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Thread: The Real Face of The SNP

  1. #1

    Default The Real Face of The SNP

    Todays BBC News : Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy and comedian Eddie Izzard were heckled by opponents during general election campaigning in Glasgow.
    There were scuffles involving Labour Party supporters and their opponents in the city centre.
    Mr Murphy had been trying to address party activists alongside Mr Izzard.
    Protesters, who played loud music and shouted "Red Tories out", drowned out the politician as he tried to speak to the crowd.
    Mr Murphy said the protest was evidence that the SNP was trying to disrupt the democratic process.

    However, demonstrators interviewed by the BBC denied they were there on behalf of the SNP.
    'Violent emotion'

    Some of the protesters were waving SNP leaflets, while Mr Murphy was branded a "traitor" and a "warmongerer".
    He said: "This sort of aggressive nationalism should have no place in our election. We've got a few days until we can kick David Cameron out of office, a few days to change our country forever and we won't be silenced by this form of aggressive nationalism, it's anti-democratic."
    He added: "This isn't the type of Scotland we want."
    Mr Izzard said: "It's ok having different opinions, but everyone should be able to put their opinion forward. This aggressive, this violent emotion, why violence? Don't have violence, we should just put our point of view forward and then everyone makes their choice on Thursday."

    My son who was staying with us up from London recieved a "broadcast" on twitter on Saturday night, a live recording of SNP people shouting "quislings and traitors" at labour people attending a meeting in Glasgow taking photos and threatening to expose the "quislings" on soicla these issues are not one off's" : As for red tories...Ms Sturgeon has being making great play that she headed a minority government and had to cooperate with other parties in Holyrood ( inclusive of Torys ) and at westminster the SNP have a "proud proven " track record of supporting Tory legislatation...the truth is the SNP are saying one thing and behaving in an other way whilst all the time condoning the actions of the riff raff / braveheart brigade. I notice the party has not condemened these incidents !! Again as Ruth Davidison put it last night, there are 59 Scottish MP's and everyone, despite party, are at westminster representing their scottish constituencies, representation is not the sole presevere of Nationalists and she, Sturgeon, is a two face hypocrite to encourage this sort of garbage which is being seized upon by the riff raff. ie THE ONLY REAL SCOTTISH REPRESENTATION AT WESTMINSTER IS THE SNP. Stop damn lying and stop the nonsense and calm the riff down otherwise things will get a great deal nasty. ANd if being anti Nats is being a quisling / traitor then Im for one am proud of being a "traitor" !
    Last edited by rob murray; 04-May-15 at 14:03.

  2. #2


    Red Tories : Tartan Bloody Tories more like :

    FORMER Toryleader Annabel Goldie hasaccused the SNP of hypocrisy after explaining how she worked side by side withthem at Holyrood.In an interview with the Daily Record, Goldie revealed the close relationship she enjoyed with former firstminister Alex Salmond during his spell at the head of a minority governmentbetween 2007 and 2011.The nationalists have ruled out working with the Toriesat Westminster after May’s general election in a bid to convince former Laboursupporters to vote for them.

    But Goldie, whostill sits at the ScottishParliament as a West of Scotland MSP, explained the details of thearrangement the Tories and SNP enjoyed for four years.“They were quite happy towork with us when they needed to,” she said.The two parties voted togetherfrequently throughout Salmond’s first term in power, with the former SNP leaderrequiring Tory support to get all four of his budgets passed during thatperiod.In return, Conservativepolicies on police officer numbers, extra support for small businesses anddrugs policy were implemented by the SNP government.
    “Alex Salmondknew he could not get agreement from Labour,” Goldie said. “He knew his firstbudget was in danger of falling.

