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Thread: New Wick High School, Primary Schools, Community Facilities

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default New Wick High School, Primary Schools, Community Facilities

    Does anyone know what's happening about the new high school in wick, is it still going ahead or has it been put on hold or something

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    Here is the latest newsletter on the project confirming build to start in Autumn next year with completion by summer 2015.
    3 new schools will proceed along with new community facilities - swimming pool and library. Many other features will be included one of the major ones being a cover street joining the high school, primary school and the community facilities. This will take account of the weather we get n the north of Scotland. Wick is likely to be one of very few towns with all new schools in Scotland.

    The Wick Project
    The Wick Project includes the Wick Campus
    (incorporating the ‘South of the River’ Primary
    School, High School and East Caithness
    Community Facilities) on the Wick
    High/Pulteneytown Primary School site, and the
    new ‘North of the River’ Primary School to be built
    on the current North Primary School site.
    This Newsletter brings everybody up to date with
    progress on the whole project in Wick.

    The Wick Campus
    As part of the requirements of Scottish Government
    funding, the Council is working in partnership with
    Hub North Scotland Ltd (the Hub - to complete the
    remaining design and construction of the new
    facilities. This process also involves the Scottish
    Futures Trust acting
    on the Scottish Government’s behalf. More
    information on these organisations can be found by
    clicking on the links.
    hub North Scotland – local involvement
    hub North Scotland are delighted to be partnering
    Highland Council in this exciting new Schools

    In this respect, members of the hub North Team
    plan to visit Wick on the 12th and 13th November to
    meet with local members of the Supply Chain and
    the Local Community. We will provide times and
    location prior to our visit but meantime if you would
    like further information please contact Jill Adie on
    07875388898 or by email
    [email protected]

    The Hub/Council Process
    The Council and the Hub have a process to follow.
    Detailed below is this process, with an approximate
    New Project Request (NPR) – submitted by
    Council to Hub on 2 July 2012
    NPR response – Hub accepted NPR in Aug 2012
    Stage 1 – Hub have to respond to Council
    accepting that the project can be delivered within
    Affordability Caps set by the Council. This is
    expected in October. The Scottish Futures Trust
    (SFT) and then the Council have to assess, and
    then decide on moving to the next Stage.
    (continued in next column)

    Stage 2 – Hub then develop the design, and
    negotiate a detailed contract with the Council.
    Formal submission of this Stage from Hub is
    expected midsummer 2013. Again both the SFT
    and the Council have to assess the proposal, and
    agree to sign the contract. This period may take up
    to 3 months.

    Construction – begins in Autumn 2013, with
    schools scheduled to become operational in August

    The above at this stage involves only the High
    School and Community facilities within the Campus.
    The new ‘South of the River’ Primary
    part of the Campus will follow the same process,
    and will have ‘caught up’ as far as time is
    concerned with negotiations and contract sign by
    midsummer, so that the whole campus build starts
    at the same time.

    Stakeholder Group
    This is currently being reformed to include the
    Primary School Stakeholders. A meeting has not
    yet been arranged – principally because there has
    been no real development of the plans for the
    campus in recent weeks.

    In particular, the floor plans for the High School
    and Community Facilities have not changed since
    issued in Newsletter No. 1.

    Wick Campus – Primary School
    The Brief has been agreed, with the
    accommodation as follows:
     13 Classrooms, each with built in store and
     Expressive Arts room and store
     Break out Space
     2 Nursery Rooms, with kitchen, cloakrooms,
    toilets and storage
     2 Learning Support Rooms
     Enhanced Provision Area for children with
    specific needs
     Games Hall – 2 badminton Court size, with
    changing and stores
     Offices – Administration, Head Teacher and
    Depute, Staff Work Base (continued on next

    More information can be found on the Wick High School web site at
    Last edited by Bill Fernie; 29-Sep-12 at 08:52.

  3. #3


    Will the new high school have a leaky roof to remind us of the old one? I hope so.

