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  1. Covid-19 Self-employment Income Support Scheme - HMRC Notice After Chancellors Announ
  2. New £100 Million Campaign To Reach Up To A Billion People Globally Will Help Stop The
  3. Chancellor gives support to millions of self-employed individuals
  4. Bank Rate Maintained At 0.1% - March 2020
  5. COVID-19: Care At Home
  6. Caithness General Hospital Prepared for Covid 19 Patients
  7. Covid-19 - Dental Services In Highland
  8. The Economic Response To Coronavirus Will Substantially Increase Government Borrowing
  9. Help Is Coming For (most Of) The Self-employed
  10. Devolved Governments Need More Flexible Funding And Greater Borrowing Power To Tackle
  11. Highland Trading standards advice and guidance on COVID-19 and scams
  12. Highland Council Helpline Now Up And Running
  13. 10,000 extra troops to join British army's Covid support force
  14. Coronavirus Guidance For Animal Owners
  15. Coronavirus (covid-19): Advice To Owners Of Companion Animals And Livestock
  16. Coronavirus (covid-19): Advice For Beekeepers
  17. Supporting Suppliers During Coronavirus (covid-19) Outbreak
  18. 100% rates relief for heavily-impacted sectors
  19. Funding for digital mental health services
  20. What Are The Enterprising Companies Doing To Help Scotland's Businesses And Communiti
  21. Supporting tourism through coronavirus
  22. Extra Support For Crime Victims During Pandemic
  23. Tenants to be given extra protection
  24. Protection For Health And Social Care Staff
  25. Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick on COVID19 response
  26. Government Agrees Measures With Telecoms Companies To Support Vulnerable Consumers Th
  27. First Food Parcels Delivered To Clinically Vulnerable People In England
  28. Government Cracks Down On Spread Of False Coronavirus Information Online
  29. Health Screening Programmes Paused In Scotland
  30. Temporary Covid-19 Medical Facility In Glasgow
  31. New Government Partnership With Airlines To Fly Back More Tourists Stranded Abroad
  32. MSP Concerned About Small Self Catering Businesses
  33. Stay At Home Guidance - Parks, Open Spaces And Public Toilets
  34. Textile recycling banks closed across Highland
  35. Caithness Food Bank Busier Than Ever Getting Support From Highland Highlife Staff Vol
  36. Support For Gp Practices - Extra help with coronavirus pressures
  37. Shielding For The Extremely Vulnerable In Highland
  38. Billing Pause For Business Rate Payers In Highland
  39. Pregnant Prisoners To Be Temporarily Released From Custody
  40. Coronavirus: A fifth of smaller UK firms 'will run out of cash'
  41. Update On Devolved Benefits In Scotland
  42. Help available for Council Tax payers in Highland
  43. Busy First Week For Highland Council's Covid-19 Helpline
  44. Dingwall & Highland Marts - Sale 1st April 2020
  45. Supporting Local Highland Businesses During Covid-19
  46. This Isn't A V-shaped Recession....
  47. Another Example Of Problems For Self-Employed - Childminders
  48. Serco NorthLink Ferries maintains lifeline service to Northern Isles
  49. Coronavirus support: can we stop people falling between the cracks?
  50. NHS Highland Board approves Healing Process
  51. Social Care Workers And Social Workers - Workforce Support And Wellbeing During Covid
  52. Social Service Workforce - Guidance For Employers On Core Training For Redeployed Wor
  53. Construction Underway At NHS Louisa Jordan - The New Covid Hospital In Glasgow
  54. Coronavirus: Country Comparisons Are Pointless Unless We Account For These Biases In
  55. Farmers Urged To Wade Into Bird Conservation
  56. Apply To Extend Your Accounts Filing Deadline At Companies House
  57. £20 million for ambitious technologies to build UK resilience following coronavirus o