    Annabel Goldie“And when thechips were down and he had to find support for his budget, I don’t rememberAlex Salmond jumping up and down and saying he cannot do business with theTories.“Alex Salmond took those Tory votes and Alex Salmond was glad to getthem.”But she added: “The only time I spoke directly with Alex Salmond on thesematters was with the drug strategy.“Negotiations were free-flowing between allparties. But it wasn’t a case of the SNP coming to us at the last minutedesperate for support.
    “Our positionwas very clear. In return for supporting theirbudget, the SNP would include Conservative policies in their budget. Itwas as simple as that.”The bulk of negotiations were between her financespokesman Derek Brownlee and finance secretary John Swinney, acting throughtheir representatives.Despite that close relationship, the SNP slammed ScottishLabour for joining the Tories in the referendum No campaign.
    Salmond and hissuccessor as first minister, Nicola Sturgeon,repeatedly accused the party of “getting into bed with the Tories”.Goldie said:“It reeks of posturing and it is, frankly, indicative of hypocrisy. Becausewhat suited him in 2007 and 2008 and in the ensuing years of minoritygovernment is the very thing now that he says he’ll have no truck with.”

  3. #3


    Heres a geezer that would have been proud of the nationalists tactics :
    Last edited by rob murray; 04-May-15 at 14:57.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by donss View Post
    Why would a 'leader' think that it would be off any benefit to bring along a comedian, born in another country, to help in an election drive, in Scotland?
    'Oh, I know, how's about we take some random stand up comic from 'Live at the Apollo' to help us dig ourselves out of the quagmire, in our shambolic attempts to win Scotland over... :-/
    Dunno, and yes ive seen the footage and heard / seen other footage if you think its ok, well fine for you.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by donss View Post
    Did you actually watch the video footage?
    What a shambles. How does anyone think they can be taken seriously as a member of parliament, as a leader & as a representative of the people, when this type of Neanderthal, no-brain behaviour is all you can come up with? Defies all logic.
    What are you on about :" when this type of Neanderthal, no-brain behaviour is all you can come up with"?............... thats my damn point the behaviour is neanderthal...Sturgeons and her pals are playing with fire and any fool can see that a mile off. This isnt the first time Murphy has been singled out, or have you conveniently forgotten the abuse / eggs thron when he did his soap box "no" campaign : no 55% yes 45%......Also to euqliaise things up a bit, yessers attacked in George Square by unionists, we are swimming with sharks

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by donss View Post
    Did you actually watch the video footage?
    What a shambles. How does anyone think they can be taken seriously as a member of parliament, as a leader & as a representative of the people, when this type of Neanderthal, no-brain behaviour is all you can come up with? Defies all logic.
    See for yersel :

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by donss View Post
    Why would a 'leader' think that it would be off any benefit to bring along a comedian, born in another country, to help in an election drive, in Scotland?
    'Oh, I know, how's about we take some random stand up comic from 'Live at the Apollo' to help us dig ourselves out of the quagmire, in our shambolic attempts to win Scotland over... :-/
    Ah I see...born in another country......big bloody youve got to be a scot to help out eh ...labour is a shambles that I agree with, but we will see on Friday how the SNIPPERS do and what happens if Cameron / MIllaband gets in and need to horse trade.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by donss View Post
    Why would a 'leader' think that it would be off any benefit to bring along a comedian, born in another country, to help in an election drive, in Scotland?
    'Oh, I know, how's about we take some random stand up comic from 'Live at the Apollo' to help us dig ourselves out of the quagmire, in our shambolic attempts to win Scotland over... :-/
    Didn't you know... Jim Murphy is actually Michael Barrymore...

    Have you ever seen them in the same room at the same time?
    “We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine....
    And the machine is bleeding to death."

  9. #9


    Nah...but neither have I seen the krankies either

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002


    Today we have seen the Provisional SNP in operation in Glasgow
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    Oh dear, The person involved in this mornings carry on and the stuff over the weekend where incidentally there were around 20 protesters was one Sean Clerkin. Plan our expected him to be there as you can see from Duncan Hothersall's tweets this morning prior to the event. Sean Clerkin is a nasty wee man who described himself as a non-aligned socialist in the Scotsman in 2010.

    He once stood as a parliamentary candidate for the SSP - 1996 - I believe. He carried out a protest at the YES offices on hope street against the commonwealth games. This aggressive mob today appeared to be this one man, with a sheet of cardboard and a megaphone, Although his sidekick was somewhere close playing loud music as he usually does. This bloke is a nasty unpleasant wee nyaff but unfortunately for your frothing at the mouth and Golachs misplaced glee he is not a member of the SNP.