    Seriously though, well done Bill for getting this fantastic new development for the town. It's a great achievement. Ok, it will be when it's finally finished.
    Last edited by secrets in symmetry; 30-Sep-12 at 13:47. Reason: rewordie

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Thankyou Bill appreciate the info

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    A report to The Adult and Children's Services Committee of Highland Council on Wednesday 7th Novermber 2012 will show progress is being maintained to deliver the new schools.

    5.1 Wick - the Stage 1 submission from Hub North Scotland Limited (Hubco) is currently being considered by officials. The Stage 1 submission provides the indicative project costs required to meet the Highland Council design requirements. It is proposed that an update report is brought to the Finance, Housing & Resources Committee on the 28th November. The accommodation schedule for the new Primary School south of the River Wick has been agreed with stakeholders and the New Project Request document (containing details of the project specification and related Affordability Caps will be brought to this Committee in January 2013.) The education brief and accommodation schedule for the new Primary School north of the River Wick is currently being progressed in consultation with local stakeholders and should be completed by the end of the calendar year. At this stage all 3 new schools and the new community facilities remain on track to open in August 2015.

    The full papers for the committee can be found at

  6. #6

    Default Wick high school progress

    Whats the status with the project. I seem to remember planning permission submittal proposed for Feb / March. I cant find anything on HUBCO's website nor current plans on Wick High School or Highland Councils websites. I cant believe how quiet this project seems to be in the public domain. £50millon being spent and barely a squeek ?
    I kent his faither

  7. #7


    Its still moving forward with lots of talk talk going on between HC HUBCO etc. I was under the impression that it would be quiet around now however once everything's agreed and they make a start late summer of this year the project would then move forward very quickly.

  8. #8


    Thanks for the link AIB.

    I understand the designs are now at issue B and i'm darned if i can find them on any website. Seems a bit odd cos they should be sifficient for submittal for planning permission shortly. I understand that when projects claim to come in on time and cost, the original design scope / quality is often compromised.
    I kent his faither

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    Minutes from the Stakeholder Group 22 November 2012