  58. Data Sharing During This Public Health Emergency
  59. A Guide To Current Financial And Welfare Support For The Fishing Industry
  60. Smokers At Greater Risk Of Severe Respiratory Disease From Covid-19
  61. Coronavirus - Temporary Changes To How We Process Fishing Vessel Licence Applications
  62. UKEF Expands Protection Against Non-payment For Uk Exporters
  63. Highland Council to provide school meals throughout Easter break
  64. Change to waste and recycling services aims to protect staff
  65. Statement from the Chief Medical Officer
  66. Coronavirus support from returning staff and students
  67. Coronavirus Food Fund In Scotland - Support To Put Meals On Tables
  68. Crimestoppers Scotland: Doorstep crime during the Coronavirus crisis - Speak Up, Stay
  69. Supporting people affected by alcohol and drug use
  70. Emergency Help For Those Worse Affected By Coronavirus - £8 Million Boost
  71. HMRC Latest Update On Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme For Employers and Employees
  72. Support For Modern Slavery Victims Affected By Coronavirus
  73. Ukaea's Helping Hand For The NHS
  74. Government And Video Games Industry Join Forces In Fight Against Coronavirus
  75. Covid-19 Funding Update For Community Groups April 2020
  76. Highland Council Issues Covid-19 Advice To Tenants
  77. House prices remained stable in March before coronavirus restrictions introduced
  78. Bin lorry fire prompts Council plea
  79. Covid-19 - Quantifying The Impact On The Scottish Economy
  80. Highland Council issues COVID-19 outdoor access guidance reminder
  81. Deaths involving COVID-19 statistics published by National Records of Scotland
  82. Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 8 April 2020
  83. Extra Hardship Payments For Students
  84. New Funding For Veterans
  85. Extra Financial Support For Scottish Farmers
  86. Nursing And Midwifery Students Step Up To Join Coronavirus Workforce
  87. Funding For Community Pharmacies
  88. Funding Boost For Covid-19 Charities
  89. The Chancellor Announces £750 Million To Support For The Charity Sector In Response T
  90. Healthcare Workers And Coronavirus: Behind The Stiff Upper Lip We Are Highly Vulnerab
  91. Scottish Business Monitor Shows Expected Fall In Activity And Outlook
  92. Calls continue to come in to Council's Covid-19 helpline
  93. Council closes car parks and reminds holiday home owners of COVID-19 legislation to d
  94. Police Across Scotland Enforcing Social Distancing Measures In Run Up To Easter
  95. Public Urged To Stay At Home
  96. Supporting Universities
  97. Supporting Domestic Abuse Victims
  98. Protecting the social care workforce
  99. Ventilator Manufacture
  100. GP Practices And Pharmacies Open For Easter
  101. Skills Matching Service To Help Rural Business
  102. Bank Of England - Financial Policy Committee Statement
  103. Coronavirus - Scottish Businesses Urged To Join Protective Equipment Battle
  104. Oceaneering Secures Seabed Clearing Contract For Scottish Wind Farm
  105. Highland business grants start flowing
  106. Wellbeing Fund Open For Bids
  107. Transport community to help COVID-19 efforts
  108. Criminal Trials During Covid-19 Outbreak
  109. Support For Coastal Businesses
  110. New Mental Health Support
  111. Office Of Budget Responsibility - A Scenario on Government Deficit
  112. Support For Those At High Covid-19 Risk
  113. Reassurance For Students During Coronavirus Outbreak
  114. New Measures To Protect Business Tenants
  115. Pay Rise For Social Care Staff - Immediate wage increase and sick pay provision
  116. Additional Support For Business - Scheme Extended
  117. Support For Aquaculture - Shellfish growers and trout farmers share £3 million
  118. Just Enterprise Business Resilience Support
  119. Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 15 April 2020
  120. The UK Just Committed £200m To Fight Coronavirus In Developing Countries And Conflict
  121. Furlough Scheme Cut-off Date Extended To 19 March
  122. Highland Council Trading Standards warns about council tax scam
  123. Council thanks communities for responsible waste actions
