[quote=rich;522117]I've been watching Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo.
It's a Rubick's (SP?) Cube of sexuality, necrophilia, and hysteria. Here is most of what you need to know

There was no 'hysteria' within the plot or the movie in my ,rather more grounded opinion . Perhaps there is evidence of hysteria in those who now rate it the best film made...or close.

To describe what took place as 'necrophilia' is fanciful at best. A man thought he saw much of his dead lover in an almost living human being. Once he realised they were one in the same any scintilla of the necrophile vanished.

A Rubik's cube? Indeed...but not as difficult to fathom. I managed inside four hours yet never mastered my kids eighties plaything save peeling the coloured stickers off and replacing them where appropriate. A good analogy though . I bet you have used it before...maybe you still play with one

Only kidding...let's see the humour of Rich shine through if you deign to reply. I'm not reaching for the dark glasses.