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Thread: Wick Academy Development Fund

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wick, Caithness

    Default Wick Academy Development Fund

    The thread on this topic has been removed following a contact by a committee member representing the fund.

    Due to certain allegations and suggestions contained in some posts the possibility of legal action has been raised.

    We would ask that if posting on this topic care is taken not to make unsubstantiated comments about the fund, its members and the income of the fund.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Oh the drama continues....someone's behind is getting twitchy!!!!

  3. #3


    Its just a pity that the same person couldn't take five minutes out of their time to post some information on the same pages to put one or two minds at ease.

    The possibility of legal action........................

  4. #4


    "unsubstantiated comments" was the lack of published material by the fund that gave rise to these comments in the first place.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    So there IS a committee? Oh I do hope any legal action gets heard in Wick Sherrif Court!
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  6. #6


    Maybe someone on this secretive committee will realise that what is needed is openness and answers rather than legal threats. Or does that seem a forlorn hope? All charities are supposed to be publically accountable, that doesn't seem to be the case here. Come on WADF, tell the people the truth. If you dont want to tell us who is on this committee, just tell us why you dont want anyone to know!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    I'd rather just know how much is in the fund.
    By my calculations, the £120 000 that WE have raised should draw matching funding from Highland, SFA and Lottery funding sources to around half a million pounds or £500 000.
    That should pay for at least 2 properly-drained, well-turfed pitches with a 4-room changing facility including cafeteria, all nicley constructed and properly serviced.
    Alternatively it could pay for a wonderfully-appointed SFA standard complex for Wick Academy FC, with all bells and whistles to allow community sports development. Like what Ross County have got, but smaller.
    As we can't discuss any controversial aspects of the WADF (a charitable fund rasing money for the benefit of the people of Wick and environs), we can at least discuss what we will do with our money once we have it.
    Last edited by Tubthumper; 05-Jul-10 at 10:37.
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    small fishing village outside wick called pulteney

    Thumbs up intersting thread now

    now i`m really interested, why if a committe has nothing to hide would it contact a local website and talk of leagl actions,??????????????

    there is now a deep seeded mistrust for said committe,

    bigger shovel required the need to dig deeper has arisen,

    if the org is frightened then maybe the papers will indeedy take heedy,

    o yes the gallows will await anyone who has given rise or is part of the aforementioned ,

    i think we should employ the rico act on this one,

    what do you think folks, pitchforks and burning torches at dawn, remember no guns
    if it wasnt for pubs it would be tescos for us all

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    right here, right now


    Maybe someone should contact a local councillor and ask for their assistance in getting to the bottom of this matter...
    The box said, "Requires Windows XP or better"...

    ... so I installed Ubuntu!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Or an MP or MSP. Or maybe wait till the OSCR and Police have finished their investigations?
    In the meantime, I've sent my enquiry letter politely asking for the information which they're required to provide by law, to the WADF at 16 Thurso Street, Wick Caithness KW1 7LF: have you?
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Tubthumper View Post
    we can at least discuss what we will do with our money once we have it.
    Where is it then?

  12. #12



    I look forward to hearing how you get on with your request to Mr Carter for information but don't hold your breath!

    Doing a bit more digging and I understand the following are part of the secretive WADF committee - J Gunn, A Carter, W Wydmuch and Billy More. Does anyone know any others involved in looking after our money for all these years?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    I was just checking what I (or any other reasonable person) would have to do if we were to become a trustee of charitable funds, money that members of a community donate towards a good cause, in the belief that it will be managed properly and used for the said good cause.

    I suppose the term 'Trustee' kind of sums it up. But the OSCR publish the following information, just so we know what a trustee has to do.

    General duties

    A charity trustee must:
    1. Act in the interest of the charity: trustees should put the interests of their charity before their own interests or those of any other person or organisation.
    2. Operate in a manner consistent with the charity’s purposes: trustees should carry out their duties in accordance with their governing document.
    3. Act with due care and diligence: trustees should take such care of their charity’s affairs as is reasonable to expect of someone who is managing the affairs of another person.
    4. Ensure that the charity complies with the provisions of the 2005 Act and other relevant legislation.
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Received no information back from WADF at 16 Thurso St Wick KW1 5LF yet.
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Tubthumper View Post
    Received no information back from WADF at 16 Thurso St Wick KW1 5LF yet.
    You've fair got the bit between your teeth now Tubs. We're all waiting with baited breath.. It's like something out of The Godfather.

    Seriously, agree with everything you've said. Hang on in there and don't be pressurised, although knowing your usual posts, I don't think that will be an issue.
    Away and haunt a hoose

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Tubthumper View Post
    Received no information back from WADF at 16 Thurso St Wick KW1 5LF yet.
    maybe there having a whip round to buy a stamp?

  17. #17


    Jamie Stone and the Groat are now asking questions about WADF - check the front page today.

  18. #18


    Good article, but long overdue. And I got quoted in the Groat! At last, fame is mine

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    They're happy at the outcome of the OSCR report and are in the process of acquiring land in 2005. So that's OK then.

    Anyone got a copy of the 2005 OSCR report?
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    I wonder, when the people of Wick get access to the WADF funds and a complex gets built, should a sports bar be included in the build?

    A great community asset in many places I've been, but a possible threat to the few existing clubs?.

    A dilemma. We should ponder it while we wait for information and money.
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

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