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Thread: MMR Jab.

  1. #1

    Default MMR Jab.

    Whats everyones views on this?

    Heres my dilema. I have a son who is just past 2 years old. I havnt let him have the mmr jab yet as im having some issues with it. I have a 9 year old who suffers fro ADHD. I can pinpoint the time of change with him to the time of the mmr jab. I know all the medical world swear the guys findings was basically a pack off lies but to experince what i have so far with my son im finding this hard to swallow.

    Just really looking for views and opinions really.
    What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger.....

  2. #2

    Default Mmr

    Hi i never allowed my son to have his MMR until 2 months after his 2nd birthday. I had personal reasons for delaying him having it as my nephew is Autistic. Giving him the MMR was the worst mistake of my life as 4 hours after having the MMR we were in A & E with a very ill boy. We eventually had to take him to Raigmore where the staff admitted he had had an allergic reaction to the MMR. He had a high temperature and roughly 15 mouth ulsers which prevented him eating or drinking. He was ill for about a week. He was called last week to have his MMR booster but that wont be happening.

    This could be a rare thing that happened to my boy but none of the reactions were told to me before they stuck a needle in him.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    right here, right now


    Measles, mumps, rubella all cause serious medical conditions and can kill - absolute undisputed fact.

    MMR causes autism - Wakefield has been proven to be a totally unscrupulous charlatan.

    Your call.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    right here, right now


    Quote Originally Posted by Brodar View Post
    Hi i never allowed my son to have his MMR until 2 months after his 2nd birthday. I had personal reasons for delaying him having it as my nephew is Autistic. Giving him the MMR was the worst mistake of my life as 4 hours after having the MMR we were in A & E with a very ill boy. We eventually had to take him to Raigmore where the staff admitted he had had an allergic reaction to the MMR. He had a high temperature and roughly 15 mouth ulsers which prevented him eating or drinking. He was ill for about a week. He was called last week to have his MMR booster but that wont be happening.

    This could be a rare thing that happened to my boy but none of the reactions were told to me before they stuck a needle in him.
    Measles kills!

    Your call
    The box said, "Requires Windows XP or better"...

    ... so I installed Ubuntu!

  5. #5

    Default Mmr

    I know measles kills and both my sons have had the first MMR jab just not had the booster. I asked the doctor why the booster was needed and was told that the 1st jab does not work on every child. I asked for an immunity test and the reply. TOO EXPENSIVE.
    Its a simple blood test.

  6. #6
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    Nov 2005


    I was given the MMR jab when I was little, am now 18, near enough 19 and have had nothing wrong with me whatsoever. No Measles, Mumps, Rubella or Autism.
    "If you do something right, people won't think you've done anything at all"

  7. #7


    Thank you for your replys Ive researched this so much my head hurts with it all. I cannot get it out my head about my oldest son. As his mum I knew exactly when he changed from a happy go lucky wee boy to a tasmanian devil and that was after that jab. I have a doc phoning me tomorrow to chat yet again about it and will bring up the individual jabs.
    What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger.....

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Brodar View Post
    Hi i never allowed my son to have his MMR until 2 months after his 2nd birthday. I had personal reasons for delaying him having it as my nephew is Autistic. Giving him the MMR was the worst mistake of my life as 4 hours after having the MMR we were in A & E with a very ill boy. We eventually had to take him to Raigmore where the staff admitted he had had an allergic reaction to the MMR. He had a high temperature and roughly 15 mouth ulsers which prevented him eating or drinking. He was ill for about a week. He was called last week to have his MMR booster but that wont be happening.

    This could be a rare thing that happened to my boy but none of the reactions were told to me before they stuck a needle in him.
    Oh what a terrible story I really feel for you. How is your son now if you dont mind me asking?
    What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger.....

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    in my house


    i have 4 kids and 3 out the 4 have all had their mmr, the 4th gets his on the 1st of march, i have never hesitated for 1 minute in giving it, because what it protects against is far worse than the small risk that goes with having it, its like the swine flu jab, both my boys have had it as they are under 5, just wish my girls could get it aswell.
    "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." - Marilyn Monroe

  10. #10


    i'd go for individual jabs

    however all 3 of mine had the mmr but there was no hisory of autism or adhd in the family. If there had been i would have requested the individuals which spaced out should allow for peace of mind, and provide the cover for the illnesses
    good luck and support for your decision your his mum stand up for your choice

  11. #11
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    Mar 2009


    both my 3yr old son and 1 yr old daughter have had the jab, as did i and my brother and sisters. wee fever afterwards then done.
    i do think though with autism and adhd, that it could be coincidence as it can be first noticed around the age of immunization. how are we to know the child didn't already have it as most are undetected until early education age.
    just my opinion.
    Everyone is a genius,
    but if you judge a fish
    on its ability to climb a tree,
    it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.....

