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Thread: shooting

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by fudge100 View Post
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion,however what gets up my back, are the so called hypocrites who call themselves animal lovers.Who were in all probabilty, brought up as children watching watership down,bambi ect ect. Do these people really believe that animals have the same feelings and emotions as human beings? They are against all field sports,yet they themselves eat meat. They are quite happy to walk into a supermarket and pick up their sunday roast,which is all nicely wrapped up for them, in there nicely presented cling filmed packag.But do they ever stop to think about the conditions in which these animals were raised, or how they were slaughtered?Some of these hypocrites may also claim to believe in the bible.May i suggest they turn to Genesis 9:1-4,where after the flood God blessed Noah and his sons and said,have many children,so that your descendants will live all over the earth.All the animals,birds,and fish will live in fear of you.They are all placed under your power.Now you can eat them,as well as green plants,i give them all to you for food.And lastly, may i suggest they take a look inside the human mouth,there they will find,incisors,molars, and canine teeth.Each one designed for chewing,grinding, and tearing.Man has always been a hunter,so deal with it.
    Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. As are you. However, may I just respond to some of your opinions.

    I am not a hypocrite. I do not believe for one second that animals have human feelings or emotions. Yes, I am against all field sports, and no, I don't eat meat. I do also care greatly about the conditions on how animals are raised and slaughtered.

    I do not believe in the bible, especially sections like Genesis:9-4. No animal, fish or bird will ever live in fear of me.

    Man may have always been a hunter, and I do deal with it. I state my views.

  2. #22
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    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear1873 View Post
    Well he came on here to ask about land to shoot, and it seems some members straight away gave him a hard time. I've seen it so much on here. Someone new and the org bullies all pile on. You get the picture don't you?
    Yes I've seen it done on here myself, and it's not always aimed at new posters. I have also on many occasions come in and stood up for folks being bullied. I have however responded in this thread, not because the person is new, but because I strongly object to what they want to do. I am not bullying anyone, nor calling anyone names. I am simply stating my opinion.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    originally from aberdeen,now live somewhere north of brig a doon


    Quote Originally Posted by biglad View Post
    if i did ,nothin to do with you but like i said just said moved to from perth lookin for land and if sharona and sid as got land good look to them,
    I have shot,fished,ferreted,and coarsed with dogs, since the age of 10,i am now 48.I have worked with gamekeepers at Dunecht Eastate when i lived in Aberdeen.I have also kept down vermin on numerous farms on Deeside.I have shot geese, and duck for many years on the Ythan Estuary.I moved up to Caithness 15 years ago, and had no problem whatsoever on finding land to shoot on.I had land at Reay,and Latheron, as well as elsewhere.How much did i pay for all this shooting i did? Absolutely nothing.Good Luck mate and keep looking,i hope you find land soon.Like alot of things in life,it's not what you know,it's who you know.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by fudge100 View Post
    may i suggest they take a look inside the human mouth,there they will find,incisors,molars, and canine teeth.Each one designed for chewing,grinding, and tearing.
    Apologies, I forgot to ask; when was the last time you chased and killed an animal with your teeth, then tore it apart, with these same teeth, then proceeded to grind, chew and eat it raw?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by biglad View Post
    whats it to with your if i do it for sport ,hobbie i do it for fun sooo what ? just moved up ere from perth and scotland is about shooting and fishing alsorts really do ya silly comments .; who is sid and sharona do they do shootin
    I find it a little strange that with such an ongoing interest is shooting that you do not list is as an interest on your profile. Shooting vermin is not a sport which if you have been doing it for years you should know this. If you want to enjoy shooting as a sport and you have a licence for a number of guns then you should also know who and how to approach those who can arrange for you to take part in a shoot.

  6. #26
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    originally from aberdeen,now live somewhere north of brig a doon


    Quote Originally Posted by Shabbychic View Post
    Apologies, I forgot to ask; when was the last time you chased and killed an animal with your teeth, then tore it apart, with these same teeth, then proceeded to grind, chew and eat it raw?
    No one likes a smart arse!May i suggest you get some meat inside you,as you are obviously lacking in iron.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by teddybear1873 View Post
    That's a bit over the top isn't it Anfield. Would you call him an idiot if he had 3000+ posts? probably not

    Just because he has very little posts doesn't give you the right to call him an idiot.

    A bit childish and very immature.
    I call anyone who kills animals for sport an idiot regardless of how many posts they have made
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by fudge100 View Post
    No one likes a smart arse!May i suggest you get some meat inside you,as you are obviously lacking in iron.
    Losing argument so resort to name calling.
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by fudge100 View Post
    No one likes a smart arse!May i suggest you get some meat inside you,as you are obviously lacking in iron.
    My, aren't we getting a bit personal?

