Quote Originally Posted by bigjjuk
well i would put health and schools on my list. As for crime I think we should think of ourselves, theres not much crime up here so why choose to improve something non existent. You want crime you go to where i came from London you would vote it in then.
Ermm do you actually live in Wick?? You may not think there's much crime up here cos you lived in London but there's too much of it up here for the size of the place and not enough being done about it. Wick was never as bad as it is now, it used to be safe to go out and leave your house unlocked now you gotta lock the doors, windows and fit burglar alarms - it's a joke.

But we are in Caithness and should put our vote to something more worthwhile
- try telling that to the people who've been victims of crime - getting assaulted, their house broken in to, cars damaged!