    Date & time: 22 November 2012
    Venue: Wick High School
    Contract title: Wick High School
    Contract No: 3511443A/NMW
    Purpose: Community Liaison Group Meeting
    Cllr Neil Macdonald - The Highland Council
    Catherine Patterson - CVG
    Robbie Macdonald - HLH Wick Library
    Roslyn Bruce - Milton Residents Association
    George Harper - High School Parent
    Bill Bruce - Caithness Kayake Club
    Lilian Wark - Pulteneytown Academy
    Sindy Rudhall - Pulteneytown Academy Parent Council & Wick High Parent Council
    Eric Baijal - South School Primary Parent Council
    Pat Bowers - South School
    Anne Macbeath - Wick High
    Sheona Henderson - Wick High
    Elena Koponen-Baikie - Pulteneytown Academy
    Allan Farquhar - Community Liaison
    Ken Allan - The Highland Council
    Tom McIntyre - Rector, WHS
    Cllr Bill Fernie - The Highland Council
    Ron Mackenzie - The Highland Council
    Keith Moncur - High Life Highland
    Brenda Jones - Parsons Brinckerhoff
    Tom Logan - The Highland Council
    Alex Dickson - The Highland Council
    Project Update
    Ron Mackenzie gave an update on the project.
    The Council issued a New Project Request to the Northern Hub in July. This set the following affordability caps:
    £26.8m capital
    £550k maintenance costs per annum
    Since then, HubCo has been reviewing the design prepared by the Council and has held discussions with the Council team.
    The following aspects of the design are ‘immoveable’.
    - separation of community facilities from school
    - separate access for Primary School
    HubCo is due to submit its Stage 1 proposal by 7th December. This is due to be considered at the Council meeting on 20th December.
    Following that, Hubco will tender the works and submit a final price to the Council in approximately July 2013.
    The planning application is due to be submitted in approximately March 2013.
    The council intends to issue New Project Requests for the joint campus primary school in January 2013 and for the new primary school in North Wick in March 2013.
    The Council’s Asset Management Team will start in 2013 to seek alternative uses, by other parties, for the surplus buildings/land. If not sold, the council will demolish the existing Primary buildings and pool. The Council will not demolish the existing library. Councillor Fernie advised that there is some interest in alternative uses for the library. The relevant group needs to prepare a business case for the use.
    Councillor Fernie advised that the Council would not seek to put restrictions on the future uses of the buildings in the disposal process.
    Presentation of Joint Campus Primary School
    Alex Dickson reminded the group of the proposals for the High School and presented the proposed layout of the Primary School.
    The Primary School has classrooms off a central atrium, similar to the High School design.
    The entrance from Seaforth Avenue is to the upper level of the school.
    Ken Allan advised that there have been several consultation meetings with members of the two Primary School Parent Councils and the two Head Teachers over the brief and design proposals for the Primary School.
    Pat Bowers and Lillian Wark confirmed that the architects had been very responsive to comments on the emerging designs. The pupils have been consulted on the landscape design.
    Ken Allan advised that the classrooms are 63m2. In addition, there are internal and external break-out spaces next to all classrooms. This is larger than the 55m2 classroom suggested by the Scottish Futures Trust.
    RM advised that the Council did not intend to cut costs by using cheap furniture and finishings, as this would not represent long term value for money.
    Bill Fernie asked that stone chips not be used in the external landscaping, as they usually get scattered around.
    Ken Allan advised that Hub will present the designs to parents, pupils and teachers as they develop. This is in addition to the planning consultation process.
    Hubco: opportunities for local businesses
    Mike Felton, Project Director for Northern Hub gave a presentation about construction opportunities for local businesses.
    Hub North is a partnership between the public and private sectors. Two projects are on site (in Aberdeen) six others, are at the development stage.
    Hub supports the aim of maximising local work on projects.
    Hub has selected Miller Construction as the preferred main contractor, following a price and quality tender process
    Hubco is contractually committed to tender 80% of contracts to local construction businesses. MF advised that the contract does not define “local” as this will vary between areas, but would like to have discussions on this matter. Hubco’s intention is to be as local as possible.
    MF clarified that the 80% figure relates to Hubco providing opportunities to tender for local businesses. The actual tender lists will depend on the response of local companies. Some concern was expressed about the ability of local companies to provide sufficient people for the project. MF advised that the selection of materials will take account of availability of local expertise. It was noted that builders in Caithness often tend to do more than one trade.
    250 small and micro sized enterprises have already registered interest in working for Hubco.
    Companies who work for Hubco will be expected to take on trainees. MF confirmed that Hubco will also look at providing work experience placements.
    It was suggested that training courses could be run locally to overcome skill gaps, e.g. dry lining. Also, there is a lot of information available about local skill sets.
    Hubco will arrange a roadshow for local businesses in February. This will involve Miller construction and contact with local agencies.
    Hubco will ask interested companies to ‘pre-qualify’ and can provide assistance with this process.
    Tom McIntyre advised that the school is keen to provide local opportunities for developing construction skills.
    MF advised that each part of the construction works will be competitively tendered.
    There will be a financial penalty if the works run late. RM advised that the council’s PPP schools were delivered on time, with only 2 schools late by a matter of days.
    Future Stakeholder Group
    RM advised that the design of the new Primary Schools will progress rapidly at the start of 2013.
    The Council would like to have one stakeholder group for all the school projects in Wick. This would comprise representatives of Parent Councils, community users and elected members. The first meeting would be held in January.
    It was noted that the High School has 11 feeder primaries. There should be a mechanism for parents from these schools to be consulted. It was noted that the Head Teachers of the Associated Schools Group have a monthly meeting with the High School Head Teacher. It was agreed that this forum could be used for communication about the joint campus.
    KA advised that there would be additional meetings about specific matters, e.g. a meeting to discuss the library design could involve all five members of the library user group.
    This proposal was accepted. The Council will prepare a proposed membership list for this group and circulate for comment.
    RM advised that the stakeholder group would need to develop a communications strategy. All communication should come from one source. It was noted that information should be available in one web location.
    Brenda Jones advised that Safe Routes to school groups with teacher and parent representatives will be set up shortly.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    Below is the agenda from last night's meeting where presentations were made by Hubco, Millers and Highland council.

