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Thread: Spittal Hill - Dumbest Place Ever for a Windfarm

  1. #21

    Default Spittal Hill - Dumbest Place Ever for a Windfarm

    Really Tilter, I don't know what you are on about. Having now had a good look at the Environmental Statement for the proposed windfarm on Spittal Hill it would appear to be the best place in the world for a windfarm!
    No birds, no bats, no potential noise, fits snugly into the landform, doesn't matter that its close to peoples houses, close to Spittal village, etc. etc.
    But then isn't that always the case - these consultants who prepare these environmental statements and the bird watchers who do the surveys have to come up with what their masters want.
    What about peer review or better still have a truly independant ornithologist spend real amounts of time recording all the Whooper Swan and Geese movements we know that occur (to name just two species)?
    Oh, but then it might show that it would have a truly monumental effect on these protected birds and that would never do would it?
    Go to soon to lodge your objection or write a letter and help stop this environmental catastrophe from happening.

  2. #22


    The bird survey was a joke - the bloke who did it was lying back in his car asleep several of the times I saw him doing the survey! The enviromental statement is not a true independent view as it should be.

    The windfarm is a get rich quick scheme (due to huge government subsidy) for the few landowners involved and not a long term strategy for Caithness which is what we need. All these windfarm plans for caithness appear to have arisen since the government introduced incentives - mmmmm wonder why????

    Well done to the opposition group for getting organised to assist people object to the scheme!

    Can someone from the group let everyone on org know when the online objection form is available???

  3. #23


    well if the bird survey man was asleep he might have missed the ospreys flying over spittal hill on their way between the lochs in the area. it would be a crying shame to put up a windfarm there as the birdlife and indeed wildlife is unique. ps there's also loads of otters as they've crossed the road in front of my car

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Default Spittal Hill - Dumbest Place Ever for a Windfarm

    Quote Originally Posted by crc View Post

    The windfarm is a get rich quick scheme (due to huge government subsidy) for the few landowners involved and not a long term strategy for Caithness which is what we need. All these windfarm plans for caithness appear to have arisen since the government introduced incentives - mmmmm wonder why????
    CRC, the problem is that the subsidies (Renewable Energy Certificates or ROC's) are being reviewed, reviewed, reviewed and will end up with the developers' cash cow yielding less and less money as we move away from unproductive wind technology. The developers will lose interest along the way, and guess what Caithness will be left with? Yup, lots of dilapidated windfarms.

    Remember the forestry. Lots of money there once, and now the powers-that-be are trying to dig it up and restore what was once wild and beautiful land supporting its own ecosystem.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilter View Post
    CRC, the problem is that the subsidies (Renewable Energy Certificates or ROC's) are being reviewed, reviewed, reviewed and will end up with the developers' cash cow yielding less and less money as we move away from unproductive wind technology.
    The truth of the matter is the complete opposite. As we moved towards more involvement with renewable energy then the market price of the renewable obligation will fall thus making wind technology less profitable. There needs to be more market confidence with insurance and underwriters in other technologies like tidal, offshore wind and wave generators to bring the RO down to a realistic price. The technology is there for wave, it just needs more market confidence to enable it to go forward.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by crc View Post
    The bird survey was a joke - the bloke who did it was lying back in his car asleep several of the times I saw him doing the survey! The enviromental statement is not a true independent view as it should be.
    Well crc that would explain why he didn't see anything on the hill I hope he got paid well for kipping in his car!
    Its just as I feared, we, but most importantly the wildlife, are being treated with contempt by these windfarm developers and their associates.
    The worry is that the powers that be believe all this twaddle and don't investigate further. We must expose this for the scam it is - come on all you bird and wildlife lovers in this county (and beyond) lets start shouting by objecting to this development.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by sweep View Post
    well if the bird survey man was asleep he might have missed the ospreys flying over spittal hill on their way between the lochs in the area. it would be a crying shame to put up a windfarm there as the birdlife and indeed wildlife is unique. ps there's also loads of otters as they've crossed the road in front of my car
    Sweep, glad you brought up the subject of the Ospreys and the Otters. The most northernly nesting Ospreys in Great Britain, flying all this way every year to raise a family, I wonder how long it will be before Daddy Osprey is minced on his way to Loch Toftingall to catch his fish for his wife and babies? And as for the Otters - yes, they do acknowledge there is a strong population on the hill of 'regional importance' but its OK because they have moved those turbines back a shade and everything is rosy. Forget the umpteen lorries that will be trundling backwards and forwards everyday collecting stone from the quarry or the noise and racket the diggers and dumpers will make, or the polluted water courses --- I could go on and on and on----but you get my drift.

  8. #28
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    East Pictopia


    They might as well put up the new road sign on the Caithness boundary -



  9. #29


    i really love the bird and wildlife we have in caithness.
    how can i object to this proposed disaster and really make a difference?

