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Thread: Dogs for sale ads?

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by munron View Post
    I hummed and I haaad and then thought oh why not.

    Why do people get an animal without doing any research as to how much it may potentially cost them in the future? A simple phone call before procuring your pet or allowing you pet to breed would have solved a simple problem about how much to spay / neuter. This could then have entered into your accounts to whether you could have afforded said pet. A simple geographical search and some logic applied would have confirmed that PDSA would not have been available to spay / neuter but another simple phone call would have assured you that should your finances deserve it there is PDSA available up here for all other unforeseen ailments.

    The PDSA spay /neuter scheme runs at a loss, not really financially viable for a business with good people to pay. A discount scheme is offered to local charities to alleviate some of the burden they endure for other peoples inconsiderate breeding.

    Any other vets are most welcome to come up and set up practice, it is not an exclusive market.

    If you wish your pet "done" in a tin shed with very little overheads and no sterile environment, clean kennel, food, nurses, staff and qualified surgeons then I am sure there are a few potential butchers that can oblige.

    I just googled the private price of a hysterectomy on a woman and it is about 5k, I didnt google male castration but I can see there should be a market for it.

    Now I may be a bit flippant but sometimes people just annoy me, the fact that they have to pay for something outrages them, without a thought for even the most simple aspect of the people behind that business, the care, the equipment, the skill, the overheads and that goes for every business out there trying to make a few pence to keep their heads above water.

    But if you are ever in the unfortunate position to phone the vet in the middle of the night to ask for advice on your beloved animal - make sure you ask the price so you can moan the greedy brute charged you a whooping nothing!!!!
    I like your post, are you a vet per chance

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Very well said Munron.

    I would love to have a lot more pets than I do but the reason I don't is because I know I can't afford to! I would rather have a smaller number and be able to care for them properly.
    Too many people rush into getting a pet without finding out the cost involved;amount of exercise needed etc hence the large number of abandoned and 'unwanted' pets.

    I have nothing but praise for our local Veterinary Practice who have always looked after my pets so well and I don't mind paying for this service at all.
    As you rightly say Munron,they are always on the end of a phone to offer free advice.
    You may find that a long drive South would actually cost a lot more.

    For those on low incomes and certain benefits the PDSA will help as do Cats Protection.
    Last edited by Liz; 08-Dec-10 at 23:58. Reason: wrong info given

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    Alas no I am not, couldnt get the "o" grades

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liz View Post
    Very well said Munron.

    I would love to have a lot more pets than I do but the reason I don't is because I know I can't afford to! I would rather have a smaller number and be able to care for them properly.
    Too many people rush into getting a pet without finding out the cost involved;amount of exercise needed etc hence the large number of abandoned and 'unwanted' pets.

    I have nothing but praise for our local Veterinary Practice who have always looked after my pets so well and I don't mind paying for this service at all.
    As you rightly say Munron,they are always on the end of a phone to offer free advice.
    You may find that a long drive South would actually cost a lot more.

    For those on low incomes and certain benefits the PDSA will help as do Cats Protection and KWK9 Rescue.
    Yes, for uno (one) pet only,
    does it ever dawn on any of you goody 2 shoes people of the north, that there are people around / all around you, probably that are on benefits/ or have needs for such a service as the pdsa, or other animal welfare organizations,
    does it never dawn on you that not everyone can afford to pay extortionate fees of the vets and others whose only goal in life is to outdo or ridicule their neighbour,
    I like the org but occasionally, I wish I had never laid eyes on it, there are so many narrowminded biggots on here that it is sickening in some posts.
    this post for instance has gone way off topic and has reduced itself yet again to those who choose not see the problems faced by many, but who are nevertheless
    animal lovers/pet owners/ etc,
    instead of bleating on about the haves and the havenots / or shouldnotbeallowed brigade, I suggest get of your high horse and campaign to bring about change to those who would benefit from having such as a pdsa in the north,
    and its great that you can afford to pay for all your vet needs because you have the good sense to cut down on the amount of pets you care to keep,
    long may your good fortune last,
    bearing in mind that fortunes as circumstances change, and sometimes without warning and almost always outwith control,
    who then, should qualify for help in paying the extortionate vet fees, you , who kept your pets to a minimum or your neighbour who keeps a lot of animals albeit on a low income,
    Last edited by Commore; 08-Dec-10 at 20:08.

  5. #25
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    Mar 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Commore View Post

    Yes, for uno (one) pet only,
    I didn't know that. This doesn't apply to Cats Protection.
    Last edited by Liz; 08-Dec-10 at 23:58. Reason: Wrong info given

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Commore View Post

    Yes, for uno (one) pet only,
    Here I go again when I really should be poop picking.

    I would believe, and I am not an expert on PDSA, that the scheme was set up to help both willing owners and rescues. Wherein a suitable, loving, home who could cover the pets basic needs would relieve the rescues of one place, which in turn stops one more PTS.

    Some people need pets, there are a lot of people who benefit from having some form of company and if they are fit enough or the pet fits them, then it is happiness allround.