    Minutes will be produced and presented at the next meeting in about 2 months time. Briefly it was stated that the council and Hubco were negotiating the contract and this would be finalised in the Autumn.

    Concerns were express that this appeared to be a delay but Mr Mackenzie said that there had been contingency time built in. Start to the schools etc would be early in 2014 but that the hand over date remained the same June 2015.

    Millers representative said they would be holding a meet the Suppliers Day in Mackays hotel on 27th March and this would be widely advertised.

    Millers are keen to maximise local suppliers and to maintain their corporate responsibility to the local community by ensuring that apprenticeships are increased in the area. They have had discussion with North highland college to facilitate training course that will be required for those that gain apprenticeships.

    School children will be involved in the search for new names for the two primary schools. Emphasis was place on maintaining separate identity for the new primary within the 3 - 18 campus and that is should not be seen as the primary wing of the High School.

    Planning permissions are likely to be sought by the end of April. There wilbe further public consultations by developers when the detailed plans are available. work is ongoing and gaining pace.

    Agenda if meeting on 4th March 2013
    Meeting Wick Stakeholder Group

    Date & time: Monday 4th March 2013, 7pm
    Venue: Wick High School
    Item Description and person to lead
    1 Welcome from the Chair
    2 Purpose of the group (RM)
    3 Progress update (RM)
    4 Updated design proposals for the Joint Campus (GMA Ryder) and outline design proposals for new Primary School for the north of Wick (Hubco Architect & Highland Council Architect)
    5 Proposals for engagement with local supply chain and training (Hubco)
    6 Proposals for communication plan (Hubco/RM)
    7 Process for naming new Primary Schools (RM)
    8 Next steps and key milestones (Hubco)
    9 Date of next meeting
    10 Any other competent business

  11. #11
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    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    March 2013 - Newsletter

    The Wick Project
    The Wick Project includes the Wick Campus (incorporating the ‘South of the River’ Primary School, High School and East Caithness Community Facilities) on the Wick High/Pulteneytown Academy Primary School site, and the new ‘North of the River’ Primary School to be built on the current North Primary School site.
    This Newsletter brings everybody up to date with progress.
    On the Web
    This newsletter and newsletters 1 and 2 issued in June and October last year are available at
    In addition, presentations used at Stakeholder Meetings for the two new Primary Schools, along with minutes of the new Stakeholder Group, are also included here. Note however, that these are still in development, and are a ‘snapshot’ of the designs to get feedback from Stakeholders.

    Reminder - Hub/Council Process
    The Council and Hub North Scotland Ltd (HNSL) have a process to follow. Detailed below is this process, with an approximate timeline:
    New Project Request (NPR) – starts the process
    Stage 1 – HNSL respond to Council accepting that the project can be delivered within Affordability Caps set by the Council. The Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) and then the Council have to assess, and then decide on moving to the next Stage.
    Stage 2 – HNSL then develop the design, and negotiate a detailed contract with the Council. Again both the SFT and the Council have to assess the proposal, and agree to sign the contract. This period may take up to 3 months.
    Construction – for the Campus, begins in late 2013, for North of the River later (smaller project) with all facilities scheduled to become operational in August 2015.

    Where are we now?
    Wick High School and Community Facilities have begun the Stage 2 design process, with the Primary Schools’ NPR due for submission to HNSL in April/May 2013.

    New Stakeholder Group
    A new Stakeholder Group has been formed which covers the whole Wick Project. This has representatives from the five Parent Councils of the schools involved, their Headteachers, High Life Highland, including the Library and Swimming Pool users, local Members, Wick, Sinclair Bay and Tannach and District Community Councils, Officers of the Council and HNSL.

