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Thread: Live Gig(s): James Brown Is Annie (featuring Superelvis), and Giancarlo Di Soto

  1. #1

    Talking Live Gig(s): James Brown Is Annie (featuring Superelvis), and Giancarlo Di Soto

    Hey Everyone!

    I've bought a shiny new electric guitar. And where better to show it off than at a couple of live shows in the Far North. Yes indeed, James Brown Is Annie, will be appearing live at The Newmarket Bar, in Thurso (Wed, Apr 11), and at The Blackstairs Lounge, in Wick (Thu, Apr 12). I'll be joined onstage by Marc Mowbray (octave guitar and sleaze) and Eddy Miller (drums and sunglasses).

    Come along and hurl abuse. We'll be handing out free drumstick sweets, and for all the old biddies, a raffle, too.

    Check us here:

    Singing for us (for a few songs anyway) will be none other than Superelvis himself: Linton Osborne. The charismatic Fifer has the sexual presence of a black panther on heat, so watch out ladies, those karate moves of his can be a damage to your health. He is also a country singer and has a fine album waiting to be released, the Cash/ Presley-influenced, Pigeonhole.

    Tracks from it can be located here:

    Also in support is Italian fudge-maker, Giancarlo Di Soto. Not only does he make the finest ice-cream in Edinburgh, he can carve out a pretty mean tune on the acoustic gee-tar, too.

    Check him here:

    So. If you like instrumental blues-funk music, country-tinged rock, or alt-folk via Italy, make the effort to get along and enjoy yourself; and support live music.

    Therefore, to while away the days until the event(s), here's a few random facts about the above mentioned...

    Two of them are professional piano players; one of them has an uncle who was the first TV chef; one of them has appeared alongside Franz Ferdinand on television; one of them was due to appear on Stars In Their Eyes; one of them was once asked by Pete Doherty if he had any Benilyn; three of them have played in Caithness before... and lived to tell the tale.

    Oh aye, and award-winning fiddle player, Shona Mooney, might be swinging her bow for a few numbers, as well. See/Hear here:
    Last edited by The Pepsi Challenge; 25-Mar-07 at 03:36.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Had a listen to the Linton boy, some good songs there, he really does sound like Cash and Elvis. You'd have to have a strong mind to cope with such diverse cultural offerings in one evening Good Luck!

  3. #3


    They way you phrase Good Luck, Jeemag, is very suggestive. And having played in the wilds of Caithness before, I think I know what you mean.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by The Pepsi Challenge View Post
    They way you phrase Good Luck, Jeemag, is very suggestive. And having played in the wilds of Caithness before, I think I know what you mean.
    Ah ha, no I always say that to everyone, I picked that up in Indiana, saying good luck is used for everything, even like when saying goodbye to people, its kind of stuck to me. I said it to the Gaels before this weekends Orkney Gigs I hope it worked. Everyone knows you never know how a gig is going to be until you get there. Its an interesting line up and I would like to be there, a good range of different styles and sounds, I already like your music, told you that before. It should go down pretty good in the Newmarket. I'd be interested to hear Linton's CD if he gets it done, he does sound almost like an impersonator, but what the hell, if its done very well and the songs are very good, I would like to have a listen to more of that because I love to listen to Johnny Cash and Elvis.

    hey at least I didn't say "Break a Leg"

  5. #5


    I've spent a fair amount of time in Indiana, Jeemag, and I never came across the phrase "Good Luck" in that context. I'm gonna contact my cuz in Hawaii - a Connersville native - and ask her about it. Interesting.

    You're right about Linton and the impersonator bit (he prefers to be called an Elvis translator instead); he's being doing variations on Elvis themes since he left school (he's now 33 by-ra-way) and had a show at the Edinburgh Festival called Superelvis, a combination of his cabaret and stand-up comedy act. Some of his jokes are deliberately bad, but then that's the point. Case in point: "A lot of my friends are in wheelchairs... I... I just can't stand them." And so on...

    One typically quiet January, when I was struggling to find a band to review for one of the papers, I went along to check out a band called Raw Elvis; my girlfriend at the time was a huge Elvis fan. No real fan of The King myself, I went along and was blown away by the guy. Practically had everything you need to be a formidable frontman: charisma, presence, tension, and a great voice, of course. At the time Raw Elvis - who coasted through the various eras of Elvis - could have been as big as the Bootleg Beatles, but, as usual, the band split up. And Linton went back to cabaret.

    If you want a copy of his album, Jeemag, email him and I'm sure he'll send you a copy. It's yet to be released, and probably won't be until he gets the touring band together (the bass player is recovering from shoulder surgery). Contact him here: [email protected].

    Again, you're right about Gigs, and how you never quite know how a show will go down. That subject alone is worthy of a thread of its own, so I'll leave my wee essay on that for another time. What I will say, though, is that I hope people from both towns can come out and support live music. Who knows, we may even take a few more quality bands back up with us next time. Encouragement, networking, friendship - it all helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    I work with a bunch of guys in Indianapolis that can only be described as "country" I guess, one in particular is from Carlisle, Indiana and I pick a whole lot up from him, my favorite is when he wants to swear in good company he says "Well I'll be got down in some of a ditch" Also work with a few people from Danville, Shelbyville and Beech Grove (where Steve McQueen went to school). At work we normally say Good Luck if someone is going somewhere to do something or see someone about something, maybe its not a local thing but I find myself saying it all the time now. Of course the most common phrase if you just stopped for a chin wag with someone then move on its "Have a good one!" which can refer to the particular day or to the weekend.

