Jail for man with "a truly extraordinary record"

A MAN, who stole a boat and a trailer, was jailed for 6 months at Wick Sheriff Court today.
Richard Blackwell, of Robertson Crescent, Keiss, was said by the sheriff to have “a truly extraordinary record of offending”.
Blackwell, a self-employed labourer, admitted the theft at a previous sitting of the court. It was stated that the disappearance of the boat and trailer from Clashvalley, Dunbeath, was discovered on June 22. The accused had been seen in the area and the trailer was subsequently recovered. The boat, however, was found burned out. (A plea of not guilty to a charge of wilfully setting fire to it was accepted by the senior fiscal depute, David Barclay).
The engine, said to account for the bulk of the value of the craft, was said to have been worth £1,500.
Today the court heard that Blackwell (34) and his family had moved north from England so he could put his offending behind him.