Day off today?

Lets concentrate on one point that really annoys me

Rheghead says ‘’This pressure to ovulate puts a huge strain on the bird's body making them calcium dificient and short lived as you have admitted.If you eat eggs then you are basically condoning this cruelty.’’

Where is your evidence...?

Where is your evidence that animals are ''brutally'' killed..?

I have been to slaughterhouses, they are modern Gov. regulated facilities. I think you are living in the distant past when some questionable practices were considered 'ok'. The animals have no idea what is about to happen. I believe Countryfile did an episode on this very subject and the overwhelming response from the public was positive. I agree some 'culturally' killed meat is not right but the vast majority of animals do not suffer and as I said have no idea, one minute they are standing still, the next they are dead. Watching a wild animal stalked, played with and finally killed by a hunter animal is far more distressing. Having been on safari I can attest to that.