    And of course you'll probably know folklore has it that the word Hoosier comes from when outsiders woudl visit Indiana and stop at a house and knock on the door, the locals would answer "Who's here" instead of "Who's there". Still don't know if that is true or not.

    So.... have a good one!

  7. #7


    Aye, Jeemag, am quite familiar with some of the Hoosier phrases and sayings. Some of the pubs in the small Indiana towns would make the old Marine Inn look like London's Met Bar. Hardcore. Drink-driving was the done thing (everyone had one of those radio things that could detect police cars from half a mile away), farmers were to be feared more than the Reaper himself, and the height of eccentricity was NOT to have a gun. Nice people all the same, though Just don't get me started on Kentucky.

    By the way, what name do the Indianapolis Ice go under now? I heard they changed it. I hope to get back Stateside sometime soon.

  8. #8


    Oh. Before I forget, there's a couple of other bands - who are not the Howlin' Gaels - playing in a couple of weeks time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by The Pepsi Challenge View Post
    Aye, Jeemag, am quite familiar with some of the Hoosier phrases and sayings. Some of the pubs in the small Indiana towns would make the old Marine Inn look like London's Met Bar. Hardcore. Drink-driving was the done thing (everyone had one of those radio things that could detect police cars from half a mile away), farmers were to be feared more than the Reaper himself, and the height of eccentricity was NOT to have a gun. Nice people all the same, though Just don't get me started on Kentucky.

    By the way, what name do the Indianapolis Ice go under now? I heard they changed it. I hope to get back Stateside sometime soon.
    Believe it or not they formed a new team in 2004 and called it "Indiana Ice" pretty catchy huh, I wonder if they had a round table meeting to decide that one ?? Still have the Indians, Pacers and Colts of course, we have the WNBA team now too, Fever I think they are called and the local Soccer team is called Blast I think.

    Yeah drink driving is rife here, I used to think Scotland and Ireland was bad, the UK can't hold a candle to the USA for drink driving, especially in rural areas, I swear the police are doing it too. Belting along the road playing Wild Nights by Johnny Cougar with a 24 bottle case in the back seat! Its the drunks on Harleys that make me laugh, i have never seen the like of it, one guy from Danville I worked with would get drunk at the weekend with a buddy and the two of them would take a notion to jump on the back of a couple hogs (harleys) at 3 in the morning pished drunk with no helmets or goggles on and get chased by the police! Nutters!

    I actualy like Kentucky, don't know why but it felt more Scottish every time I went down there, very beautiful too. The best scenery you get in Indiana is in Brown County which is almost Kentucky anyway.

  10. #10


    Bad news. Giancarlo Di Sotto won't be making it oop north with us, sadly. However, Linton Osborne will be performing a solo acoustic set (imagine Elvis impersonating Johnny Cash impersonating Tony Joe White) instead.

    Good news, though, the trio James Brown Is Annie will also be featuring the very sexy Auriol Hodsgon on saxophone , Shona Mooney on fiddle, Linton Osborne on vocals and karate kicks (for a few 50s numbers), and a certain Isaac Sutherland on drums, for a few

    So. There you have it: The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion meets Adam & The Ants via Georgemas and Johnston's Bakery.

    Hope to see some of y'all down there...

    Last edited by The Pepsi Challenge; 08-Apr-07 at 06:50.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Aw man that sounds like it is going to be a blast. Can someone take a photo of the Karate kicks for me. Isaac watch your face if these kicks are flying around. Would be cool of someone could take a photo while everyone is up playing. Have a good one

  12. #12


    It WAS a blast! A fine night of entertainment! The amount of times I nearly started dancin'!! but after seein Chobbers give it a bash...i dont think i'll ever dance again!...A bit like the dancing priest in Father Ted he was!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    haha totally agree - was great craic!

    linton osbourne is truly a comedy genius
    "you know and i know that we talk in circles most times"

  14. #14


    Seeing The King (of Fife) dancing a jig with The Prince (of Dunnet Head) was truly a sight to see. Like it was 1999 so it was.

    Was also nice to see many of the young Wick musos come down to the gig. Cheers for coming down, lads.

    However, due to unpopular demand, Linton and the rest of us should be back in the Far North around the early part of September.

    *Note: His 'jokes' were just a sampler of what's to come. Aye, be scared.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    in a house wi lights, but it is a light house


    not to mention the Queen o' the borders havin' a jog round the dance stamp (it could hardly be called a dance floor now could it).......

    good craic

    & back up in sep huh.............LOOK OUT!!!!!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    well as soon as yeez get a date set, post it up here - think i'm losin the funk already... ;o)
    "you know and i know that we talk in circles most times"

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