    The new group met for the first time on Monday 4th March 2013.
    The minute of this meeting is on the web (see opposite), but highlights of this meeting are noted below, along with further information on developments

    Progress with Developments
    It was confirmed that the Council is committed to developing all the facilities for occupation by August 2015. It was noted that the total expenditure on this project would be in the order of £55M overall.
    The New Project Requests for the two new Primary schools will be issued to HNSL by the Council in April / May 2013.
    The current proposal for the new North of the River Primary School was shared with the meeting – this is still under development, with consultations between the architects, Staff and the Parent Councils of both existing schools continuing.

    Proposals for Engagement with Local Supply Chain
    Hub North Scotland Ltd (HNSL)
    ( introduced Miller Construction, their construction partner for the project.
    Miller Construction gave a presentation on how they intend to engage with local businesses who wish to become involved with the project.
    In particular, Miller are organising a “Meet the Buyer” event, on Thursday 27th March, 1330 – 1700 in the MacKay Hotel, Wick – this will be advertised in the local Press and websites. Click on

    Pre Planning Public Consultations
    These have provisionally been set up follows:
    Wick Campus – Monday 22nd April 2013
    Wick North of the River Primary School – Monday 29th April 2013
    Please look out for the venue and times in the local Press.
    These consultations give the opportunity for members of the public to comment on the current proposals.
    Last edited by Bill Fernie; 22-Mar-13 at 10:32.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness

    Default The Wick Project - Schools and Community Facilities - Details

    The Wick Project

    The Wick Project includes the Wick Campus (incorporating the ‘South of the River’ Primary School, High School and East Caithness Community Facilities) on the Wick High/Pulteneytown Primary School site, and the new ‘North of the River’ Primary School to be built on the current North Primary School site.
    The Wick Campus – on the Wick High/Pulneytown Primary Site
    Wick High School
    • General Classrooms - all to a very high standard of ICT provision, and to include all new furnishings
    • Specialist facilities for Art & Design, Physical Education (Games Hall, Gymnasium and Dance Studio), Music, Drama, Home Economics, Business and Computer Education, Technology and Science equipped to the most modern standards
    • Specialist vocational provision for Practical Craft Skills, Professional cookery and Hair and Beauty
    • Specialist provision for Assisted Support Needs
    • Collaborative and Cooperative break out space to promote a variety of teaching methods
    • Hall as part of flexible use space
    • Kitchen, Dining and Café facilities
    • One full sized synthetic Pitch (existing),
    • One large grassed area, with 2 full sized football pitches / 400m running track/rugby pitch.
    • Car and cycle parking, drop off area, and bus bays
    East Caithness Community Facilities
    This facility will be managed and operated by High Life Highland (HLH), who will also manage community access to other areas in the schools outwith school hours.
    • Public Library
    • Swimming Pool with Floating floor, and separate Toddler Pool
    • Community have access to school areas eg PE Areas, Hall, the Street etc outwith school hours
    New Primary School on the Campus, replacing Pultneytown and South Primary Schools
    The new school will consist of:
    • 13 Classrooms, each with built in store and cloakroom
    • Expressive Arts room and store
    • Break out Space
    • 2 Nursery Rooms, with kitchen, cloakrooms, toilets and storage
    • 2 Learning Support Rooms
    • Enhanced Provision Area for children with specific needs
    • Games Hall – 2 badminton Court size, with changing and stores
    • Offices – Administration, Head Teacher and Depute, Staff Work Base
    • Medical Room, Inter Agency Meeting Room, Offices for Childrens’ Services and Active Schools Coordinator
    • Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and grass pitch
    • External areas including garden area – for work and play (pupils have been involved in designing this with Council’s Landscape Architect).
    New Primary School North of the River, replacing North and Hillhead Primary Schools – on the North Primary Site
    This new school will consist of:
    • 14 Classrooms, each with built in store and cloakroom
    • 2 Expressive Arts room and store
    • Library
    • Break out Space
    • 2 Nursery Rooms, with kitchen, cloakrooms, toilets and storage
    • A third pre-school room
    • 2 Learning Support Rooms
    • Enhanced Provision Area for children with specific needs
    • Games Hall – 2 badminton Court size, with changing and stores
    • Dining Area with Storage
    • Offices – Administration, Head Teacher and Depute, Staff Work Base
    • Medical Room and Inter Agency Meeting Room
    • Community Room with storage
    • Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and grass pitch
    • External areas including garden area – for work and play (pupils have been involved in designing this with Council’s Landscape Architect).

