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Thread: mother at 63

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default mother at 63

    saw on the news today about a woman who is 63 years old is having a baby. do you think that is right?

    i personally think it would be a better idea for this woman to foster kids, this way children who are needy will have someone to care for them plus this woman would have children to love.

    this woman would be putting her life in danger because she will be putting her body under unnecessary stress plus she will be more than likely depriving the child of a mother in future years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Ancient Caithness


    So when the kid is 15 years old the mother will be 78 years old.....hmmmmmmmmmm, not too good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Convenient though, being able to pick up your pension and child allowance at the same time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Your as young as u feel...

    hee hee
    Big Imagination For Feeling Young Cause Life Yearns Real Optimism

  5. #5

    Default mother at 63

    i think this is wrong. whn the child gets older they might be bullied cos of how old their parents are and not meaning to sound nasty but she probably wont be able to see it grow or get married unless she is a tough old bird and is still really healthy. she to also cause damage to herself. if she wants to have kids at that age its up to her though.
    some ones always watching!!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default mother at 63

    maybe im right maybe im wrong but i feel it will be unfair to a child to be brought into the world and after a few years losing their parent. when i was 25 i lost my mother due to ilness not age, she was only 51, but that was a wrench for me. what would that child feel like because it is highly unlikely that they would have their mother to teen years.
    fostering can be a short term help for many needy children and would give her the children that she yearns for.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    by the sea


    I understood from the radio that she already has two adult children so this seems pure selfishness. Another example of "I want so I must have". How many times will the child have to explain that they are not its granddparents?

    I agree with the suggestion about fostering as if she really loves children this would be a much better solution.
    The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I could understand if she did not have any kids to begin with.But noing she has leaves me some what confused why would a woman of her age want another child at 63. It,s the child i feel sorry for this child will have no sibilings around the same age and its adult sibilings will be more like its parents than sibilings.Also the child will probarly end up looking after its parents thats no child hood but its her choice at the end of the day.

    On the other hand a younger parent with cancer it happens but the main thing is that the child is loved and well looked after.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default mother at 63

    i agree with you there bingobabe. i feel honoured that i had 25 years with my mum. she was a very special lady. i was lucky, she showed me so much love it will be in my heart forever
    remember me im annie gee :-)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002


    umm did she intentionally get preg or did it just happen?
    and in my honest opinion.. its not really any ones buisness if she choose to get preg.
    any child is a gift.. even when they are throwing a huge tantrum like mine is right now.. *grins* (using the ignore the bad tantrum tec.)
    but at the end of the day.. it is her choice..
    i personally would rather see a 60 year old woman get preg. who will watch out for herself.. and the baby do everything she can to ensure a healthy preg and delivery.. and be a loving parent than some strung out teenager or abusive woman.. who will not care for their child and expose them to drugs and violence.. and many many times not even give the baby a chance of a drug addition birth.
    but then again its just my oppinion

  11. #11

    Default mother at 63

    How selfish she wanted so she got, has she given any thoughts towards the child and what the future holds for it.......if she had maybe she wouldnt have been so selfish.At this age my mum had the joy of becoming a grandmother which gave her loads of happiness without the sleepless nights and if in years to come my kids loose their granny at least they will still have their mum.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by mischief
    if she wants to have kids at that age its up to her though.
    Quote Originally Posted by brandy
    umm did she intentionally get preg or did it just happen?

    It's not up to her.If it were up to her she would still have been infertile due to natural menopause. She had children at that age because of (a dubious) medical intervention.
    An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by gee
    i agree with you there bingobabe. i feel honoured that i had 25 years with my mum. she was a very special lady. i was lucky, she showed me so much love it will be in my heart forever
    My heart goes out to you there my mum is my best friend and i dont know what i would do without her.But you must have your own special memories and i hope they give you comfort.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by gee
    saw on the news today about a woman who is 63 years old is having a baby. do you think that is right?

    i personally think it would be a better idea for this woman to foster kids, this way children who are needy will have someone to care for them plus this woman would have children to love.

    this woman would be putting her life in danger because she will be putting her body under unnecessary stress plus she will be more than likely depriving the child of a mother in future years.
    I think it is wrong to have kids at that age as they arent going to be around to see them grow up and its the child who is left to deal with it.
    as for getting I.V.F. i strongly believe that it should only be used in cases where people cant concieve for whatever medical reasons.not because you are passed child bearing age and decide you want another child.

    I.V.F. is obviously a wonderfull thing, I have suffered 3 miscarriage's and only through haveing I.V.F. have i got my daughter which is a reminder everyday how lucky we are and how precious children are.

    I.V.F in itself can be a harrowing experiance so to put your body throught all that and pregnancy and child birth at that age just to have a child to cement a relationship is wrong, kids dont make relationships.
    that is why there are strict rules in this country regarding I.V.F. and the cut off age is there for a reason.
    There is also a high chance of disabilities in childen born to women over 40.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Yuk, I thought she wouldve been past it for a jump in the sack at that age!
    No seriously she went to Italy for IVF treatment as she was too old for it in the UK. She has 2 grown up children, so why be so selfish & have another at almost retiring age?
    Can ye imagine at the school on the bairns first day? "Is that yer gran?", `No its my mam` What a shame on the kid, I think & so do millions of others, judging by the phone polls Ive seen

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Stone Roses
    Yuk, I thought she wouldve been past it for a jump in the sack at that age!
    At 63? I hardly think so.
    Don't wrestle with pigs, you just get all dirty and the pig enjoys it.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by connieb19
    At 63? I hardly think so.
    Iv,e suddenly gone blind with the horrible mental image iv,e just seen LOL

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Castletown (N58deg 35.240/W003deg 22.839)

    Default mother at 63

    I am totally gobsmacked by this announcement on the news tonight! They say they have the childs best interests at heart - yea right - if they're around long enough. They're not only old enough to be the childs grandparents, but old enough to be its GREAT- grandparents! Can you see the father out kicking a ball with his son or learning him to ride a bike? Or if its a girl do you think the mother will be doing girlie things with her like shopping or whatever - I don't think so! Too much of an age/generation gap here. On saying that i'm sure they will be good enough parents for the little time they will share with their child, or more to the point, the little time their child will share with them. But who am I to judge, its just my opinion.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    She cannot see any further than what she herself wants and has no regard whatsoever for the child. She obviously has the same learning skills as the toddler screaming and demanding sweets at the checkout.

    Has she really stopped to think her she will cope physically keeping up with the child. I dread to think how a 70 year old would manage to cope with an agile stroppy teenager. Even getting to that stage can be very tiring even for much younger people.
    The odds are is that most of the hard work will be left for others to do and just who is going to look after the child when she is dead.
    I realise that a child can be in that position even with younger parents, but that is not usually expected to be inevitable, with this woman it is.

    Personally, I wouldn't like to face the prospect of becoming a father at that age, (No, not even Catherine Zeta-J could persuade me), never mind the prospect of becoming a mother.
    Animals I like, people I tolerate.

  20. #20


    My dad's 65 and i could see him out quite happily kicking a ball with a kid. My mums the same age and there's still plenty of life in her too. I'm not saying i agree with this woman having a child at this age, but give the oldies a break. They're not all old and senile. I think 63 is still quite young. This woman could quite easily have another 30 years in front of her..
    Don't wrestle with pigs, you just get all dirty and the pig enjoys it.

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