    Edit. It appears that the Daily Herald is reporting that Sean Clerkin was tipped off by Labour Party activists this morning at 8.30. Wonder why that was then?
    Last edited by squidge; 04-May-15 at 16:13.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by squidge View Post
    Oh dear, The person involved in this mornings carry on and the stuff over the weekend where incidentally there were around 20 protesters was one Sean Clerkin. Plan our expected him to be there as you can see from Duncan Hothersall's tweets this morning prior to the event. Sean Clerkin is a nasty wee man who described himself as a non-aligned socialist in the Scotsman in 2010.

    He once stood as a parliamentary candidate for the SSP - 1996 - I believe. He carried out a protest at the YES offices on hope street against the commonwealth games. This aggressive mob today appeared to be this one man, with a sheet of cardboard and a megaphone, Although his sidekick was somewhere close playing loud music as he usually does. This bloke is a nasty unpleasant wee nyaff but unfortunately for your frothing at the mouth and Golachs misplaced glee he is not a member of the SNP.

    Edit. It appears that the Daily Herald is reporting that Sean Clerkin was tipped off by Labour Party activists this morning at 8.30. Wonder why that was then?
    "frothing at the mouth" says it all......great factual retort

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by squidge View Post
    Oh dear, The person involved in this mornings carry on and the stuff over the weekend where incidentally there were around 20 protesters was one Sean Clerkin. Plan our expected him to be there as you can see from Duncan Hothersall's tweets this morning prior to the event. Sean Clerkin is a nasty wee man who described himself as a non-aligned socialist in the Scotsman in 2010.

    He once stood as a parliamentary candidate for the SSP - 1996 - I believe. He carried out a protest at the YES offices on hope street against the commonwealth games. This aggressive mob today appeared to be this one man, with a sheet of cardboard and a megaphone, Although his sidekick was somewhere close playing loud music as he usually does. This bloke is a nasty unpleasant wee nyaff but unfortunately for your frothing at the mouth and Golachs misplaced glee he is not a member of the SNP.

    Edit. It appears that the Daily Herald is reporting that Sean Clerkin was tipped off by Labour Party activists this morning at 8.30. Wonder why that was then?
    Red Tories : Tartan Bloody Tories more like : Why wont Nicky the fish not continue her dealings with the Tories ? Why bother Labour...they dont wanna know ??

    FORMER Toryleader Annabel Goldie hasaccused the SNP of hypocrisy after explaining how she worked side by side withthem at Holyrood.In an interview with the Daily Record, Goldie revealed the close relationship she enjoyed with former firstminister Alex Salmond during his spell at the head of a minority governmentbetween 2007 and 2011.The nationalists have ruled out working with the Toriesat Westminster after May’s general election in a bid to convince former Labour supporters to vote for them.

    But Goldie, who still sits at the ScottishParliament as a West of Scotland MSP, explained the details of the arrangement the Tories and SNP enjoyed for four years.“They were quite happy towork with us when they needed to,” she said.The two parties voted togetherfrequently throughout Salmond’s first term in power, with the former SNP leaderrequiring Tory support to get all four of his budgets passed during thatperiod.In return, Conservativepolicies on police officer numbers, extra support for small businesses anddrugs policy were implemented by the SNP government.
    “Alex Salmondknew he could not get agreement from Labour,” Goldie said. “He knew his firstbudget was in danger of falling.

    Annabel Goldie“And when thechips were down and he had to find support for his budget, I don’t rememberAlex Salmond jumping up and down and saying he cannot do business with theTories.“Alex Salmond took those Tory votes and Alex Salmond was glad to getthem.”But she added: “The only time I spoke directly with Alex Salmond on thesematters was with the drug strategy.“Negotiations were free-flowing between allparties. But it wasn’t a case of the SNP coming to us at the last minutedesperate for support.
    “Our positionwas very clear. In return for supporting theirbudget, the SNP would include Conservative policies in their budget. Itwas as simple as that.”The bulk of negotiations were between her financespokesman Derek Brownlee and finance secretary John Swinney, acting throughtheir representatives.Despite that close relationship, the SNP slammed ScottishLabour for joining the Tories in the referendum No campaign.
    Salmond and his successor as first minister, Nicola Sturgeon,repeatedly accused the party of “getting into bed with the Tories”.Goldie said:“It reeks of posturing and it is, frankly, indicative of hypocrisy. Because what suited him in 2007 and 2008 and in the ensuing years of minoritygovernment is the very thing now that he says he’ll have no truck with.”