    There would have to be a limit as I am sure there isnt a rescue in the country that has unlimited resources.

    I am willing to stand corrected on this as I am not to sure to be honest, but my correction will have to wait till all the poop is done

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Hee hee I fear there will be a lot of poop to pick once the snow thaws and reveals all!!!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Hmmn its gone off topic!
    Pets as Christmas pressies?

    Not the balls n bits off discussion!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Oops sorry Dadie!

    Whilst I agree that, on the whole, it isn't a good idea to rehome a pet at Christmas I really think it can depend on the circumstances.
    Not everyone has young children, lots of visitors, parties etc and so it can be a good time to get a pet as they are off work for a few days and so can spend time settling it in.
    I would much rather an animal was in a loving home than stuck in a rehoming centre just because it's Christmas!
    I think it's the idea, quite rightly, of giving a pet as a 'present' but this applies all year round.

  10. #30


    Well said Munron on your first post
    Last edited by caz; 08-Dec-10 at 20:44.

  11. #31
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    At the end of the day you can only respond to the posts before you, pets for crimble presents well I can see the for and the against, if it is for life then I dont really mind when it is as long as they are treated right throughout their life. BUT I agree it is not right to advertise one as a potential christmas present.

    Commore I see you have edited your post to add more, I dont really know how to respond to be honest, sometimes people just take on too much for all good intentions and find themselves in deeper than they ever imagined. I wish you well but somehow I feel that there might be a chip needing a wee shove, we are not all goody whotsits, just people who care and have opinions, even if they are not in allegience with others.

  12. #32
    Join Date
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    Kinlochbervie, Sutherland


    I too think its so people can buy pets for Christmas, I have seen a few ads, especially on Gumtree saying Christmas Puppies! Saying what great presents they will make. This is just not right. I think bringing in dog registration would help, but then, only responsible owners would pay it!

    Oh the balls n bits discussion, I think if you have pets, especially a large number through your own choice (or even worse through breeding), you should be responsible for neutering/spaying. Why should charities be paying for you not being able to control the number of pets you get?

    I'm grateful I've never had to pay for neutering or spaying, they were always done before adoption
    Owner of 2 greyhounds, 1 Lurcher puppy, 2 cats, 3 rabbits, 3 guinea pig's and a hamster!

  13. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Liz View Post

    I know that KWK9 Rescue will help with neutering costs for those on low incomes.
    Sorry Liz, we can only help out with these costs if it is a dog that has been rehomed through us (and if we have enough funds to do so) unfortunately we are not in a position to help the general public with neutering costs....
    A Registered Scottish Charity SC041937
    Giving Dogs A Second Leash Of Life

  14. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Liz View Post
    Oops sorry Dadie!

    Whilst I agree that, on the whole, it isn't a good idea to rehome a pet at Christmas I really think it can depend on the circumstances.
    Not everyone has young children, lots of visitors, parties etc and so it can be a good time to get a pet as they are off work for a few days and so can spend time settling it in.
    I would much rather an animal was in a loving home than stuck in a rehoming centre just because it's Christmas!
    I think it's the idea, quite rightly, of giving a pet as a 'present' but this applies all year round.
    It definatly depends on the circumstances, we dont have a lot of parties,visitors ect and i know of many familys like us,and also everyone is home together to let the puppy settle in and give lots of attention, rather than as some do put in a cage for hours. I have on several occasions given a pet to one of my children as a gift and all are well cared for.
    And just for the record my two bitches are not neuterd, so does that make me a bad owner?
    All our pets animals have the best of care and vets visits as required.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by KWK9 Rescue View Post
    Sorry Liz, we can only help out with these costs if it is a dog that has been rehomed through us (and if we have enough funds to do so) unfortunately we are not in a position to help the general public with neutering costs....
    Oh I am sooooooo sorry for giving misinformation. I misunderstood.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Commore View Post
    Yes, for uno (one) pet only,
    does it ever dawn on any of you goody 2 shoes people of the north, that there are people around / all around you, probably that are on benefits/ or have needs for such a service as the pdsa, or other animal welfare organizations,
    does it never dawn on you that not everyone can afford to pay extortionate fees of the vets and others whose only goal in life is to outdo or ridicule their neighbour,
    I like the org but occasionally, I wish I had never laid eyes on it, there are so many narrowminded biggots on here that it is sickening in some posts.
    this post for instance has gone way off topic and has reduced itself yet again to those who choose not see the problems faced by many, but who are nevertheless
    animal lovers/pet owners/ etc,
    instead of bleating on about the haves and the havenots / or shouldnotbeallowed brigade, I suggest get of your high horse and campaign to bring about change to those who would benefit from having such as a pdsa in the north,
    and its great that you can afford to pay for all your vet needs because you have the good sense to cut down on the amount of pets you care to keep,
    long may your good fortune last,
    bearing in mind that fortunes as circumstances change, and sometimes without warning and almost always outwith control,
    who then, should qualify for help in paying the extortionate vet fees, you , who kept your pets to a minimum or your neighbour who keeps a lot of animals albeit on a low income,
    Good grief where did that come from?!

