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21-Feb-10, 20:02
So orgers, have we all had a nice weekend? Done anything special, or just relaxed/spent it cleaning and tidying as normal?

This has been my weekend off work but it dosnt flippin feel like it LOL. Our sea cadets had their district drill competiton this morning (3rd place :D ) so I have spent all weekend at the unit. I would do it full time if I could!

21-Feb-10, 20:46
Yesterday we got up early but managed to leave the house late!
Inverness shoe shopping for the girls.
Both have narrow feet so first footers was the first stop.
Lauren is delighted with her shiny red shoes, Iona was less enamored with the whole getting shoes thing, but got pink ones:lol:
Then a trail round the shops.

Today not much happened just sat cuddling and calpol-ing Iona.... more teeth coming through and a cold!
She was miserable all day... just couldnt get away from her to get on with stuff so I gave up:eek:

21-Feb-10, 21:27
Swimming, morags for lunch and a blast at the park yesterday then a jaunt til Rumster forrest and a roast dinner at the parents the day. Did the housework yest morn and because ive been out all weekend its still tidy but that won't last!

21-Feb-10, 22:40
Worked. All weekend [disgust]

21-Feb-10, 23:34
Been stuck in the house all weekend as the car had more wrong with it than we thought so still in garage!
Washing machine finally gave up yesterday too, tried ordering a new one, the one i wanted was either out of stock or didnt deliver up here![disgust] finally found a different one that promised delivery in 7 days they rang to say it would arrive in 11 days!
Youngest has been ill all weekend so no housework done either!
all in all a great weekend. NOT!:lol:

22-Feb-10, 00:19
Quiet weekend for me as usual. Went out a few walks with the wee one, then he stayed at his grannys last night. (missed him loads)

today i got cleaned up and mucked around with athrun for most the day. :D

Getting ready for going to Inverness tomorrow and im not really looking forward to taking athrun on the train. he might like "Choo choos" but him sitting for 4 hours wont be plain sailing lol