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by golach View Post
    Today we have seen the Provisional SNP in operation in Glasgow
    Yer no far wrong there, the nasty elements of the SNP are known to all, unless of course you are in denial....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by rob murray View Post
    "frothing at the mouth" says it all......great factual retort
    We're you not frothing Rob? Just a wee bit... Go on know there was a little bit of froth wasn't there? Anything about Sean Clerkin that you disagree with?

  16. #16



    "Intimidation tactics are now becoming widespread in the Westminster 2015 election, such behaviour previously unheard of is becoming the Nationalists stock in trade. Now, people are openly speaking out about how the tactics of fascism are being played out in Scottish politics". No doubt Squidge will have a plausible denial on line in minutes.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by squidge View Post
    We're you not frothing Rob? Just a wee bit... Go on know there was a little bit of froth wasn't there? Anything about Sean Clerkin that you disagree with?
    Never heard of the bloke, only picked the story up on the news, cant see how Murphy staged this, unless he is a masochist, but I cant deny hearing the SNP activisits chants of traitors / quislings either though, do you want a copy..addd to yer collection ? however lets see what your take is on the campaiagn for human rights Glasgow Uni bit I posted, anything you disagree with there. Seeing as how youve stated the slagging ( again ) ie frothing at the mouth...I wont respond. Lets hear your take on the url contents

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by squidge View Post
    We're you not frothing Rob? Just a wee bit... Go on know there was a little bit of froth wasn't there? Anything about Sean Clerkin that you disagree with?
    What does it matter, bookies have SNP on for 50 seats minimum so Id better get used to being lorded over or emigrate ( to old though )

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    Rob really, are you truly complaining about being called quislings and then in the same breath branding SNP supporters as fascists?

    ThEre are nasty elements in every group of people wherever they gather and whatever they call themselves, Rob. The point is that the "nasty element of the SNP" does not include Sean Clerkin and therefore this event this morning was not the Real face of the SNP.

    You want my take on the quislings video? I think it is unacceptable to call people quislings full stop. Nor do I think that voting labour makes you some sort of idiot. I don't think either of these are accurate or kind. I wouldn't share this or support it. Nor would I support attacks on members of the public in Election Offices, or the suggestion that Tories should be booted, or the comments that suggest that those supporting the Union should take up arms, or the suggestion that supporting the SNP makes me a fascist - all commonly expressed by labour supporters in the last week. Now, how about you? You support the view that we are all nazis? You think that labour supporters should arm themselves to protect the union?
    Last edited by squidge; 04-May-15 at 17:18.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by squidge View Post
    Oh dear, The person involved in this mornings carry on and the stuff over the weekend where incidentally there were around 20 protesters was one Sean Clerkin. Plan our expected him to be there as you can see from Duncan Hothersall's tweets this morning prior to the event. Sean Clerkin is a nasty wee man who described himself as a non-aligned socialist in the Scotsman in 2010.

    He once stood as a parliamentary candidate for the SSP - 1996 - I believe. He carried out a protest at the YES offices on hope street against the commonwealth games. This aggressive mob today appeared to be this one man, with a sheet of cardboard and a megaphone, Although his sidekick was somewhere close playing loud music as he usually does. This bloke is a nasty unpleasant wee nyaff but unfortunately for your frothing at the mouth and Golachs misplaced glee he is not a member of the SNP.

    Edit. It appears that the Daily Herald is reporting that Sean Clerkin was tipped off by Labour Party activists this morning at 8.30. Wonder why that was then?
    Thanks for the explanation, it certainly puts things into perspective.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

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