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23-Feb-10, 21:03
Hi Folks,
A little over 3 years ago I gave up my job with BT to care for my mother who had been in hospital having suffered two heart attacks.
We have managed fine, until now, when last week I received a letter from the Job Centre saying I HAD to attend a Pathways to Work Interview.
Upon checking the letter and the Government website, this seems to be a programme for people that are, and I quote: "Pathways to work offers extra support to people who are claiming Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Incapacity benefit (IB), Severe Disablement Allowance, Income Support (IS) because of incapacity in order to help them into work."
I do not see how I fit into any of these categories, because as my mothers' full time carer, how can I look for a job?
I have been down to the Job Centre, and called them 3 times, only to be told that IT IS MANDATORY that I attend.
Now, the interview itself is not worrying me, but it is decidedly inconvenient for me to do so, as I have to arrange someone to look after my mother for an hour.

What really is getting my goat, is the way these people are very quick to throw the legal book at me. (You must, It's the law, It is mandatory.)
(Especially that little tin-pot Hitler they have at the door to meet and greet the punters.) (WICK)

When I called them this morning, the girl asked if I was fit to attend the interview. I told her that I was in good physical health. This seemed to throw her a bit and then she mumbled that because I was in receipt of Carers Allowance I would still have to attend.

This smells of inconsistency to me, but it looks like I will have to go.

Have any Orgers had a similar experience, and if so, please let me know how you got on.

23-Feb-10, 22:01
Ahhhh Pathways to work.

i got called in for my mandatory meeting halfway through my chemotherapy.
i thought they'd soon realise that this was a pointless exercise since at the time i was of chocolate teapot standard to any employer.

however i was taken through all the current jobs and training opportunities. even though i had a secure place in university as i had been allowed to defer the lady i saw was undeterred she persisted with jobs, courses and other things to get me back to work...

i did try to explain for the 3rd or 4th time that the hair cut (or lack of) i was sporting was not through choice and when i was better i was organised to go back to uni but gave up when i was handed a list of jobs that would suit my skills/qualifications.

but to be fair, the people in the job centre are required to go through all the sections on the computer and aren't the ones who decided that pathways to work was a brilliant idea.

23-Feb-10, 22:48
I too have to go for one of these interviews as I`ve been getting E&SA for the past 4 months.I`ve tried telling them that I have a job but can`t go back to it until the DVLA sort my licence out(they seem to be in no hurry to do this)because I need to produce it to go back to work.I`m being hasseled by one government because another cannot get thier act together.It`s been great having no wages since June last year.Luckily the nice lady at Wick Jobcentre understands my frustration. Mik.

23-Feb-10, 23:14
I have a job to go back to, I have been on no pay for a long time now and couldnt afford to keep my house basically had to give up everything due to an injury! Ive waited nearly a year to see a specialist to get the operations I need and yes I have to go to "pathways to work!" :roll: I wouldnt mind but the people who fool the system always manage to get out of these things somehow! Ive never had a day off work before Ive never claimed anything before!.

I cant drive because of the injury and Im due have operations soon and yet yes I still have to go! how is this going to help me get better and suddenly make a miracle recovery and start work again right away I have no idea! but I just wish they would put as much energy and money into getting my injury cured so I can actually go back to the job I am so eager to get back to and have a "normal life" again!

24-Feb-10, 11:04
Lumberjack, I have checked this with someone who knows much more about it than I do and he says that they are wrong and someone claiming carer's allowance does NOT have to attend a Pathways to Work interview. I gather that there is an automatic 3 year trigger once someone has been on a benefit for 3 years but that shouldn't apply to carer's allowance.

The only thing is that if the DWP have got it so very wrong so far they may continue to do so and if you don't attend your carer's allowance may be stopped. :eek:

I was summoned to a work focussed interview when I was housebound and virtually unable to leave my bed! I had to get my GP to write them a note and they 'waived' the interview.

Have you spoken to CAB about this, Lumberjack? Maybe worth doing if you haven't already.

24-Feb-10, 15:39
(Especially that little tin-pot Hitler they have at the door to meet and greet the punters.) (WICK)

Sorry I can't help with the rest of your post but from my experience in my short time signing on the security guys at the door are the nicest, friendliest and most helpful people there. Unless, I guess, you give them some reason not to be.

24-Feb-10, 21:57
I receive carers allowence and signed a form that made me excempt from attending these interviews.

Somebody up there isnt doing their job properly.

You've eneogh stress without this,I'd say this was harassment if they insist.:(

24-Feb-10, 22:41
Sorry I can't help with the rest of your post but from my experience in my short time signing on the security guys at the door are the nicest, friendliest and most helpful people there. Unless, I guess, you give them some reason not to be.
i agree hes a fine chap mention e weather and hel start a conversation mostley about ,motorbikes :) as hes got 1 always says hi speaks staright away instead of sitting down i just have a yarn to him

24-Feb-10, 23:27
Hi Again,
Thank you all for your replies.

I received a phone call this morning from the Job Centre advising that I do NOT now need to attend the interview.
It seems that common sense has now prevailed.

Regarding my comment about the security guard, I did not mean to give the impression that the chap was rude, only perhaps over officious.

Thanks again.


25-Feb-10, 00:55
Hi Again,
Thank you all for your replies.

I received a phone call this morning from the Job Centre advising that I do NOT now need to attend the interview.
It seems that common sense has now prevailed.

Regarding my comment about the security guard, I did not mean to give the impression that the chap was rude, only perhaps over officious.

Thanks again.


Good common sense prevailed but regarding the security guy - he is just doing his job properly.

25-Feb-10, 10:39
Hi Again,
Thank you all for your replies.

I received a phone call this morning from the Job Centre advising that I do NOT now need to attend the interview.
It seems that common sense has now prevailed.


Good news, Lumberjack! :)

Not just common sense tho', it is in fact the law according to current legislation -if the DWP had persisted in hounding you in this way, you could have taken them to court for maladministration! Not that you'd have wanted to have to do that, I'm sure.

Carers get a pretty raw deal anyway. The government relies on you to save huge amounts of public money by caring for your nearest and dearest and pays you a pittance for doing so. :(

Well, at least you don't have this extra thing to worry about now! :)