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Thread: Low flying jets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default Low flying jets

    My sister and I were out for a walk the other night when a low flying jet flew over.
    When I say low I mean LOW!
    If I hadn't ducked(yes I know it was stupid but it was just a reaction!) I'm sure I could have seen the Pilot's face!
    I appreciate that pilots have to do low flying practice but do they really have to come so low over populated areas?
    Surely this is an accident waiting to happen?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    La-la Land


    I believe the whole north of Scotland is designated a low-flying zone for military aircraft. Besides the noise, I've always enjoyed watching them.

    I remember watching a Lockheed Starfighter of the German AF leaving a shockwave across the surface of Watten Loch one night, and being able to make out details as small as the rivets on the underside of numerous Hawker Hunters, Buccaneers and Sea Vixens back in the 60s. I photographed a B-52 making a turn above the west end of Watten one afternoon, where the dipped left wingtip was closer to the ground than to the other wingtip. My father-in-law once glanced out of his car window driving alongside Loch Ness and found he was looking *down* into the cockpit of a Jaguar fighter overtaking him!

    You'll have gathered I quite like planes...

  3. #3
    jjc Guest


    Once, when camping on a hillside with the scouts, I looked out of the tent flap to see a harrier (I think - they're all harriers to me) flying below our level through the valley. It was great to look down on the top of a plane and see the pilot.

    Also used to enjoy them doing practice bombing runs on Castletown Primary School when we were out during break time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Ah well, I'm obviously being a girlie!

  5. #5
    jjc Guest


    Heh Wouldn't blame yourself, I think I'm a bit of a freak... moved twenty miles from Heathrow (right in the flight-path) now and I look up for EVERY single one... surprised I haven't got a permanent crick in my neck!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Thanks! You wouldn't get a crick in your neck with the jet I saw as you didn't need to look up, just straight on, or down as in my case!

    It was the unbelievable noise as well! I suppose it could be quite exciting if I didn't have the horrible fear of it landing on top of me!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    Dont worry Liz

    I duck too

  8. #8
    Anonymous Guest


    Was out enjoying the glorious sun yesterday at dunnet beach and was treated to a formation of four jets tailing a single plane, twisting and turning over dunnet head. Whatever the single plane did, the rest mirrored, very impressive.

    They're so regular over Wick these days, I use em as an excuse to get up from me chair and have a look out into the sunlight, usually my eyes dont adjust from near darkness to full sunlight quickly enough to see em, but I sure can hear dem engines tho ?;o)

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