    You really shouldn't make silly statements if you don't want a response. Human teeth are nothing like carnivore's. Neither is our jaw structure, saliva, stomach capacity, colon, liver or kidneys. That again is another topic entirely, but you would insist on bringing it up during an attempt to show your superior knowledge, while belittling others.

    If you have a point to make, carry on, but don't resort to personal insults son.

  10. #30


    Why hasnt anbody started a thread ridiculing vegetarians and lambast them on their ways, choices, views? After all it isnt illegal, just like it isnt illegal to choose to harvest a wild animal/bird!
    Last edited by buggyracer; 20-Jun-11 at 14:59.
    “A lot of good arguments are spoiled by some fool who knows what he is talking about.”

  11. #31
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    Nov 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by buggyracer View Post
    Why hasnt anbody started a thread ridiculing vegetarians and lambast them on their ways, choices, views? After all it isnt illegal, just like it isnt illegal to choose to harvest a wild animal/bird!
    Carry on. I think it has been done several times before though.

  12. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Shabbychic View Post
    Carry on. I think it has been done several times before though.
    i have no desire to, i can respect another person's choice's they make in life as their own, without feeling the need to ram my opinion down their throat in the futile hope it at best may change their ways and a worst may give them a bad day.......its their choice, nothing illegal is taking place, just because i disagree with it, im not going to loose sleep over it......
    “A lot of good arguments are spoiled by some fool who knows what he is talking about.”

  13. #33
    Join Date
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    Tucson, AZ


    Biglad: My first time of this thread. I believe you are new and getting quit an introduction from many of the 'so-called' experts. How do you like the various comments to your original question? Welcome to the FORUM of experts. lol!

  14. #34
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    originally from aberdeen,now live somewhere north of brig a doon


    Quote Originally Posted by Anfield View Post
    Losing argument so resort to name calling.
    Where has the argument been lost? And what name have i expressly called anyone?Apart from using the word hypocrite, which many people can be, in their opinions towards field sports.It's sad that people like you think, that law abiding citizens, going about their lawful business or sport, needs to justify themselves to you.There is only one God, and his name is Jehovah, and come judgement day i will answer to him.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by buggyracer View Post
    i have no desire to, i can respect another person's choice's they make in life as their own, without feeling the need to ram my opinion down their throat in the futile hope it at best may change their ways and a worst may give them a bad day.......its their choice, nothing illegal is taking place, just because i disagree with it, im not going to loose sleep over it......
    I agree, to a certain extent. On the whole folks should do their own thing, as long as it's legal. There are times however, where other views can be made, without actually ramming anything down folks throats. It is also legal to voice concerns or other viewpoints.

    Politics are discussed on here all the time, and many viewpoints are made. This doesn't mean anyone is attempting to get others to change their party, or give them a bad day. (even weezer and I agree from time to time)

    It's just debate, but sometimes people forget that. As I've stated before; if we all thought the same way, it would be a very boring world.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by fudge100 View Post
    "..There is only one God, and his name is Jehovah, and come judgement day i will answer to him.."
    Which book of the Jehovah's Bible did the following quote come from;

    Quote Originally Posted by fudge100 View Post
    No one likes a smart arse!May i suggest you get some meat inside you,as you are obviously lacking in iron.
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Shabbychic View Post
    I agree, to a certain extent. On the whole folks should do their own thing, as long as it's legal. There are times however, where other views can be made, without actually ramming anything down folks throats. It is also legal to voice concerns or other viewpoints.

    Politics are discussed on here all the time, and many viewpoints are made. This doesn't mean anyone is attempting to get others to change their party, or give them a bad day. (even weezer and I agree from time to time)

    It's just debate, but sometimes people forget that. As I've stated before; if we all thought the same way, it would be a very boring world.
    What is the point/aim to your debate? as i doubt you are going to change anyones opinions by spoting off your own on here?
    “A lot of good arguments are spoiled by some fool who knows what he is talking about.”

  18. #38
    Join Date
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    Redneckville, South Carolina


    Quote Originally Posted by Anfield View Post
    Losing argument so resort to name calling.
    That's like the pot calling the kettle black.
    Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

  19. #39
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    originally from aberdeen,now live somewhere north of brig a doon


    Quote Originally Posted by Anfield View Post
    Which book of the Jehovah's Bible did the following quote come from;
    I never said i was a Jehovah Witness,did i?That's you reading in to things that don't exisit.If you want to argue with anyone,may i suggest that you get your facts straight before answering.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by buggyracer View Post
    What is the point/aim to your debate? as i doubt you are going to change anyones opinions by spoting off your own on here?
    What is the point of any debate then? What is the point of having a forum? Do you believe we should all just cosy up and agree with each other?

    Oh, and I'm not a whale. I don't spout, I verbalise.

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