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Thread: Grand National

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Closer than you think


    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak View Post
    An open question to all:-

    If all Horse Racing was Banned what do you think would happen to the Horses?

    Would as many Horses be still bred at the Stud Farms if all Horse Racing was Banned?

    I really do not want to think what would happen to the Horses if racing was Banned, the thought is just too horrible.
    Nobody is asking for all horse racing to be banned, just that the Grand National course is changed so that it is more horse friendly.

    Imagine the outcry if 5 jockeys were killed over a 3 day period, Health & Safety WOULD close down all racecourses whilst they undertake a 2/3 year enquiry
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anfield View Post
    Nobody is asking for all horse racing to be banned, just that the Grand National course is changed so that it is more horse friendly.

    Imagine the outcry if 5 jockeys were killed over a 3 day period, Health & Safety WOULD close down all racecourses whilst they undertake a 2/3 year enquiry
    I cant really argue with that to be honest, risk of accidents is always there but it should be made safe for both horse and rider.

    The Grand National is exciting though and im looking forward to watching it.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amy-Winehouse View Post
    Can I just ask,for sure, Do horses like to gallop then run and sprint ?? then jump ??

    And I can I also ask, are there people nowadays who are offended by absolutely everything that everyone else used to call a tradition ?

    If Horse racing is cruel, the RSPCA will surely put an end to it? And how many races are there in the UK in 365 days a year ??

    Some people just , imo, live to be offended or am I just mad ?
    (1) I like running and cycling but I would not if I was forced to do these things to a state of exhaustion, and at the same time, have someone whipping me to make me go faster. Mind you it would depend on who was whipping me!
    I enjoy horse racing when it does not involve long and hazardous courses and the use of a whip

    (2) Sending children up factory chimneys used to be a tradition, as did killing people because of their religion, burning witches, bear baiting, dog fighting, slavery, giving your 1st born daughter to the estate owner etc etc.
    Would you not be offended if any of the above was reintroduced.

    (3) The RSPCA have as much clout in making laws as what you and I do, read my post (#9), my reference to RSPCA being radical was meant to be sarcastic.
    According to the official British Race Horse web site there were, in 2008:

    15,349 horses in training.
    855 Training Yards
    1,423 racing fixtures (which are usually 3 days long)
    98,014 horses starting a race

    As to your comment about people being "..imo, live to be offended or am I just mad.." I will reprint a verse, from WW2, which I think is very apt even today:

    "First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me."
    Last edited by Anfield; 10-Apr-10 at 00:11. Reason: spelling
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  4. #24
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    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak View Post
    An open question to all:-..........

    I really do not want to think what would happen to the Horses if racing was Banned, the thought is just too horrible.

    Well not really horrible. It's like if we all went vegetarian, they would not be bread.

    There would simply be less horses. OK, for a short period of "transition" they might be some abandoned horses but after that people wouldn't breed them.

    Demand and supply!

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    at the moment there are so many unwanted and neglected horses its scary. what tends to happen is that owners run out of funds to take the horses , and then just abandon them. i couldnt tell you how many times ive seen on the tv or net about equine cruelty. i dont know why but in a way it seems so much worse than other animal cruelty.. i know its not.. but to me.. it just seems that way. the reason a horse is often destroyed is because its easier on the animal when the cure would be worse that the disease so to speak.. or a break is bad enough it isnt going to heal.
    from what i understand,l horses are a lot more harder to treat than most pet like animals.. as they need all four legs, can not lay down for long periods of time without their own weight causing problems.. and can become seriouslly ill in a very short ammount of time.
    im not a vet, nor even a real horsey person, but just from watching tv on animal rescue it seems to suggest the above.
    i may be totally wrong but that was what i picked up.

  6. #26
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    e far north!


    I'm vouching for Dream Alliance....the peoples choice....bred on an allotment in Wales...come on Dream Alliance!!!!!!!!!

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gronnuck View Post

    "..So what is it that makes them risk all that expense and the possible death of a horse in the off chance that they might win a race?

    This may well be the incentive:

    "A total of £925,000 will be won in the 2010 race, which will be held at Aintree racecourse on Saturday 10 April
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  8. #28
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    I don't like the Grand National at all. It's not a horse race - as someone else has said on this thread - it's a cavalry charge.

    The course is too punishing on the horses in my opinion. I've nothing against over the sticks racing, point to point or anything but every GN is just another horse crippler.

    But I do not subscribe to the notion that people who put their horses into the race are uncaring brutes, either.