  124. Chancellor Extends Furlough Scheme To End Of June
  125. CMA Provisionally Clears Amazon's Investment In Deliveroo
  126. Thousands Of Businesses Benefit From Support Grants
  127. Support For Scottish Seafood Industry Worth £22.5 Million
  128. Government Takes Further Action To Support Bus And Lorry Drivers Who Are Keeping The
  129. Companies House Support For Businesses Hit By Covid-19
  130. Important HMRC News For Employers - Job Retention Scheme - Launch Day
  131. How Dounreay is responding to coronavirus
  132. The Office of Budget Responsibility Coronavirus Analysis
  133. From HMRC To Employers To Claim Wages - Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
  134. Not just another advisory committee?
  135. Highland Council Warns Of Business Grants Scam - Don't Get Caught Out On This
  136. What To Do About Holidays Already Booked?
  137. Business Grant Payments Pass 1000 Mark in Highland
  138. Corran Ferry currently not running
  139. Highlands and Islands MSP urges communities to stand up for Air Traffic Control Servi
  140. Highland Council ramp up team responsible for processing business grants
  141. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Up And Running
  142. Billion Pound Support Package For Innovative Firms Hit By Coronavirus
  143. New Video Service For Deaf Claimants Accessing Universal Credit
  144. US Oil Price Drops To Below Zero
  145. More Than 110,000 Universal Credit Claims Since Coronavirus Outbreak
  146. Covid-19 Impact On Scotland's Economy
  147. Social Distancing Regulations Strengthened
  148. Short-term Prisoners Considered For Early Release
  149. Lifeline Support For Business Confirmed
  150. What Future Do Airlines Have? Three Experts Discuss
  151. HMRC Job Retention Scheme Briefing 22/4/2020
  152. UK House Price Index For February 2020
  153. Royal Bank Launches Card For Carers
  154. BRC-KPMG Retail Sales Monitor March 2020
  155. New Labour Market Data And Other Economic Indicators...
  156. Building a ‘virtual parliament': how our democratic institutions can function during
  157. National Records Of Scotland - Deaths Involving Covid-19, Week 16 - 13 To 19 April 20
  158. Council Issues More Than 7,500 School Meals Vouchers To Highland Families
  159. Looking Beyond Lockdown - First Minister Opens Discussion On "new Normal".
  160. Dingwall & Highland Marts - Sheep Sale 23 April 2020
  161. NHS Highland tells MSP it is working on care model to help care home staff
  162. HMRC Employer Bulletin - April 2020 Issue
  163. Highland Council Has Now Helped Over 2,300 Businesses Obtain A Small Business And Sel
  164. Hydrogen fuelled tractor enthusiasm grows on Scottish farm
  165. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme - First Payments Now Being Made
  166. Support For Perinatal Mental Health
  167. Health And Social Care Support In Scotland - Thousands Come Forward To Help In Covid-
  168. Help To Tackle Coronavirus - Laboratories Providing Scientific Equipment And Expertis
  169. Emergency Eye Care Provision - New centres to reduce the need to attend hospital
  170. Scam Warning From Royal Bank
  171. Chancellor's statement to Parliament Today 27 April 2020
  172. Thousands Of Litres Of Free Hand Sanitiser From A Caithness Business
  173. New Guarantee On Death In Service Benefits For Frontline Health And Care Staff During
  174. Call For Three-stage Framework To Help Head Off Thousands Of Job Losses In Oil And Ga
  175. Nuclear Decommissioning Agency Business Plan 2020 To 2023
  176. Fixed Link at Corran Narrows is confirmed as a viable option in new Study
  177. Benchmarking farm performance
  178. Over 99% of Subprime Loan Applications Declined
  179. Mortgage lenders are cutting back on home loans as the credit crunch bites
  180. Primary Care Opening Hours - Services to continue over May public holidays
  181. Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sheep And Lamb Sale 28 April 2020
  182. Highland Council Finances Take A Huge Coronavirus Hit
  183. Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 29 April 2020
  184. Highland Council welcomes Scottish Government clarification on PPE guidance