    FYI I am neither a 'goody 2 shoes','a narrow minded biggot' or own a 'high horse'!!!

    I fully understand that people's circumstances can change and need help with veterinary bills etc in order to be able to keep their beloved pets.

    I merely pointed out the reason why I chose to have less pets but I in no way look down on others who share their lives with lots of animals. It is entirely up to individuals how many pets they can keep.

    As for 'good fortune' I cannot work due to illness and am in receipt of benefits much of which goes on my animals (including stray cats and wild birds). Life would not be worth living without my dog and cats and I would not want to deny anyone this just because they are on a low income.

    I suggest you take a deep breathe and think twice before you post such a tirade!
    Last edited by Liz; 09-Dec-10 at 00:27.

  17. #37
    Join Date
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    Somewhere closeby,


    Quote Originally Posted by Liz;796630[B
    ]Good grief where did that come from?[/B]!

    FYI I am neither a 'goody 2 shoes','a narrow minded biggot' or own a 'high horse'!!!

    I fully understand that people's circumstances can change and need help with veterinary bills etc in order to be able to keep their beloved pets.

    I merely pointed out the reason why I chose to have less pets but I in no way look down on others who share their lives with lots of animals. It is entirely up to individuals how many pets they can keep.

    As for 'good fortune' I cannot work due to illness and am in receipt of benefits much of which goes on my animals (including stray cats and wild birds). Life would not be worth living without my dog and cats and I would not want to deny anyone this just because they are on a low income.

    I suggest you take a deep breathe and think twice before you post such a tirade!
    it came from general observation and way deep down and there is more to come!

  18. #38
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Commore View Post
    it came from general observation and way deep down and there is more to come!
    Ah well let it out then!

  19. #39
    Join Date
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    Closer than you think


    Quote Originally Posted by munron View Post
    I hummed and I haaad and then thought oh why not.

    Why do people get an animal without doing any research as to how much it may potentially cost them in the future? A simple phone call before procuring your pet or allowing you pet to breed would have solved a simple problem about how much to spay / neuter. This could then have entered into your accounts to whether you could have afforded said pet. A simple geographical search and some logic applied would have confirmed that PDSA would not have been available to spay / neuter but another simple phone call would have assured you that should your finances deserve it there is PDSA available up here for all other unforeseen ailments.

    The PDSA spay /neuter scheme runs at a loss, not really financially viable for a business with good people to pay. A discount scheme is offered to local charities to alleviate some of the burden they endure for other peoples inconsiderate breeding.

    Any other vets are most welcome to come up and set up practice, it is not an exclusive market.

    If you wish your pet "done" in a tin shed with very little overheads and no sterile environment, clean kennel, food, nurses, staff and qualified surgeons then I am sure there are a few potential butchers that can oblige.

    I just googled the private price of a hysterectomy on a woman and it is about 5k, I didnt google male castration but I can see there should be a market for it.

    Now I may be a bit flippant but sometimes people just annoy me, the fact that they have to pay for something outrages them, without a thought for even the most simple aspect of the people behind that business, the care, the equipment, the skill, the overheads and that goes for every business out there trying to make a few pence to keep their heads above water.

    But if you are ever in the unfortunate position to phone the vet in the middle of the night to ask for advice on your beloved animal - make sure you ask the price so you can moan the greedy brute charged you a whooping nothing!!!!
    You assume a lot of things in your post, some of them quite offensive to the many millions of people who care for pets.
    Peoples circumstances can change overnight (just ask one of the 500,000 workers about to lose their jobs due to budget cuts) so someone who sets out with the best intentions in the world in caring for an animal can come unstuck, and unfortunately in these times of austerity it is often their animals that suffer.

    Can you provide evidence that the PDSA neutering/spaying programme runs at a loss, together with details of the discount scheme which it offers local charities as the post here from KWK9 shows that there would be a demand for that service up here.

    I have no objection to paying, the not inconsiderable, vet fees which we have pay each month for our chronically ill dog, as we are fortunate and can afford it but spare a thought for those who are not in this position. You never know, you might just find yourself in this position one day.
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  20. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anfield View Post
    You assume a lot of things in your post, some of them quite offensive to the many millions of people who care for pets.
    Peoples circumstances can change overnight (just ask one of the 500,000 workers about to lose their jobs due to budget cuts) so someone who sets out with the best intentions in the world in caring for an animal can come unstuck, and unfortunately in these times of austerity it is often their animals that suffer.

    Can you provide evidence that the PDSA neutering/spaying programme runs at a loss, together with details of the discount scheme which it offers local charities as the post here from KWK9 shows that there would be a demand for that service up here.

    I have no objection to paying, the not inconsiderable, vet fees which we have pay each month for our chronically ill dog, as we are fortunate and can afford it but spare a thought for those who are not in this position. You never know, you might just find yourself in this position one day.
    I would agree with that,
    and that was all I was trying to say,in my tirade.
    Circumstances change, people change but it js always the animals who suffer and I know of no one who does not do their utmost for their animals.

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