Quote Originally Posted by bonami View Post
This surely must be one of the best threads ever on the org and will have brought back many memories to a lot of people. Maybe it is time someone with the knowledge and knowhow put together a book on the subject of the WK boats and the men who skippered and crewed them. A lot of this is slowly dissappering and as nature takes its course will be gone forever. There is probably hundreds of photos around homes in the county that have never been seen by the public and the storys passed from some of the (OLDBOYS) would fill a book on there own. These were men that really new there jobs and who sailed with just a compass and clock.All modern boats wheelhouses are filled with modern gadgets that once set will litterally take a boat to sea and home again once set. Takeing nothing from the modern fisherman it is still a very skilled job that probably does not get the credit it deserves but these old guys realy new their busness. They or their boats should not be forgotten in the mists of time I doubt we will never see their likes again or so many boats with WK on there bows Their skills here like in so many other fishing ports are gone.

Good post there Bon-Ami , my brother & father often said this, there should be a book written with some of the cracks they used to tell us when theyd come home stinkin of fish.
The Chance WK 126 was legendary for some of the things that used to happen , splicing the ropes through 2 different wheelhouse windows & not realising until it was done !!! Sinking in the firth & 1 old boy asking did they want a cuppa as the sweat was pouring off them as they were bailing out!!!
They also had dirty water, so the cook made the mince in lemonade but didnt tell anyone until theyd eaten it- he coyly asked did they enjoy it & the crew said aye but a bit sweet cue hysterics!!!

Another one was a certain boat had its radar fall off the wheelhouse roof!!! Or back to the chance again, the wheelhouse used to roll a bit further than the momentum of the boat!!!

It would be good to get some of those tales in a book, because Ive heard many & they always raise a chuckle