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Thread: Nato strike kills a number of Afghanistan civilians

  1. #741

    Default Nato strike

    Having a son who has served there and is due to go out again within 6 months of returning. I would congratulate the nato strike force for their actions.
    Albeit it is not nice for civillians or anyone to be killed in war.Out there no one is a true civillian, they all carry weapons and our guys and girls cannot tell one from the other (friend or Foe) indeed some who have been made out to be friends, have indeed cost the lives of quite a few of our boys both in iraq and Afganistan, military policemen whose job it was to train their people how to be decent police officers and they were murdered for their efforts.
    Sorry but I have changed my view on afganistan this bombing just means fewer terrorist or future terrrorist to attack our boys and girls serving there.
    Maybe Nato should do more of this and bring about an end to this farce of a political war which is all about the riches of the country and greedy little men here and in the USA making more and more money and get our kids home

  2. #742
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    bettyhill ish


    yes they do use mini buses to ferry around insurgents it's good cover and when we accidental bomb the wrong mini buses they get loads of mileage from it from all those who make out our brave lads are cold heartless killers. the Taliban are not your usual soldier who will stand and fight man to man they hide among family's villages and us them as shields. they are the ones you should be having ago at
    sometimes the devil needs an advocate

  3. #743
    Join Date
    May 2001
    toronto canada

    Default afghanistan

    I am sorry to see the re-emergence of this appaling thread.
    We must never lose sight of the plight of Afghan women.
    The Nato allies are actually bringing the modern world to the sorry bunch of stoners and mutilaters of women.
    I refer you to this column by Robert Fisk from the Independent.
    It is entitled "the crime wave that shames the world."
    Richard Sutherland

  4. #744
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Tucson, AZ


    Quote Originally Posted by HaggarJ2 View Post
    Having a son who has served there and is due to go out again within 6 months of returning. I would congratulate the nato strike force for their actions.
    Albeit it is not nice for civillians or anyone to be killed in war.Out there no one is a true civillian, they all carry weapons and our guys and girls cannot tell one from the other (friend or Foe) indeed some who have been made out to be friends, have indeed cost the lives of quite a few of our boys both in iraq and Afganistan, military policemen whose job it was to train their people how to be decent police officers and they were murdered for their efforts.
    Sorry but I have changed my view on afganistan this bombing just means fewer terrorist or future terrrorist to attack our boys and girls serving there.
    Maybe Nato should do more of this and bring about an end to this farce of a political war which is all about the riches of the country and greedy little men here and in the USA making more and more money and get our kids home
    HaggarJ2: My being an old WW2 Veteran I can symphatise/emphatise what you are feeling. My mother went through the same thing for me during the great war of WW2.

  5. #745
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Closer than you think


    It has been reported (although you have to look hard to find it) that 73 civilians were killed by NATO forces in just two days in East Kunar Province Afghanistan.

    This comes just days after the U.S. Army General David Petraeus made a rare apology for an earlier raid which killed 9 other civilians.

    The article states civilian casualties in Afghanistan rose 20 per cent to 6,215 in the first 10 months of 2010 compared with 2009, with more than three-quarters killed or wounded by insurgents.

    So in other words nearly 40 civilians a week are being killed/maimed by NATO forces.
    If, as we are being told, NATO troops are going to withdraw from Afghanistan by 2014, that means that between now and then nearly 8,000 more Afghanistanis are going to become casualties in this unjust war.
    I think that General David Petraeus has got a lot more apologising to do

    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

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