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    The plans are held in large Pdf files and may take a while to download depending on your connection speed.
    These plans may be subject to changes as the planning process proceeds.

    Wick High School and Community Facilities

    Plans for Pultneytown and South new primary school

    Plans for Hillhead and North new primary school
    Last edited by Bill Fernie; 22-Mar-13 at 10:58.

  14. #14
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    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    Planning Process begins for new Wick Schools and Community Facilities

    The £50M project for two new Primary Schools, a new High School, and new Community Facilities, incorporating a replacement Library and swimming pool, due for completion for use in August 2015, takes another step forward this month.

    The planning process for major works includes a “Pre-Application Consultation” in which the proposals are shared with the public, so that comments at this stage can be considered by the architects before formal Planning Applications are submitted.

    For the Wick Campus, incorporating a new Primary School (amalgamating Pulteneytown Academy Primary and South Primary), a replacement High School, and the new East Caithness Community Facilities (replacing the Library and the Swimming Pool), the public exhibition is due to be held in the Assembly Rooms, Wick on Monday 22nd April from 2pm to 6.30pm.

    For the new Primary School replacing Hillhead Primary and North Primary on the north of the River, the exhibition is due to be held in the Assembly Rooms, Wick on Monday 29th April from 2pm to 6.30pm.

    At both exhibitions, members of the project team will be in attendance to answer any queries. Members of the public are invited to comment on the proposals there and then, or in writing over the following 14 days – full details available at the exhibition. In addition, the proposed plans will be available after each meeting on the Council’s website on

    A Council spokesman said: “People should be aware that no Planning Applications have been submitted at this stage. This is an opportunity for anyone to comment on the current proposals before such applications are made.”

  15. #15
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    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness


    Wick Stakeholder Group
    The next meeting of the wick Stakeholder Group will take place on Monday 22nd April 2013 at 7.00pm in Wick High School.

    An agenda has been issued and the main points are -
    Progress update (RM and Hubco)
    Wick Joint Campus: updated design proposals (GMA Ryder)
    Wick Joint Campus planning process (GMA Ryder)
    New North of the River Primary School: updated design proposals (THC Architect)
    Update from meeting with contractors (Hubco)
    Communication plan (RM)
    Next steps and key milestones (Hubco)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Hi Bill,
    The site plan for the Wick High School Campus,(June 2012), is this the latest plan and the most likely plan also could you tell me, if you know, what a "Battered Caithness Wall" is,thankyou.

  17. #17

    Default Wick High School Pre Planning Presentation

    Bill, any idea how the Assembly Rooms presentation and Stakeholder meeting thereafter went. I couldnt attend the preentation myself due to work committments, however i'm interested to know if there was a model to view / photos and if there is any feedback. Was it well attended ? i understand we have 14 days from 22nd April to comment to Highland Council. Do you have a contact reference ?
    I kent his faither

  18. #18


    Have a look here for updates and the link for comments.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    The nation of Scotland


    Just had a quick squint at the plans - can't seem to identify the changing rooms for the pool. Unless it is the ones in the adjacent building; surely somebody can find them for me?

  20. #20


    Theyre there on the right hand side of the pool. To me it looks like lots of cubicles but Im not good at plans I prefer pictures.

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