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Thread: Multiculturalism

  1. #141
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Melancholy Man View Post

    You cannot tell me or Benji or anyone else what to do. The reason your appeals to 'free speech' are of as much value as the Brown's political acumen it is only a BNP voter's free speech you're defending, while trying to censure debate from others. When it suits you, you argue the line of a smart cosmopolitan benefitting from exposure to other cultures and ethnic groups. When it suits you, you argue the line of an insular social reactionary, jaded from untrammled immigration. What the common factor is *you*, and your being placed as the arbiter of any discussion.
    Isnt the point that scotsboy was telling benji the exact same thing that you are trying to tell him?Or is it just Ok for people you support to tell people what to do?
    Are we not going round and round?

    And the point "it is only a BNP voters free speech youre defending" then you are as bad as the "BNP voter" as you deem him to be beneath you and inferior, is that not one of the BNP's ideas? SO who now is the BNP voter????

    free speech is Ok as long as it agrees with you.
    I enjoy reading everyones opinions and dont see why it is OK for one person to tell another to "shut up" .I may not agree with your opinions but hey it makes good reading, and proves that democracy is alive and kicking!
    You are defending Benji's position and Scotsboy was defending Percy's right to his point, its getting like a "my dad is bigger than your dad" scenario which is deviating from the matter in hand.

  2. #142
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    The Un-Heaving Metropolis


    Isnt the point that scotsboy was telling benji the exact same thing that you are trying to tell him?Or is it just Ok for people you support to tell people what to do?
    No. Benji's comment was in response to Percy's continued pursuit of his half-baked opinions on 'multiculturalism' and immigration which, after the mauling he's received if I do say so myself, is like listening to a final cry from the Black Knight. There was no implicit demand that Percy leave entirely, just find somewhere else to air these particular views.

    Scotsboy, however, is telling people simply to be quiet and not even utter views which have not been approved by the central committee. He's accused me and others of foisting mass-immigration on populations we don't have exprience of. He's accused me of racism due to something complete irrelevant about Caithness tinkers. He's all over the place.

    And the point "it is only a BNP voters free speech youre defending" then you are as bad as the "BNP voter"
    No. He can defend as many BNP voters - who, I have said, have the right to free speech - as he likes to the exclusion of their opponents/critics. However, he cannot then claim the moral highground as a dispassionate observer. The right to be heard does not necessarily include the right to be taken seriously.

    as you deem him to be beneath you and inferior, is that not one of the BNP's ideas?
    Er... no. The BNP judge people by racial group (they ain't sophisticated enough to consider ethnicity), especially one very particular religion. I am meritocratic. I judge people by what they say and do. Now, the Leninists, they do think political classes are beneath them.
    Last edited by Melancholy Man; 25-Jul-08 at 15:05.

  3. #143
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    A curate's egg indeed and a very rotten one at that.

  4. #144
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    Nov 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by TBH View Post
    A curate's egg indeed and a very rotten one at that.
    Is it the thread thats a curates or just some opinions?

  5. #145
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    Middle East


    Point me in the direction of the lies I have told MM.

    No need to throw the toys out of the pram, and for anyone who sits down and reads though your posts it is easy to see where the fabrication and innuendo lie.

    You are obviously wasted on here,someone as worldly wise and clever.........but why are you getting so angry?
    'Cause if my eyes don't deceive me,
    There's something going wrong around here

  6. #146


    Quote Originally Posted by benji View Post
    Nobody is listening to you anymore Percy - time to give it all a rest and find another forum to air your views......
    I'll bear that in mind Benji.
    Who knows what the future might bring eh?

  7. #147


    Melan Man: being 'mauled' by yourself and Benji (the only two 'maulers' I can recall on this thread) brings memories of Geoffrey Howe..and the dead sheep jibes levelled at him by Thatcher loyalists in her dog days (I'll not stoop to calling her a bitch- although many did, and still do)

    At the last local elections the British National Party polled almost twenty per cent of the local vote in several wards across my area. That's one in five.You can dismiss this if you like, you are almost pre-programmed to do so. Each of these votes is equal to yours, despite your oft' demonstrated self-delusional head up your own anus manner. You might think you are superior to the majority who pour scorn on all aspects of multi-culturalism, but actually, you're not.

    Incidentally why not withdraw that head and finish the flippin' book you're trying to impress folk with...however long does it take you to read a book for Gawd's sake? Might I suggest some lighter reading? No, perhaps not...your undoubted melancholia might be compromised.

  8. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotrod4 View Post
    Is it the thread thats a curates or just some opinions?
    Do they not go hand in hand?

  9. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by TBH View Post
    Do they not go hand in hand?
    No Loving couples go hand in hand, cant see any loving couples here can you? lol

  10. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotrod4 View Post
    No Loving couples go hand in hand, cant see any loving couples here can you? lol
    Are you getting a negative vibe?

  11. #151
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    The Un-Heaving Metropolis


    You haven't told any, Scotsboy. It's been like arguing with string theory - you ain't even wrong.

    Mostly certainly not wanting to throw Percy a bone (well, if I did, it would be from the arm I'd have to gnaw off), but part of the reason for the BNP's successes is, I think, the fauxialist 'anti-war' chimps or mock tudor liberals who've made clear just how much contempt they hold the working-classes (white or not) in; but prefer to demonstrate an obsequitous fascination with foreign dictators as long as they're not American-friendly and low personal morals.

    Which is unfortunate, when you consider the tendancy for thuggery and drugs or sexual violence in the BNP ranks.

  12. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melancholy Man View Post
    Which is unfortunate, when you consider the tendancy for thuggery and drugs or sexual violence in the BNP ranks.
    So you dont like them then?
    And your evidence for the above is'........?
    Isnt the above the same for all political parties?or just the ones you dont like

  13. #153


    Quote Originally Posted by Melancholy Man View Post
    Mostly certainly not wanting to throw Percy a bone (well, if I did, it would be from the arm I'd have to gnaw off), .
    You're 'armless enough already air is all around us this week.
    Lots of it generated by your good self but you're a bloke who likes the flow of his own words even more than I do'v e had a half-decent education and probably make for very dull company but....yer 'armless.

    Now then....what did you think of that Copper that was demoted for referring to BMW's as 'Black mans's wheels' when he was presented with a model of one at a social event?
    Seems a classic example of the shepherds of the multi-cult bending over backwards not to offend and constantly naval gazing...the multi-cult has robbed us of our free speech - well it has if you let it.

    Far from 'harmless'...insidious, divisive and it makes for a lack of cohesion which serves no group well. It's a busted flush, and I do not like it.I Lump it, like I lump you....but I do not like it.

    I suddenly remember an analagy I saw on 'William Tell' as a might remember 'Bear' I do...played by a big bearded fella whose name escapes me. He was demonstrating the power of unity. To do this he snapped a single twig. 'Breaks easily doesn't it' he explained to the child he was teaching..then he picked up a few dozen twigs and tried to break those...he couldn't. Stating the obvious that unity is strength.

    The multi-cult has no such strength. Rather many 'twigs' living parallel lives, disparate communities with little or nothing in common and suspicious of each other. For all your allegedly wise words and your sandal wearing pals I'm with the 'Bear'

    Multi cult can thrive with a common goal, common objectives and lots, and lots of the USA..most other places it is failing. Italy for instance...and France...when introduced into societies which have been settled for centuries it meets is only British reserve, and Britiish tolerance which is holding things together here at the moment.
    We must hope some of it is rubbing off on our more recent guests.

  14. #154
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by percy toboggan View Post

    Now then....what did you think of that Copper that was demoted for referring to BMW's as 'Black mans's wheels' when he was presented with a model of one at a social event?
    Seems a classic example of the shepherds of the multi-cult bending over backwards not to offend and constantly naval gazing...the multi-cult has robbed us of our free speech - well it has if you let it. speech is only as free as the law allows us......and frankly............that copper deserved everything he got.

    Let's not pretend that people who make racist remarks....particularly when that person is a policeman...........are not aware that they are being racist.......but are hoping that those who hear them are also as racist as they are.

    Quote Originally Posted by percy toboggan View Post
    Far from 'harmless'...insidious, divisive and it makes for a lack of cohesion which serves no group well. It's a busted flush, and I do not like it.I Lump it, like I lump you....but I do not like it.
    So dislike it.........but don't be upset if you get in trouble for making the same kind of comment.

    It really doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with the exists and has to be obeyed.....and if you don't like just have to lump it..........and it makes no difference complaining about a fact of UK life.

    After can still think what you like.

    Quote Originally Posted by percy toboggan View Post
    I suddenly remember an analagy I saw on 'William Tell' as a might remember 'Bear' I do...played by a big bearded fella whose name escapes me. He was demonstrating the power of unity. To do this he snapped a single twig. 'Breaks easily doesn't it' he explained to the child he was teaching..then he picked up a few dozen twigs and tried to break those...he couldn't. Stating the obvious that unity is strength.

    The multi-cult has no such strength. Rather many 'twigs' living parallel lives, disparate communities with little or nothing in common and suspicious of each other. For all your allegedly wise words and your sandal wearing pals I'm with the 'Bear'

    Multi cult can thrive with a common goal, common objectives and lots, and lots of the USA..most other places it is failing. Italy for instance...and France...when introduced into societies which have been settled for centuries it meets is only British reserve, and Britiish tolerance which is holding things together here at the moment.
    We must hope some of it is rubbing off on our more recent guests.
    British tolerance? As exemplified by yourself?

    Personally, I tend to take people as I find them........and the only reason I'd kick them into touch is if they lied to me.................I loathe liars.

  15. #155
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    The term, 'Racist', is majorly overused and devalued through cases like the cop's bmw comment.

  16. #156


    [quote=Oddquine;412223] speech is only as free as the law allows us......and frankly............that copper deserved everything he got.

    Let's not pretend that people who make racist remarks....particularly when that person is a policeman...........quote]

    He didn't make a 'racist' remark...
    All the copper deserved was his model car...sometimes used by gangsters and drug dealers, a disproportionate number of whom are black. The BMW is quite a blingy car too...a totem for the shallowest to declare 'hey man, look at me'.....I know exactly what he was driving at.

    Incidentally I have an Audi...far better image and they do not rust.

  17. #157
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    The thing that shocked me recently was the BNP guy who was being interviewed about the BNP's views on Jews. The response was "We see them as our friends now".

    What does that say about a) the BNP b)Jews or c) the news network that gave that rubbish airtime?
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  18. #158


    Quote Originally Posted by Rheghead View Post
    The thing that shocked me recently was the BNP guy who was being interviewed about the BNP's views on Jews. The response was "We see them as our friends now".

    What does that say about a) the BNP b)Jews or c) the news network that gave that rubbish airtime?
    If it was the BBC, which I doubt, it said it was doing it's job properly and reporting all legitimate and legal strands of opinion.

    Could also say the Moslems enemy is the Jews friend and vice-versa perhaps...I don't know.

    I pay my licence fee...I've voted for the BNP several times...I have nothing against Jews (or moderate muslims)so long as they do not try to change Britain to suit giving all footballers saturday off! or attempt breed those with Christian values into a minority within a century at the taxpayers expense.

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