  10. #30
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    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by crc View Post
    The bird survey was a joke - the bloke who did it was lying back in his car asleep several of the times I saw him doing the survey! The enviromental statement is not a true independent view as it should be.
    How do you know? Are you an expert in this field?

    I know the chap and I can say without a smallest doubt that he is very dedicated to his work. He has never imparted to me that he is influenced by wind energy business or environmental concerns, he just records the data impartially. Though being a keen birder he must be for the birds.

    We all need sleep and since he is his own boss, he could easily sleep at home rather than take a wee nap on the job at odd hours of the day. It sounds to me he was sacrificing his sleep for the benefit of his work!!!
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  11. #31
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    Default Spittal Hill - Dumbest Place Ever for a Windfarm

    Hi there Rheghead
    Have you been on holiday?

    We will never know if birdman was sacrificing his sleep for his work or sacrificing his work for his sleep. However, CRC caught him at it several times. Wish I could have a nap at work when I felt like but I think I'd be shown the door.

    The point is, bird surveys for windfarms are inadequate. If they were adequate, there wouldn't be all the collisions etc. that are on record.

  12. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Rheghead View Post
    How do you know? Are you an expert in this field?

    I know the chap and I can say without a smallest doubt that he is very dedicated to his work. He has never imparted to me that he is influenced by wind energy business or environmental concerns, he just records the data impartially. Though being a keen birder he must be for the birds.

    We all need sleep and since he is his own boss, he could easily sleep at home rather than take a wee nap on the job at odd hours of the day. It sounds to me he was sacrificing his sleep for the benefit of his work!!!
    I think the point that needs to be made here is that Mr Birdman is employed by the developer. I have read the ornithology section of the environmental statement for this development (have you by the way?) and am busy ploughing my way through it for a second time. My reaction has been one of dismay and disbelief. Those who live nearby will tell you that the numbers of swans flying between feeding areas and roost sites on and around Spittal Hill, including the windfarm site itself, can number up to the mid-nineties and the geese can number into the thousands (and I am not exagerating as I have counted them) at any one time. But does it say that in the ES - not on your nelly. One can only assume then that he wasn't there for long enough,(a few hours a month is hardly what I would call a survey), he was asleep (as has already been discussed), he is only seeing what they want him to see or he needs new glasses.
    People would have more faith in these bird surveys if they were undertaken by a truly independent ornithologist.

  13. #33
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    East Pictopia

    Default Perhaps he thought it was "sheep" he was meant to count....

    I suggest you photograph said 'bird survey man' asleep on the job and send it to his "employer" and any relevant party who might be interested in the depth of his observations....
    Last edited by MadPict; 29-Apr-07 at 19:44.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilter View Post
    If they were adequate, there wouldn't be all the collisions etc. that are on record.
    Bird collisions are inevitable with large structures, not just windfarms. A blackbird knocked itself dead by flying into my bungalow house for example last year. The RSPB accepts this and that is why they endorse windfarms in areas where the risk is minimised.

    The birdman is truly independent.
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

  15. #35
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    East Pictopia


    Perhaps he was a Napwing?

    Or maybe worn out from counting the nocturnal avian residents?

  16. #36
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    Nov 2004

    Default Picture I was trying to post earlier in this thread

    Here goes,

    I think I've attached it. I doubt it will be legible but you'll see the outline of Caithness and what's where. The small dark blue areas are where you'll only be able to see between 1 and 7 turbines, going through light blue (8-13 turbines), green (14-19 turbines), orange (20 - 25 turbines) and yellow (the huge area) where you'll have all the benefits of seeing the whole shooting match (26 - 30 turbines).

    The ZTV's showing this site in conjunction with the other existing and proposed sites (about 13 I think) to show cumulative impact are too busy and complicated for my poor old eyes so I'll stick with this one.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadPict View Post
    Perhaps he was a Napwing?

    Or a Greater Spotted Snoozer?

  18. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by sweep View Post
    i really love the bird and wildlife we have in caithness.
    how can i object to this proposed disaster and really make a difference?
    you can write or email your objection to -

    The Scottish Executive
    Energy Consents Unit
    2nd Floor
    Meridian Court
    5 Cadogan Street
    G2 6AT
    [email protected]

    identifying the proposal (Spittal Hill, Caithness) and specifying the grounds for representation not later than 1st June 2007
    Representations should be dated and should clearly state your name (in block capitals) and full return email or postal address

    or you can go to where there will be the facility for an online objection or downloadable form shortly

  19. #39


    Sounds to me like this windfarm on Spittal hill will be an ecological disaster that we all pay for in the long term while the developers get rich quick

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    by the sea


    Most of these windfarms are disasters one way or another. Who in their right minds would build them by the Grey Cairns of Camster or Yarrows Archaeological Trail - both incredibly special places that should be considered sacred and preserved as they have been for thousands of years?

    Another aspect of all this is that they set neighbour against neighbour. Those who want them see only the money, those who don't consider other things are more important. Too often the landowners with the money are also employers and landlords and many people are scared to protest openly in case they lose their jobs/houses.
    The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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