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Thread: shops in thurso

  1. #301


    Sporran, I think ellimac is meaning where the Hydro is now. When it first opened it was Gunn the Jewelers. And after Bain & Gibson's moved from Sir John's Square to Prince's Street, Beely Banks, from Wick, had a clothes shop there for a short time before Tony (can't for the life of me remember his last name just now) opened a Fish Shop there.
    I don't ever remember an Ironmongers where McAllan's Ladies Shop is - Mackay's the Ironmongers was where Buttress is - but Archie MacLennan had a Spar shop there and there was also a Barbers. Downie's (men's clothes) was also there after the Spar.

  2. #302


    Quote Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
    Do any of you brainy boys remember the farrier(dont know if spelt right) somewhere between the Miller Acad & the Glebe,I have some memories of passing it on the way home,can still smell the hoof when he took the shoe out of the fire and stuck it on the big horse,big cloud of smoke & smell,never going to get sleep tonight wandering around Thurso
    Quote Originally Posted by Penelope Pitstop View Post
    I think I know the blacksmiths you mean. It was up one of the side streets. I remember one of the men who had it, Mr Dunnett - he would be in his 90s if he was still alive.
    Wasn't the Blacksmith's name Sutherland?

  3. #303
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Over the pond, but not quite over the hill yet


    Quote Originally Posted by Buttercup View Post

    Sporran, I think ellimac is meaning where the Hydro is now. When it first opened it was Gunn the Jewelers. And after Bain & Gibson's moved from Sir John's Square to Prince's Street, Beely Banks, from Wick, had a clothes shop there for a short time before Tony (can't for the life of me remember his last name just now) opened a Fish Shop there.
    I don't ever remember an Ironmongers where McAllan's Ladies Shop is - Mackay's the Ironmongers was where Buttress is - but Archie MacLennan had a Spar shop there and there was also a Barbers. Downie's (men's clothes) was also there after the Spar.
    Thanks for updating me, Buttercup. Sounds like my memories are from before ellimac's time! I do remember Archie MacLennan and his Spar grocer's shop, also the barber's and Downie's, all on High Street. The Co-op chemist there used to be Peterkin's the chemist, just next to Jessie Allan's toy and fancy goods shop, as you will remember. Did Archie MacLennan have a shop-on-wheels at one point?
    I am living for today, always remembering yesterday, and looking forward to tomorrow!

  4. #304
    Kismet Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by kingkeithy84 View Post
    remember kt consoles above sandras?? brilliant place!! four player goldeneye on the n64. ace!!
    I remember that, the kids loved it cos we did not have a lot of money and you could trade in your games for other games and think you could rent them out too

  5. #305
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    Jul 2007


    [quote=ellimac;383865]Ellimac, you're getting confused about what stood before Woolies, next to the town hall. Woolworths was built in the late 50s/early60s, and prior to that it had been a shop called Norn's that sold toys, fancy goods (ornaments, etc.), icecream and sweets. I remember what it looked like from the outside, when I was a wee bairn, and it definitely wasn't a butcher's, nor was there a barber shop next to it. Gleber2 is the one who remembered the name of the shop, and what was sold there. Read posts 128 through 137 from page 7 of this thread, please.

    Are you talking about the Hydro Electric shop that was on Princes Street in the 60s and 70s? Gunn the jeweller was across from there at one time, where Pollard the estate agent iis now. After he moved his premises to opposite the Arcade, it became Joy's Boutique in the late 60s/early70s, which sold knitwear.

    Cards 'n' Things in Sir John's Square used to be Shearer the grocer in the 60s and 70s. Next to it was a shoe shop (Miller's?) then Shearer the butcher on the corner. At the Princes Street end next to Shearer the grocer was an electrical shop, Bain and Gibson's, I think. There might have been an opticians in there at one time, as well.

    I believe the ironmonger you are referring to was Mackay's on High Street, ellimac. The Bistro was indeed the Ship's Wheel antique shop back then, and Sutherland the chemist used to be Anderson the ironmonger. I knew Williamson the chemist as McGregor the chemist, and they were located between Anderson's, Hepworth's the Tailor and Top Joe Cardosi's. Munro the chemist was across from Anderson's, and next to Miller Calder's furniture shop. So you had the Ship's Wheel, a wee grocer's (Mackay's?). George McBeath the jeweller, Johnston's the baker, then Miller Calder's, Munro's and William Dunnet's garage and showroom. As you can tell, I'm enjoying this walk down Memory Lane again!