  12. #12


    i would say go with your intuition. You seem that your intuition is saying not too. I think you are right. I didn't give it to my bairn. Never even considered it. Well done for not swallowing the rubbish about dr. Wakefield. Big pharma has everyone in their pockets. There is NO evidence that the jab even works. Measles died out in this country well before it was introduced. There is now a new type of measles only the vaccinated get. It is called atypical measles. If your child is otherwise healthy with no underlying medical problems, measles is not a deadly disease to them. Measles deaths are largely due to vitamin A deficiency. Danish study now confirms suppression of measles with vaccines and drugs causes dermatitis, arthritis and cancer later in life. Mumps outbreaks happen sometimes. In the unvaccinated AND the vaccinated. It is not harmful generally. There is a minute chance some boys may have some complications, especially when they catch it when older. Catching mumps actually reduces girls' risk of ovarian cancer. Rubella you probably wouldn't even know your child had if they had it. It is a fairly mild disease It is not a harmful disease to children. It may only be harmful to pregnant women. Look at the ingredients, the toxins, and foreign animal proteins in this thing. In my opinion, the effects of the toxins and animal proteins injected into the body are a much bigger risk to take than the effect of any of these diseases.

  13. #13
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    in my house


    but if the percentage of kids who gets the mmr falls below a certain figure, then all kids are at risk, wheather they have had it or not.
    "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." - Marilyn Monroe

  14. #14
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    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by wickscorrie View Post
    i'd go for individual jabs

    however all 3 of mine had the mmr but there was no hisory of autism or adhd in the family. If there had been i would have requested the individuals which spaced out should allow for peace of mind, and provide the cover for the illnesses
    good luck and support for your decision your his mum stand up for your choice

    I agree I would go with individual jabs with the experience you had with your son. My daughter had MMR jab at two and a half and is now nine, with no effects. I really feel for you as I delayed her having the jab as I wasn't sure about it.

  15. #15


    I have my own views on the matter... but from experience I'd say to avoid the mumps jab if you're going seperate.
    There was an outbreak of mumps at my uni, a long while after the childhood mumps jab had mostly worn off. It's a lot worse to catch it when you're older for a bloke! All the lads who caught it had the serious risk of losing their fertillity. It's pretty harmless if you have it as a child, and you have immunity for life that doesn't wear off and need a booster.

  16. #16
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    Slightly harder street!


    Athrun had his MMR just over a week ago, he hates injections as it is but i was always told it was safe, until after he had the injection (And after him calling the Nurse "BAD")

    Ever since he has had the jab he really hasnt been himself. He is alot more gurny than usual, not sleeping well at all, gone off food quite a bit (apart from chocolate of course)

    Im now kinda regretting him getting it to be honest. It really has put him off his way. if he is not back to his normal self soon i will be down at the docs with him.
    GET OVER IT!!!!!

  17. #17
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    shelly, mine both were fine after a fortnight. they say its usually around the 7th to 10th day the fever hits them. it'll pass.
    Everyone is a genius,
    but if you judge a fish
    on its ability to climb a tree,
    it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.....

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by balto View Post
    but if the percentage of kids who gets the mmr falls below a certain figure, then all kids are at risk, wheather they have had it or not.
    Well, let.s think about that. The theory is that when given a vaccine, the bodies immune system then reacts by producing antibodies. Thus, making you immune to catching the disease. That.s the theory. So, if you are immune what difference does it make if 50% of the population are not vaccinated or are vaccinated for that matter and catch the disease? If vaccines actually do work, what would you be worried about? The herd immunity theory was put out by a guy named Hedrich in the 1930's sometime and he was theorising on natural disease processes NOT vaccinations. Herd immunity has nothing to do with vaccination and it is misinformation to tell anybody that.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by NickInTheNorth View Post
    MMR causes autism - Wakefield has been proven to be a totally unscrupulous charlatan.
    No he hasn't.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    My son aged nearly 3 had the mmr jab,within hours he was in hospital very ill,his character changed and it became every parents worst nightmare,We had weeks of illness befor my once happy little boy with speach and laughter turned into a sullen withdrawn child. He was diagnosed autistic within 6 months.I know for definate the mmr changed him.
    It is everyones own decision to do what they belive is the best for thier child and most children are fine with it.
    Compensation has been given out to some who have been affected,and to me this suggests mmr is not as safe as people are led to believe.
    I know a life long disability is hard and heart breaking for all concerned,but so is the death of a child or young person.

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