View Full Version : Politics
- Home Rule
- Is Political Correctness Modern Censorship
- Chance to meet Dr Paul Monaghan, SNP candidate for Caithness, Sutherland and E Ross
- Is Scotland really a one party state
- SNP MP's
- Scottish Green Party - Caithness group meeting
- Sturgeon : Leaked doc
- Full Fiscal Autonmy
- Should the UK have Nuclear Submarines
- Foreign Aid
- "A frightening prospect"
- How many would considering Voting tactically to stop an SNP landslide
- Evel
- South Edinburgh SNP candidate found to be an internet troll
- Inflamatory community council remarks
- Which Party has £28 Billion unfunded manifesto promises
- SNP Home And Hosed In Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross?
- Libdems in Crisis
- The Real Face of The SNP
- Ed Miliband/SDLP hypocrisy?
- Poll Card
- Clegg battlebus heads for John O'Groats!
- Tories to punish disabled in 2016
- The good news if the SNP do get a landslide victory at the polls
- Nick Clegg In John O' Groats
- Congratulations to the prime minister
- The EU referendum
- 12 hr waits in A&E increase by 300% in last year under SNP run NHS Scotland
- Should the Labour Party elect a witch as leader?
- What colour should Paul Monaghan MP dye his hair?
- Lords
- Post Office sell off.
- Cuts : Scotland : fight the UK government's proposed cuts and the cuts to Scotland
- Full Fiscal Autonomy FFA
- Will Labour and or Lib Dems ever restore themselves in Scotland
- Do the SNP really want FFA ?
- Paul Monaghan SNP Caithness on FFA in the Spectator
- Good economic performance in Scotland
- Is the EU a threat to Democracy
- Oil : The denial stops now
- Westminster Palace
- Oil
- Imminent Big Cuts in Highland Council Budegt
- Crown Estates
- The SNP : FFA / OIL Revenue Sham Exposed At Last : The Dream Is Dead
- More Money
- Perfidious albion
- Gorgeous George
- Our new MPS first speech in westminster :
- The Northern Power House : Sturgeon
- Does Cameron Want The Union ?
- Paul Monaghan tells racist cybernat to " keep it up "
- 18% Pay Rise
- Just Released : Paul Monaghan Locked up !!
- Lords scandal
- Referedum mark 2
- Can we have a new Forum either call it Politics or SNP BAshing.
- New politics forum
- Politics Only Thread
- SNP Chiefs face fracking ban call
- Not a Single MP has donated their pay rise to Charity
- More PFI builds for Scotland
- Thanks neil
- Mhairi Black Thurso Oct 23rd
- English cops warn over police Scotland Scrutiny
- Joan Macalpine on Indy ref2
- Anti austerity Govt funds T in the park with 150k grant
- Labour call for Audit on PFI scandal
- Wick Gala makes national news for all the wrong reasons !
- SNP lies, deciet and mis management
- Nicola Sturgeon, Decision on Heathrow 3rd runway to be decided by SNP vote
- Asylum seekers/Refugees Calais
- Not all doom and glome
- Pay Gap inequality grows in Scotland
- Poll Tax the great divide
- EU Hammer blow to SNP investment strategy
- WHiskey Sales
- Local Income tax could cause exodus
- £11 millions by NHS Scotland sending patients to private
- Nicola sturgeons Business's Pedge branded an embarrassment
- Interesting analysis of Scotland's supposed budget cuts
- Was Scottish Saville Ignored
- Indy Ref 2 omission from SNP party conference agenda
- How a Prime minister wastes our money
- By elections
- election 2016 : SNP landslide predicted
- The Unions Bomb ...Scotland in the Uniom
- Re. Political
- Education in Scotland
- OIl Price Predications
- Labour leadership race: Corbyn win is 'done deal' predicts Paddy Power
- Police Scotland / Break Up
- Longannet
- Stooshie between Wick and Foaroes town Klasvick
- No mention of this scottish snp government blunder from the Yes voters
- £45 million European cash for Scotland suspended
- Nice to see Nicola Sturgeon has got her priorities right !
- Chief Constable of Scotland has stood down
- National News.
- £500 million investment into Faslane
- Utterly shocked by the treatment of this SNP member by his own party members
- The SNPs incompetence as a party of Government ..Finanical Times
- Gaelic Rebranding of Police Scotland Helicopters
- Plans for Scottish Government budget delayed
- Does the SNP have a cronyism problem
- Sturgeon set to reject new powers if cash settlement not enough
- SNP plan to track children's movements
- Paul Monaghan apologises for antisemitic tweets
- Good news
- Today
- Also Today
- More Twitter Troubes for Dr Monaghan
- Today
- Isis reveals map of countries in Europe it wants to dominate by 2020
- Nicola Sturgeon should cut out the moral superiority Schtick on migrants
- JIm SIllars : Indy ref failure analysis
- France to take 24.000 refugees
- Crime in Scotland is Down
- UK Gov and Pro-Fracking Propaganda
- Your view on proposed legislation
- Your Views On The Right To Die Debate
- Corbyn Labour Leader
- How Much More Damage To This Country (Scotland) Can The SNP Do?
