enterprise and profit.

Mr Trump and his hair (or is that heir? or both) have arrived in Aberdeen a few minutes ago to further promote his empire.

Have a look here:
http://www.trippinguptrump.com (http://www.trippinguptrump.com/)

specifically at this:

The bunker is a small plot of land that Mr Trump would like to purchase (one way or the other) however they are placing the ownership of this land into hundreds of people thus creating a legal nightmare for them to Compulsory Purchase it. It doesn't necessarily stop them but it kinda does give them a poke in the eye while they try and do it.

Good luck to them.
Click on site and support them with a couple of quid.
Who knows it could be you soon

The Drunken Duck
26-May-10, 14:40
The fact is that the majority of people in the local area (of which I am one) want this development. Some of the people on the Menie Estate are saying one thing and doing another (More cash .. gimme !! .. gimme !!) and some of the anti Trump groups are overstepping the mark in the way they deal with people who have the opposite views to them. There are people who have been physically threatened for supporting the Development for instance. Also a lot of the protesters are not local and probably didn't even know where the area was before Trump got planning permission. I am talking about the type of unwashed anti capitalist type who turned up at the G8 protests.

And then there was this recent incident .. http://www.ellontimes.co.uk/ellonnews/Questions-raised-as-vandals-strike.6279963.jp

I am against Compulsory Purchase Orders myself so I do sympathise with the residents being served Compulsory Purchase Orders but this area is not awash with opportunities right now. Not an easy situation and not one that will be resolved easily.

26-May-10, 16:04
And then there was this recent incident .. http://www.ellontimes.co.uk/ellonnews/Questions-raised-as-vandals-strike.6279963.jp

I am against Compulsory Purchase Orders myself so I do sympathise with the residents being served Compulsory Purchase Orders but this area is not awash with opportunities right now. Not an easy situation and not one that will be resolved easily.

But how sure can we be that this was the work of "protesters", which the article implies was the case.
There are so many dirty tricks, bluffs, double bluffs and dare I say conspiracies in the world today , that one would not know who to believe was responsible for any given incident.

Compulsory Purchase Orders to acquire land for no other reason than commercial profit is obscene, and I wonder what would be the outcome if any victim of a CPO for this scheme, challenged it in European Courts.

26-May-10, 16:29
I like Aberdeen,always have an always will.:)

26-May-10, 19:09
My opinion and prediction for what is worth, having seen other massive leisure facilities come to an area in need of regeneration (if that is the case) such as shopping malls, boat marinas and the like.

Is that there will be good jobs and plenty of them in the management team, who will come from all over Europe UK and the States (not local), and a fair few low and minimum wage jobs going to local and seasonal workers. The people using the resorts tend to do just that and little else so very little spending goes on outside.

So while the investment is massive, and I guess there will be local construction firms invited to bid for work, once it is up and running the beifit to the area as a whole will be suprisingly small.

The Drunken Duck
26-May-10, 19:39
My opinion and prediction for what is worth, having seen other massive leisure facilities come to an area in need of regeneration (if that is the case) such as shopping malls, boat marinas and the like.

Is that there will be good jobs and plenty of them in the management team, who will come from all over Europe UK and the States (not local), and a fair few low and minimum wage jobs going to local and seasonal workers. The people using the resorts tend to do just that and little else so very little spending goes on outside.

So while the investment is massive, and I guess there will be local construction firms invited to bid for work, once it is up and running the beifit to the area as a whole will be suprisingly small.

That's what was said about the Union Square development in Aberdeen Ducati, and it didn't turn out that way.

Its a Golf Course and Hotel. Both are in plentiful supply in Aberdeen and the surrounding area, there will be no need to import the expertise to run it as its already here. The woman fronting the development was chosen by Trump because she is a local and was familiar with the area and how to get things done. No one is suggesting it's the solution to Unemployment in the area, but Aberdeen and the surrounding area needs to start weaning itself off the dependence on Oil and Gas based cash. It wont last for ever.

I don't know why everyone is on a downer about it, it will be a world class course and facility when finished. If it brings in major competitions that can only be good for the area. Lets face it, it will provide more work than Tesco's have in Wick. And that was treated like the second coming when I was home just prior to its opening !!

26-May-10, 21:50
Well, I wish it well (to an extent) but I guess it is going to leave a nasty taste that will last a long time.

From what I gather from Trump on the news tonight, the hotel development will be years after the Golf course itself opens and that is primarily what the properties he is trying to purchase are for. So maybe all the contentious issues will go away. :eek:

Maybe it is just his ridiculous wig/comb over that gets everyones back up.

27-May-10, 02:46
I don't know why everyone is on a downer about it, it will be a world class course and facility when finished. If it brings in major competitions that can only be good for the area. Lets face it, it will provide more work than Tesco's have in Wick. And that was treated like the second coming when I was home just prior to its opening !!

Maybe it's because Tesco didn't involve turfing people out of their homes and the desecration of a SSSI!:confused