    Yeah I do mean where the Hydro is now. I seen a picture of Woolies taken years back and on the outside one of the shops nearer to the Town Hall had rabbits hanging in the door way. I think the Ironmongers that I'm referring to has been mentioned previous Mr Houston used to run it and I was sure it was where the ladies Macallans is as I remember going in there with my mum when I was wee but maybe I am confused where it was. I'm not meaning Cards n Things but the building next to it which is nearly falling down, that used to be a clothes shop and then a fish mongers run by a guy called Tony. Your right about the chemist name it was Magregors not Williamsons, Ooops. Also I appologies I tried to take what an orger had said and reply to it but the quote or what ever it is you do didn't work. Also sorry I seem to of posted this twice....
    Last edited by ellimac; 14-May-08 at 23:10. Reason: update

  6. #306
    Kismet Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ellimac View Post
    Also I appologies I tried to take what an orger had said and reply to it but the quote or what ever it is you do didn't work. Also sorry I seem to of posted this twice....
    I noticed that before when i did it but think is because i deleted some of what was said leaving just the bit i was answering to and must have deleted the beginning or end bits.
    lol that didna work thebit where it says quote or /quote in brackets
    Last edited by Kismet; 15-May-08 at 11:16. Reason: correction

  7. #307
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Thanks for that Kismet, I will have to watch what I'm doing in future and try and get it right......

  8. #308
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    toronto canada

    Default rich/thurso shops

    Gleber 2 -
    Do you remember the fresh baked current buns we West Public kids used to stuff our faces with at the baker's on Castle street!

    And just across the road, where the police station is now I think was a newsagents with a lovely old lady in charge and she sold AMERICAN COMICS.

    Do you remember the AMERICAN COMICS swapping mania in Thurso? Kids with great bundles of Superman or Red Ryder or Hopalong Cassidy or - merciful heavens AMERICAN HORROR COMICS would go round Spring Park , knocking on doors and asking irritated parents in if Ian (or Hamish or whatever the name) was - IS HE SWAPPING?

    If he was SWAPPIONG then protracted negotiations would go on on the doorstep.

    And then there was a national panic about the moral depravity of comics like TALES FROM THE CRYPT or GHOULS AND GORE, and suddenly our favorite reading was no more.

    Looking back I think our parents fought a rearguard action against all things American. If so it was singularly unsuccessful. Because just a tiny speck on the horizon but soon to take over the entire galaxy was ROCK N'ROLL!!!!!
    Richard Sutherland

  9. #309
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    Jan 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by scotsboy View Post
    In the days long before Computers it was the Princes Cafe - great place.
    Was it called Prinnies or something like that and there was Tillys cafe beside adjoining Hughes bike shop beside post office

  10. #310


    Quote Originally Posted by willowbankbear View Post
    I remember playing football in Thurso for Eastend, 25 years ago & going to a sweetie shop ,I think it was Brass? opposite woolies and there was a chippy next door, there was also a chippy on the road at the back of the police station, was it any good?
    Bill Brass had the chippie in Swanson Street and Stevens was the one farther up in Durness Street. Both excellent and owned by Orcadians.

    When I was 14 we did tattie picking for Bill Brass back in 64. 4 bob an hour and a supper of your choice at the end of the day. Then dropped off home after that and a pail of tatties for your Mither.

  11. #311

    Default shops in thurso

    I know this ain't a shop, but does anyone remember the car wash up where the vets are now, the kind with the big brushes go over the car, i remember my dad taking me up there when i was little and it was just so exciting back then.

  12. #312
    Join Date
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    Nr. Thurso


    Yes Pink Lady I remember the car wash, I think it was owned by Jim Bews.

    I wish we still had one in Thurso.

  13. #313
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by moose and Lindsay View Post
    Oh yeah thats right great food there

    Yeah and the crack in the bar downstairs was great too, used to love going in there, and the Chinese food was great also........

  14. #314
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    May 2006


    Was there a barbers up the road abit from brass or was it where brass is now cant remember that was along time ago lol so i was toled lol
    "some say the glass is half full, some say the glass is half empty.... i say u gunna drink that?"

  15. #315
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Out of interest does anyone remember Peter Ruggs grocery store?

    I know nothing to do with shops but just thought I would grab the chance when I was it does anyone know about Norquays plane im unsure if it ever did take to the air?

  16. #316
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The last house


    Quote Originally Posted by thirsaloon View Post
    Out of interest does anyone remember Peter Ruggs grocery store?

    Tell us more. I have no memory of it.

  17. #317
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Gleber2 View Post
    Tell us more. I have no memory of it.
    No problem Gleber.

    Peter Ruggs Store was in Shore Street, it was on the first bend on the right hand side going towards the town.

    I have no photographs of it except one of Old St Peters Church where you can just see the corner of the roof on the left hand side of the picture.

    Age wise, I would imagine it would only be people in their late 60s - 70s that would remember it.

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