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09-Mar-10, 15:24
Hi, i'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but i was looking for some info on planning permission.

I have noticed there are lots of building plots for sale in caithness. My mother has some land and was interested in applying for planning. She is looking to do Outline planning (i think) on a 1/4acre site, but the problem is she has been advised it costs a lot of money!!

Does any1 on here have any experience of selling building plots and have any idea how much it will cost?


09-Mar-10, 16:18
For planning costs, speak to planning at Wick 01955 607751.

For outline I think around £400 mark ish, as a rough figure but check it out with them. It works on the size of the proposed development I think.

For agents fees, speak to them. They will vary and often set at a percentage of the land/sales value.

09-Mar-10, 17:34
Does outline planning have to go through an agent?
What type of drawings are required? Plus does a percolation test have to be done for outline?
Purely for my own curiosity. :)

09-Mar-10, 17:39
Does outline planning have to go through an agent? nope

What type of drawings are required? just a site location / diagram
Plus does a percolation test have to be done for outline? pretty sure it doesn't

09-Mar-10, 17:57
Hi, i'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but i was looking for some info on planning permission.

I have noticed there are lots of building plots for sale in caithness. My mother has some land and was interested in applying for planning. She is looking to do Outline planning (i think) on a 1/4acre site, but the problem is she has been advised it costs a lot of money!!

Does any1 on here have any experience of selling building plots and have any idea how much it will cost?


last years cost, £980 for planning permission, or you could ask here;http://www.ruralgateway.org.uk/en/node/1890

09-Mar-10, 19:05
Have a look at the planning section of the highland council website:


there is a pdf document about the fees.

09-Mar-10, 21:08
290 pounds directly to the council if it's just for one house.
Plans can be done easily yourself. Just buy a location plan online, I paid 30 quid two years ago. Sketch in the boundaries and the house (ask planning first which colour you need to use!)

Planning people are pretty helpful, just go to the planning office in Wick and ask them for help. They might even give you a location plan for free and they will tell you what you need to do.

It's not as complicated as it seems.

Advertising can be done yourself as well. Rural Scene, rightmove, groats paper etc spring to mind.

09-Mar-10, 21:19
Thanks guys for your help.

From the above there is a big variation in the cost!, so will prob have to go into the planning office in Wick to get a better idea. as for doing the drawing myself i'm not sure i would trust myself:confused

09-Mar-10, 22:03
Don't be afraid of doing the drawings yourself. It will save a lot of money and if they are wrong the planning office will tell you and you just do them again.

09-Mar-10, 22:54
as for doing the drawing myself i'm not sure i would trust myself:confused

If it's for outline it is simple stuff, they don't need full techy house drawings. It is literally highlighting the area you are getting planning for.

Speak to planning, they are a good bunch of peeps.

10-Mar-10, 11:13
We would be interested to know how you get on. Best of luck.

10-Mar-10, 12:21
We got planning recently, but didn't bother with outline planning. I think you only need this if you're trying to sell a plot or doing a big development. Instead, you can check yourself.
If you're building in town, go to the maps section of this page:
and find the town you want. The villiages are all in one document.
If it's in the country you'll need this map:
Then, just zoom in to where you want to build and check the shading against the key.
If you're on PP1 land - then just go ahead and get drawings done! PP2 they don't mind building on at all - so maybe just phone and check the details of your build with them and then go ahead. If it's PP3/PP4 then you'll not stand much chance unless you have very good reasons for building there!
Hope this helps!

10-Mar-10, 21:50
the planning permission would be to sell a plot, so i guess that means i do need outline permission?
I really have no idea, that's terrible i really should take more of an interest.:eek: