A salesman was driving along one evening when his car (A Ford Diesel) broke down. He got out and opened the bonnet to take a look. Whilst he was standing there looking rather bewildered a voice behind him said..."you have an air lock in your fuel system. open the bleed screw and work the hand pump to bleed the air out and try that" He spun round rather startled...even more so to see a black horse standing there looking at him. He bled the system and restarted his car. Soon he came to an inn and needed a stiff drink.
The Barman said "you look a bit bewildered mate, everything all right"?. He told the barman his story about breaking down and a talking horse telling him to bleed the system.
The barman said "Ah! that would be a large black horse mister" the salesman said "Yes, how did you know that"?
The barman replied " The white one knows nothing about Diesels"