  185. Garden Waste Collection Service- resuming normal service
  186. New timescale for completion of the purchase of South Tower of Inverness Castle
  187. Protecting Energy Sector Workforce And Net Zero Ambitions
  188. Rapid Coronavirus Research
  189. Economic Growth Confirmed At 0.2% In 2019 Quarter 4
  190. Scottish retail sales contract 1.1% in the first quarter of 2020
  191. Launch of Newly Self-Employed Hardship Fund
  192. £100m Fund For Businesses Impacted By Covid-19
  193. Highland Council Continuity
  194. Regeneration Capital Grant Fund opens for applications in the Highlands
  195. Number Of Volunteer Sign-ups Passes 76,000
  196. Pupil Equity Funding: school allocations 2021 to 2022
  197. Army Sets Up Mobile Corona Virus Testing Units In Thurso
  198. ‘Scotland in miniature' could provide carbon-reduction blueprint
  199. A notorious decision? Amazon UK's inclusion in USA's ‘Notorious Market List’ is a sla
  200. Update On The Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Fund
  201. What Covid-19 Teaches Us About Human Behaviour
  202. Why lockdowns are the wrong policy - Swedish expert Prof. Johan Giesecke
  203. Nobel Prize Winning Scientist Prof Michael Levitt: Lockdown Is A "huge Mistake"
  204. German Virologist: Covid-19 Is Less Deadly Than We Thought
  205. Aid For Private Rental Landlords - Support to protect tenants.
  206. Preparing For Economic Recovery
  207. New Powers Over CAP
  208. Dingwall & Highland Marts - Sale 6 May 2020
  209. MSP Asks First Minister To Tackle Insurance Companies Who've Wriggled Out Of Their Ob
  210. Council Covid Helpline Passes 5000 Calls Handled
  211. Emergency Loan Fund For Sme Housebuilders
  212. Getting People Online
  213. £75 Million Boost For Scottish University Research
  214. Extra Payment For Unpaid Carers
  215. Highland Council Budget Details Showing A Huge Covid 19 Deficit Submitted To Cosla
  216. Highland Council support to families in time of need
  217. Learning During Lockdown - How Highland Council's schools are benefiting from advance
  218. UK economy-What next?
  219. Rhoda Grant Calls For Daily Testing At Skye's Coronavirus-hit Care Home
  220. #Caithness Market - Sell and Buy Online 9th May
  221. State-Owned Enterprises in the Time of COVID-19
  222. Where States Are Reopening After America's Shutdown
  223. SME Support Doubles To £90m - Additional £45m To Support Pivotal Businesses
  224. Support For Lockdown Restrictions
  225. Coronavirus (covid-19) Update: First Minister's Speech, 08 May 2020
  226. COVID-19 - Information and guidance for care home settings
  227. Emergency Loan Fund For SME Housebuilders
  228. Increase In PPE Production
  229. Bank Of England - Monetary Policy Report And Interim Financial Stability Report - May
  230. Returning To Work - The Unintended Consequences Of Easing The Lockdown
  231. Re-thinking our Global Economic Future
  232. Wester Bridge Opening/road Closure
  233. £2.7m support awarded to Highlands and Islands communities
  234. Second Coronavirus (scotland) Bill - Debt Levels For Bankruptcy Changed
  235. Changes To Advice On Going Outdoors - More opportunity to exercise
  236. Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 11 May 2020
  237. Limited grass cutting to resume in Highland with adherence to physical distancing
  238. MSP Contacts Banks For Help On Commercial Borrowing Rates
  239. An Unfolding Mess - Getting Money To Families In Financial Hardship - What Can Scotla
  240. Call For Direct Payments To Families As Extent Of Uk Food Insecurity Revealed
  241. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme - Update For Employers
  242. More harm than good? Government's Covid-19 Recovery Strategy
  243. Coronavirus Found In Semen Of Young Men With Covid-19
  244. Raising the baa on sheep health and nutrition
  245. Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd
  246. Extra Support For Charities
  247. Extra support for charities - can now apply for the £10,000 Small Business Grant Sche
  248. £50 Million For Social Care
  249. Unique Support For Health And Social Care
  250. Coronavirus (covid-19): New Transport Guidance For Passengers And Operators