  9. #29
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    i keep remembering the 2001 grandnational the ground was super soft.. and water logged.. only 4 horses finished and two of those were remounts! no one was injured or killed horse or riders but it was an insane race!
    todays race will more than likley be very dangerous as the ground is going to be good and fast.. which means it will be harder. so falls can potentially be a lot more dangerous. fingers crossed that all the horses and jockeys come thru safe and sound.. and heres to a good race!!!!

  10. #30
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    Default Horse Race

    Quote Originally Posted by KEEP_ON_TRUCKIN View Post
    I'm vouching for Dream Alliance....the peoples choice....bred on an allotment in Wales...come on Dream Alliance!!!!!!!!!
    I don't follow horse racing or particularly object to it and may have a flutter on Dream Alliance.

    I have been reliably informed by a mutual friend that I used to work down Oakdale pit with a couple of the part owners, (they now work in the pot noodle factory). Good luck to them all, and I believe they may be making a film about this horse and there unlikely owners.
    A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.

  11. #31
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    Feb 2003


    The Grand National is a tough race but owners put their horses into the race knowing that they have been bred for the job, trained for the job and schooled extensively by experts. Anyone who has ever seen a lad or lass who looks after a racehorse can see that they love the animal they look after every day. Horses die on a racecourse due to several reasons, a jumping error, unluckily being brought down by another faller, an injury caused on landing or simply breaking down whilst galloping. This is not unique to Aintree, horses can injure themselves on any racecourse, jump or flat, or simply whilst exercising at home. Anyone who follows racing will know that the fences at Aintree have already been modified to make them safer for the horses. The overall quality of runners in the race has risen in recent times and it is the intention that Gold Cup winner Denman will run next year if the going is suitable. Bad jumpers and poor grade horses will not get into the race anymore and very young horses are not allowed in either. Jockeys carry a whip to help keep a horse straight and to provide the encouragement to finish the race well. There are rules on how many times the whip can be used and for when a jockey uses the whip again without giving the horse a chance to respond. The whip can only be administered from a certain height and onto specific areas of the horse. Jockeys who break these rules are fined and/or banned. Any Jockey who leaves a mark on the horse through use of the whip is punished in the same way. Take a look at any racehorse and you will see an animal in peak condition, well looked after and thriving. Horses love to run and if you watch a horse who has lost his jockey, he will usually carry on running with the other horses and jumping every fence. As far as the race being a horse crippler, many horses come back to run year after year with no ill effects. The National is an easy target for animal rights activists with an agenda. It is a high profile event providing publicity for nut-cases who seem to forget that far greater cruelty and neglect of animals (and children) goes on every day in this country. Most, if not all, owners love their horses and there are very few owners who operate at a profit in horse racing. Good horses cost a lot of money and they are very expensive to keep in training and have travel and entry fees to pay before they ever earn a penny. The prize money is totally secondary to the joy of owning a winner of the most famous jumps race in history. Long may it continue.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anfield View Post
    I think you will find that the ban on hunting does NOT include horses.
    Only a small point I know but very important.
    p.m. me if you require further clarification on Hunting Ban!
    does that mean i can go out and hunt horses ????
    if it wasnt for pubs it would be tescos for us all

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    ma horse got 3rd
    I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore

  14. #34
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    arghh mine got second but only bet to win

  15. #35
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    If the horses don't want to run, surely they won't? Look at the start of the race today. was it King John's Castle that wouldn't start? The jockey was urging like mad, but I laughed to see it just standing there as if to say 'Sod off, I might get hurt!'
    "Negotiation is irrelevant. You will be assimilated." The Borg Collective

  16. #36
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    Thurso Caithness


    how much would i get back if i bet £2 each way ?? 10-1

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr P Cannop View Post
    how much would i get back if i bet £2 each way ?? 10-1
    £22 for the win part of the bet and £7 for the place part = £29

    Place odds are one quarter of the SP ie 10/4 or 5/2

  18. #38


    hi brandy, i was slightly luckier £5 e/w on black apalachie, so i get some pennies back mind you my first win on the national so enjoying that even more

  19. #39
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    No horses were killed in today's race. In a race over only half of the same fences yesterday two horses were, sadly, killed. That proves that deaths are caused by misfortune and not wanton cruelty.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorrie View Post
    No horses were killed in today's race. In a race over only half of the same fences yesterday two horses were, sadly, killed. That proves that deaths are caused by misfortune and not wanton cruelty.
    Here Here,!!
    Once the original Grumpy Owld Man but alas no more

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