- Possible secondf referedum
- A Good Day to Bury Bad News
- Ruth Davidson standing up for Scotland's quiet Majority
- Melancholy man
- Kosa
- Power Transfer : A zero sum game ?
- Happy Anniversary
- The answer for everything
- Here we go a new candidate three guesses
- South Ayr By Election down to the wire by Conservatives
- SNP antagonistic to Scientific advice
- Go Compare
- Refugee Crisis - easy to follow cartoon
- Truth, Lies & Hypocrisy
- Extra Funding for Sex Abuse Victims
- Scottish government commits to more compassionate social security system
- Sanctions and suicide
- Reinstate 24hr services in Wick Genreal ..Petition
- Council tax freeze leads to over funding of councils
- refugee/asylum scepticism
- Kerry McCarthy, Shadow Secretary Of State For Enviroment, Food And Rural Affairs
- A Thought!
- New Work Projects in Caithness
- Nicola Sturgeon accused of misleading Holyrood over bedblocking
- Police Scotland under fire again
- U.K govt via MOD creates 300 jobs in Glasgow
- £10m black hole in Scottish court funding
- SNP run riot at Westminster
- Rape Crisis in refugee camps
- Sturgeon backtracks over room in her home for refugees
- Jeremy Corbyn
- CBI and Roll-Back on Renewables
- Good News for Gluten-Free Patients
- Redcar Steel WOrks
- Named person scheme falls apart under BBC interrogation
- David Cameron and a dead pig's head
- Hyslop admission over T in the park
- Home tax fiasco leaves huge hole in SNP budget
- Who does this belong to !
- Michelle Thomson The plot thickens
- Rise in NHS Scotland complaints
- Nicola Sturgeon under pressure over vetting procedure
- Making financial reparation to Jamaica for the slave trade
- Scotland Should Never be Independent
- Deception, Propaganda and Social Control
- The Cronisym Game
- SNP in £3 million Cronyism Storm
- £1 billion anti-poverty measure diverted by SNP
- Stealing food to eat :(
- £347 million underspend by SNP 2014/15
- Paul Monaghan back in the press over SNP selection
- Noam Chomsky's Views on Trident
- Don't Mention Scotland!!
- Peter Murrell intervened in Business For Scotland
- Cut pensioner benefits 'immediately'
- Wecome to Toryland
- Tories The True Party of Labour ?
- Beam me up Alex
- Pensions
- Property Portfolio Owning SNP MP's
- Scots Jobless Rise
- Swinney 'can't undo all Westminster cuts'
- Good Scottish Government News
- tax credit cuts
- Land reform
- Fears over abortion being devolved.
- Sturgeon : TATA STeel Scotland
- Heidi Allen
- EU in or out
- NHS Scotland Audit the truth
- GERS figures for Scotland
- English Votes For English Laws
- Tax Credit cuts : The Tories New Poll Tax Image ??
- Police Scotland Overspend : Need another £25 millions
- Is this anti SNP propoganda ?
- Paul Monaghan
- Poorest students falling further into debt
- Scotland could become a net energy importer
- Highland Council
- The real cost of Trident
- Tax credits cuts only affect Scotland if the SNP want them to.
- Paris Rocked again
- Argument for independence is dead says Alex Bell
- NATO Intervention
- Something to consider
- Cam Force One
- Austerity but not on my turf
- Politician of the year
- filibustering or how the tories win at politics
- U.N security council unanimously agree
- Jeremy corbyn.
- Ok, so what's going on here ?
- Women for Indy rocked by financial scandal
- The answer my friends is blowing in the wind
- Cancelled Frigades
- MP's
- Highland Council Cuts : Irony ?
- Austerity cuts today : Will Scots pay more income tax ?
- NHS Caithness
- Police Scotland Value for Money ?
- Oil & Gas Revenues down 94%
- Cost of War .
- FRacking and donations to SNP
- Good News Wood Group $90million contract
- Today in FMQs.
- Minsters blamed for lax oversight in college severance pay
- Alex Salmomd caught lying about painting
- Anti-English?
- The main cause of Corbyn's headache
- Mr Salmond Charity Laid Bare
- Oh dear another one
- Power Generation.
- Vote In Parliament Tonight.
- Yougov poll Syria
- Scottish planes bombing Syria ?
- No say.
- Scottish no more
- how much did it cost to change hilary benn's mind?
- Salmond disgrace
- Another SNP MP
- Sock Puppet ?
- Forth road bridge
- Fifa, seep blatter and me.
- Forth bridge Road Haulage Costs Rise and Issues
- Carmicheal Case Verdict
- SNP raises Dounreay 'nuclear material' concerns
- Derek mackay transport minister
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