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13-May-06, 00:19
Anyone remember discussing Cosmic Consciousness on The Angels or Maggot Food thread? I've just signed up for a course (http://www.cseti.org/programs/ConsciousnessTrainings2006.htm) on it! Yeah, ok, maybe they're a bunch of cowboys, but it'll be fun, and a week in Palm Springs in November can't be all bad.

18-May-06, 00:14
Where's hereboy? He got me started in this cosmic consciousness game.

Where are ye biyee? :confused:

18-May-06, 09:48
maybe you will meet Noel Edmonds on your course, allegedly he is into that kind of thing. Do you play with biros on your hands as well Crayola?
But enjoy your trip to Palm Springs

18-May-06, 21:03
It must be great to be able to look on this sort of stuff with an open mind. Sometimes I wish I could too. Nowadays, just reading a few lines of the link you posted, is enough to bring my prejudices to the fore. I dont seem to have any control over them, (my prejudices) when someone claims to be able to help me to get in contact with some exterior energy, in this instance, cosmic consciousness. I know it must come across as arrogance on my part to anyone who may still harbour some sort of supernatural belief about the composition of the universe. More so when I readily admit that there is a voice in the back of my head saying these guys are nuts. If it's any consolation, I dont think this stuff is any more, or less, nutty, than what millions of religious people believe about their exterior reality.
To coin a good caithness phrase, too much bliddy money an no enough sense.
Have a nice trip to California.

03-Jun-06, 00:10
I cancelled it. They wanted too much money up front and they are bananas anyways.

Noel Edmonds makes me look like an intellectual. :lol: