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Thread: Nato strike kills a number of Afghanistan civilians

  1. #641
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Frozen North


    oops.............................................. ..

  2. #642
    Join Date
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    Frozen North


    Quote Originally Posted by Tubthumper View Post
    Wish I was young enough to sign up again. I'm about as fit as I was 20 years ago, I can still shoot straight, I'm more sober and sensible and know clearly why I want to go.
    'Sno fair, these young guys have all the fun.
    I don't recall anyone I ever talked to involved in any action calling it 'fun'.

    There are plenty of opportunities over there for ex forces, no matter how old.

    My uncle has security guards ex Foreign Legion.

    Get your ass over there!

    They had internet cafes, you can still carry on bullying people on here.

  3. #643
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    Sorry, northener, but you have completely disregarded the essential part of the eyewitness testimony: The metal was pushed upwards

    I have seen photographs that verify this fact.
    Maybe so, Stav.

    But I've been in the Aft Engine Room of a destroyer when it received a direct hit from a 1000lb bomb. And I can categorically state that metal will bend in allsorts of unexpected directions through shockwaves, reflected blast and flexion.

  4. #644
    Join Date
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    Frozen North


    What pictures have you seen Stavro?

    Link them.

    I know someone who would be interested in any evidence you have that is being withheld.

  5. #645
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Closer than you think


    Another UK soldier killed today making it 276 so far.

    So, that is another set of parents who will not see their son/daughter again, except in a coffin.
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  6. #646
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Boozeburglar View Post
    I don't recall anyone I ever talked to involved in any action calling it 'fun'.
    There are plenty of opportunities over there for ex forces, no matter how old.
    My uncle has security guards ex Foreign Legion.
    Get your ass over there!
    They had internet cafes, you can still carry on bullying people on here.
    Perhaps fun was the wrong word. A lot of the guys I know seem to find deploying very fulfilling though. As for ex FL security guards - I don't somehow think my sorry ageing carcass would seriously make an imposing presence. The way things are going here, though, I might end up out there building power stations. But that'll be OK as long as I can find some deserving cause to focus what's left of my brain on.
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  7. #647
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    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Anfield View Post
    Another UK soldier killed today making it 276 so far.
    So, that is another set of parents who will not see their son/daughter again, except in a coffin.
    Yes, we can read the news. Are you gloating? It certainly seems that way.
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  8. #648
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    They kill themselves too:

    17 January 2006 "Hundreds of Afghan Taliban mujahedin are ready for suicide attacks, "Taliban commander Mullah Dadullah tells Reuters.
    16 January 2006 -- Bombers kill 26 people in two separate attacks in the Kandahar Province (Spin Boldak and Kandahar) in southern Afghanistan one day after a Canadian diplomat and two civilians were killed in the same area. First, a suicide bomber hurls himself in front of an Afghan Army vehicle in the heart of the provincial capital, Kandahar, killing three Afghan soldiers and two civilians and wounding four soldiers and 10 civilians. Later the same day, at least 20 people are killed and 20 others injured when a bomb attached to a motorcycle explodes at a playground where hundreds of people were gathered for a festival in Spin Boldak, bordering Pakistan.

    15 January 2006 -- A suicide car bomb strikes a Canadian Military Convoy in southern Afghanistan, killing two civilians and a Canadian diplomat and wounding 13 other people.

    14 January 2006 -- A suicide car bombing targets a U.S.-Afghan military convoy traveling along a main road in the southern Helmand Province, wounding a U.S. soldier.

    5 January 2006 -- A suicide bomber attacks a crowded market in an Afghan town just a few hundred meters from where the U.S. ambassador was meeting with local leaders. Ten Afghans were killed and 50 wounded.

    2 January 2006 -- A suspected suicide bomber detnates explosives in a car near a U.S. military convoy in the southern city of Kandahar, killing himself and wounding a U.S. soldier and two passersby.


    20 December 2005 -- Three International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) soldiers are injured in a suicide-bomb explosion in the western Herat Province.

    14 December 2005 -- A suicide attack rocks the famous blue mosque of Afghanistan's northern Balkh Province but did not cause serious injuries.

    11 December 2005 -- A suicide bomb attack injures three civilians in the southern Kandahar Province.

    mid-November 2005 -- Suicide bombers strike three times in three days, killing a German peacekeeper and several Afghan civilians. In all three cases, vehicles carrying explosives were driven into military convoys. "Taliban [fighters] have long planned and prepared for suicide attacks, and a large number of Taliban are present in cities all over Afghanistan, including Kabul, and are only waiting for orders to attack," commander and Taliban-era Defense Minister Mullah Obaidullah is quoted by Reuters as saying.

    14 November 2005 -- twin attacks in Kabul target NATO-led peacekeepers, killing a German soldier and eight Afghans and marking the first attack in a wave of suicide bombings that will continue into 2006.

    1 June 2005 -- An attacker reportedly dressed in a police uniform detonates a bomb at the entrance to a mosque at a funeral for a slain anti-Taliban cleric, killing 19 and injuring 52, including Kabul's police chief.

    7 May 2005 -- A suicide bomber attacks an Internet cafe at a guesthouse in Kabul, killing a UN engineer and an Afghan national and injuring five others.


    23 October 2004 -- Two weeks after a landmark presidential election that hands Hamid Karzai a majority, a bomber posing as a beggar approaches ISAF soldiers on a Kabul street that is popular with tourists before blowing himself up. The blast wounds three soldiers and kills a young Afghan girl.

    30 January 2004 -- A bomber pulls a taxi laden with explosives up to an ISAF vehicle near a military base in Kabul before detonating his cargo, killing a British soldier and wounding four others.

    27 January 2004 -- An attacker nears an ISAF vehicle before detonating mortor rounds strapped to his body, killing a Canadian soldier and an Afghan civilian and wounding three Canadian troops and eight civilians. A Taliban spokesman is quoted as vowing that the attack is the start of a campaign of suicide attacks that "will continue until coalition forces leave our country."


    29 December 2003 -- Five Afghan security officers are killed when a man they arrest detonates explosives strapped to his body.

    9 June 2003 -- A taxi cab filled with explosives slams into a bus carrying German ISAF troops, killing four soldiers and one Afghan national.

    February 2003 -- A speaker, purportedly Osama bin Laden, calls in an audiotape for suicide bombing in Iraq and Afghanistan to challenge the United States.


    9 September 2001 -- Commander Ahmed Shah Mas'ud who has spent years fighting Soviet occupation and then leading the anti-Taliban United Front (aka Northern Alliance), is killed by Algerian suicide bombers disguised as a camera crew. The so-called 9/11 attacks against the United States take place days later, prompting the United States to invade to invoke NATO's Article 5 and lead an invasion to oust the Taliban and Al-Qaeda from Afghanistan.

    Pre-2001 -- Al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan recruit internationally and teach suicide bombing as part of their training.

    Sources: compiled by RFE/RL from reports by Afghanistan Watch, Reuters, AP, Xinhua, "Miami Herald," "Montreal Gazette," and
    "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped."

  9. #649
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by northener View Post
    Maybe so, Stav.

    But I've been in the Aft Engine Room of a destroyer when it received a direct hit from a 1000lb bomb. And I can categorically state that metal will bend in allsorts of unexpected directions through shockwaves, reflected blast and flexion.
    And this I will accept, northener, because it is far different from the blind denial of the eyewitness tesimony that the floor metal was bent upwards after the explosion, even though we are talking of something nowhere near a 1,000 lb bomb. (He would have been a pretty strong man to carry that. )

    As Fred stated earlier, several times, this carnage should be the subject of a technical, independent inquiry.

    So at that, I will digress no further from Anfield's original subject ...

    Yes, more loss of life. And no doubt more horrendous maiming that probably will not make the statistics in the mainstream media. O, and of course, more Afghani deaths and maiming that will not make the statistics at all, probably.

  10. #650
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    ...because it is far different from the blind denial of the eyewitness tesimony that the floor metal was bent upwards after the explosion...
    Where is the blind denial?
    I am curious as to further photos that you've seen. And I am truly curious as to where the other evidence that you have seen comes from.

  11. #651
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phill View Post
    Where is the blind denial?
    I am curious as to further photos that you've seen. And I am truly curious as to where the other evidence that you have seen comes from.
    Nope. Don't believe you anymore on that one - you have called "wolf" once too often. Do your own research.

  12. #652
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    Quote Originally Posted by bekisman View Post
    They kill themselves too:
    Yes indeed.

    Isn't it about time we realised that they didn't want a lot of foreign soldiers coming in and taking over their country.

    There weren't loads of suicide bombings before we invaded, Afghanistan had only had one and that was a political assassination.

  13. #653
    Join Date
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    Where's the photos Stavro? I don't believe you.
    Once again, despite protestations and bluster, when called on to produce the goods, the subject gets changed.
    Quelle surprise.
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  14. #654
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stavro View Post
    Nope. Don't believe you anymore on that one - you have called "wolf" once too often. Do your own research.
    Because I asked the question of Banking Families?
    Not wolf, it was a genuine question with (at that time) a genuine response.


    I can only find one picture relating to what that I think we have discussed here, and it is a restricted image in so much of the angle and actual focus point of the image.

    I have done my own (limited) research and I am still somewhat perplexed at the claims that are made by various people, both in here and elsewhere.

    There seems to be a 'romanticism' with popular culture conspiracy theories based around what "evidence" can be found on the internet. It seem perpetuated by the media, the very same media that some people claim to be moulding the populace's views.

    It is almost fashionable and hip to be questioning 9/11 or 7/7 incidents, is it because of their 'sexy' tag lines.
    Not so long ago I touched on another possible "conspiracy theory" but this was discarded as speaking ill if the dead or in poor taste and uncalled for.

    Additionally there is little reference to issues surrounding the Manchester Bomb, again not sexy or highbrow enough I guess.

    But then, there isn't much on the internet about that is there.

    It seems to me that when simple and honest questions are asked of people about the information they allude to, there is a path of avoidance.

  15. #655
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phill View Post
    Additionally there is little reference to issues surrounding the Manchester Bomb, again not sexy or highbrow enough I guess. But then, there isn't much on the internet about that is there.
    Ah but there weren't innocent civilians killed were there? Wait a minute though, there were civilians killed, weren't there? They were British, but does the fact no-one remebers mean they weren't innocent?
    Quote Originally Posted by Phill View Post
    It seems to me that when simple and honest questions are asked of people about the information they allude to, there is a path of avoidance.
    You got it. Watch the rapid subject changes. See the mental gear-shift when confronted with something incontrovertible that goes against the belief. Gasp with amazement at the self-pitying whine that comes out when they're caught. Laugh mightily as they desparately squirm when exposed as charlatans.
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  16. #656
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Yes indeed.

    Isn't it about time we realised that they didn't want a lot of foreign soldiers coming in and taking over their country.

    There weren't loads of suicide bombings before we invaded, Afghanistan had only had one and that was a political assassination.
    Ah, but Fred, the Taliban were doing a fine job of hanging women and anyone else who "sinned" against their code.
    Not by the usual "drop" method though, they preferred to hoist them with a digger bucket, or similar device, so that they would choke to death slowly, and agonisingly, rather than the quick way.
    "Life is a sexually transmitted disease, with 100% fatality." R.D.Laing

  17. #657
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaldtimer View Post
    Ah, but Fred, the Taliban were doing a fine job of hanging women and anyone else who "sinned" against their code.
    Not by the usual "drop" method though, they preferred to hoist them with a digger bucket, or similar device, so that they would choke to death slowly, and agonisingly, rather than the quick way.
    Is that any slower or less painful than burning to death in white phosphorus or dying of cancer from depleted uranium when you haven't sinned? Were the horrors of the Taliban worse than the horrors of eight and a half years of war?

    At least under the Taliban the people who hadn't sinned could sleep soundly in their beds.

  18. #658
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    At least under the Taliban the people who hadn't sinned could sleep soundly in their beds.
    Unless they were (a) women who went out without a full body-bag on (b) persons who desired to follow a different religious faith or subsect than that specified by the local taliban/ clan cheif (c) were denounced by their neighbours for whatever reason (e) a member of the wrong clan and so on and so on... in any of which cases they could look forward to some real entertainment e.g torture.
    You hate the british system and want it toppled, you agree with the taliban system - what are you on?
    Working On Behalf Of The Community!

  19. #659
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    Feb 2010
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    Default 278th UK soldier killed in Afghanistan

    "..A British soldier killed in a suicide bomb attack in Afghanistan on Saturday has been named as Rifleman Daniel Holkham, from 3rd Battalion The Rifles.

    He is the eighth soldier from The Rifles to die this month. Both his brothers also serve in The Rifles.

    Since operations began in Afghanistan in 2001, some 278 British military personnel have been killed.."

    Let us hope that his other two brothers are not to become further casualties of this illegal war.

    The Tories have just unveiled their election posters, and not one of them mentions the wars into which New Labour took us, and which Brown continues to send UK soldiers to their deaths to
    Last edited by Anfield; 06-Apr-10 at 14:29.
    Michael Stone is innocent.
    Convicted without any forensic evidence and failed to be picked at any ID parade
    So who did kill Lin & Megan Russell

  20. #660
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Is that any slower or less painful than burning to death in white phosphorus or dying of cancer from depleted uranium when you haven't sinned? Were the horrors of the Taliban worse than the horrors of eight and a half years of war?

    At least under the Taliban the people who hadn't sinned could sleep soundly in their beds.
    Nice to see you have dropped the deformities and gone for the stochastic effects............of course you will have information on the increased cancer rates directly linked to DU?
    'Cause if my eyes don't deceive me,
    There's something going wrong around here

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